Dan McDonald
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 6 years, 3 months AGO
1. What inspired you to run for elected office?
2. What unique qualifications would you bring to office that no one else could match?
3. What are the most important issues facing the community? Why?
4. How do you plan to address these issues?
5. If elected, what legacy would you hope to create? Why?
6. What do you most look forward to after you are elected?
7. What are your views on public education in Idaho and Bonner County? Do you think the state should provide more or less funding for public education?
8. What are your views on the proposed Newport silicon smelter?
9. What are your views on Proposition 1 to authorize betting on historic horse racing?
10. What are your views on Proposition 2 to expand Medicaid in Idaho?
11. Is there anything the county can do to ensure fairness in tax assessments?
12. Do you agree with the county’s handling of damaging boat wakes?
13. Do you agree with the county commission’s ongoing efforts to simplify land use codes and processes?
14. Do you support the county’s road-maintenance approach or would you like to see something different?
15. What’s the harshest criticism you expect to face on the campaign trail and how would you respond to such criticism?
16. If you could only get one thing across to voters during your campaign, what would it be?
Name: Dan McDonald
Office you are seeking:
Education: Reelection to Bonner County commissioner seat District 3
Occupation: County commissioner
Family: Wife, three children, five grandchildren
Address: Sandpoint
Website: danmcdonald.net
1. I had been following county business for years and saw that the county could be run more efficiently and effectively. I knew my background in running businesses of this size would be a good fit and a good service to the people of Bonner County.
2. Track record of creating innovative solutions, cutting the budget for first time in county history, bringing solid business principles to the operations of Bonner County. The county is now a $54 million organization with over 400 employees; it takes someone with experience at this level to properly manage all aspects of county business. I have that level of experience.
3. Continued budget discipline; if the budget is unsustainable, taxpayers have to pay. Improving solid waste sites to solve potential environmental concerns. Properly managing our self-insurance status for both liability and medical to continue to show more savings and better coverage Working with the USFS to get more public access to public lands.
4. I will continue to show the same level of competent management and innovative solutions that have plagued Bonner County throughout its history.
5. We’ve already changed the culture in county government to a more fiscally responsible and customer service friendly place. Without continued management in this direction, it’s normal to see business as usual return. This couldn’t have been done without the department heads, elected officials and employees of the county.
6. I most look forward to being able to just focus on the business of the County and no have to deal with all the distractions of a typical election that have included many nights and weekends attending campaign functions.
7. I’m for properly funding education however I am also for good management as well. I think we have some great programs and some not so great programs. I would like to see more emphasis on vocational programs that prepare students for life after high school, especially for those who are not college bound.
8. We are waiting for the legal process to get factual data through the EIS. If in fact the fears are realized, then I will stand in opposition. I’ve clearly stated the location could be problematic. No one wants to see our air, water or overall environment compromised.
9. Right now gambling is legal for only a few. If in fact it’s considered legal, everyone should be treated equally. From what I’ve read it will increase revenues to the state which could help with education funding so I support it.
10. I am opposed as we have seen with Obamacare the one-size-fits-all process doesn’t work. Bring back major medical plans taken away with Obamacare. As it stands, and based on other states, Medicaid expansion will increase the cost of healthcare and Bonner County will be hit with about $2 to $5 million in additional costs as a result.
11. Assessment processes are driven by the state. They require the assessor to assess property within 90-110 percent of the market. The assessor has no choice. When the market dropped in 2008, assessments dropped. Now that the market is steadily rising, assessments rise. The county budget drives what folks pay in property taxes, assessments are just the percentage of property an owner owns that the levy rate is applied to.
12. Yes, we have stepped up enforcement and education. One of the big issues is our no wake zone is 200’. Most of the folks visiting here come from state where the no wake zone is 100’. We will continue to provide enhanced enforcement and education to help combat this issue.
13. Yes. We have seen a great number of loopholes in the 2008 comp plan that has created some real issues with development in areas we shouldn’t have. Additionally, simplifying codes and processes makes it far more customer friendly for the citizens of Bonner County. We can effectively protect the rural nature of the county without punishing anyone with over the top regulations and costs.
14. Yes. We tasked Road and Bridge in 2017 to focus on maintenance and it has paid off. Good maintenance avoids costly repairs or replacement I am happy to say our incredible Road and Bridge employees have gone above and beyond to bring the county roads up to the best condition we have seen in decades.
15. Typically my critiques come from those who disagree with me based on politics. The commissioner’s job is 95 percent business and 5 percent political ideology. I’m transparent and a straight talker, not a great politician. People don’t always like the facts when they hear them, but I believe in being completely honest about every issue while looking for creative solutions. Apparently, some folks just don’t like my straight forward style.
16. It would be that we have, for the first time in Bonner County history, cut the budget two years in a row. What other government agency or taxing district can make that claim? Without sound fiscal discipline we would have seen cuts in services that the citizens of the county rely on. Even with the cuts to the budget, we have maintained all for those important services.