Heather Scott
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 6 years, 3 months AGO
1. What inspired you to run for elected office?
2. What unique qualifications would you bring to office that no one else could match?
3. What are the most important issues facing the community? Why?
4. How do you plan to address these issues?
5. If elected, what legacy would you hope to create? Why?
6. What do you most look forward to after you are elected?
7. What are your views on public education in Idaho and Bonner County? Do you think the state should provide more or less funding for public education?
8. What are your views on the proposed Newport silicon smelter?
9. What are your views on Proposition 1 to authorize betting on historic horse racing?
10. What are your views on Proposition 2 to expand Medicaid in Idaho?
11. Is there anything the county can do to ensure fairness in tax assessments?
12. Do you agree with the county’s handling of damaging boat wakes?
13. Do you agree with the county commission’s ongoing efforts to simplify land use codes and processes?
14. Do you support the county’s road-maintenance approach or would you like to see something different?
15. What’s the harshest criticism you expect to face on the campaign trail and how would you respond to such criticism?
16. If you could only get one thing across to voters during your campaign, what would it be?
Name: Heather Scott
Office you are seeking: State Representative, Dist. 1 Seat A
Education: B.S. in biology
Occupation: Aquatic biologist
Family: Married to Andrew
Address: Blanchard
Website: www.voteheatherscott.com
1. I got tired of watching government grow and attempt to reach into every aspect of my life. I prayed for new direction and the rest is history.
2. As an aquatic biologist, I’m uniquely qualified to deal with environmental and energy matters, which are pertinent to District 1. I have shown in my first two terms that I’m not afraid to tackle tough issues, often leading the charge when other elected officials hold back. I have not compromised my position on legislation or issues in order to “go along to get along”. My work ethic is giving 110%
3. Issues include:
- The proposed PacWest silicon smelter; it will affect our roads and communities and we need representation in the decision making.
- Water adjudication; coming to our district soon.
- Transparency in government; there are lots of folks “lining their pockets.”
- Jobs; need better and higher paying jobs in our area.
4. By motivating citizens to get involved in government, educating them on how to effectively change the way they deal with government, and utilizing my abilities to connect the people with questions to people with answers.
5. Legacy thoughts are not really part of my mindset; fulfilling the objectives that motivated me to run for the position is. Inspiring citizens to pay attention to and participating in their government falls into that category, and that has long ranging positive effects on Idaho’s future.
6. Developing strategies for the upcoming session and networking with the legislators. Also, maybe a few days of rest.
7. Education should be controlled locally. End state-led Common Core and GBLTQ&P indoctrination of our children. Funding needs to be assessed differently. State should fund building and maintenance costs; local levies eliminated. High salaries and bonuses of administrators vs. low salaries of school workers should be examined. Less money should be spent on “programs” and “testing;” more money spent on classrooms and teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic; improved civics classes and expanded vocational education.
8. Opposed and actively involved in the public meetings, encouraging Idaho Executive Branch’s involvement, and submitted 13 pages of scoping questions to the Washington Department of Ecology on behalf of Idaho citizens. We cannot depend on Washington state bureaucrats to look out for Idaho citizens’ best interest.
9. Voters need to decide if Idaho government should be allowing some forms of gambling over others, or whether we are going to provide a fair and level playing field for all types of gambling. Currently, Idaho is sending a mixed message by allowing some forms of gambling but not others. And we should stop letting government pick winners and losers based on the strength of special interest lobbying groups.
10. This is an expansion of Obamacare in Idaho and will allow able-bodied adults up to age 65 to have their healthcare paid by others, whether they choose to work or not. Expanding this program will ultimately put Idaho taxpayers on the hook for a future huge unfunded federal mandate. As with the rest of Obamacare, government should not be in the business of redistributing wealth for healthcare and widening dependency.
11. This is a county issue, not a state issue.
12. This is a county issue, not a state issue.
13. This is a county issue, not a state issue.
14. This is a county issue, not a state issue.
15. Criticism comes with the job. My harshest critics are those who have chosen never to meet, talk with, or get to know me. I am usually attacked for speaking out against injustices or exposing corruption or crony capitalism in government. I am not afraid to tackle tough issues, call out lies and deception when they present themselves, and honor the Republican platform I ran on.
16. Be an educated and engaged voter and do you your homework on every candidate. Don’t rely on glossy flyers or slick talk. Follow the money and you will find the truth on how a candidate will eventually vote. Go to Idaho Secretary of State – Elections, and you can see who is controlling your candidates by their campaign contributions.