Steve Johnson
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 6 years, 3 months AGO
1. What inspired you to run for elected office?
2. What unique qualifications would you bring to office that no one else could match?
3. What are the most important issues facing the community? Why?
4. How do you plan to address these issues?
5. If elected, what legacy would you hope to create? Why?
6. What do you most look forward to after you are elected?
7. What are your views on public education in Idaho and Bonner County? Do you think the state should provide more or less funding for public education?
8. What are your views on the proposed Newport silicon smelter?
9. What are your views on Proposition 1 to authorize betting on historic horse racing?
10. What are your views on Proposition 2 to expand Medicaid in Idaho?
11. Is there anything the county can do to ensure fairness in tax assessments?
12. Do you agree with the county’s handling of damaging boat wakes?
13. Do you agree with the county commission’s ongoing efforts to simplify land use codes and processes?
14. Do you support the county’s road-maintenance approach or would you like to see something different?
15. What’s the harshest criticism you expect to face on the campaign trail and how would you respond to such criticism?
16. If you could only get one thing across to voters during your campaign, what would it be?
Name: Steve Johnson
Office you are seeking: County commissioner, District 1
Education: Sandpoint High School graduate, 1968; bachelor’s in education from University of Idaho, 1972; master’s in administration from UI, 1982.
Occupation: Retired elementary and high school educator of 41 years
Family: Marguerite and I raised four wonderful children on the family farm in Sagle and we have eight amazing grandchildren.
Address: Sagle
1. My parents, Roy and Helen Johnson, and my mentor teacher Jim Stoicheff, inspired me to be involved with neighbors and community, to be willing to help others, and to be actively engaged with our representative democracy. The potential pollution smelter and its life-threatening risk to our health and well-Being requires our immediate and united action.
2. Forty years of working with the public. Respectfully, productively listening to many viewpoints, individuals, agencies, arriving at a mutual understanding and consensus; always regarding each other as valuable voices. Served as education director for Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce, board member for the library district, and team member for Bonner County School District facilities and finance committee that won approval for new buildings and upgrades to schools across the county.
3. Most important issue is health and well-being of the people who live here. Our collective health is being threatened by the proposed smelter in Newport. We must demand a full and complete EIS that addresses why Canada would not permit this smelter, why Northeastern Washington was chosen, and why a big corporation is allowed to poison our air and water.
4. As commissioner I pledge to pursue every avenue to stop the proposed smelter, including legal actions, coordinating with agencies, and consistently advocating for us with our local state and federal governments. In addition I pledge not to accept any money or any position with the smelter company.
5. My vision for the future of Bonner County is one of healthy people free from the myriad of pollutants and poisons that plague other places, a vibrant and diverse economy, and a continuation of the Bonner County tradition of welcoming all people. I admire and respect our Statue of Liberty at City Beach.
6. I look forward to working with Bonner County residents to solve problems, helping taxpayers understand how their money is being spent, and being a public servant in the most transparent and honest way possible.
7. When I was 14, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I Love to learn and help others learn. Education has been a huge part of my Life. Most of my educational experience has been in Bonner County, working with some of the most talented and dedicated teachers on the planet, and the most creative and resilient students imaginable. As Commissioner, I will support and coordinate with the schools whenever and however I can.
8. My views on the proposed Newport smelter are: Not here.
9. My view on Prop. 1 is: No.
10. My view on Prop. 2 is an absolute yes. Shawn Keough is our state senator and co-chair of the state finance committee and is a yes vote for Prop. 2. Her knowledgeable and comprehensive Letter to the Editor (Daily Bee, Oct. 18) fully explains the solid financial and human reasons this Prop. 2 deserves our vote.
11. Is there anything the county can do to ensure fairness in tax assessments?
Property assessments and taxes have increased and people are understandably upset. Transparent and Fair assessments are critical and must conform to Idaho’s legal requirement, “Fair market value will be based on comparable sales”. I have no intention of selling and will continue researching what other locales have implemented that create Fair Assessments. I pledge to listen carefully to individual concerns and make sure our assessors are well trained and respectful.
12. The erosion and destruction of the shoreline created by boat wakes is not acceptable. The county needs to bring boaters and shoreline owners together in public meetings that are focused and productive. I will help make that happen.
13. Land use codes and processes must first and foremost respect property rights. They must also be fair and uniform with a well-established appeal procedure. Simplifying the process increases the understanding of the public.
14. I have lived on Beers-Humbird County Road for 60 years and it is in much better condition now than it used to be. Those of us who live out of town depend on these roads and truly appreciate the crews who maintain them. I believe the county could improve its effectiveness with more communication about how roads are prioritized and how the taxpayer money is spent.
15. I am like most people and criticize myself more than anyone else ever could. One of my personal areas I want to improve is listening to Others. Especially when the person has a different opinion or viewpoint. All people deserve Respect and have the right to be heard.
16. The main thing I want to get across to voters is, “Be informed and vote.”