Thursday, January 23, 2025

Legals October 31, 2018

Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 6 years, 2 months AGO
| October 31, 2018 1:30 AM

NOTICE On October 18, 2018 Coeur d'Alene School District 271 entered into two contracts with SL Start & Associates, LLC, DBA Imagine Behavioral & Development Services in the amounts of $49,000 and $43,700 for special education services. CDA LEGAL 574 AD#239912 OCTOBER 31, 2018

NOTICE On October 23, 2018 Coeur d'Alene School District 271 entered into two contracts with Collaborative Behavior Solutions in the amount of $37,000 and Home Care Assistance of Washington, LLC in the amount of $25,100 for special education services. CDA LEGAL 575 AD#239914 OCTOBER 31, 2018

NOTICE The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare's HIV, STD and Hepatitis Section is offering funding for applicants to conduct HIV prevention activities, including HIV testing (including the use of a Mobile Testing Vehicle), Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Education and condom distribution, in public health districts 1 and 2. The funding level, depending on services provided, is for a maximum of $42,250 for the project period of January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019. This opportunity is funded by the CDC Integrated HIV Surveillance and Prevention Programs for Health Departments grant (PS18-1802 - CFDA 93.940). The APPLICATION DEADLINE IS 5:00 PM MDT, November 26, 2018. Applications to apply for the subgrant or requests for additional information may be obtained from Kevin Brinegar, at, or 208-334-5943. Applications can also be found at the Department of Health and Welfare's HIV Prevention web-site:,STD,HepatitisSection/HIVPrevention/tabid/390/Default.aspx Applicants must provide the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number with application or a statement affirming the Subgrantee will provide their DUNS number prior to subgrant award. Applications will be evaluated and scored by consensus. The HIV, STD and Hepatitis Section will convene a committee of three (3) evaluators who will independently review each application to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each proposal. The evaluators will meet as a group to discuss each application and score the application. To be considered for a grant award, an application must score at least 80%. By applying, eligible applicants acknowledge the following requirements: 1) Applicants spending $750,000.00 or more in federal funds during the Subgrant fiscal year shall have a Single Audit performed according to 2 CFR 200.500-521 (previously OMB A-133) and shall provide proof of spending. 2) Applicants shall comply with subaward and executive compensation reporting requirements as required by the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA). CDA LEGAL 565 AD#239848 OCTOBER 29, 30, 31, 2018

NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution on Judgment of Foreclosure issued on the 6th day of September, 2018, and an Order of Sale of Foreclosure issued on the 6th day of September, 2018 out of the District Court of the First Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Kootenai in the case of: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, v. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, ASSIGNS AND DEVISEES OF JOHN N. HOWARD; STATE OF IDAHO, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE; AND DOES 1 THROUGH 20, INCLUSIVE, INCLUDING ALL PARTIES WITH AN INTEREST IN AND/OR RESIDING IN REAL PROPERTY Commonly known as 32665 N. 8th Ave., Spirit Lake, ID 83869 f/k/a 319 N. 8th Avenue, Spirit Lake, ID 83869, and legally described as LOT 3 AND THE SOUTH 17 FEET OF LOT 2, AND NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 4, BLOCK 60, CITY OF SPIRIT LAKE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN THE OFFICE THE COUNTY RECORDER IN BOOK "B" OF PLATS AT PAGE 143, RECORDS OF KOONTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO, Defendants. Case No. CV-2018-2476 NOTICE OF SALE Date of Sale: November 7, 2018 Time of Sale:10:00am Place of Sale: Kootenai Co Sheriff's Office Lobby, 5500 N Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 7th day of November, 2018, at 10 o'clock am of said day, at the Kootenai County Sheriff's Office Lobby, 5500 N Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815, I am commanded and required to proceed ando sell at public auction the real property described in said Order for Sale of Foreclosure and Writ of Execution and to apply the proceeds of such sale to the satisfaction of said Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure with interest thereon and fees and costs, all payable at time of sale to the highest bidder, for the following described property, situated in Kootenai County , Idaho: 32665 N 8th Ave, Spirit Lake, ID 83869 f/k/a 319 N 8th Avenue, Spirit Lake, ID 83869, and legally described as follows: LOT 3 AND THE SOUTH 17 FEET OF LOT 2, AND NORTH 16 FEET OF LOT 4, BLOCK 60, CITY OF SPIRIT LAKE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN THE OFFICE THE COUNTY RECORDER IN BOOK "B" OF PLATS AT PAGE 143 , RECORDS OF KOONTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO. The sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession, or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation of Defendants pursuant to the Judgment entered in this matter, and recorded in the official records of Kootenai County. The real property sold at the sale shall be subject to the redemption rights of redemptioners, as that term is defined in Idaho Code Section 11-402, may redeem the property from the purchaser within six months after the sale, upon paying the purchaser the amount of their purchase, with interest on that amount at the rate allowed by Idaho Code from the date of the sale to the date of redemption, together with the amount of any assessment or taxes which the purchaser may have paid after the commencement of the action and which are not included in the judgment and interest allowed pursuant to Idaho Code. In the event the purchaser is a creditor having a prior lien to that of the redemptioners, other than the judgment under which the purchase is made, the purchaser will also be entitled to payment of that lien amount with interest at the rate allowed in Idaho Code Section 18-22-104(1). The Sheriff, by a Certificate of Sale, will transfer right, title and interest of the judgment debtor in and to the property. DATED This 11th day of October, 2018. KOOTENAI COUNTY SHERIFF By:/s/Dep. S. Ellis NOTE: THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE DOES NOT GUARANTEE CLEAR TITLE OR GUARANTEE CONTINUED POSSESSORY RIGHTS. EVERY PERSON WHO INTENTIONALLY DEFACES, OBLITERATES, TEARS DOWN OR DESTROYS THIS NOTICE, BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF THE TIME FOR WHICH IT IS TO REMAIN SET UP, IS GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR (I.C. § 18-3205). CDA LEGAL 502 AD# 236349 OCTOBER 17, 24, 31, 2018

Notice of Self Storage Sale Please take notice Keylock Storage - Coeur d'Alene located at 2200 W. Appleway Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 intends to hold an auction of the goods stored in the following units in default for non-payment of rent. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 11/07/2018 at 12:00pm. Unless stated otherwise the description of the contents are household goods and furnishings. Varsel Jarnagin: 2622 Mackinzie Drive, Post falls, ID 83854; Heather Horvath: 402 S. 10th Place #15, Coeur D'Alene, ID 83814; Tina Johnson: 1521 N. 9th St. Unit 113, Coeur D'Alene, ID 83814. All property is being stored at the above self-storage facility. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Certain terms and conditions apply. See manager for details. CDA LEGAL 497 AD# 236145 OCTOBER 24, 31, 2018

Notice of Self Storage Sale Please take notice Keylock Storage - Fruitland 3735 N. Fruitland Lane, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 intends to hold an auction of the goods stored in the following units in default for non-payment of rent. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 11/07/2018 at 12:00pm. Unless stated otherwise the description of the contents are household goods and furnishings. Stephen Joshua Jerome: 2530 W. Timberlake, Coeur D' Alene, ID 83815; Phillip Viebrock: 2482 W. Fairway Dr., Coeur D' Alene, ID 83815. All property is being stored at the above self-storage facility. This sale may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Certain terms and conditions apply. See manager for details. CDA LEGAL 498 AD# 236150 OCTOBER 24, 31, 2018

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: CASE NO. CV28-18-4561 Beatrice L Nagel Deceased. NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that STEVE NAGEL has been appointed personal representative of the above named decedent. All personas having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to creditors, or within 60 days after the undersigned mailed or delivered a copy of this Notice to such persons. Whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Signed: The 15th day of October 2018 By:/s/Steve Nagel CDA LEGAL 494 AD# 236052 OCTOBER 17, 24, 31, 2018

North Idaho State Fair Summary Receipts & Disbursements 10/31/18 RECEIPTS Cash Balance January 1, 2018 $154,372.06 County Appropriations $93,750.00 Capital Improvements $40,195.25 Income $1,589,287.12 TOTAL $1,877,604.43 DISBURSEMENTS Maintenance & Operations $568,142.76 Premiums, Prizes & Entertainment $377,272.35 Wages, Payroll Liabilities, Education $429,518.23 Capital Improvements & Equipment $93,998.61 Cash Balance October 31, 2018 $408,672.48 TOTAL $1,877,604.43 /S/ Alexcia Jordan North Idaho Fair General Manager /S/ Gerald Johnson 2018 North Idaho Fair Board Chairperson CDA LEGAL 578 AD#240178 OCTOBER 31, 2018

NOTICE OF STORAGE SALE Notice of Public Auction to be held on November 17, 2018 at 11 a.m. at Prairie Avenue Mini Storage, 16478 W Prairie Avenue, Post Falls, ID 83854 Unit # 9 rented to Brandon Burchell and Jennifer Burchell, 5975 W Diagonal Road, Rathdrum, Idaho 83858. The entire contents of the unit will be sold to satisfy the liens. The contents of the unit may include household items. The highest bidder must pay cash, money order or cashier's check. CDA LEGAL 590 AD# 240960 OCTOBER 31, NOVEMBER 7, 2018

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE ( ADULT) CASE NO. CV28-18-8032 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: LAKAYLEE RENEA WITHERSPOON A Petition to change the name of Lakaylee Renea Witherspoon, now residing in the City of Post Falls, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to L'Kaylee R'nea Ridenour. The reason for the change in name is: Return to birth name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on November 26, 2018, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: October 12, 2018 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By:/S/: KATHERINE HAYDEN Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 499 AD# 236263 OCTOBER 17, 24, 31, NOVEMBER 7, 2018

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE ( ADULT) CASE NO. CV28-18-8024 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: CENEDRA REESE WITHERSPOON A Petition to change the name of Cenedra Reese Witherspoon, now residing in the City of Post Falls, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to C'Nedra Kade Ridenour. The reason for the change in name is: Return to birth name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on November 26, 2018, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: October 12, 2018 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By:/S/: LISA DIXON Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 500 AD# 236266 OCTOBER 17, 24, 31, NOVEMBER 7, 2018

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES D. CURRY, Deceased. Probate case No. 28CV18- 7297 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Decedent. All persons having claims against the Decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within FOUR (4) MONTHS after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 12th day of October, 2018. RICHARD P. WALLACE Attorney for Personal Representative Attorney at Law 2370 N. Merritt Creek Lp Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 CDA LEGAL 504 AD# 236422 OCTOBER 17, 24, 31, 2018

T.S. No. 070734-ID Parcel No.: H72000010090 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On 2/26/2019 at 10:00 AM (recognized local time), at the VETERANS MEMORIAL PLAZA NORTH ENTRANCE ADMIN BUILDING 451 N GOVERNMENT WAY, COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83815, in the County of Kootenai, SYDNEY K. LEAVITT, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Idaho, of ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP as trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County of Kootenai, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to wit: LOT 9, BLOCK 1, PTARMIGAN ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER IN BOOK "F" OF PLATS AT PAGE 69, RECORDS OF KOOTENAI COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO. The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above referenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the address of: 9673 PTARMIGAN DRIVE AKA , 9673 N PTARMIGAN DR, HAYDEN, ID 83835, is commonly associated with said real property. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by RICHARD D. KING, AN UNMARRIED PERSON AND JANINE A. ARMON, AN UNMARRIED PERSON, as Grantor(s), to PIONEER TITLE COMPANY OF KOOTENAI COUNTY, INC. AN IDAHO CORPORATION, as Trustee, for the benefit and security of FIRSTBANK NORTHWEST, as Beneficiary, dated 10/28/1997, recorded 10/29/1997, as Instrument No. 1511353, , and later modified by a Loan Modification Agreement recorded on 4/12/2017, as Instrument 2589946000, official records of Kootenai County, Idaho. Please note: The above named Grantors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a); no representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for the obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to make monthly payments when due from 2/1/2018 and all subsequent monthly payments thereafter, including installments of principal, interest, impounds, advances, plus any charges lawfully due under the note secured by the aforementioned Deed of Trust, Deed of Trust and as allowed under Idaho Law. The sum owing on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust as of 10/17/2018 is $189,772.65 including interest, costs, fees, including trustee and/or attorney fees and costs, and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation thereunder or in this sale and to protect the security associated with the Deed of Trust, as authorized in the Note, Deed of Trust or as allowed under Idaho Law. Because interest, late charges, fees, costs and expenses continue to accrue, the total amount due varies from day to day. Hence, if you pay the amount shown above, an adjustment may be necessary after receipt of funds to satisfy the debt. For further information, write the Trustee at 4375 Jutland Drive, Ste. 200, San Diego, CA 92117, or call (866)931-0036 DATED: 10/17/2018 SYDNEY K. LEAVITT, ESQ., a member of the State Bar of Idaho, of ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP CDA LEGAL 577 AD#240168 OCTOBER 31, NOVEMBER 7, 14, 21, 2018

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE 75-18 / 700387 At 10:00 o'clock A.M. (recognized local time) on February 05, 2019, in the Office of First American Title Company, located at, 1866 N Lakewood Drive, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, First American Title Company Inc., as Successor Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in KOOTENAI County, Idaho, and described as follows, to-wit: Lot 22, Block 4, Sunnyside Addition To Harrison, According To The Plat Recorded In Book C Of Plats, Page 65, Records Of Kootenai County, Idaho, Except That Portion Deeded To The State of Idaho For Highway Right of Way By Document Recorded March 9, 1934 In Book 101 Of Deeds, Page 160. Information concerning the foreclosure action may be obtained from the Trustee, whose telephone number is (208) 785-2515. According to the Trustee's records, there is no known street address associated with said property. The property is commonly referred to by Tax Parcel Y5700004022A. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession, or encumbrances to satisfy the obligations secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by, Darren Adams and Wendy Adams, husband and wife, as Grantor(s), First American Title Company, A California Corporation , as Trustee, for the benefit and security of, Beverly J. Woehrlin, an unmarried woman, as Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust was recorded March 30, 2015 as KOOTENAI County Recorder's Instrument No. 2491689000. The default for which this sale is to be made is as follows: 1. Failure to make the monthly payment in the amount of $298.07 plus a monthly escrow fee of $4.50 and Taxes and Insurance in the amount of $57.10 for a total monthly payment amount of $359.67 due for the 27th day of May 2018 and a like sum of $359.67 due for the 27th day of each and every month thereafter. 2. Failure to comply with paragraph A4 of said Deed of Trust to pay before delinquent all taxes and assessments affecting said property. Specifically, the 2017 taxes are delinquent. The above Grantor(s) are named to comply with Section 45-1506(4)(a), Idaho Code. No representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for this obligation. As of October 2, 2018 there is due and owing on the loan an unpaid principal balance of $10,107.51, accrued interest in the amount of $372.18 and late fees in the amount of $160.00 for a total amount due of $10,639.69. Interest continues to accrue on the Note at the rate of 8% per annum with a per diem rate of $2.22 after October 2, 2018. All delinquencies are now due together with any late charges, advances to protect the security, and fees and costs associated with this foreclosure. The Beneficiary elects to sell or cause said property to be sold to satisfy said obligation. DATED October 4, 2018 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY, INC., SUCCES- SOR TRUSTEE By: /s/ Kaitlin Ann Gotch, Trust Officer CDA LEGAL 501 AD# 236311 OCTOBER 17, 24, 31, NOVEMBER 7, 2018


Legals September 7, 2018
Coeur d'Alene Press | Updated 6 years, 4 months ago
Legals October 8, 2019
Coeur d'Alene Press | Updated 5 years, 3 months ago
Legals December 5, 2018
Coeur d'Alene Press | Updated 6 years, 1 month ago