Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Legals September 26, 2018

Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 6 years, 5 months AGO
| September 26, 2018 1:30 AM

NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION and REGISTRATION DEADLINES - ADAMS COUNTY, WA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Election will be held on November 6, 2018 in Adams County, State of Washington, to submit to the qualified electors thereof, for their approval and adoption or rejection, State and Local Propositions, and to elect Federal, State and Local Officials. The last date to register online, through the mail, transfer or update an existing registration is Monday, October 8th. Persons may register to vote and/or update their address and other information online at www.vote.wa.gov First time voters can register in person until 4:30 pm Monday, October 29th at the Adams County Auditor's Office, 210 W Broadway Ave., Ritzville. The Canvassing Board of Adams County will meet at the following times in the Adams County Auditor's Office at 210 W. Broadway Ave Ste 200, Ritzville: Wednesday, October 10th at 9:00 am - logic and accuracy test Tuesday November 6th at 8:00 pm Monday, November 12th at 2:00 pm Monday, November 19th 2:00 am Monday, November 26th 2:00 pm Tuesday, November 27th at 2:00 pm- the official certification will be signed at this meeting These meetings are open to the public. The November 6, 2018 ballot will include: Initiatives to the People: Initiative Measure No. 1631 - Concerns pollution Initiative Measure No. 1634 - Concerns taxation of certain items intended for human consumption Initiative Measure No. 1639 - Concerns firearms Initiative to the Legislature: Initiative Measure No. 940 - Concerns law enforcement Advisory Votes: Advisory Vote No. 19 - Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill 6269 Adams County Proposition: Proposition No. 1 Submitted by Adams County Adams County Resolution No. R-30-2018 proposing a sales and use tax in the amount of three-tenths of one percent to be dedicated to costs to enhance and improve criminal justice and law enforcement functions within Adams County. Federal Offices: U.S. Senator - Partisan Office - 6 Year Term US Representative Congressional District 4 - Partisan Office - 2 Year Term State Offices: Legislative District 9 State Representative Pos. 1 - Partisan Office - 2 Year Term State Representative Pos. 2 - Partisan Office - 2 Year Term County Offices: Assessor - Partisan Office - 4 Year Term Auditor - Partisan Office - 4 Year Term Clerk - Partisan Office - 4 Year Term County Commissioner, District 3 - Partisan Office- 4 Year Short/Full Term Prosecutor - Partisan Office- 4 Year Term Sheriff - Partisan Office - 4 Year Term Treasurer - Partisan Office - 4 Year Term Judicial: Supreme Court Justice Pos. 2 - Nonpartisan Office - 6 Year Term Supreme Court Justice Pos. 8 - Nonpartisan Office - 6 Year Term Supreme Court Justice Pos. 9 - Nonpartisan Office - 6 Year Term Adams County District Court Judge, Pos. 1 - Nonpartisan Office - 4 Year Term Adams County District Court Judge, Pos. 2 - Nonpartisan Office - 4 Year Short/Full Term Proposition No. 1 Submitted by Adams County Fire District No. 4 - Lamont Maintenance and Operation Levy $11,000, maintenance and operation for the year 2019 Proposition No. 1 Submitted by Adams County Cemetery District No. 1 - Washtucna Maintenance and Operation Levy $10,500, for maintenance and operation for the year 2019 Proposition No. 1 Submitted by Adams County Park and Recreation District No. 2 - Washtucna Maintenance and Operation Levy $25,000, for maintenance and operation for the year 2019 Voters may drop off ballots, get replacement ballots, use an accessible voting unit, or receive other assistance as needed beginning Friday, October 19, 2018 during regular business hours of 8:30 am - 4:30 pm at the Adams County Auditor's Office located at 210 W Broadway Ave, Ritzville, WA 99169. On Election Day the Auditor's Office will be open from 8:30 am - 8:00 pm. For questions please call 509-659-3249, email elections@co.adams.wa.us or visit our website at www.co.adams.wa.us\elections. Voters can also obtain a replacement ballot and access information about candidates and ballot measures at www.myvote.wa.gov A voter service center will be open on Election Day from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the County Services Building at 425 E Main Street in Othello, WA. Voters may visit the service center to drop off their ballot; get a replacement ballot; or receive other assistance as needed. Ballot Drop Box Locations: Town of Lind, 116 1/2 W. 2nd St. Adams Co. Public Services Bldg., 425 E. Main St. Othello City of Ritzville, 216 E. Main St. Town of Washtucna, 165 S. Main St. Dated at Ritzville, Washington, this 21st day of September, 2018. Heidi K. Hunt, County Auditor of Adams County and Ex-officio Supervisor of Elections. 09005/228183 September 26, 2018


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