Attempted beer heist ends badly
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 5 years, 10 months AGO
Kalispell Police received a report of a fight between a customer and an employee at a store after the customer allegedly attempted to steal two beers and the employee pinned the customer to the ground. The two people reportedly got into a fistfight after the customer allegedly bit the employee and broke free. The customer then allegedly tried to get into a vehicle leave while the employee tried to pull them out of the car. Officers arrived and arrested the suspect while an ambulance responded to the bite victim.
A woman called to report a reckless driver for flipping her off and the passenger of the offending vehicle for yelling profanity at her, saying she was in fear for her life.
Two men were caught on a hardware store’s surveillance camera stealing chain saws. Multiple people called dispatch offering to identify the men.
While out for a walk, a woman and her husband were reportedly attacked by a neighbor who allegedly tried to run them over with his truck, forcing them to jump out of the way. The neighbor then reportedly got out of his truck and attempted to kick and punch the woman’s husband before climbing back into his truck and turning around.
A man reported seeing a man and woman riding bikes quickly away from a woman yelling after them, claiming they stole her money. The witness attempted to chase the couple on foot but lost them.
A woman called the police to report that she thought someone was inside the storage closet next to her door. The woman said she would put a grill in front of the door to the closet until an officer could get there. An officer responded and found no one in the closet.
Two men threw a rock at a woman’s bedroom window. When the woman looked outside she allegedly saw the two men had stolen all the items out of her car before driving off in a white truck.
An officer cited a cyclist for riding a bike on the sidewalk.
Someone reported a theft in their greenhouse after finding several tools and a heater missing. The caller also suspected someone might have been living in the greenhouse after finding the remains of a campfire inside.