PHS students excel at Band District Music Festival
Joe Sova Lake County Leader | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 5 years, 11 months AGO
Polson High School students achieved Superior ratings in two areas at the Band District Music Festival held April 4-6 in Kalispell at Glacier and Flathead high schools.
In the Large Groups category, the PHS symphonic band (Prepared) and the concert band (Sight-reading) both earned Superior ratings.
In Emsembles, the PHS Saxophomore Quintet that included Aubrey Frissell, Matt Hobbs, Gabe Mergenthaler, Makauly Morrison and Calvin Nowlin was Superior. Frissell, Hobbs, Nowlin and Morrison ranked Superior in Saxophone Quartet. Lillian Armstrong, Xavier Stalkfleet and Josh Young teamed for Superior in the Percussion Trio category in Ensembles.
Earning a Superior ratings as well in Band Solos were Beatrix Frissell, Trombone; Joseph Martinez, Trumpet; Hobbs, Alto Saxophone; Nowlin, Tenor Saxophone; Ajalin Simshaw, Flute; and Lillian Armstrong, Marima.
Ratings of other PHS students at the District Music Festival were:
Band Large Groups — Symphonic Band (Sight-reading); and Concert Band (Prepared).
Band Ensembles — Jazz Combo (Armstrong, Nathan DePoe, A. Frissell, B. Frissell, Hobbs, Martinez, Mesa McKee, Morrison, C. Nowlin, Young); Trumpet Choir (Cameron Alexander, Brett Bennett, Jarod Calley, DePoe, Braedon Illif, Martinez, Carter Nowlin, Megan Rost, Brian Siemens); Trumpet Trio (Jarod Calley, Joseph Martinez, Brian Siemens); Trumpet Duet (Brian Siemens, Rost); Trumpet Duet (Martinez, Rost); Trombone/Trumpet Duet (Beatrix Frissell, Joseph Martinez); Clarinet Trio (Adeline Day, McKee, Xavier Pierre); Brass Ensemble (B. Frissell, Kaitlyn Lamphere, Martinez, Siemens, Halli Tyler); Trombone Quartet (B. Frissell, Hillary Lamphere, Halli Tyler, Steven Wolfe); and Flute Trio (Mossy Kauley, Hailie Purdue, Simshaw)
Band Solos — Flute (Halie Perdue); Piano (Armstrong and McKee).
Band Ensembles — Clarinet Sextet (Adeline Day, Amber Hanneman, Summer Kovarik, Pierre, McKee)
RICH SAWYER, the PHS Director of Bands/Link Crew Coordinator, was elated with the performances. “The students put in weeks of hard work, practicing over spring break, and during many nights at Polson High School in preparation for the festival,” he said. “Each large ensemble and solo or ensemble is adjudicated by a specialist in the field of an individual instrument such as saxophone or trumpet. Student growth individually and as a group is at its highest level at this time of year. I am very proud of what they accomplished during festival preparation.”
The MHSA State Music Festival will be staged May 3 and 4 in Helena.
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