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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 5 years, 9 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Apr. 28, 1969 – KLATT ELECTED
Robert Klatt was elected first vice chairman of the Engineering and Operations Section of the Northwest Public Power Assn. at a recent meeting in Vancouver, B.C. Klatt has been superintendent and chief engineer of Northern Lights, Inc. for 14 years and has been involved in all aspects of the Inland Empire rural electrification program for over 30 years.
Ideal weather and a fast track combined to give the SHS Bulldog track team a 76-55 victory over Coeur d’Alene Saturday on the Vikings’ oval. The Bulldogs tied two school records and had several other outstanding efforts.
Bulldog Jack Parkins was a triple winner for the third meet in a row. He tied his own school record in the 180-yd. low hurdles, covered the highs in 15.5, and leaped 20 ft. in the long jump.
Sandpoint’s other record-tying event was the 440 relay. The quartet of Bruce Carter, Steve Klatt, John Goin and Scott Wyatt took .4 off their previous best time to equal 1955’s 46.0 record.
Other victorious Bulldogs were Gary Bates in the 440 dash; Bruce Wells, shot put; Goin, high jump; Arvid Anderson, two mile; Craig Leckner, discus toss; and John Scott, Dwight Sheffler, Bates and Randy James in the mile relay.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Apr. 28, 1919 – SELLE NEWS
Edgar Simonson enrolled in the Selle school Tuesday. His folks moved here from Sunnyside, Wash. They are living on the Sway place until they build on their place east of Selle.
Mrs. Haugse and Myrtle walked to Sandpoint Saturday to get some dental work done.
Roy Surby left Sunday for Spokane to take a course in automobile repair and construction.
Cpls. Verne Smith and Harry Lyons are among those from C Battery acquiring an education at the expense of Uncle Sam. They are at the A.E.F. university studying something or other.
The Ladies Aid of the Congregational church will give a supper April 30. Rabbit pie and baked beans will be served, 35c a plate.
The faculty of the school granted the scholars a half holiday to attend the trophy train Thursday at Sandpoint, the boat making the trip up to take the Hope people down, leaving at 7 a.m.
Seniors are having pictures taken this week.
Mrs. Patterson and Pvt. McLaughlin visited Monday and Wednesday. The Victory loan song “Uncle Sammy, Here’s My Share,” was practiced for singing at the mass meeting Thursday when the trophy train stopped here.
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