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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 5 years, 1 month AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Dec. 15, 1969 — SHS HIGH HONOR ROLL
Sixteen students are listed on Sandpoint High School’s high honor roll (perfect grades): Sharon Bolstad, Linda Berger, Christi Cogswell, Virginia Garrison, Linda Finney, Beverly Green, Dale Greene, Ted Hadley, Patty Krum, Bob Nieman, Liz Nordeen, John Olson, Dave Rohrbach, Stan Sawhill, Terria Shephard and Betty Smith.
James Gallaher, Bonner County first aid chairman, said this year’s county first aid program “has been very successful.” In all, 406 first aid cards have been issued to date this year.
Qualified first aid instructors in the county are: Arthur Bourassa, Jean Lyons, Harold McCrum, David Lee, Jerome Meyers and Grover Adrich, all of Sandpoint; Marie Bauthues, Kootenai; Lawrence Stone, Clark Fork; and Fuller Joyce and Richard Hodge of Priest River.
R.W. Club met with Mrs. James Ferguson Sr. Tuesday with an attendance of 10 members to plan tomorrow’s Christmas dinner at the Dover Community hall.
Mrs. Denny Wendt and Mrs. C. Durand, both of the Methodist church, called at members’ homes Tuesday and, finding few of them home, were told to call at the Ferguson home. There they found most of them gathered and also many of their old acquaintances. All were happy to see them.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Dec. 15, 1919 — CITY BREVITIES
At an American Legion post meeting, it was voted to invite soldiers of the civil war and of the Spanish-American war to meet with the Legion once each month for a social session.
A freight train of 53 cars, all loaded with Buick automobiles from the Michigan factory and bound for Spokane and Coast points, passed through here yesterday over the S.I., being routed over that line in order to utilize Canadian Pacific fuel instead of the scarcer coal of the United States.
The funeral of Harvey Graves, the civil war veteran who died last Friday from a paralytic stroke, occurred Monday from the Brower chapel, with internment at Lakeview cemetery.
Following federal demands looking to curtail the use of coal pending the end of the nation-wide coal strike, the Northern Pacific has taken off the North Coast Limited trains and the “dinky” trains running between Kootenai and Spokane.
Yesterday was a red-letter day in the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bennett of 517 Lake, when they celebrated their golden wedding. Ten children were born of their union, eight of whom are living and were present at the celebration.
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