Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Legals for December, 16 2019

Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 5 years, 1 month AGO
| December 16, 2019 12:00 AM

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington is currently accepting bid proposals for the following services: Carpet Cleaning Moses Lake, WA (Bid Closes 4/30/19 Custodial Service Moses Lake, WA Bid Closes 12/31/19 For questions and bid packages please contact: AACCW, 50 Simon St. SE, Suite A, East Wenatchee, WA 98837, or email to #12039/351301 Pub: December 18, 24, 31, 2019

RSCI, Zeke Johnson, 333 W Rossi St Boise, ID 83706-3762, is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology's Construction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit. The proposed project, McCain Foods USA WWTP, is located near the existing processing plant facility. The proposed WWTP site is located approximately 2,900 feet due west of the existing facility at 100 Lee Street, Othello Washington. The private driveway to access the WWTP site is located on McManamon road approximately 1.1 miles north of the intersection of Lee Street and Broadway Avenue in Othello. This project involves 20 acres of soil disturbance for Industrial, Utilities construction activities. All discharges and runoff goes to ground water. Any persons desiring to present their views to the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding this Application, or interested in Ecology's action on this Application, may notify Ecology in writing no later than 30 days of the last date of publication of this notice. Ecology reviews public comments and considers whether discharges from this project would cause a measurable change in receiving water quality, and, if so, whether the project is necessary and in the overriding public interest according to Tier II anti-degradation requirements under WAC 173-201A-320. Comments can be submitted to: Department of Ecology Attn: Water Quality Program, Construction Stormwater P.O. Box 47696, Olympia, WA 98504-7696 #12020/349465 Pub: December 11, 18, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, A WASHINGTON ) NO. 19-2-01603-13 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ) ) SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION PLAINTIFF, ) ) VS ) ) WHEELER CORRIDOR BUSINESS PARK, LLC, ) A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; EDWIN RUSS TORRISON; DRGG, ) LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; GREG HAYNES; WHEELER PARK ) PROPERTIES, A WASHINGTON LIMITED ) LIABILITY COMPANY; KW CAPITAL PARTNERS ) LIMITED, A CANADIAN CORPORATION; ALSO ) ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN ) CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, ) OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE ) DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, ) ) DEFENDANTS. ) ___________________________________________) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: ALL OTHER PEROSNLS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN YOU are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of the summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 11th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure to so do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is an action for breach of contract, collect on a promissory note, foreclose a security interest encumbering personal property and foreclose a deed of trust encumbering the following described real property: That portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the Southwest corner of said Section 13, said monument bears North 89°12'41" West 2670.92 feet from a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the South quarter of said Section 13: thence South 89°12'41" East, Following the South Boundary of said Southwest quarter and the centerline of Wheeler Road, 749.61 feet; thence North 00°28'12" East, 40.00 feet to an intersection with the Northerly right-of-way of said Wheeler Road and the True Point of Beginning; thence North 89°12'41" West, following said Northerly right-of-way, 273.82 feet; thence following the Northerly road right -of-way per the right of way and limited access plan for SR 17 Pioneer Way to Stratford Rd, MP 53.07, through the following six(6) courses: thence North 00°47'19" East, 15.00 feet; thence North 89°12'41" West, 132.07 feet to a point on a curve the center of which bears South 87°55'21" West; thence Northwesterly following a non-tangential curve to the left, said curve having a central angel of 62°36'54" and a radius of 100.00 feet, a distance of 109.28 feet; thence South 25°18'28" West, 50.00 feet to a point curve the center of which bears South 25°18'28" West; thence Southeasterly following a non-tangential curve to the right, said curve having a central angel of 59°44'30" and a radius of 50.00 feet, a distance of 52.13 feet; thence North 89°12'41 West, 119.07 feet to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way of Highway 17: thence North 00°02'22" East, followering said Easterly right-of-way, 545.05 feet to an intersection with the North boundary of the South 600.00 feet of the South west quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 13:thence South 89°12'41 East, following said North boundary, 579.09 feet; thence South 00°28'12" West, 560.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning. APN: 110005002 DATED this 5th day of December, 2019 RIES LAW FIRM, P.S By: /s/Zachary W. Acres Zachary W. Acres, WSBA #52024 Attorney for Plaintiff 1340 East Hunter Place P.O. Box 2119 Moses Lake, WA 98837 #01005/349490 Pub: December 11, 18, 24, 31, 2019 & January 8, 15, 2020

The State of Utah To: Daniel Prado you are summoned and required to file an answer in writing to the Petition of Divorce filed in the case number 194903407 within 30 days after the last day of publication, which is December 18, 2019, you must file your answer with the clerk of the court at: Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah, 450 S State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84114 and serve a copy of your answer to the Petitioner, if you fail to file and serve your answer on time, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. The Petition is on file with the clerk of the court. You can obtain a copy of the Petition by requesting one from the clerk of the court. #12004/345796 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 11, 18

NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE EAST COLUMBIA IRRIGATION DISTRICT ACTING AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District will meet on the second (2nd) day of December, 2019 at the office of the district at 55 North 8th Avenue, Othello, Washington, at 10:00 a.m. acting as a Board of Equalization, to equalize the assessment roll for 2020. From the date of publication until the date of said meeting, the assessment roll will be at the office of the Secretary at the above address for inspection by all persons interested. The Board will, on said day, hear and determine such objections to the said assessment roll as may come before it and shall continue in session from day to day as long as may be necessary for a period not to exceed ten (10) days, exclusive of Sunday. /s/ Craig N. Simpson, P.E. Secretary -Manager #11040/342230 Pub: November 15, 22, 29, 2019

A board seat on the Grant County Conservation District is available for appointment by the Washington State Conservation Commission. Conservation district board supervisors are public officials who serve without compensation and set policy and direction for the conservation district. An applicant must be registered voter in Washington State, and may be required to own land or operate a farm. Applicants for appointed positions do not have to live within the district to apply. For more information, or to obtain an application form, please contact the Grant County Conservation District or visit the Conservation Commission website at Applications and supporting materials must be received by the Commission no later than March 31, 2020. #11051/344649 Pub: November 22, 29, 2019

A polling site election for a board seat on the Grant County Conservation District will be held on February 22, 2020 at 1107 S Juniper Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837. Polls will open at 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM. Registered voters who reside within the Conservation District boundary are eligible to vote. Candidates must be registered voters residing in the conservation district, and may be required to own land or operate a farm. The candidate filing deadline is January 25, 2020 at 4:30 PM. Elections procedures are available at the district office. Absentee ballots are available upon request for eligible voters, but must be requested on or before February 1, 2020 by 4:30 PM. Please contact the District office at (509) 765-9618 or at the District office at 1107 S Juniper Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837 for absentee ballots or if you have any questions. #11052/344668 Pub: November 22, 29, 2019

NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE EAST COLUMBIA IRRIGATION DISTRICT ACTING AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District will meet on the second (2nd) day of December, 2019 at the office of the district at 55 North 8th Avenue, Othello, Washington, at 10:00 a.m. acting as a Board of Equalization, to equalize the assessment roll for 2020. From the date of publication until the date of said meeting, the assessment roll will be at the office of the Secretary at the above address for inspection by all persons interested. The Board will, on said day, hear and determine such objections to the said assessment roll as may come before it and shall continue in session from day to day as long as may be necessary for a period not to exceed ten (10) days, exclusive of Sunday. /s/ Craig N. Simpson, P.E. Secretary -Manager #11040/342230 Pub: November 15, 22, 29, 2019

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF RESOLUTION No. 19-086-CC ADOPTING A PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020, AND SETTING A MEETING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL BUDGET WHEREAS, RCW Chapter 36.40 provides requirements for the adoption of preliminary and final budgets for counties; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.40.050 the Auditor has submitted an estimated budget document; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has considered the same in detail for the purpose of making revisions or additions it deems advisable; and WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners will provide a copy to any citizen who will call the Commissioner's Office for it. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Grant County Board of Commissioners, as required by law, approves the Preliminary Budget for Grant County and shall meet and conduct a public hearing on Monday, December 2, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. for the purpose of fixing the final budget, adopting the Capital Facilities Plan, and making tax levies. Any interested persons may appear and be heard for or against any part of the budget. DATED this 4th day of November, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/ Tom Taylor Tom Taylor, Chair /s/Cindy Carter Cindy Carter, Vice Chair ATTEST: /s/ Richard Stevens Richard Stevens, Member /s/Barbara J. Vasquez Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Clerk of the Board #11034/341912 Pub: November 8, 15, 2019

Notice of Application and Proposed Determination of Non-Significance Date of Notice: November 15, 2019 Notice is hereby given that a Site Plan Review application and SEPA Checklist received by Grant County on October 22, 2019 From Li Enterprises, (Designated Contact: Vincent Li, 11670 Hwy 28 West, Quincy, WA 98848) were found to be technically complete on November 8, 2019. Grant County expects to issue a Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal, and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. PROJECT: A Site Plan Review & SEPA Environmental Checklist to enable the placement of two 8' x 40' cargo containers on the site of an existing marijuana operation and processing facility. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED: Building Permits. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The subject parcel number is #15-1878-000. The subject property is located approximately 5 miles southeast of Quincy, WA at 11670 Hwy 28 W, Quincy, WA. The parcel is located in the southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 20 North, Range 25 East, WM, Grant County, WA. PRESENT ZONING: Agriculture. PUBLIC HEARING: None. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (File #P 19-00348 & P 19-0347) are available from Kent Ziemer, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2538, Office hours: 8 am-5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to Development Services no later than 5 pm on November 29, 2019. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, e-mailed, or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. #11046/343303 Pub: November 15, 2019

NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY TAX TITLE PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the BOCC Order of Sale that Grant County will sell at Public Auction for cash or cashier check on November 22, 2019 commencing at 9:00 AM in the Law & Justice Bldg, 2nd Floor Multipurpose room in Ephrata, Washington to dispose of county Tax Title property approved for sale on November 5, 2019, and more particularly described as follows: Parcels 08-0694-012 to 08-0694-018, Lots 12 to 18 Block 5 & North 10 feet of Vacated 4th Avenue Adjacent George Pruitt's Add. Minimum bid $3,500.00 plus costs. The above 7 parcels will be sold as one unit. The above described properties will not be sold for less than the amount set opposite the description of the property. A deed will be issued following full payment of the purchase price. Darryl Pheasant Grant County Treasurer 509-754-2011 x4253 #11032/341895 Pub: November 8, 15, 21, 2019

The Grant County Water Conservancy Board will hold its November Meeting, Tuesday. November 26th, 9 am, at the USDA Service Center, 2145 Basin St. SW, Ephrata, WA #11043/343262 Pub: November 15, 2019

SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Moses Lake - On Wednesday, November 20, 2019 the Port of Moses Lake Commissioners will hold a special meeting with Jim Darling from Maul, Foster & Alongi. The meeting location is the Hotel Murano at 1320 Broadway, Tacoma, WA 98402. The purpose of this meeting will be to hold a Special Executive Session for the purpose of interviewing potential candidates for open Executive Director position at the Port of Moses Lake. No decisions will be made. #11045/343286 Pub: November 15, 19, 2019

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY In Re the Guardianship of ) ) NO. 17-4-04540-1 SEA WIESLAWA IWANICKA PLATA, ) ) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY An Incapacitated Person ) ) (RCW 11.92.115) ) ____________________________________) In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of KING, KCSC: 17-4-04540-1 Notice of Sale of Real Property. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an Order in the above-entitled Court, ELZBIETA HENDRICKSON, the duly appointed and acting Full Guardian of the Person and Full Guardian of the Estate, has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement to sell real property located at 231 SE 6th Ave, Soap Lake, WA 98851, and more particularly described as: The North half of Lots 1 through 4, Block 5, Replat of Blocks 5 and 10, Lakemoor, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 41, records of Grant County, Washington. Tax Parcel ID: 080975000 The Guardian has agreed to sell the above property in the amount of $170,000.00 to be sold "AS IS". The sale can be confirmed by the Court on January 18, 2020, at the King County Courthouse located at 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104. RCW 11.56.110 provides that any increased bid pursuant to this Notice must be ten percent (10%) higher than the above amount, must be filed with the Court, and must be accompanied by a deposit of twenty percent (20%) of the bid amount in the form of cash, money order, cashier's check, or certified check. Until such time as said proposed sale is confirmed by the Court, the Guardian shall entertain all further offers of purchase that are greater than said sale price. Said offers to be in writing and submitted to the attorney for the Guardian at the below-stated address. Dated this 2nd day of January, 2020. DAL LAW FIRM PLLC /s/ Darcel Lobo __________________________ Darcel Lobo, WSBA No. 41682 19803 1st Avenue S., Ste 200 Normandy Park, WA 98148 01016/355757 Pub: January 7, 2020

GRANT COUNTY NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS FOR: "Request for Qualifications" Professional Services - Real Estate Activities Grant County Public Works solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in Negotiations, Relocation, Acquisition, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Property Management of Real Estate. Solicitations must be received at the Grant County Public Works main office at the below address no later than 4:00 pm on January 10, 2020 by mail or hand delivered; email or faxed solicitations are not acceptable. Submittals will not be accepted after that time and date. Grant County Public Works reserves the right to amend terms of this "Request for Qualifications" (RFQ) to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses. Consultants will be considered for the following project: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project Title - Cochran & Ottmar Road Reconstruction Start Date: June 2020 End Date: December 2020 Work will include grading, drainage, HMA surfacing, curb and gutter, sidewalks, traffic control and other items. This Project has a zero UDBE goal Consultant(s) shall be listed on WSDOTs Approved Consultants List The work to be performed on this project by the consultant consists of: The Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property for use as road Right-of-Way (ROW) for the project. Prepare & provide a Project Funding Estimate (PFE) and a True Cost Estimate for the projects ROW needs. Prepare and provide a ROW plan indicating the property required to build and maintain the needs of the project area. Prepare and provide all documentation needed for the project ROW Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review, Acquisition, True Cost Estimate and PFE and ROW plan. Comply with all Federal and State laws and the WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual pertaining to the ROW process and Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property. Please Note: A consulting firm may complete the appraisal and the appraisal review as long as the reports are completed independently. In addition, in order to avoid conflict of interest the consultant(s) performing the acquisition/negotiation cannot be involved in the appraisal review process. The consultant's professional services will be utilized during the Preliminary Engineering and Right of Way phases. The Grant County Public Works reserves the right to retain the services of the successful firm(s) for any subsequent phases, Construction (CN), associated with this project. The consultant firm that is awarded the project may be extended upon mutual agreement by both parties on agreement of terms, thru December 31, 2023. SUBMITTAL: Submittals should include the following information: Firm name, phone, fax and email addresses; Name of Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager; and Number of employees in each firm proposed to the project. Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: Qualification of Proposed Project Manager Qualification/Expertise of Firm Experience/familiarity with WSDOT/FHWA standards and requirements Ability to meet schedule and stay within budget Office in Washington State and proximity to Grant County Experience in Grant County Experience with Local Agencies Past Performance/References Approach to meet the DBE goal (DBE Participation Plan) Adequate licensure to perform and complete the project Grant County encourages disadvantaged, minority and women-owned consultant firms to respond. Please submit THREE (3) copies of your Statement of Qualifications to: Jeff Tincher, P.E. County Engineer Grant County Public Works 124 Enterprise Street SE Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 754-6082 Questions regarding this project should be directed to the same. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA Information) The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Kirk Eslinger at , or by calling 1-800-572-0119, ext. 4903. TITLE VI STATEMENT The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code Of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration for an award." #01003/348898 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 7, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR GRANT COUNTY JENNY VINCENT AND COREY VINCENT, and the marital community comprised thereof, Plaintiffs, v. THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; AIMEE STERLING, individually; STEPHEN LEROY BISHOP, individually; HANNA LAURA BISHOP, individually; LINDA RUTH APPLEBY, individually; MARY LORRAINE BISHOP-CROSTON, individually; DANIEL LEN BISHOP, individually; EMMA LOU BISHOP, individually; KORWYN D. PECK, individually; SHAWN B. PECK, individually; ILA J. BARDSLEY, individually; RONALD WAYNE STERLING, individually; BEATRICE TEREZ STEPHENSON, individually; JEAN M. BARLIA, individually; ROSANNE STERLING BRYAN, individually; UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. NO. 19-2-01263-13 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (60 DAYS) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 10th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiffs Jenny Vincent and Corey Vincent, and the marital community comprised thereof, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for said Plaintiffs at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. A brief statement of the object of the action is as follows: This is an action to quiet title, in Plaintiffs' names, to real property in Grant County, commonly known as 1604 Marina Drive West, Moses Lake, Washington 98837, Assessor's Parcel No. 31-3174-000 and legally described as: Lot 2, Sterling's Marina Short Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Short Plats, pages 96, 97, and 98, records of Grant County, Washington. DATED this 5th day of December, 2019. By Britenae M. Pierce, WSBA #34032 Helen M. Hapner, WSBA #55498 Attorneys for Plaintiffs RYAN, SWANSON & CLEVELAND, PLLC 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3400 Seattle, Washington 98101-3034 Telephone: (206) 464-4224 Facsimile: (206) 583-0359 #01004/348823 Pub: December 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019 & January 7, 14, 2020

The Moses Lake City Council adopted the following ordinances at their meeting held on November 12, 2019. The full text of these ordinances are available on the city's website and can be mailed or emailed upon request by contacting Debbie Burke, City Clerk, at 509-764-3703 or ORDINANCE NO. 2935 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MOSES LAKE MUNICIPAL CODE UPON ANNUAL REVIEW, MODIFICATION, AND REPEALING CONFLICTING OR OBSOLETE REGULATIONS Changes will eliminate inconsistencies and outdated content in the Code. ORDINANCE NO. 2936 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND CORRECTING SCIVINER ERRORS IN SECTIONS 10.10.006, 10.10.020, 10.10.040, AND 10.10.050 OF THE MOSES LAKE MUNICIPAL CODE TITLED "SPEED LIMITS" Changes will reduce the speed limit on Road L at the approaches to Wheeler Rd. #11047/343717 Pub: November 18, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE - The November meeting of the Noxious Weed Control Board of Grant County will be held Wednesday, November 20, 2019, at 10:00 a.m., at the Bureau of Reclamation Building, 32 C Street NW, Room 321, Ephrata, Washington. Signed: Ron Tebow, Chairman; Rich Callahan, Vice-Chairman; Summer Sahli, Director; Chuck Sandmann, Director; Wes Sieg, Director #11031/340793 Pub: November 13, 18, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT | | BOYD E. MAYER AND APRIL D. | MAYER, husband and wife, | NO. 19-2-01443-13 | Plaintiffs, | SUMMONS | vs. | | GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, | as his separate estate; The unknow | heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. | CRUCE, deceased, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS, GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, as his separate estate; the unknown heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. CRUCE, deceased: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days(60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 28th day of October, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in teh above entilted court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, BOYD E. MAYER and APRIL D. MAYER, husband and wife, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiffs, Trevor R. Bevier, of Huberdeau Law Office, P.S., at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The complaint is asking for specific performance of a real estate contract or an order to quiet title to real property in Grant County, Washington with the following legal description: THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 26 E.W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The complaint alleges that the above described real property was purchased by Plaintiffs from George K. Cruce in 1996 and was pain in full. Said cause of action is based upon an alleged default for failure to deliver a Statutory Warranty Deed. Trevor R. Bevier Huberdeau Law Offfice, P.S. Attorney for Plaintiffs WSBA#47989 821 E. Sharon Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-1196 (509)765-1799 fax #12002/338400 Pub: October 28, 2019 & November 4, 11 ,18, 25, 2019 & December 2, 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD December 9, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider a request from Technology Services to surplus Miscellaneous Computer Equipment and recycle certain items through TruRecycle or sell on eBay. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #11042/342737 Pub: November 20, 27, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF ADRIAN DELGADO ORTEGA CASE NO.19-7-00316-13 DOB: 05/12/2019, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Xavier J Delgado and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 06/05/2017. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 08/09/2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 7th day of November, 2019. /s Deputy Clerk Ulises Infante #11041/342726 Pub: November 13, 20, 27, 2019

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE RESOLUTION No. 19-087-CC MATTER OF ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE YEARS 2020-2025 WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 36.81.12 1, Grant County is preparing a proposed Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program for the ensuing six years of 2020-2025, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT a public hearing be held on November 26, 2019 at 1:45 P.M. in the Commissioner's Office in the Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington and at that time anyone may appear and be heard either for or against the adoption of this program, DATED this 5th day of November, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Tom Taylor Tom Taylor, Chair /s/ Cindy Carter Cindy Carter, Vice Chair ATTEST: /s/ Richard Stevens Richard Stevens, Member /s/ Barbara J. Vasquez Barbara J. Basquez Clerk of the Board #11036/341937 Pub: November 8, 13, 20, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE Party Without Attorney or Attorney Phillip A. Rodriguez III 2911 N. Western Ave Fresno, CA 93722 (559) 276-3445 Attorney for: Pro Per SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF 1130 "O" Street Fresno, CA 93724-0002 PETITIONER: Phillip A. Rodriguez III RESPONDENT: Yvonne Garcia REQUEST FOR ORDER CHANGE Child Custody CASE NUMBER: 1O CE FL 01574 NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Yvonne Ann Garcia Respondent A COURT HEARING WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: Date: January 21, 2020 Time: 8:15 Dept. 204 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTYOF 1130 "O" Street Fresno, CA 93724-002 #11030/340002 Pub: November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

IN THE GRANT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married | woman as her separate estate; and NANCY | NO. 19-2-01322-13 LYONS, a married woman, as her separate | estate, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Plaintiffs, | (60-DAY) v. | | THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK | ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, | deceased; and any and all individuals | claiming by and through them, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, and any and all individuals claiming by and through them, Defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days (60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 30th day of October, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married woman as her separate estate; and NANCY LYONS, a married woman, as her separate estate, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff, Jeff Slothower of LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P., at the office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of the action is the quiet title of real property located in Grant County legally described as: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 23 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington, lying South of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof EXCEPT the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488 AND EXCEPT the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as conveyed by deed dated December 8, 1908, recorded January 26, 1909, under Auditor's File No. 30433 AND EXCEPT Highway right of way. AND that portion lying North of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof, East of a line drawn parallel with and 600 feet East of the West line thereof and West of the center line of the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488. This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington and RCW 4.28.110. Dated this 15th day of October, 2019. LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P. /s/ Jeff Slothower JEFF SLOTHOWER, WSBA#14526 Attorney for Plaintiffs P.O. Box 1088 Ellensburg, Washington 98926 #12001/336158 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ISLAND In the Matter of the Estate of: ) No. 19-4-00319-15 ) GARVIN BEDFORD ROSS ) PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ) Deceased. ) ____________________________________) RCW 11.40.030 The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim. against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statue of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Respresentative's attorney at the address state below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of this notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, expect as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to the claims against both the Decedent's probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication: November 20, 2019 /s/ Michael M. Waller /s/ Pamela J. Ross MICHAEL M. WALLER, WSBA No. 6310 PAMELA J. ROSS, Personal Law Law office of Christon C. Skinner, P.S. Representative Attorney for Personal REpresentative 791 SE Barrington Drive Oak Harbor, Washington 98277 Court of Probate Proceedings: ISLAND COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Cause No. 19-4-00319-15 #11044/343276 Pub: November 20, 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

Meeting Change The Port of Royal Slope is changing their regularly scheduled meeting from Wednesday November 27, 2019 to Tuesday, November 26, 2019. The meeting will start at 2:00 p.m. and be held at the Port's office located at 4975 Road 13.5 SW; Royal City, WA. #11049/344212 Pub: November 20, 2019

Public Hearing Notice Public Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of Grant County Mosquito Control District No.1 will conduct a public hearing on the 2020 budget and the proposed 2020 assessment on parcels within the district. Said hearing will take place on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at 6:00 PM at the Grant County Mosquito Control District No.1 main office located at 11905 RD 4 NE #16, Moses Lake, WA 98837. #12009/346662 Pub: November 29, 2019 & December 4, 17, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR GRANT COUNTY JENNY VINCENT AND COREY VINCENT, and the marital community comprised thereof, Plaintiffs, v. THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; AIMEE STERLING, individually; STEPHEN LEROY BISHOP, individually; HANNA LAURA BISHOP, individually; LINDA RUTH APPLEBY, individually; MARY LORRAINE BISHOP-CROSTON, individually; DANIEL LEN BISHOP, individually; EMMA LOU BISHOP, individually; KORWYN D. PECK, individually; SHAWN B. PECK, individually; ILA J. BARDSLEY, individually; RONALD WAYNE STERLING, individually; BEATRICE TEREZ STEPHENSON, individually; JEAN M. BARLIA, individually; ROSANNE STERLING BRYAN, individually; UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. NO. 19-2-01263-13 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (60 DAYS) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 10th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiffs Jenny Vincent and Corey Vincent, and the marital community comprised thereof, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for said Plaintiffs at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. A brief statement of the object of the action is as follows: This is an action to quiet title, in Plaintiffs' names, to real property in Grant County, commonly known as 1604 Marina Drive West, Moses Lake, Washington 98837, Assessor's Parcel No. 31-3174-000 and legally described as: Lot 2, Sterling's Marina Short Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Short Plats, pages 96, 97, and 98, records of Grant County, Washington. DATED this 5th day of December, 2019. By Britenae M. Pierce, WSBA #34032 Helen M. Hapner, WSBA #55498 Attorneys for Plaintiffs RYAN, SWANSON & CLEVELAND, PLLC 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3400 Seattle, Washington 98101-3034 Telephone: (206) 464-4224 Facsimile: (206) 583-0359 #01004/348823 Pub: December 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019 & January 7, 14, 2020

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington IS LOOKING FOR CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SERVICES Seeking qualified CONTRACTORS to provide counseling to care givers and care receivers for MAC/TSOA clients. Clients served are pre-determined eligible persons age 18+. Service area: Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln & Okanogan Counties. Teaching client skills required to live in a home or community-based setting, including the use of adaptive equipment or medical related procedures, adjustment to serious impairment, maintenance or restoration of physical functioning, self-management of chronic disease, acquisition of skills to address minor depression, management of personal care needs. Must comply with EOE & ADA req. Minority & women-owned businesses encouraged to apply. If interested please contact Laurie Miller for more information at 509-886-0700 x211 or #12016/348462 Pub: December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington IS LOOKING FOR CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SERVICES Seeking qualified CONTRACTORS to provide environmental modifications to a client's home. Clients served are pre-determined eligible persons age 18+. Service area: Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln & Okanogan Counties. Minor physical adaptations may include the installation of ramps and grab-bars, widening of doorways, modification of bathroom facilities, or installation of specialized electric and plumbing systems, which are necessary to accommodate the medical equipment and supplies necessary for the welfare of the Client. Adaptions may also include portable ramps and portable lift systems that are of direct or remedial benefit and necessary for health and welfare of the Client. All adaptations, including portable ramps must be ADA compliant. Must comply with EOE & ADA req. Minority & women-owned businesses encouraged to apply. If interested please contact Laurie Miller for more information at 509-886-0700 x211 or #12017/348468 Pub: December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUB-LIC HEARING WILL BE HELD December 30, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider the following budget extension requests: *Auditor's Office in the total amount of $35,300.00 for the following funds: Affordable Housing Fund #129 in the amount of $5,000.00 and the Homeless Housing fund #130 in the amount of $30,300.00. There was more revenue received from recordings then antici-pated for the 2019 budget. *Auditor's Office for the following funds: Columbia Basin Dispute Reso-lution Center Fund #136.187 in the amount of $4,000.00 to cover excess expenses incurred in 2019. *Technology Services Fund #501.179 in the amount of $234,000.00 to cover customer supplies costs that were not budgeted for in 2019 and excess soft-ware maintenance costs incurred during 2019. *Sheriff's Office in the amount of $25,217.47 to receive US Department of Homeland Security grant funds through the State Emergency Management Division #E19-110 for FY2018 to purchase new office furniture, ceiling speakers, three (3) TV's and speakers, and anten-nas/cabling for the ham radios to be installed. *Economic Rural Enhancement Fund #133.184 for payment to the Port of Moses Lake for Commissioner Carter travel to Japan. *Public Works County Road Fund #101 in the amount of $1,470,000.00 and Solid Waste Fund #401 in the amount of $535,000.00 to cover excess expenses involving the Quincy Shop Fire, additional projects, investigative drilling and remedial actions. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assis-tant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #12024/ Pub: December 13, 20, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: December 20, 2019 Notice is hereby given that Grant County has received a SEPA checklist from Tommer Construction Company, Inc. (Designated Contact: Chris Tommer, Tommer Construction Company, Inc., PO Box 1150, Ephrata, WA 98823) and determined the application to be technically complete on December 17, 2019. Grant County expects to issue a Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal, and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. DESCRIPTION: The project is a grading permit for the hauling of top soil from the City of Quincy spoil pile to the subject site. The proposal is to dump loose, non-compacted soil on to the subject site to a shallow depth of approximately 2" -10" deep, on approximately 46 acres. The amount of soil to be brought in to the site is approximately 25,000 cubic yards. ADDITIONAL PERMITS: Grading Permit. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The project site is located at 14454 Rd 13 NW, Quincy, WA, approximately one mile west of the intersection of County Rd 13 NW and Adams Road NW, three miles northeast of the city of Quincy. The proposal is in the South half of Section 27, Township 21 North, Range 24 East, WM, Grant County, WA. (Parcel #15-1225-000). PRESENT ZONING: Rural Residential 1 (RR1). STUDIES REQUIRED: None. PUBLIC HEARING: None. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (Files #P 19-0386) are available from Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2525. Office hours: 8 am 5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to the Planning Department no later than 5 pm on January 6, 2020. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #12042/351880 Pub; December 20, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: December 20, 2019 Notice is hereby given that Grant County has received a SEPA checklist from Day Wireless Systems (Designated Contact: Annie Wymer, 7117 SW Beveland Rd, Suite 101, Tigard, OR 97223) and determined this application to be technically complete on 10/10/19. Grant County expects to issue a Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal, and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. DESCRIPTION: Construction of a 195 foot self-supporting steel tower for use as a support structure for radio antennae and transmission lines. PERMITS REQUIRED: Building Permit, Discretionary Use Permit. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The project site is located at 9762 Rd. E SE, Royal City, WA 99357. The parcel is in Section 23, Township 17 N., Range 27 E., W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel #16-1269-010. Copies of the application materials (File # P19-0388 & P19-0387) are available from Grant County Development Services (Mike Manning), 264 West Division Avenue - PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA, (509) 754-2011 ext. 2522; Front Office Hours are 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Public comments must be submitted by December 31, 2019 to Grant County Development Services. All comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, hand delivered, or sent via email. Any person has the right to comment, receive notice, participate in hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #12043/352248 Pub: December 20, 2019

REQUEST FOR BIDS Date: December 3, 2019 Dear Vendors, this Request for Bids (RFB) contains dates and times for the project listed below. Project: Jardin De Rosas Fire Restoration . Address: 416 Desert Lane Apt. A & B Royal City, WA 99357 Timeline: Pre-bid walk through Tuesday January 7th, 2020 at 10:00 AM and will meet at the above address Time for completion is 90 calendar days after notice to proceed is executed. Bid Packages available at office: 1139 Larson Blvd, Moses Lake, WA Bid documents must be received at Housing Authority office no later than 2:00 PM Tuesday January 21st, 2020 Contact: Doug Larsen, Maintenance Manager Phone: 509.762.5541 ext. 127 Cell: 509.750.1132 Email: The Housing Authority of Grant County is requesting bid (quotes) for fire restoration, according to specifications, general conditions, and performance standards. The complete bid package is available upon request. This project is subject to Sate Prevailing wage rates as stated in the Housing Authority's general conditions and is included in the complete bid package. Documents listed on the Index to Bid Package page, stating that it must be returned, must be included with BID submission (properly completed). If all specified documents are not returned/completed, the bidder will be disqualified. The Housing Authority of Grant County has the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities in the bids. #12021/349949 Pub: 12, 13, 19, 20, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF MORGAN R. MATTSON-GARDNER, CASE NO. 19-7-00327-13, DOB: 07/23/2008, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (TERMINATION) TO: Destini Mattson and Vincent Gardner Sr A Termination Petition was filed on 09/20/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 01/28/2020 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A TERMI-NATION ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 12th day of December, 2019. Sara Nelson /s Deputy Clerk #01006/352593 Pub: December 26, 2019 & January 2, 8, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVE-NILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF ISAAC PINEDA QUEVEDO CASE NO. 19-7-00035-13, DOB: 07/09/2016, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Manuel Hernandez and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 11/13/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 01/28/2020 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 12th day of December, 2019 /s Deputy Clerk Sara Nelson #01007/352600 Pub: December 26, 2019 & January 2, 8, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF ABIGAIL DIAZ CASE NO. 19-7-00368-13, DOB: 02/21/2015 AND ANDREA M AN-DRADE CASE NO. 19-7-00369-13 DOB: 03/24/2014, MINOR CHILDREN NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (TERMINATION) TO: Jessica Diaz, Unknown fathers and anyone claiming paternal interest. A Termination Petition was filed on 10/17/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 01/28/2020 at 1:30 p.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A TERMINATION ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 19th day of December, 2019. Sara Nelson /s Deputy Clerk #01008/352925 Pub: January 2, 8, 15, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, A WASHINGTON ) NO. 19-2-01603-13 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ) ) SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION PLAINTIFF, ) ) VS ) ) WHEELER CORRIDOR BUSINESS PARK, LLC, ) A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; EDWIN RUSS TORRISON; DRGG, ) LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; GREG HAYNES; WHEELER PARK ) PROPERTIES, A WASHINGTON LIMITED ) LIABILITY COMPANY; KW CAPITAL PARTNERS ) LIMITED, A CANADIAN CORPORATION; ALSO ) ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN ) CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, ) OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE ) DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, ) ) DEFENDANTS. ) ___________________________________________) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: ALL OTHER PEROSNLS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN YOU are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of the summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 11th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure to so do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is an action for breach of contract, collect on a promissory note, foreclose a security interest encumbering personal property and foreclose a deed of trust encumbering the following described real property: That portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the Southwest corner of said Section 13, said monument bears North 89°12'41" West 2670.92 feet from a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the South quarter of said Section 13: thence South 89°12'41" East, Following the South Boundary of said Southwest quarter and the centerline of Wheeler Road, 749.61 feet; thence North 00°28'12" East, 40.00 feet to an intersection with the Northerly right-of-way of said Wheeler Road and the True Point of Beginning; thence North 89°12'41" West, following said Northerly right-of-way, 273.82 feet; thence following the Northerly road right -of-way per the right of way and limited access plan for SR 17 Pioneer Way to Stratford Rd, MP 53.07, through the following six(6) courses: thence North 00°47'19" East, 15.00 feet; thence North 89°12'41" West, 132.07 feet to a point on a curve the center of which bears South 87°55'21" West; thence Northwesterly following a non-tangential curve to the left, said curve having a central angel of 62°36'54" and a radius of 100.00 feet, a distance of 109.28 feet; thence South 25°18'28" West, 50.00 feet to a point curve the center of which bears South 25°18'28" West; thence Southeasterly following a non-tangential curve to the right, said curve having a central angel of 59°44'30" and a radius of 50.00 feet, a distance of 52.13 feet; thence North 89°12'41 West, 119.07 feet to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way of Highway 17: thence North 00°02'22" East, followering said Easterly right-of-way, 545.05 feet to an intersection with the North boundary of the South 600.00 feet of the South west quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 13:thence South 89°12'41 East, following said North boundary, 579.09 feet; thence South 00°28'12" West, 560.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning. APN: 110005002 DATED this 5th day of December, 2019 RIES LAW FIRM, P.S By: /s/Zachary W. Acres Zachary W. Acres, WSBA #52024 Attorney for Plaintiff 1340 East Hunter Place P.O. Box 2119 Moses Lake, WA 98837 #01005/349490 Pub: December 11, 18, 24, 31, 2019 & January 8, 15, 2020

CITY OF WARDEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Warden City Council will hold a Public Hearing on parts of the 2020 Budget. The hearing will be held on November 12, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers, located at 201 So. Ash Street. #11021/339926 Pub:November 1, 2019

NOTICE OF FILING OF 2020 PRELIMINARY BUDGET NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WARDEN The preliminary budget for the 2020 Fiscal Year has been filed with the City Clerk. Copies of the preliminary budget may be obtained from the Clerk's Office at City Hall during normal business hours after November 19, 2019 The Mayor and Council of the City of Warden will hold a Public Hearing concerning the adoption of the Final budget for the 2020 Fiscal Year on November 26, 2019, shortly after 7PM. The Public Hearing to be held in Council Chambers, located at 201 S Ash St. #11022/339939 Pub: November 1, 8, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING The Commissioners of Grant County Cemetery District #5 will hold a public hearing for the 2020 Budget on Wednesday, November 6, 2019. The budget hearing will begin at 7:00 p. m., at the Grant County Fire District #10 meeting room, located at 336 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA 99357. Daryl Chesterman, Commissioner #11005/339293 Pub: October 31, 2019 & November 1, 2019

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Grant County Fire District # 13 will hold a public hearing for the 2020 Budget on Monday, November 11, 2019. Meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Grant County Fire District No. 13 Main Station located at 1227 Berschauer Industrial Park, Ephrata, Washington 98823. The public is invited to attend. #11024/339956 Pub: November 1, 8, 2019

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Grant County Fire District 15 will hold a public hearing for the 2020 Budget on Tuesday, November 12, 2019. Meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Grant County Fire District No. 5 Main Station located at 11058 Nelson Road, Moses Lake, Washington 98837. The public is invited to attend. #11023/339948 Pub: November 1, 8, 2019

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Grant County Fire District 5 will hold a public hearing for the 2020 Budget on Monday, November 4, 2019. Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Grant County Fire District No. 5 main station located at 11058 Nelson Road, Moses Lake, Washington 98837. The Public is invited to attend. #11008/336697 Pub: October 18, 2019 & November 1, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON FIXING AND ADOPTING THE 2020 FINAL BUDGET FOR PORT DISTRICT NO. 8 OF GRANT COUNTY Port District No. 8 of Grant County (the "Port of Warden") shall hold a public hearing on November 21, 2019, at 10:00 A.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, at the Port of Warden office located at 605 W. 1st ST, Warden, Washington, for the purpose of fixing and adopting the final budget for the year 2020. A preliminary budget for 2020 has been prepared and placed on file at the Port of Warden office and a copy thereof may be obtained by any taxpayer at the address set forth above. Public testimony on the final budget shall be taken at the hearing. Any person may submit written comments regarding the proposals or obtain a map or additional information at the Port of Warden's office located at 605 W. 1st St, Warden, Washington. Written comments and oral testimony at all public hearings shall be made part of the public record. #11025/339981 Pub: November 1, 8, 2018

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD January 28, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider a budget extension request in the amount of $25,217.47 from the Sheriff's Office to receive US Department of Homeland Security grant funds through the State Emergency Management Division #E19-110 for FY2018 to purchase new office furniture, ceiling speakers, three (3) TV's and speakers, and antennas/cabling for the ham radios to be installed. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #01023/356971 Pub: January 13, 21, 2020

Grant County Mosquito Control District #1 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Architectural and Engineering Services The Grant County Mosquito Control District #1 is requesting statements of qualifications and performance data from qualified firms in providing Architectural and Engineering services related to replacing their Operations Facility. The design is anticipated to start following selection with construction project to start in November 2020. Submittals in response to this Request for Qualifications will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on January 27th, 2020, PST, at the following address: Ann Belchik-Moser, District Manager Grant County Mosquito Control District No. 1 11905 Road 4 NE, Lot 16 // Or PO Box 5090 Moses Lake, Washington 98837 Submittals are to be clearly marked: Statement of Qualifications Interested firms can receive a complete description of the required information for the RFQ by emailing The District anticipates that a firm will be selected by mid-February 2020. The District reserves the right to reject any or all applications and to waive any informality in the selection process. #01022/356968 Pub: January 13, 20, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation; NORTHWEST FARM | CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, a corporation, | NO. 19-2-01523-13 | Plaintiffs, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION vs. | | RONALD L. FODE and ROBIN M. FODE, | individually and as a married couple; KC | CAPITAL LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; LAW OFFICE OF THOMAS M. | PORS; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY- | INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; | SUSQUEHANNA SALT LAKE LLC, a Utah | limited liability company; ODESSA FARMING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | BOGAARD HAY CO., a Washington | corporation; WHEELER LAND HOLDING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | AMERICAN FARM MORTGAGE COMPANY | INC.; CNH CAPITAL AMERICA, LLC; CHS | INC.; DEERE & COMPANY; DIVERSIFIED | FINANCIAL LLC; EVERGREEN | IMPLEMENT INC.; and ALL OTHER | PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN | CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, | LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE | DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiffs Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 #01001/348560 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation, | | NO. 19-02-01324-13 Plaintiff, | | vs. | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION | LEE J. ENGELHARDT and CONNIE S. | ENGELHARDT, a married couple; X-E | LAND, LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; X-E RANCHES, LLC, a | Washington limited liability company; | CHANCE ENGELHARDT, an individual; | LANE ENGELHARDT, an individual; and | ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES | UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, | TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN | THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE | COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 01002/348574 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2020

LEGAL NOTICE PORT OF ROYAL SLOPE Royal City, WA SMALL WORKS / CONSULTANT ROSTER 2020 The Port of Royal Slope (Grant County Dist. #2) is compiling a 2020 Small Works/Consultant Roster pursuant to RCWs 39.80 & 39.04.150. Licensed and insured contractors and consultants in all fields and engineering and architectural providers are invited to register with the port district. Forms can be downloaded from the Port's website at; Click the icon at the bottom of the Commissioner's page or contact the Port at: Port of Royal Slope, P.O. Box 147; 4975 Road 13.5 SW Street, Royal City, WA 99357. Telephone (509) 346-2317, Email:; #01019/356386 Pub: January 13, 20, 2020

Public Notice The North Central Workforce Development Council is seeking bidders to respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide comprehensive youth employment and training services funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. A single provider will be selected to offer services in Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Adams Counties. The RFP will be released on January 13, 2020. Copies of the RFP can be obtained by calling Tom O'Brien at 509-675-3619, or writing him at 670 N. Walnut St Colville WA 99114 or e-mailing him at to receive the RFP electronically. The RFP document can also be located on the Home page. WIOA programs are equal opportunity/affirmative action programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon requests to persons with disabilities. #01021/356859 Pub:January 13, 20, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF KYLER KEELING, CASE NO. 19-7-00306-13, DOB: 01/23/2015, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (TERMINATION) TO: Tiffany Price A Termination Petition was filed on 11/01/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held December 31, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A TERMINATION ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 20th day of November, 2019. Sara Nelson /s Deputy Clerk #12005/346338 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 11, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF MAGDALENA ORTEGA CASE NO.19-7-00139-13 DOB: 04/05/2018, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Candido Guerrero Para and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 03/21/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 12/31/2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 20th day of November, 2019. /s Deputy Clerk, Sarah Nelson #12006/346343 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 11, 2019

RSCI, Zeke Johnson, 333 W Rossi St Boise, ID 83706-3762, is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology's Construction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit. The proposed project, McCain Foods USA WWTP, is located near the existing processing plant facility. The proposed WWTP site is located approximately 2,900 feet due west of the existing facility at 100 Lee Street, Othello Washington. The private driveway to access the WWTP site is located on McManamon road approximately 1.1 miles north of the intersection of Lee Street and Broadway Avenue in Othello. This project involves 20 acres of soil disturbance for Industrial, Utilities construction activities. All discharges and runoff goes to ground water. Any persons desiring to present their views to the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding this Application, or interested in Ecology's action on this Application, may notify Ecology in writing no later than 30 days of the last date of publication of this notice. Ecology reviews public comments and considers whether discharges from this project would cause a measurable change in receiving water quality, and, if so, whether the project is necessary and in the overriding public interest according to Tier II anti-degradation requirements under WAC 173-201A-320. Comments can be submitted to: Department of Ecology Attn: Water Quality Program, Construction Stormwater P.O. Box 47696, Olympia, WA 98504-7696 #12020/349465 Pub: December 11, 18, 2019

NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Port of Othello, Othello, Washington Adams County is soliciting bids from interested persons to fulfill the terms of a FARM LEASE. Bidders shall complete and submit their documents by 12:00 noon., Friday, January 10th, 2020 in a sealed envelope to: Port of Othello, 705 E Hemlock St., Othello, WA 99344 with the bidder's name, address and wording of "OPTION 1" or "OPTION 2" plainly written on the outside of the envelope. Each lease will consist of five (5) crop years commencing on February 1st, 2020 and terminating on January 31st, 2024 for the following described real estate in the County of Adams, State of Washington: OPTION 1: A PORTION OF FARM UNIT 181, IRRIGATION BLOCK 46, ADAMS COUNTY WASHINGTON CONTAINING ONE CIRCLE ON 20.9 ACRES AND ONE CIRCLE ON 5.4 ACRES FOR A TOTAL OF 26.3 FARMABLE ACRES, MORE OR LESS WITH 2 NEW VALLEY CIRCLES and FARM UNIT 182, IRRIGATION BLOCK 46, ADAMS COUNTY WASHINGTON CONTAINING 22.7 FARMABLE ACRES, MORE OR LESS WITH A WHEELINE. PER FAA NO COWS ARE ALLOWED ON THIS GROUND. OPTION 2: A PORTION OF FARM UNIT 181, IRRIGATION BLOCK 46, ADAMS COUNTY WASHINGTON CONTAINING 14.2 FARMABLE ACRES, MORE OR LESS WITH RILL IRRIGATION. PER FAA NO COWS ARE ALLOWED ON THIS GROUND The lease payment for each of these options will be due by February 1st of each year. The Board of Port of Othello Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities or irregularities in the bids or in the bidding, if the best interest of the Port of Othello will be served, or to accept the bid, which in their opinion best serves the interest of the Port of Othello. Bids will be opened and read at an open meeting at 9:00 am on January 14th, 2020. Bid proposals with sample lease documents outlining specifications, may be obtained from the Port of Othello, 705 E Hemlock St., Othello, WA 99344. #12012/347161 Pub: December 4, 11, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, A WASHINGTON ) NO. 19-2-01603-13 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ) ) SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION PLAINTIFF, ) ) VS ) ) WHEELER CORRIDOR BUSINESS PARK, LLC, ) A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; EDWIN RUSS TORRISON; DRGG, ) LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; GREG HAYNES; WHEELER PARK ) PROPERTIES, A WASHINGTON LIMITED ) LIABILITY COMPANY; KW CAPITAL PARTNERS ) LIMITED, A CANADIAN CORPORATION; ALSO ) ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN ) CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, ) OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE ) DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, ) ) DEFENDANTS. ) ___________________________________________) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: ALL OTHER PEROSNLS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN YOU are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of the summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 11th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure to so do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is an action for breach of contract, collect on a promissory note, foreclose a security interest encumbering personal property and foreclose a deed of trust encumbering the following described real property: That portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the Southwest corner of said Section 13, said monument bears North 89°12'41" West 2670.92 feet from a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the South quarter of said Section 13: thence South 89°12'41" East, Following the South Boundary of said Southwest quarter and the centerline of Wheeler Road, 749.61 feet; thence North 00°28'12" East, 40.00 feet to an intersection with the Northerly right-of-way of said Wheeler Road and the True Point of Beginning; thence North 89°12'41" West, following said Northerly right-of-way, 273.82 feet; thence following the Northerly road right -of-way per the right of way and limited access plan for SR 17 Pioneer Way to Stratford Rd, MP 53.07, through the following six(6) courses: thence North 00°47'19" East, 15.00 feet; thence North 89°12'41" West, 132.07 feet to a point on a curve the center of which bears South 87°55'21" West; thence Northwesterly following a non-tangential curve to the left, said curve having a central angel of 62°36'54" and a radius of 100.00 feet, a distance of 109.28 feet; thence South 25°18'28" West, 50.00 feet to a point curve the center of which bears South 25°18'28" West; thence Southeasterly following a non-tangential curve to the right, said curve having a central angel of 59°44'30" and a radius of 50.00 feet, a distance of 52.13 feet; thence North 89°12'41 West, 119.07 feet to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way of Highway 17: thence North 00°02'22" East, followering said Easterly right-of-way, 545.05 feet to an intersection with the North boundary of the South 600.00 feet of the South west quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 13:thence South 89°12'41 East, following said North boundary, 579.09 feet; thence South 00°28'12" West, 560.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning. APN: 110005002 DATED this 5th day of December, 2019 RIES LAW FIRM, P.S By: /s/Zachary W. Acres Zachary W. Acres, WSBA #52024 Attorney for Plaintiff 1340 East Hunter Place P.O. Box 2119 Moses Lake, WA 98837 #01005/349490 Pub: December 11, 18, 24, 31, 2019 & January 8, 15, 2020

The State of Utah To: Daniel Prado you are summoned and required to file an answer in writing to the Petition of Divorce filed in the case number 194903407 within 30 days after the last day of publication, which is December 18, 2019, you must file your answer with the clerk of the court at: Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah, 450 S State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84114 and serve a copy of your answer to the Petitioner, if you fail to file and serve your answer on time, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. The Petition is on file with the clerk of the court. You can obtain a copy of the Petition by requesting one from the clerk of the court. #12004/345796 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 11, 18

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ] ] CASE NO.:16-2-00880-8 Plaintiff, ] JUDGEMENT NO.: ] v. ] SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICEOF ] SALE OF REAL PROPERTY KRISTIE A. REYNOLDS, INDIVIDUALLY ] AND AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF ] *** 8 MONTH REDEMTION*** THE ESTATE OF RANDY REYNOLDS; ] WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ] REVENUE; WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT ] OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES; RONALD R. ] REYNOLDS; HERBERT A. REYNOLDS; ] ARLISTA JANE COBB; AND ALL OTHER ] PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN ] CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR ] INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY ] COMMONLY KNOWN AS 2671 ROAD R. ] NORTHWEST, QUINCY, WASHINGTON ] 98848 ] ] Defendant. ] ] ___________________________________________] The Superior Court of Grant County has directed the undersigned Sheriff of Grant County to sell the property described to satisfy a judgment in the above entitled action: THAT PORTION OF FARM UNIT 152, IRRIGATION BLOCK 75, THIRD REVISION, COLUMBIA BASIN PROJECT, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF FILED JULY 18, 1957, SITUATED WITHIN GOVERNMENT LOT 2, SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 24 E.W.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A TRACT OF LAND BOUNDED BY A LINE BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 89°59'43" EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 202.31 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF THE U.S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION WEST CANAL EASEMENT; THENCE SOUTH 00°37'04" EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID EASEMENT, A DISTANCE OF 1577.55 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 89°53'37" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1239.48 FEET TO THE CENTER OF U.S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION CANAL NO. W39.9D AND THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH 00°22'50" EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID IRRIGATION CANAL AND THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 352.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°53'37" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1238.02 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF THE U.S. BUREAU OF RECLAMATION WEST CANAL EASEMENT; THENCE NORTH 00°37'04" WEST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID EASEMENT, A DISTANCE OF 352.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THE EAST 250 FEET THEREOF. APN TAX PARCEL NO.: 20-1333-002 Commonly known as: 2671 Road R Northwest, Quincy, WA 98848. The sale of the described property is to take place at 10:30 am on the 22nd day of November 2019 at the main lobby of the Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington. The judgment debtor can avoid the sale by paying the judgment amount of $97,279.99 plus interest, costs and fees before the sale date. For the exact amount, contact the attorney at the address stated below. Dated this 5th day of October 2019 at Ephrata, WA 98823. THOMAS E. JONES, Sheriff By: Sheena Ohl, Civil Specialist cc: Aldridge Pite LLP Attn: Shannon Calt 111 SW Columbia Street, Suite 950 Portland, OR 97201 Phone: (503) 345-9877 #11001/336182 Pub: October 17, 24, 31, 2019 & November 7, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT REVERSE MORTGAGE FUNDING, LLC, ] ] CASE NO.: 16-2-01077-2 Plaintiff, ] JUDGEMENT NO.: ] vs. ] SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF ] SALE OF REAL PROPERTY THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF ] DONALD R. LOCKWOOD; KAREN ] *** 8 MONTH REDEMPTION*** FULLBRIGHT; UNITED STATES OF ] AMERICA; STATE OF WASHINGTON; ] OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES, ] ] Defendants. ] ___________________________________________ ] The Superior Court of Grant County has directed the undersigned Sheriff of Grant County to sell the property described to satisfy a judgment in the above entitled action: LOT 3, BLOCK 1, RUDBERG ADDITION NO. 1, TOWN OF QUINCY, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 4 OF PLATS, PAGE 17, RECORDS OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON APN TAX PARCEL NO.: 041083000 Commonly known as: 512 Central Ave N, Quincy, WA 98848. The sale of the described property is to take place at 10:30 am on the 22nd day of November 2019 at the main lobby of the Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington. The judgment debtor can avoid the sale by paying the judgment amount of $123,365.23 plus interest, costs and fees before the sale date. For the exact amount, contact the attorney at the address stated below. Dated this 5th day of October 2019 at Ephrata, WA 98823. THOMAS E. JONES, Sheriff By: Sheena Ohl, Civil Specialist cc: MCCARTHY & HOLTHUS LLP Attn: Grace Chu 108 1st Avenue South, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 596-4856 #11002/336183 Pub: October 17, 24, 31, 2019 & November 7, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT CITIFINANCIAL SERVICING LLC, ] ] CASE NO.: 15-2-00664-5 Plaintiff, ] JUDGEMENT NO.: ] vs. ] SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF ] SALE OF REAL PROPERTY WILLIAM C. DOREMUS, REGINA S. ] DOREMUS; AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK, ] *** 12 MONTH REDEMPTION*** FSB; DEACONESS MEDICAL CENTER; ] DOES 1-10 INCLUSIVE; UNKNOWN ] OCCUPANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL ] PROPERTY; PARTIES IN POSSESSION OF ] THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY; PARTIES ] CLAIMING A RIGHT TO POSSESSION OF ] THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, ] ] Defendants. ] ] ___________________________________________ ] The Superior Court of Grant County has directed the undersigned Sheriff of Grant County to sell the property described to satisfy a judgment in the above entitled action: LOT 15, BLOCK Q, VISTA VILLAGE ADDITION NO 2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 7 OF PLATS, PAGE 1, RECORDS OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. APN TAX PARCEL NO.: 11-1517-000 Commonly known as: 514 W Crest Drive, Moses Lake, WA 98837. The sale of the described property is to take place at 10:30 am on the 22nd day of November 2019 at the main lobby of the Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington. The judgment debtor can avoid the sale by paying the judgment amount of $120,593.00 plus interest, costs and fees before the sale date. For the exact amount, contact the attorney at the address stated below. Dated this 4th day of October 2019 at Ephrata, WA 98823. THOMAS E. JONES, Sheriff By: Sheena Ohl, Civil Specialist cc: MCCARTHY & HOLTHUS LLP Attn: Grace Chu 108 1st Avenue South, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 596-4856 11003/336184 Pub: October 17, 24, 31, 2019 & November 7, 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD January 14, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider a budget extension request in the amount of $9,427.75 from the Sheriff's Office to purchase a vehicle wrap, labor and installation for their newly purchased mobile command vehicle, through CW Wraps. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #01010/353378 Pub: December 30, 2019 & January 6, 2020

GRANT COUNTY NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS FOR: "Request for Qualifications" Professional Services - Real Estate Activities Grant County Public Works solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in Negotiations, Relocation, Acquisition, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Property Management of Real Estate. Solicitations must be received at the Grant County Public Works main office at the below address no later than 4:00 pm on January 10, 2020 by mail or hand delivered; email or faxed solicitations are not acceptable. Submittals will not be accepted after that time and date. Grant County Public Works reserves the right to amend terms of this "Request for Qualifications" (RFQ) to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses. Consultants will be considered for the following project: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project Title - Cochran & Ottmar Road Reconstruction Start Date: June 2020 End Date: December 2020 Work will include grading, drainage, HMA surfacing, curb and gutter, sidewalks, traffic control and other items. This Project has a zero UDBE goal Consultant(s) shall be listed on WSDOTs Approved Consultants List The work to be performed on this project by the consultant consists of: The Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property for use as road Right-of-Way (ROW) for the project. Prepare & provide a Project Funding Estimate (PFE) and a True Cost Estimate for the projects ROW needs. Prepare and provide a ROW plan indicating the property required to build and maintain the needs of the project area. Prepare and provide all documentation needed for the project ROW Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review, Acquisition, True Cost Estimate and PFE and ROW plan. Comply with all Federal and State laws and the WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual pertaining to the ROW process and Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property. Please Note: A consulting firm may complete the appraisal and the appraisal review as long as the reports are completed independently. In addition, in order to avoid conflict of interest the consultant(s) performing the acquisition/negotiation cannot be involved in the appraisal review process. The consultant's professional services will be utilized during the Preliminary Engineering and Right of Way phases. The Grant County Public Works reserves the right to retain the services of the successful firm(s) for any subsequent phases, Construction (CN), associated with this project. The consultant firm that is awarded the project may be extended upon mutual agreement by both parties on agreement of terms, thru December 31, 2023. SUBMITTAL: Submittals should include the following information: Firm name, phone, fax and email addresses; Name of Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager; and Number of employees in each firm proposed to the project. Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: Qualification of Proposed Project Manager Qualification/Expertise of Firm Experience/familiarity with WSDOT/FHWA standards and requirements Ability to meet schedule and stay within budget Office in Washington State and proximity to Grant County Experience in Grant County Experience with Local Agencies Past Performance/References Approach to meet the DBE goal (DBE Participation Plan) Adequate licensure to perform and complete the project Grant County encourages disadvantaged, minority and women-owned consultant firms to respond. Please submit THREE (3) copies of your Statement of Qualifications to: Jeff Tincher, P.E. County Engineer Grant County Public Works 124 Enterprise Street SE Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 754-6082 Questions regarding this project should be directed to the same. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA Information) The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Kirk Eslinger at , or by calling 1-800-572-0119, ext. 4903. TITLE VI STATEMENT The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code Of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration for an award." #01003/348898 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 7, 2019

NOTICE TO HERBICIDE APPLICATORS Sealed bids, plainly marked "BID for Herbicide Application Program 2020, will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, 35 C Street NW - Room 207, P.O. Box 37, Ephrata, WA, 98823, until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, January 7, 2020 and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvements. This agreement provides for the control of vegetation along county highways and rights of way through the application of foliar and soil residual herbicides on approximately 17,500 acres annually located in Grant County and other work in accordance with the plans and specifications. Specifications may be obtained from the office of the County Road Engineer, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, at no charge. The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. #12044/352502 Pub: December 23, 30, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation; NORTHWEST FARM | CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, a corporation, | NO. 19-2-01523-13 | Plaintiffs, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION vs. | | RONALD L. FODE and ROBIN M. FODE, | individually and as a married couple; KC | CAPITAL LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; LAW OFFICE OF THOMAS M. | PORS; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY- | INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; | SUSQUEHANNA SALT LAKE LLC, a Utah | limited liability company; ODESSA FARMING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | BOGAARD HAY CO., a Washington | corporation; WHEELER LAND HOLDING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | AMERICAN FARM MORTGAGE COMPANY | INC.; CNH CAPITAL AMERICA, LLC; CHS | INC.; DEERE & COMPANY; DIVERSIFIED | FINANCIAL LLC; EVERGREEN | IMPLEMENT INC.; and ALL OTHER | PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN | CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, | LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE | DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiffs Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 #01001/348560 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation, | | NO. 19-02-01324-13 Plaintiff, | | vs. | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION | LEE J. ENGELHARDT and CONNIE S. | ENGELHARDT, a married couple; X-E | LAND, LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; X-E RANCHES, LLC, a | Washington limited liability company; | CHANCE ENGELHARDT, an individual; | LANE ENGELHARDT, an individual; and | ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES | UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, | TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN | THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE | COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 01002/348574 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2020

BEGINNING OF REVIEW NOTICE Certificate of Need Application Applicant: Grant County Public Hospital District #1 dba Samaritan Healthcare Description of Proposal: The project proposes replacement of the 50-bed acute care hospital known as Samaritan Healthcare to a new site in Moses Lake. The current address of the hospital is 801 East Wheeler Road in Moses Lake [98837]. The new site has not yet been assigned an address. Samaritan Healthcare has acquired six separate, contiguous parcels on which the replacement hospital will be located. The tax parcel ID numbers within the city of Moses Lake are: 110074001, 110074000, 090869032, 090869031, 090869025 and 090869030. Estimated Costs: The estimated capital expenditure associated with this project is $153,288,530. Public Hearing: No public hearing will be held unless requested. To request a hearing, the request must be in writing and include the name, address, and signature of the person making the request. Deadline for requesting a hearing is on or before Tuesday, January 14, 2020. Faxed requests are not accepted. If a public hearing is scheduled, the hearing notice will be published in the Columbia Basin Herald at least 15 days before the date of the hearing. Public Comment Period: If no public hearing is held, written comments must be received at the Certificate of Need Program on or before Monday, February 3, 2020. Faxed comments are not accepted. Send public hearing requests or written comments to: Mailing Address Physical Address Department of Health Department of Health Certificate of Need Program Certificate of Need Program Mail Stop 47852 111 Israel Road SE Olympia, WA 98504-7852 Tumwater, WA 98501 Anticipated Decision Date: April 3, 2020 If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call Karen Nidermayer with the Certificate of Need Program at (360) 236-2957. For additional information or details, log into our website: #12049/353376 Pub: December 30, 2019

NOTICE TO VENDORS The East Columbia Basin Irrigation District purchases materials, supplies and equipment estimated to cost $10,000 or more but not exceeding $50,000 by means of quotations made in writing, by telephone, by fax or by e-mail as set forth in RCW 39.04.190. Quotations are solicited through District communications directly to vendors having requested to be listed to receive such communications. Applications to be included on District vendor lists can be obtained by contacting: Purchasing Agent East Columbia Basin Irrigation District PO Box E - 55 North 8th Othello, WA 99344 (509) 488-9671 fax (509) 488-6433 Craig N. Simpson Secretary-Manager CNS:wl #01009/352933 Pub: January 3, 10, 17, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF MORGAN R. MATTSON-GARDNER, CASE NO. 19-7-00327-13, DOB: 07/23/2008, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (TERMINATION) TO: Destini Mattson and Vincent Gardner Sr A Termination Petition was filed on 09/20/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 01/28/2020 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A TERMI-NATION ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 12th day of December, 2019. Sara Nelson /s Deputy Clerk #01006/352593 Pub: December 26, 2019 & January 2, 8, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVE-NILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF ISAAC PINEDA QUEVEDO CASE NO. 19-7-00035-13, DOB: 07/09/2016, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Manuel Hernandez and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 11/13/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 01/28/2020 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 12th day of December, 2019 /s Deputy Clerk Sara Nelson #01007/352600 Pub: December 26, 2019 & January 2, 8, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY Estate of | | NO. 19-4-19428-3SEA | JOANNE G. HOGAN, | PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS | (RCW 11.40.030 | Deceased. | ____________________________________| PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed me as Personal Representative of Decedent's estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on or mailing to me at the address below a copy of the claim. The claim must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed this Notice as provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent's probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication of this Notice: 10/28/2019 Decedent's SSN (for WDSHS only): ______________________________ Darryl G. Hogan, Executor 34585 56th CT S Auburn, WA 98001 #11010/338398 Pub: October 28, 2019 & November 4, 11, 2019

ORDINANCE 19-03 The City Council of the City of Royal City has adopted Ordinance 19-03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ROYAL CITY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 5.08 TITLED "NOISE CONTROL". This ordinance was passed on the 5TH day of November 2019 and shall be in full force and effect five days after the publication of this summary as provided by law. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge by request to City Hall, P.O. Box 1239, Royal City WA 99357, or in person at 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA. #11037/342206 Pub: November 11, 2019

Public Notice Road Closure: H NW between 7 NW & 8 NW will be closed for repairs on Wednesday November 13th 2019. Please plan accordingly for travel. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. #11038/342209 Pub: November 11, 12, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT | | BOYD E. MAYER AND APRIL D. | MAYER, husband and wife, | NO. 19-2-01443-13 | Plaintiffs, | SUMMONS | vs. | | GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, | as his separate estate; The unknow | heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. | CRUCE, deceased, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS, GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, as his separate estate; the unknown heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. CRUCE, deceased: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days(60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 28th day of October, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in teh above entilted court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, BOYD E. MAYER and APRIL D. MAYER, husband and wife, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiffs, Trevor R. Bevier, of Huberdeau Law Office, P.S., at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The complaint is asking for specific performance of a real estate contract or an order to quiet title to real property in Grant County, Washington with the following legal description: THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 26 E.W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The complaint alleges that the above described real property was purchased by Plaintiffs from George K. Cruce in 1996 and was pain in full. Said cause of action is based upon an alleged default for failure to deliver a Statutory Warranty Deed. Trevor R. Bevier Huberdeau Law Offfice, P.S. Attorney for Plaintiffs WSBA#47989 821 E. Sharon Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-1196 (509)765-1799 fax #12002/338400 Pub: October 28, 2019 & November 4, 11 ,18, 25, 2019 & December 2, 2019

SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Moses Lake - On Tuesday, November 12, 2019 and Monday, November 25th, 2019 at 10:00 p.m., the Port of Moses Lake Commissioners will hold a Special Meeting. The meeting location is the Port of Moses Lake Administration Building, 7810 Andrews St NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837 in the Commission Chamber. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss budget for upcoming year. #11033/341896 Pub:November 8, 11, 2019

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington IS LOOKING FOR CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SERVICES Seeking qualified CONTRACTORS to provide counseling to care givers and care receivers for MAC/TSOA clients. Clients served are pre-determined eligible persons age 18+. Service area: Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln & Okanogan Counties. Teaching client skills required to live in a home or community-based setting, including the use of adaptive equipment or medical related procedures, adjustment to serious impairment, maintenance or restoration of physical functioning, self-management of chronic disease, acquisition of skills to address minor depression, management of personal care needs. Must comply with EOE & ADA req. Minority & women-owned businesses encouraged to apply. If interested please contact Laurie Miller for more information at 509-886-0700 x211 or #12016/348462 Pub: December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington IS LOOKING FOR CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SERVICES Seeking qualified CONTRACTORS to provide environmental modifications to a client's home. Clients served are pre-determined eligible persons age 18+. Service area: Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln & Okanogan Counties. Minor physical adaptations may include the installation of ramps and grab-bars, widening of doorways, modification of bathroom facilities, or installation of specialized electric and plumbing systems, which are necessary to accommodate the medical equipment and supplies necessary for the welfare of the Client. Adaptions may also include portable ramps and portable lift systems that are of direct or remedial benefit and necessary for health and welfare of the Client. All adaptations, including portable ramps must be ADA compliant. Must comply with EOE & ADA req. Minority & women-owned businesses encouraged to apply. If interested please contact Laurie Miller for more information at 509-886-0700 x211 or #12017/348468 Pub: December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUB-LIC HEARING WILL BE HELD December 30, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider the following budget extension requests: *Auditor's Office in the total amount of $35,300.00 for the following funds: Affordable Housing Fund #129 in the amount of $5,000.00 and the Homeless Housing fund #130 in the amount of $30,300.00. There was more revenue received from recordings then antici-pated for the 2019 budget. *Auditor's Office for the following funds: Columbia Basin Dispute Reso-lution Center Fund #136.187 in the amount of $4,000.00 to cover excess expenses incurred in 2019. *Technology Services Fund #501.179 in the amount of $234,000.00 to cover customer supplies costs that were not budgeted for in 2019 and excess soft-ware maintenance costs incurred during 2019. *Sheriff's Office in the amount of $25,217.47 to receive US Department of Homeland Security grant funds through the State Emergency Management Division #E19-110 for FY2018 to purchase new office furniture, ceiling speakers, three (3) TV's and speakers, and anten-nas/cabling for the ham radios to be installed. *Economic Rural Enhancement Fund #133.184 for payment to the Port of Moses Lake for Commissioner Carter travel to Japan. *Public Works County Road Fund #101 in the amount of $1,470,000.00 and Solid Waste Fund #401 in the amount of $535,000.00 to cover excess expenses involving the Quincy Shop Fire, additional projects, investigative drilling and remedial actions. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assis-tant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #12024/ Pub: December 13, 20, 2019

REQUEST FOR BIDS Date: December 3, 2019 Dear Vendors, this Request for Bids (RFB) contains dates and times for the project listed below. Project: Jardin De Rosas Fire Restoration . Address: 416 Desert Lane Apt. A & B Royal City, WA 99357 Timeline: Pre-bid walk through Tuesday January 7th, 2020 at 10:00 AM and will meet at the above address Time for completion is 90 calendar days after notice to proceed is executed. Bid Packages available at office: 1139 Larson Blvd, Moses Lake, WA Bid documents must be received at Housing Authority office no later than 2:00 PM Tuesday January 21st, 2020 Contact: Doug Larsen, Maintenance Manager Phone: 509.762.5541 ext. 127 Cell: 509.750.1132 Email: The Housing Authority of Grant County is requesting bid (quotes) for fire restoration, according to specifications, general conditions, and performance standards. The complete bid package is available upon request. This project is subject to Sate Prevailing wage rates as stated in the Housing Authority's general conditions and is included in the complete bid package. Documents listed on the Index to Bid Package page, stating that it must be returned, must be included with BID submission (properly completed). If all specified documents are not returned/completed, the bidder will be disqualified. The Housing Authority of Grant County has the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities in the bids. #12021/349949 Pub: 12, 13, 19, 20, 2019

NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE EAST COLUMBIA IRRIGATION DISTRICT ACTING AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District will meet on the second (2nd) day of December, 2019 at the office of the district at 55 North 8th Avenue, Othello, Washington, at 10:00 a.m. acting as a Board of Equalization, to equalize the assessment roll for 2020. From the date of publication until the date of said meeting, the assessment roll will be at the office of the Secretary at the above address for inspection by all persons interested. The Board will, on said day, hear and determine such objections to the said assessment roll as may come before it and shall continue in session from day to day as long as may be necessary for a period not to exceed ten (10) days, exclusive of Sunday. /s/ Craig N. Simpson, P.E. Secretary -Manager #11040/342230 Pub: November 15, 22, 29, 2019

A board seat on the Grant County Conservation District is available for appointment by the Washington State Conservation Commission. Conservation district board supervisors are public officials who serve without compensation and set policy and direction for the conservation district. An applicant must be registered voter in Washington State, and may be required to own land or operate a farm. Applicants for appointed positions do not have to live within the district to apply. For more information, or to obtain an application form, please contact the Grant County Conservation District or visit the Conservation Commission website at Applications and supporting materials must be received by the Commission no later than March 31, 2020. #11051/344649 Pub: November 22, 29, 2019

A polling site election for a board seat on the Grant County Conservation District will be held on February 22, 2020 at 1107 S Juniper Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837. Polls will open at 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM. Registered voters who reside within the Conservation District boundary are eligible to vote. Candidates must be registered voters residing in the conservation district, and may be required to own land or operate a farm. The candidate filing deadline is January 25, 2020 at 4:30 PM. Elections procedures are available at the district office. Absentee ballots are available upon request for eligible voters, but must be requested on or before February 1, 2020 by 4:30 PM. Please contact the District office at (509) 765-9618 or at the District office at 1107 S Juniper Dr., Moses Lake, WA 98837 for absentee ballots or if you have any questions. #11052/344668 Pub: November 22, 29, 2019

Public Hearing Notice Public Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of Grant County Mosquito Control District No.1 will conduct a public hearing on the 2020 budget and the proposed 2020 assessment on parcels within the district. Said hearing will take place on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at 6:00 PM at the Grant County Mosquito Control District No.1 main office located at 11905 RD 4 NE #16, Moses Lake, WA 98837. #12009/346662 Pub: November 29, 2019 & December 4, 17, 2019

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids, plainly marked "BID FOR 2020 Crushing and Stockpiling", will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, P.O. Box 37, 35 C Street NW - Room 206, Ephrata, WA, 98823, until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, December 17, 2019 and will then and there, in the commissioners hearing room, be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvements. All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. No conditional bid bond will be accepted. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish a satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to Grant County. Maps, plans and specifications may be purchased from the office of the County Engineer, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, upon payment of the amount of $25.00 (non-refundable). Informational copies of the maps, plans and specifications are on file for inspection at the Grant County Public Works Building, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, and in various plan centers located in Washington. The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The award of this contract, if made, will be to the lowest responsible bidder. The improvement for which bids will be received follows: 2020 Crushing and Stockpiling. This contract provides for crushing, screening and stockpiling 111,000 tons of crushed surfacing mineral aggregates and other work at three locations in Grant County, WA all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions and the Standard Specifications. #12014/348096 Pub: December 5, 9, 16, 2019

SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE #800 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WARDEN HAS ADOPTED AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT TO BE RECEIVED FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES FROM TAXATIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF WARDEN, WASHINGTON FOR 2020 Passed by the City Council of the City of Warden, Washington, this 22nd day of October, 2019 Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge upon request. #11028/340495 Pub: November 5, 2019

Legal Notice: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Draft 2020 Assessment Roll and Schedule of Rates for the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District (MLIRD) 2020 Assessments is now on file and open to inspection at the office at 932 E. Wheeler Road, Moses Lake, Washington. The total proposed rate is $1.00 per Thousand Dollars of Total Assessed Valuation for 2020 for properties in the District ($.25 under RCW Ch. 87.84 and $.75 under RCW Ch. 87.03). The MLIRD Board of Directors may decide to reduce that rate but will not increase it. The Draft Assessment Roll and Schedule of Rates is based on the best information currently available to MLIRD with information provided by Grant County. Accordingly, the actual assessments for particular properties may vary from the current draft as valuation figures are updated or corrected by the County. The MLIRD Board of Directors will meet on November 12, 2019 at 6:45 p.m. in the MLIRD boardroom at 932 E. Wheeler Road, Moses Lake, Washington, as a Board of Equalization and hear objections to the Draft Assessment Roll and Schedule of Rates. The Board of Directors may, if necessary, continue in session from day to day as long as may be necessary, not to exceed ten days, exclusive of Saturday and Sundays, to hear and determine such objections to the said Draft Assessment Roll and Schedule of Rates as may come before them. After the Board of Equalization hearing is closed, the Board may change the Draft Assessment Roll and Schedule of Rates as may be just. #11004/336911 Pub: October 21, 28, 2019 & November 5, 2019

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing for the 2020 Operating Budget of Grant County Public Hospital District No. 1 dba Samaritan Healthcare, has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 6:00pm in Room 407 at Samaritan Healthcare, 801 East Wheeler Road, Moses Lake, Washington. Public Hospital District No 1. Grant County, Washington Alan White, Board of Commissioners Secretary Theresa Sullivan, CEO #11006/338838 Pub: October 29, 2019 & November 5, 2019

LEGAL NOTICE The 2020 Preliminary Annual Budget for the City of Royal City has been prepared and placed on file with the City Finance Director. The budget is available for review during regular business hours 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, at City Hall, 445 Camelia St, NE, Royal City. The City Council of the City of Royal City has set a Public Hearing on November 19th, 2019, at 7:00 pm, at City Hall, 445 Camelia St NE, Royal City, to receive comments concerning the proposed 2020 Final Budget for the City of Royal City. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. #11029/340498 Pub: November 6, 13, 2019

PRESS RELEASE: Please be advised that the Grant County Canvassing Board is scheduled to certify the November 5, 2019 General Election at 1:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 26th. The meeting will take place at the Grant County Courthouse in the Election Department, Room 203. If you have any questions, please contact the Grant County Election Department at: (509)754-2011, Ext. 2704. #11039/342221 Pub: November 13, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF ADRIAN DELGADO ORTEGA CASE NO.19-7-00316-13 DOB: 05/12/2019, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Xavier J Delgado and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 06/05/2017. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 08/09/2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 7th day of November, 2019. /s Deputy Clerk Ulises Infante #11041/342726 Pub: November 13, 20, 27, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE - The November meeting of the Noxious Weed Control Board of Grant County will be held Wednesday, November 20, 2019, at 10:00 a.m., at the Bureau of Reclamation Building, 32 C Street NW, Room 321, Ephrata, Washington. Signed: Ron Tebow, Chairman; Rich Callahan, Vice-Chairman; Summer Sahli, Director; Chuck Sandmann, Director; Wes Sieg, Director #11031/340793 Pub: November 13, 18, 2019

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE RESOLUTION No. 19-087-CC MATTER OF ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE YEARS 2020-2025 WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 36.81.12 1, Grant County is preparing a proposed Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program for the ensuing six years of 2020-2025, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT a public hearing be held on November 26, 2019 at 1:45 P.M. in the Commissioner's Office in the Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington and at that time anyone may appear and be heard either for or against the adoption of this program, DATED this 5th day of November, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Tom Taylor Tom Taylor, Chair /s/ Cindy Carter Cindy Carter, Vice Chair ATTEST: /s/ Richard Stevens Richard Stevens, Member /s/ Barbara J. Vasquez Barbara J. Basquez Clerk of the Board #11036/341937 Pub: November 8, 13, 20, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE Party Without Attorney or Attorney Phillip A. Rodriguez III 2911 N. Western Ave Fresno, CA 93722 (559) 276-3445 Attorney for: Pro Per SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF 1130 "O" Street Fresno, CA 93724-0002 PETITIONER: Phillip A. Rodriguez III RESPONDENT: Yvonne Garcia REQUEST FOR ORDER CHANGE Child Custody CASE NUMBER: 1O CE FL 01574 NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Yvonne Ann Garcia Respondent A COURT HEARING WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: Date: January 21, 2020 Time: 8:15 Dept. 204 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTYOF 1130 "O" Street Fresno, CA 93724-002 #11030/340002 Pub: November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

IN THE GRANT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married | woman as her separate estate; and NANCY | NO. 19-2-01322-13 LYONS, a married woman, as her separate | estate, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Plaintiffs, | (60-DAY) v. | | THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK | ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, | deceased; and any and all individuals | claiming by and through them, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, and any and all individuals claiming by and through them, Defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days (60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 30th day of October, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married woman as her separate estate; and NANCY LYONS, a married woman, as her separate estate, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff, Jeff Slothower of LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P., at the office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of the action is the quiet title of real property located in Grant County legally described as: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 23 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington, lying South of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof EXCEPT the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488 AND EXCEPT the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as conveyed by deed dated December 8, 1908, recorded January 26, 1909, under Auditor's File No. 30433 AND EXCEPT Highway right of way. AND that portion lying North of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof, East of a line drawn parallel with and 600 feet East of the West line thereof and West of the center line of the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488. This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington and RCW 4.28.110. Dated this 15th day of October, 2019. LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P. /s/ Jeff Slothower JEFF SLOTHOWER, WSBA#14526 Attorney for Plaintiffs P.O. Box 1088 Ellensburg, Washington 98926 #12001/336158 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington is currently accepting bid proposals for the following services: Carpet Cleaning Moses Lake, WA (Bid Closes 4/30/19 Custodial Service Moses Lake, WA Bid Closes 12/31/19 For questions and bid packages please contact: AACCW, 50 Simon St. SE, Suite A, East Wenatchee, WA 98837, or email to #12039/351301 Pub: December 18, 24, 31, 2019

The Moses Lake City Council adopted the following ordinance at their meeting held on December 19, 2019. The full text of this ordinance is available on the city's website and can be mailed or emailed upon request by contacting Debbie Burke, City Clerk, at 509-764-3703 or ORDINANCE NO. 2934 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2019 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS The document authorizes four site-specific land use designation changes requested by property owners. #12045/352588 Pub: December 24, 2019

Notice of Application, Proposed MDNS, Date of Notice: December 24 , 2019- Notice is hereby given that a Discretionary Use Application and SEPA checklist were received by Grant County Development Services on November 18, 2019 from Insite Towers Development 2 LLC, (Designated Contact: Lynx Consulting Inc. Attn: Patrick Evans , 17311 135th Ave NE #100, Woodinville WA 98072) and were found to be Technically Complete on December 5, 2019, Grant County expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal, and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The landowner/applicant is responsible to determine if any other permits and/or licenses will be required by other local, state, and federal agencies. The landowner/applicant shall acquire all such permits and/or licenses as required. 2. If any Native American grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found, all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Grant County Planning Division, the Colville Confederated Tribes, the Yakima Tribe, and the WA State Dept. of Archaeological & Historic Preservation. 3. The proposed development shall not inflict upon adjacent land(s) smoke, dust, glare, dirt, steam, vibration, noise, electrical interference, excessive hazards, odors, or pollution, which exceeds applicable local, state, or federal standards. PROJECT: A Discretionary Use Application and SEPA Checklist to allow the development of a Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) on an approximately 190-acre parcel. Said WCF will include a 195-ft. tall (overall height) lattice-type tower, associated antennas, and ground-level support equipment within a 75-ft. x 75-ft. fenced compound. STUDIES REQUIRED NONE. LOCATION: The site address of the subject parcel is in the 23000 Block of Road 19 NE, Marlin, WA 98832, south of SR 28 and west of Grant County Rd X. The site is located in the NE quarter of Section 36, Township 22 N, Range 30E, W.M., Grant County, ZONING: Agriculture. PUBLIC HEARING: NONE CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (Files #P19-372 and #P19-373) are available from Kent Ziemer, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2538, Front Office hours: 8 am -5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to Development Services no later than 5pm on January 7, 2020. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, e-mailed, or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #12046/352702 Pub: December 24, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, A WASHINGTON ) NO. 19-2-01603-13 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ) ) SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION PLAINTIFF, ) ) VS ) ) WHEELER CORRIDOR BUSINESS PARK, LLC, ) A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; EDWIN RUSS TORRISON; DRGG, ) LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; GREG HAYNES; WHEELER PARK ) PROPERTIES, A WASHINGTON LIMITED ) LIABILITY COMPANY; KW CAPITAL PARTNERS ) LIMITED, A CANADIAN CORPORATION; ALSO ) ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN ) CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, ) OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE ) DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, ) ) DEFENDANTS. ) ___________________________________________) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: ALL OTHER PEROSNLS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN YOU are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of the summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 11th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure to so do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is an action for breach of contract, collect on a promissory note, foreclose a security interest encumbering personal property and foreclose a deed of trust encumbering the following described real property: That portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the Southwest corner of said Section 13, said monument bears North 89°12'41" West 2670.92 feet from a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the South quarter of said Section 13: thence South 89°12'41" East, Following the South Boundary of said Southwest quarter and the centerline of Wheeler Road, 749.61 feet; thence North 00°28'12" East, 40.00 feet to an intersection with the Northerly right-of-way of said Wheeler Road and the True Point of Beginning; thence North 89°12'41" West, following said Northerly right-of-way, 273.82 feet; thence following the Northerly road right -of-way per the right of way and limited access plan for SR 17 Pioneer Way to Stratford Rd, MP 53.07, through the following six(6) courses: thence North 00°47'19" East, 15.00 feet; thence North 89°12'41" West, 132.07 feet to a point on a curve the center of which bears South 87°55'21" West; thence Northwesterly following a non-tangential curve to the left, said curve having a central angel of 62°36'54" and a radius of 100.00 feet, a distance of 109.28 feet; thence South 25°18'28" West, 50.00 feet to a point curve the center of which bears South 25°18'28" West; thence Southeasterly following a non-tangential curve to the right, said curve having a central angel of 59°44'30" and a radius of 50.00 feet, a distance of 52.13 feet; thence North 89°12'41 West, 119.07 feet to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way of Highway 17: thence North 00°02'22" East, followering said Easterly right-of-way, 545.05 feet to an intersection with the North boundary of the South 600.00 feet of the South west quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 13:thence South 89°12'41 East, following said North boundary, 579.09 feet; thence South 00°28'12" West, 560.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning. APN: 110005002 DATED this 5th day of December, 2019 RIES LAW FIRM, P.S By: /s/Zachary W. Acres Zachary W. Acres, WSBA #52024 Attorney for Plaintiff 1340 East Hunter Place P.O. Box 2119 Moses Lake, WA 98837 #01005/349490 Pub: December 11, 18, 24, 31, 2019 & January 8, 15, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR GRANT COUNTY JENNY VINCENT AND COREY VINCENT, and the marital community comprised thereof, Plaintiffs, v. THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; AIMEE STERLING, individually; STEPHEN LEROY BISHOP, individually; HANNA LAURA BISHOP, individually; LINDA RUTH APPLEBY, individually; MARY LORRAINE BISHOP-CROSTON, individually; DANIEL LEN BISHOP, individually; EMMA LOU BISHOP, individually; KORWYN D. PECK, individually; SHAWN B. PECK, individually; ILA J. BARDSLEY, individually; RONALD WAYNE STERLING, individually; BEATRICE TEREZ STEPHENSON, individually; JEAN M. BARLIA, individually; ROSANNE STERLING BRYAN, individually; UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. NO. 19-2-01263-13 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (60 DAYS) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 10th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiffs Jenny Vincent and Corey Vincent, and the marital community comprised thereof, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for said Plaintiffs at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. A brief statement of the object of the action is as follows: This is an action to quiet title, in Plaintiffs' names, to real property in Grant County, commonly known as 1604 Marina Drive West, Moses Lake, Washington 98837, Assessor's Parcel No. 31-3174-000 and legally described as: Lot 2, Sterling's Marina Short Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Short Plats, pages 96, 97, and 98, records of Grant County, Washington. DATED this 5th day of December, 2019. By Britenae M. Pierce, WSBA #34032 Helen M. Hapner, WSBA #55498 Attorneys for Plaintiffs RYAN, SWANSON & CLEVELAND, PLLC 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3400 Seattle, Washington 98101-3034 Telephone: (206) 464-4224 Facsimile: (206) 583-0359 #01004/348823 Pub: December 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019 & January 7, 14, 2020

NOTICE OF FILING OF 2020 PRELIMINARY BUDGET NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WARDEN The preliminary budget for the 2020 Fiscal Year has been filed with the City Clerk. Copies of the preliminary budget may be obtained from the Clerk's Office at City Hall during normal business hours after November 19, 2019 The Mayor and Council of the City of Warden will hold a Public Hearing concerning the adoption of the Final budget for the 2020 Fiscal Year on November 26, 2019, shortly after 7PM. The Public Hearing to be held in Council Chambers, located at 201 S Ash St. #11022/339939 Pub: November 1, 8, 2019

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION IN THE MATTER OF RESOLUTION No. 19-086-CC ADOPTING A PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020, AND SETTING A MEETING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL BUDGET WHEREAS, RCW Chapter 36.40 provides requirements for the adoption of preliminary and final budgets for counties; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.40.050 the Auditor has submitted an estimated budget document; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has considered the same in detail for the purpose of making revisions or additions it deems advisable; and WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners will provide a copy to any citizen who will call the Commissioner's Office for it. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Grant County Board of Commissioners, as required by law, approves the Preliminary Budget for Grant County and shall meet and conduct a public hearing on Monday, December 2, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. for the purpose of fixing the final budget, adopting the Capital Facilities Plan, and making tax levies. Any interested persons may appear and be heard for or against any part of the budget. DATED this 4th day of November, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/ Tom Taylor Tom Taylor, Chair /s/Cindy Carter Cindy Carter, Vice Chair ATTEST: /s/ Richard Stevens Richard Stevens, Member /s/Barbara J. Vasquez Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Clerk of the Board #11034/341912 Pub: November 8, 15, 2019

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Grant County Fire District # 13 will hold a public hearing for the 2020 Budget on Monday, November 11, 2019. Meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Grant County Fire District No. 13 Main Station located at 1227 Berschauer Industrial Park, Ephrata, Washington 98823. The public is invited to attend. #11024/339956 Pub: November 1, 8, 2019

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Grant County Fire District 15 will hold a public hearing for the 2020 Budget on Tuesday, November 12, 2019. Meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Grant County Fire District No. 5 Main Station located at 11058 Nelson Road, Moses Lake, Washington 98837. The public is invited to attend. #11023/339948 Pub: November 1, 8, 2019

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE RESOLUTION No. 19-087-CC MATTER OF ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE YEARS 2020-2025 WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 36.81.12 1, Grant County is preparing a proposed Comprehensive Transportation Improvement Program for the ensuing six years of 2020-2025, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT a public hearing be held on November 26, 2019 at 1:45 P.M. in the Commissioner's Office in the Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington and at that time anyone may appear and be heard either for or against the adoption of this program, DATED this 5th day of November, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Tom Taylor Tom Taylor, Chair /s/ Cindy Carter Cindy Carter, Vice Chair ATTEST: /s/ Richard Stevens Richard Stevens, Member /s/ Barbara J. Vasquez Barbara J. Basquez Clerk of the Board #11036/341937 Pub: November 8, 13, 20, 2019

NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY TAX TITLE PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the BOCC Order of Sale that Grant County will sell at Public Auction for cash or cashier check on November 22, 2019 commencing at 9:00 AM in the Law & Justice Bldg, 2nd Floor Multipurpose room in Ephrata, Washington to dispose of county Tax Title property approved for sale on November 5, 2019, and more particularly described as follows: Parcels 08-0694-012 to 08-0694-018, Lots 12 to 18 Block 5 & North 10 feet of Vacated 4th Avenue Adjacent George Pruitt's Add. Minimum bid $3,500.00 plus costs. The above 7 parcels will be sold as one unit. The above described properties will not be sold for less than the amount set opposite the description of the property. A deed will be issued following full payment of the purchase price. Darryl Pheasant Grant County Treasurer 509-754-2011 x4253 #11032/341895 Pub: November 8, 15, 21, 2019

PORT OF MATTAWA 2020 BUDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget for the Port of Mattawa, Grant County Port District No. 3, has been prepared and placed on file by the Board of Commissioners of said Port District, which would include the implementation the Port's Tax Levy. A copy of the said budget will be furnished to any district tax payer or voter by calling the Port Office, (509) 932-4928, and leaving name & address. The Board of Commissioners will meet on Tuesday November 12, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. local time at the Port's office located at 20140 Road 24 SW Ste. G, Mattawa, WA 99349 for the purpose of conducting a public hearing and adopting the final budget for the calendar year 2020. Port District citizens may appear at that time or send comments to 20140 Road 24 SW Ste. G, Mattawa, WA 99349 or email to prior to the meeting time. Lars Leland Executive Director #11035/341925 Pub: November 8, 2019

SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Moses Lake - On Tuesday, November 12, 2019 and Monday, November 25th, 2019 at 10:00 p.m., the Port of Moses Lake Commissioners will hold a Special Meeting. The meeting location is the Port of Moses Lake Administration Building, 7810 Andrews St NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837 in the Commission Chamber. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss budget for upcoming year. #11033/341896 Pub:November 8, 11, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON FIXING AND ADOPTING THE 2020 FINAL BUDGET FOR PORT DISTRICT NO. 8 OF GRANT COUNTY Port District No. 8 of Grant County (the "Port of Warden") shall hold a public hearing on November 21, 2019, at 10:00 A.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, at the Port of Warden office located at 605 W. 1st ST, Warden, Washington, for the purpose of fixing and adopting the final budget for the year 2020. A preliminary budget for 2020 has been prepared and placed on file at the Port of Warden office and a copy thereof may be obtained by any taxpayer at the address set forth above. Public testimony on the final budget shall be taken at the hearing. Any person may submit written comments regarding the proposals or obtain a map or additional information at the Port of Warden's office located at 605 W. 1st St, Warden, Washington. Written comments and oral testimony at all public hearings shall be made part of the public record. #11025/339981 Pub: November 1, 8, 2019

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington IS LOOKING FOR CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SERVICES Seeking qualified CONTRACTORS to provide counseling to care givers and care receivers for MAC/TSOA clients. Clients served are pre-determined eligible persons age 18+. Service area: Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln & Okanogan Counties. Teaching client skills required to live in a home or community-based setting, including the use of adaptive equipment or medical related procedures, adjustment to serious impairment, maintenance or restoration of physical functioning, self-management of chronic disease, acquisition of skills to address minor depression, management of personal care needs. Must comply with EOE & ADA req. Minority & women-owned businesses encouraged to apply. If interested please contact Laurie Miller for more information at 509-886-0700 x211 or #12016/348462 Pub: December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington IS LOOKING FOR CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SERVICES Seeking qualified CONTRACTORS to provide environmental modifications to a client's home. Clients served are pre-determined eligible persons age 18+. Service area: Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln & Okanogan Counties. Minor physical adaptations may include the installation of ramps and grab-bars, widening of doorways, modification of bathroom facilities, or installation of specialized electric and plumbing systems, which are necessary to accommodate the medical equipment and supplies necessary for the welfare of the Client. Adaptions may also include portable ramps and portable lift systems that are of direct or remedial benefit and necessary for health and welfare of the Client. All adaptations, including portable ramps must be ADA compliant. Must comply with EOE & ADA req. Minority & women-owned businesses encouraged to apply. If interested please contact Laurie Miller for more information at 509-886-0700 x211 or #12017/348468 Pub: December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Trustee's Sale No: WA-USA-18018183 Loan No. 12289164 Reference NOS: 1121900 Grantor: Peak Foreclosure Services of Washington, Inc. Grantees: Martha G. Hansen Trustee: Peak Foreclosure Services of Washington, Inc. Beneficiary: The United States of America acting through the rural housing service or successor agency, United States department of agriculture Mortgage Servicer: USDA Legal Description: All of lot 17 and that portion of lot 18, lying southwesterly of a line drawn parallel to and distant 25 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly boundary line Assessor's Tax Parcel No: 08-1234-000 Pursuant to R. C. W. Chapter 61.24, et seq. and 62A.9A-604(a)(2) et seq THIS IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the recording date of this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY, CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may help you save your home. See below for safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission: Telephone: Toll-free: 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894-4663) Website: The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development: Telephone: Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 Website: The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys: Telephone: Toll-free: 1-888-201-1014 Web site: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee, PEAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES OF WASHINGTON, INC. OF WASHINGTON, INC, will on January 10, 2020, at the hour of 10:00 AM, at THE POLICE JUSTICE COURT BUILDING, 401 BALSAM STREET, MOSES LAKE, WA, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following described real and personal property (hereafter referred to collectively as the "Property"), situated in the County of GRANT, State of Washington, to-wit: ALL OF LOT 17 AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 18, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL TO AND DISTANT 25 FEET NORTHEASTERLY FROM THE SOUTHWESTER BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 18, IN BLOCK 10, LAKEVIEW PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 3 OF PLATS, PAGE 6, RECORDS OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON; MORE ACCURATELY DESCRIBED AS: ALL OF LOT 17 AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 18, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL TO AND DISTANT 25 FEET NORTHEASTERLY FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE. Tax Parcel No: 08-1234-000, commonly known as 237 EPHRATA AVE NW , SOAP LAKE, WA. The Property is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 3/28/2003, recorded 3/28/2003 , under Auditor's/Recorder's No. 1121900, records of GRANT County, Washington, from MARTHA G. HANSEN, A SINGLE PERSON, as Grantor, to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING THROUGH THE STATE DIRECTOR, USDA, RURAL DEVELOPMENT FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, as Trustee, in favor of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING THROUGH THE RURAL HOUSING SERVICE OR SUCCESSOR AGENCY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which is presently held by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING THROUGH THE RURAL HOUSING SERVICE OR SUCCESSOR AGENCY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. II No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. III The default(s) for which this foreclosure is/are made are as follows: FAILURE TO PAY THE MONTHLY PAYMENT WHICH BECAME DUE ON 1/28/2014, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS, PLUS LATE CHARGES AND OTHER COSTS AND FEES AS SET FORTH. Other potential defaults do not involve payment to the Beneficiary. If applicable, each of these defaults must also be cured. Listed below are categories of common defaults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary. Opposite of each such listed default is a brief description of the action/documentation necessary to cure the default. The list does not exhaust all possible other defaults; any defaults identified by Beneficiary or Trustee that are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Nonpayment of Taxes/Assessments Deliver to Trustee written proof that all taxes and assessments against the property are paid current Default under any senior lien Deliver to Trustee written proof that all senior liens are pain current and that no other defaults exist Failure to insure property against hazard Deliver to Trustee written proof that the property is insure against hazard as required by the Deed of Trust Waste Cease and desist from committing waste, repair all damage to property and maintain property as required in Deed of Trust Unauthorized sale of property (Due on sale) Revert title to permitted vestee Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: Delinquent Payments from January 28, 2014 68 payments at $ 347.05 each (01-28-14 through 09-04-19) $23,599.40 Late Charges $ 155.09 Other Fees $10,846.19 Trustee Fee $ 1,100.00 Certified Mailing Cost $110.67 Posting Cost $ 150.00 Recording Cost $17.00 TSG Guarantee Policy $547.05 Amount to reinstate on or before 09/04/19 $ 36,525.40 IV The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal $43,846.84, together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument secured, and such other costs and fees as are due under the note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied regarding title, possession, or encumbrances on January 10, 2020. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III must be cured by December 30, 2019 (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time on or before December 30, 2019, (11 days before the sale date) the default(s) as set forth in paragraph III is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated at any time after December 30, 2019, (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following addresses: MARTHA G. HANSEN, 237 EPHRATA AVE NW, SOAP LAKE, WA, 98851 MARTHA G. HANSEN, 237 NW EPHRATA AVE, SOAP LAKE, WA, 98851 MARTHA G. HANSEN, 55 ADRIAN AVE NE, SOAP LAKE, WA, 98851 by both first class and certified mail on 02/15/2018, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and on 2/15/2018, the Borrower and Grantor were personally served with said written notice of default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all of their interest in the above described property. IX Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the same pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's Sale. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the Deed of Trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the Deed of Trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceeding under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with written notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060. Sale Information Line: 714-730-2727 or Website: DATED: September 4, 2019. PEAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES OF WASHINGTON, INC., AS TRUSTEE 618 S. Peabody St., Suite H, Port Angeles, WA 98362 By Lilian Solano, Trustee Sale Officer Address for Service of Process: Peak Foreclosure Services of Washington, Inc. 618 S. Peabody St., Suite H Mailing: P.O. Box 1798 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Address for Account Inquiries: Peak Foreclosure Services, Inc. 5900 Canoga Avenue, Suite 220 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 591-9237 A-4704384 12/06/2019, 12/27/2019 #12003/343685 Pub: Decemer 6, 27, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF MORGAN R. MATTSON-GARDNER, CASE NO. 19-7-00327-13, DOB: 07/23/2008, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (TERMINATION) TO: Destini Mattson and Vincent Gardner Sr A Termination Petition was filed on 09/20/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 01/28/2020 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A TERMI-NATION ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 12th day of December, 2019. Sara Nelson /s Deputy Clerk #01006/352593 Pub: December 26, 2019 & January 2, 8, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVE-NILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF ISAAC PINEDA QUEVEDO CASE NO. 19-7-00035-13, DOB: 07/09/2016, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Manuel Hernandez and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 11/13/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 01/28/2020 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 12th day of December, 2019 /s Deputy Clerk Sara Nelson #01007/352600 Pub: December 26, 2019 & January 2, 8, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF ABIGAIL DIAZ CASE NO. 19-7-00368-13, DOB: 02/21/2015 AND ANDREA M AN-DRADE CASE NO. 19-7-00369-13 DOB: 03/24/2014, MINOR CHILDREN NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (TERMINATION) TO: Jessica Diaz, Unknown fathers and anyone claiming paternal interest. A Termination Petition was filed on 10/17/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 01/28/2020 at 1:30 p.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A TERMINATION ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 19th day of December, 2019. Sara Nelson /s Deputy Clerk #01008/352925 Pub: January 2, 8, 15, 2020

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: January 2, 2020 - Notice is hereby given that a Short Subdivision application was received by Grant County on December 17, 2019 from Gayle Dow (Designated Contact: Michelle Kamstra, Knudsen Beyler, PO Box 433, Ephrata, WA 98823), was found to be technically complete on December 30, 2019. PROJECT: A Short Subdivision of one parcel totaling approximately 10.07 acres to create two (2) lots in the Rural Residential 1 (RR1) zoning district. Lot 1 is 4.66 acres and contains a single family residence, garage and outbuildings with existing utilities such as septic system, well, telephone and electricity. Lot 2 is 4.97, vacant and will have access directly to Road C NE. LOCATION: The project site is known as the Dow Short Plat and the subject parcel is located at 1253 Road C NE, Moses Lake. The property is approximately 800 feet north of the intersection of North Frontage Road East and Road C NE and is approximately 3 miles west of Moses Lake Corporate limits. The site in the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel #16-1560-001. PRESENT ZONING: Rural Residential 1 (RR1). STUDIES REQUIRED: None. PUBLIC HEARING: None. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to, and shall be consistent with, Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (File #P 19-0406) are available from Ron Sell, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509) 754-2011 ext. 2525, Office Hours: 8am - 5pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to Development Services no later than 5pm on January 17, 2020. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, e-mailed, or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above mentioned proposal and materials. #01012/354557 Pub: January 2, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT JOSEPH A. DOWNS, an individual, ] ] CASE NO.: 18-2-00584-8 Plaintiff, ] JUDGMENT NO.: 18-9-00600-6 v. ] ] SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF TRINIDAD GREENHOUSE & FARMS, INC, a ] SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Washington corporation; SCOTT GERRITS, ] individually, and the marital community ] ***12 MONTH REDEMPTION*** comprised of SCOTT GERRITS and JANET ] GERRITS, husband and wife, ] ] Defendants. ] ] ___________________________________________ ] TO: Trinidad Greenhouse & Farms, INC, Scott Gerrits and Janet Gerrits, The Superior Court of Grant County has directed the undersigned Sheriff of Grant County to sell the property described to satisfy a judgment in the above entitled action: THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 24 EAST, W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. APN TAX PARCEL NO.: 15-1249-005 Commonly known as: 13477 Road 13 NW, Quincy, WA 98848 The sale of the described property is to take place at 10:30 am on the 21st day of February 2020 at the main lobby of the Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington. The judgment debtor can avoid the sale by paying the judgment amount of $254,570.52 plus interest, costs and fees before the sale date. For the exact amount, contact the attorney at the address stated below. Dated this 18th day of December 2019 at Ephrata, WA 98823. THOMAS E. JONES, Sheriff By: Sheena Ohl, Civil Specialist cc: LANE POWELL Attn: James B. Zack 1420 Fifth Avenue; Suite 4200; PO Box 91302 Seattle, WA 98101/ Seattle, WA 98111 Phone: (206) 223-7000 #01011/353383 Pub: January 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020

PUBLIC NOTICE CHANGE OF MEETING DATE We have to move our normal schedule commission date from 1/13/2020 to 1/14/2020. 5:00 PM at the Port of Mattawa Office. #01013/354564 Pub: January 2, 2020

LEGAL NOTICE The 2020 Preliminary Annual Budget for the City of Royal City has been prepared and placed on file with the City Finance Director. The budget is available for review during regular business hours 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, at City Hall, 445 Camelia St, NE, Royal City. The City Council of the City of Royal City has set a Public Hearing on November 19th, 2019, at 7:00 pm, at City Hall, 445 Camelia St NE, Royal City, to receive comments concerning the proposed 2020 Final Budget for the City of Royal City. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. #11029/340498 Pub: November 6, 13, 2019

NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Ephrata School District issued a determination of non-significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project: The Middle School Modernization and Addition Project Scope of Work includes two major phases. Phase 1-New Construction at 20,460 square feet and Phase 2-Modernization of the existing 51,164 square foot elementary school. The new addition will be located directly adjacent to the existing elementary school. The new space consists of a new gymnasium, bleachers, lobby toilets, boys and girls locker rooms and a music room. Phase 2 the Modernization will include replacing major systems; roofing, HVAC, electrical gear, mechanical controls, domestic water pipes, waste piping, lighting, ceilings, etc. Reconfiguring various spaces to optimize the layout of the facility to support current educational space requirements as well as improving safety with the installation of cameras, lockdown access control doors. A Good Faith Hazardous Material Testing and investigation was completed. Test results did identify minimal asbestos laden material inside the building envelope. The asbestos will be abated and disposed of at a landfill that accepts asbestos material. Upon completion of the modernization the existing 51,164 square foot middle school will meet current Building Code, State Fire Code, L&I-Electrical and Local Health Department Requirements. Copies of the DNS are available at no charge from Ephrata School District, (509) 754-2474. The public is invited to comment on this DNS by submitting written comments no later than November 13, 2019 to Dax Logsdon, Construction Services Group, 104 Clover Island Dr., Ste. 202, Kennewick, WA 99336 or email at #11017/339186 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 6, 2019

NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Ephrata School District issued a determination of non-significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project: The Columbia Ridge Elementary School Modernization and Addition Project Scope of Work includes two major phases. Phase 1-New Construction at 19,945 square feet and Phase 2-Modernization of the existing 35,664 square foot elementary school. The new addition will be located directly adjacent to the existing elementary school. The new space consists of a new gymnasium and (8) eight classrooms. Phase 2 The Modernization will include replacing major systems; HVAC, electrical gear, mechanical controls, domestic water pipes, waste piping, lighting, ceilings, etc. Additional work includes; new roofing, windows, flooring, etc. Reconfiguring various spaces to optimize the layout of the facility to support current educational space requirements as well as improving safety with the installation of cameras, lockdown access control doors and safety vestibules at the main entry. A Good Faith Hazardous Material Testing and investigation was completed. Test results did identify minimal asbestos laden material inside the building envelope. The asbestos will be abated and disposed of at a landfill that accepts asbestos material. Upon completion of the modernization the existing 35,664 square foot elementary school will meet current Building Code, State Fire Code, L&I-Electrical and Local Health Department Requirements. Copies of the DNS are available at no charge from Ephrata School District, (509) 754-2474. The public is invited to comment on this DNS by submitting written comments no later than November 13, 2019 to Dax Logsdon, Construction Services Group, 104 Clover Island Dr., Ste. 202, Kennewick, WA 99336 or email at #11019/339227 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 6, 2019

NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE Ephrata School District issued a determination of non-significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project: The Columbia Ridge Elementary School Modernization and Addition Project Scope of Work includes two major phases. Phase 1-New Construction at 19,945 square feet and Phase 2-Modernization of the existing 35,664 square foot elementary school. The new addition will be located directly adjacent to the existing elementary school. The new space consists of a new gymnasium and (8) eight classrooms. Phase 2 The Modernization will include replacing major systems; HVAC, electrical gear, mechanical controls, domestic water pipes, waste piping, lighting, ceilings, etc. Additional work includes; new roofing, windows, flooring, etc. Reconfiguring various spaces to optimize the layout of the facility to support current educational space requirements as well as improving safety with the installation of cameras, lockdown access control doors and safety vestibules at the main entry. A Good Faith Hazardous Material Testing and investigation was completed. Test results did identify minimal asbestos laden material inside the building envelope. The asbestos will be abated and disposed of at a landfill that accepts asbestos material. Upon completion of the modernization the existing 35,664 square foot elementary school will meet current Building Code, State Fire Code, L&I-Electrical and Local Health Department Requirements. Copies of the DNS are available at no charge from Ephrata School District, (509) 754-2474. The public is invited to comment on this DNS by submitting written comments no later than November 13, 2019 to Dax Logsdon, Construction Services Group, 104 Clover Island Dr., Ste. 202, Kennewick, WA 99336 or email at #11020/339239 Pub: October30, 2019 & November 6, 2019

LEGAL NOTICE Grant County Fire District No. 4 Warden, WA NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Grant County Fire District No. 4 will hold a public hearing for the 2020 budget, on Wednesday, November 13, 2019. The hearing will begin at 12:00 noon, in the commissioner's office at the main Fire Station No. 1, 114 Oak Street, Warden Washington. #11016/339185 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 6, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF DAYANA FLORES, CASE NO. 19-7-00170-13, DOB: 08/30/2016, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Jose Javier Flores and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 04/09/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held November 26th, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this Dated this 18th day of October, 2019. /s Shannon Collins, Deputy Clerk #11009/337268 Pub: October 23, 30, 2019 & November 6, 2019

SAMARITAN HEALTH CARE MOSES LAKE REPLACEMENT HOSPITAL NOTICE OF ALTERNATIVE SUBCONTRACTOR SELECTION PROCESS ADVERTISEMENT FOR RFQ EC/CM and MC/CM Services Samaritan Healthcare (Owner) and Graham Construction & Management, Inc. (GC/CM) intend to utilize the Alternative Subcontractor Selection process pursuant to State of Washington RCW 39.10.385 for the selection of Electrical and Mechanical contractors for the construction of the Samaritan Healthcare Hospital in Moses Lake, WA. A public hearing was held by Graham Construction & Management, Inc. and Samaritan Health Care regarding the intent to utilize the alternative subcontractor selection process for the Samaritan Health Care Replacement Hospital. The Owner and Graham have determined that this project meets the criteria established in the RCW 39.10.385 for the use of the EC/CM and MC/CM process. Graham is requesting qualifications for these services. The RFQ documents are available by contacting Brian Holecek by phone at 509-534-1030 or by email at Submit copies of the RFQ by 4:00 PM PST November 14, 2019 to Brian Holecek, Graham Construction, 331 N. Fancher Road, Spokane, WA 99212. Graham Construction & Management, Inc. and Samaritan Healthcare are Equal Opportunity Employers and encourage bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, women, minority, disabled veterans, and small emerging business enterprises. #11018/339261 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 1, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE Party Without Attorney or Attorney Phillip A. Rodriguez III 2911 N. Western Ave Fresno, CA 93722 (559) 276-3445 Attorney for: Pro Per SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF 1130 "O" Street Fresno, CA 93724-0002 PETITIONER: Phillip A. Rodriguez III RESPONDENT: Yvonne Garcia REQUEST FOR ORDER CHANGE Child Custody CASE NUMBER: 1O CE FL 01574 NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Yvonne Ann Garcia Respondent A COURT HEARING WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: Date: January 21, 2020 Time: 8:15 Dept. 204 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTYOF 1130 "O" Street Fresno, CA 93724-002 #11030/340002 Pub: November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

IN THE GRANT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married | woman as her separate estate; and NANCY | NO. 19-2-01322-13 LYONS, a married woman, as her separate | estate, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Plaintiffs, | (60-DAY) v. | | THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK | ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, | deceased; and any and all individuals | claiming by and through them, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, and any and all individuals claiming by and through them, Defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days (60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 30th day of October, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married woman as her separate estate; and NANCY LYONS, a married woman, as her separate estate, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff, Jeff Slothower of LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P., at the office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of the action is the quiet title of real property located in Grant County legally described as: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 23 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington, lying South of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof EXCEPT the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488 AND EXCEPT the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as conveyed by deed dated December 8, 1908, recorded January 26, 1909, under Auditor's File No. 30433 AND EXCEPT Highway right of way. AND that portion lying North of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof, East of a line drawn parallel with and 600 feet East of the West line thereof and West of the center line of the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488. This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington and RCW 4.28.110. Dated this 15th day of October, 2019. LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P. /s/ Jeff Slothower JEFF SLOTHOWER, WSBA#14526 Attorney for Plaintiffs P.O. Box 1088 Ellensburg, Washington 98926 #12001/336158 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

PUBLIC HEARING: The Port of Royal Slope will hold a public hearing for the purpose of fixing and adopting the final budgets for the year 2020. The Port will also hold a public hearing adopting the Comprehensive Plan dated, November 2019. The hearings will be held on November 13, 2019 at 2 p.m. at the Port District Office, 4975 Road 13.5 SW; Royal City, WA. S/Cathy Potter Director #11015/339184 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 6, 2019

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington is currently accepting bid proposals for the following services: Carpet Cleaning Moses Lake, WA (Bid Closes 4/30/19 Custodial Service Moses Lake, WA Bid Closes 12/31/19 For questions and bid packages please contact: AACCW, 50 Simon St. SE, Suite A, East Wenatchee, WA 98837, or email to #12039/351301 Pub: December 18, 24, 31, 2019

City of Moses Lake Notice of Application and Public Hearing Don Shi submitted a petition to the City Council to annex property into the city limits. The City Council accepted the petition as submitted on December 10, 2019. The property is legally described as a portion of Tax # 5989 in Section 32, Township 20N Range 28 EWM, Grant County tax parcel #171041000. The parcel is located at 6426 Randolph Road NE. The project has been determined to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the following development regulations are applicable to the project: Moses Lake Municipal Code (MLMC) Title 16: Buildings and Construction, Title 14: Environmental Regulations, Title 17: Subdivisions, Title 18: Zoning, and Title 20: Development Review Process. The City Council will conduct a public hearing Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at 401 S. Balsam Street. All interested persons are encouraged to attend and provide comment. Written comments on this proposal will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on the date of the public hearing. Persons who want to be informed of future actions, or the final decision, on this proposal should provide their name and address to the project planner. The final decision on this proposal will be made within 120 days of the date of the notice of completeness and may be appealed according to the City's appeal provisions specified in MLMC 20.11, Appeals. For more information contact Community Development Director Kris Robbins at 764-3751 or Submit written comments by mail to the City of Moses Lake Community Development Department, P.O. Box 1579, Moses Lake, WA 98837. Copies of the information related to this application are available for review at the Civic Center Annex, 321 S. Balsam, Moses Lake. #12047/352902 Pub: Decemer 31, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: December 31, 2019 Notice is hereby given that Grant County has received a SEPA checklist from Tommer Construction Company, Inc. (Designated Contact: Chris Tommer, Tommer Construction Company, Inc., PO Box 1150, Ephrata, WA 98823) and determined the application to be technically complete on December 27, 2019. Grant County expects to issue a Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal, and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. DESCRIPTION: The project is a grading permit for the hauling of top soil from the City of Quincy spoil pile to the subject site. The proposal is to dump loose, non-compacted soil on to the subject site to a depth of approximately 0' to 5' deep, on approximately 5.3 acres. The amount of soil to be brought in to the site is approximately 50,000 cubic yards. ADDITIONAL PERMITS: Grading Permit. STUDIES REQUIRED: Wetland Delineation. LOCATION: The project site is located at 9412 Road S NW, Quincy, WA, approximately one-half mile west of the city of Quincy limits and approximately one-half mile south of the intersection of County Rd S NW and Highway 28 West. The proposal is in the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 20 North, Range 23 East, WM, Grant County, WA. (Parcel #14-1542-201 & 20-0888-000). PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural (AGR). PUBLIC HEARING: None. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (Files #P 19-0390) are available from Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2525. Office hours: 8 am 5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to the Planning Department no later than 5 pm on January 15, 2020. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #12050/353649 Pub: December 31, 2019

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Proposals will be received by the Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington at until 3:30 P.M. on January 31, 2020 for RFP for Procure to Pay Road Map as more fully described in Request for Proposals 430-10045. More detailed information is contained in the RFP, which is obtainable by logging into the District's ProcureWare site at When reaching this site you will need to register as a new vendor if you are not already on our electronic vendor system. Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington By: Betty Snell Procurement Officer #12048/352912 Pub: December 31, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, A WASHINGTON ) NO. 19-2-01603-13 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ) ) SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION PLAINTIFF, ) ) VS ) ) WHEELER CORRIDOR BUSINESS PARK, LLC, ) A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; EDWIN RUSS TORRISON; DRGG, ) LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY ) COMPANY; GREG HAYNES; WHEELER PARK ) PROPERTIES, A WASHINGTON LIMITED ) LIABILITY COMPANY; KW CAPITAL PARTNERS ) LIMITED, A CANADIAN CORPORATION; ALSO ) ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN ) CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, ) OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE ) DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, ) ) DEFENDANTS. ) ___________________________________________) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: ALL OTHER PEROSNLS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN YOU are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of the summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 11th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, CHRISJEN ENTERPRISES, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company, at his office below stated; and in case of your failure to so do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is an action for breach of contract, collect on a promissory note, foreclose a security interest encumbering personal property and foreclose a deed of trust encumbering the following described real property: That portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the Southwest corner of said Section 13, said monument bears North 89°12'41" West 2670.92 feet from a USBR Brass Cap monument marking the South quarter of said Section 13: thence South 89°12'41" East, Following the South Boundary of said Southwest quarter and the centerline of Wheeler Road, 749.61 feet; thence North 00°28'12" East, 40.00 feet to an intersection with the Northerly right-of-way of said Wheeler Road and the True Point of Beginning; thence North 89°12'41" West, following said Northerly right-of-way, 273.82 feet; thence following the Northerly road right -of-way per the right of way and limited access plan for SR 17 Pioneer Way to Stratford Rd, MP 53.07, through the following six(6) courses: thence North 00°47'19" East, 15.00 feet; thence North 89°12'41" West, 132.07 feet to a point on a curve the center of which bears South 87°55'21" West; thence Northwesterly following a non-tangential curve to the left, said curve having a central angel of 62°36'54" and a radius of 100.00 feet, a distance of 109.28 feet; thence South 25°18'28" West, 50.00 feet to a point curve the center of which bears South 25°18'28" West; thence Southeasterly following a non-tangential curve to the right, said curve having a central angel of 59°44'30" and a radius of 50.00 feet, a distance of 52.13 feet; thence North 89°12'41 West, 119.07 feet to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way of Highway 17: thence North 00°02'22" East, followering said Easterly right-of-way, 545.05 feet to an intersection with the North boundary of the South 600.00 feet of the South west quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 13:thence South 89°12'41 East, following said North boundary, 579.09 feet; thence South 00°28'12" West, 560.01 feet to the True Point of Beginning. APN: 110005002 DATED this 5th day of December, 2019 RIES LAW FIRM, P.S By: /s/Zachary W. Acres Zachary W. Acres, WSBA #52024 Attorney for Plaintiff 1340 East Hunter Place P.O. Box 2119 Moses Lake, WA 98837 #01005/349490 Pub: December 11, 18, 24, 31, 2019 & January 8, 15, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR GRANT COUNTY JENNY VINCENT AND COREY VINCENT, and the marital community comprised thereof, Plaintiffs, v. THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; AIMEE STERLING, individually; STEPHEN LEROY BISHOP, individually; HANNA LAURA BISHOP, individually; LINDA RUTH APPLEBY, individually; MARY LORRAINE BISHOP-CROSTON, individually; DANIEL LEN BISHOP, individually; EMMA LOU BISHOP, individually; KORWYN D. PECK, individually; SHAWN B. PECK, individually; ILA J. BARDSLEY, individually; RONALD WAYNE STERLING, individually; BEATRICE TEREZ STEPHENSON, individually; JEAN M. BARLIA, individually; ROSANNE STERLING BRYAN, individually; UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. NO. 19-2-01263-13 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (60 DAYS) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 10th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiffs Jenny Vincent and Corey Vincent, and the marital community comprised thereof, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for said Plaintiffs at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. A brief statement of the object of the action is as follows: This is an action to quiet title, in Plaintiffs' names, to real property in Grant County, commonly known as 1604 Marina Drive West, Moses Lake, Washington 98837, Assessor's Parcel No. 31-3174-000 and legally described as: Lot 2, Sterling's Marina Short Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Short Plats, pages 96, 97, and 98, records of Grant County, Washington. DATED this 5th day of December, 2019. By Britenae M. Pierce, WSBA #34032 Helen M. Hapner, WSBA #55498 Attorneys for Plaintiffs RYAN, SWANSON & CLEVELAND, PLLC 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3400 Seattle, Washington 98101-3034 Telephone: (206) 464-4224 Facsimile: (206) 583-0359 #01004/348823 Pub: December 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019 & January 7, 14, 2020

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS KNOLLS VISTA/WHEELER ROAD SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Moses Lake, Washington Sealed bids will be received at the Civic Center Annex, 321 South Balsam, (P. O. Box 1579), Moses Lake, Washington 98837 until JANUARY 29, 2020; 11:00 AM, for the above-named improvement. Said bids will be opened and publicly read at that time. All bids shall be received before said opening time in sealed envelopes with KNOLLS VISTA/WHEELER ROAD SEWER IMPROVEMENTS marked plainly thereon. All bids shall be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a postal money order, cashier's check, or bond in an amount equal to 5 percent of the maximum total amount of the bid. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into a contract or furnish a satisfactory contract bond within the time stated in the specifications, the deposit shall be forfeited to the City. Plans and specifications may be obtained at no cost via electronic transmission from the City of Moses Lake. Paper copies of the plans and specifications may also be obtained from the Civic Center Annex at the above address for a non-refundable fee of $35. Plans and specifications can be requested by responding to this email, or by calling the Contact person listed below during normal business hours. Copies of plans and specifications are on file for review at various construction councils. All bidders shall call 509-764-3786 prior to bid opening to sign up as a bidder on the project, whether or not they request a hard copy or obtain a digital copy of the Specifications. Bids received from bidders who are not signed in as a bidder on the project will be rejected for being non-responsive. Contact person: Jerod Bradford; 509.764.3776; PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project consists of installing approximately 1,700 feet of 15" gravity sewer main, five (5) manholes, 1,700 feet of 8" gravity sewer main, five (5) new catch basins, and decommission of an existing lift station. Estimated Project Cost: $600,000.00 The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids if such action is in the best interest of the City. #01026/357157 Pub: January 14, 2020

PUBLIC NOTICE Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington, in accordance with RCWs 39.04.155 and 39.04.190 wishes to provide public notice of the existence of vendor lists for providing materials and supplies to the District and its Small Works Roster for public works projects. Any firm interested in being placed on the District's list of bidders or Small Works Roster is invited to register with the District at Placement on the Small Works Roster will require completion and submittal of prequalification documents which are available on the website. Vendors already approved for the Small Works Roster need not apply. Any questions should be directed to Procurement Officer, Betty Snell at (509) 793-1503. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 2 OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON By: Betty Snell Procurement Officer #01027/357384 Pub: January 14, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR GRANT COUNTY JENNY VINCENT AND COREY VINCENT, and the marital community comprised thereof, Plaintiffs, v. THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; AIMEE STERLING, individually; STEPHEN LEROY BISHOP, individually; HANNA LAURA BISHOP, individually; LINDA RUTH APPLEBY, individually; MARY LORRAINE BISHOP-CROSTON, individually; DANIEL LEN BISHOP, individually; EMMA LOU BISHOP, individually; KORWYN D. PECK, individually; SHAWN B. PECK, individually; ILA J. BARDSLEY, individually; RONALD WAYNE STERLING, individually; BEATRICE TEREZ STEPHENSON, individually; JEAN M. BARLIA, individually; ROSANNE STERLING BRYAN, individually; UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. NO. 19-2-01263-13 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (60 DAYS) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 10th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiffs Jenny Vincent and Corey Vincent, and the marital community comprised thereof, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for said Plaintiffs at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. A brief statement of the object of the action is as follows: This is an action to quiet title, in Plaintiffs' names, to real property in Grant County, commonly known as 1604 Marina Drive West, Moses Lake, Washington 98837, Assessor's Parcel No. 31-3174-000 and legally described as: Lot 2, Sterling's Marina Short Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Short Plats, pages 96, 97, and 98, records of Grant County, Washington. DATED this 5th day of December, 2019. By Britenae M. Pierce, WSBA #34032 Helen M. Hapner, WSBA #55498 Attorneys for Plaintiffs RYAN, SWANSON & CLEVELAND, PLLC 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3400 Seattle, Washington 98101-3034 Telephone: (206) 464-4224 Facsimile: (206) 583-0359 #01004/348823 Pub: December 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019 & January 7, 14, 2020

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington IS LOOKING FOR CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SERVICES Seeking qualified CONTRACTORS to provide counseling to care givers and care receivers for MAC/TSOA clients. Clients served are pre-determined eligible persons age 18+. Service area: Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln & Okanogan Counties. Teaching client skills required to live in a home or community-based setting, including the use of adaptive equipment or medical related procedures, adjustment to serious impairment, maintenance or restoration of physical functioning, self-management of chronic disease, acquisition of skills to address minor depression, management of personal care needs. Must comply with EOE & ADA req. Minority & women-owned businesses encouraged to apply. If interested please contact Laurie Miller for more information at 509-886-0700 x211 or #12016/348462 Pub: December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington IS LOOKING FOR CONTRACTORS TO PROVIDE SERVICES Seeking qualified CONTRACTORS to provide environmental modifications to a client's home. Clients served are pre-determined eligible persons age 18+. Service area: Adams, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln & Okanogan Counties. Minor physical adaptations may include the installation of ramps and grab-bars, widening of doorways, modification of bathroom facilities, or installation of specialized electric and plumbing systems, which are necessary to accommodate the medical equipment and supplies necessary for the welfare of the Client. Adaptions may also include portable ramps and portable lift systems that are of direct or remedial benefit and necessary for health and welfare of the Client. All adaptations, including portable ramps must be ADA compliant. Must comply with EOE & ADA req. Minority & women-owned businesses encouraged to apply. If interested please contact Laurie Miller for more information at 509-886-0700 x211 or #12017/348468 Pub: December 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Trustee's Sale No: WA-USA-18018183 Loan No. 12289164 Reference NOS: 1121900 Grantor: Peak Foreclosure Services of Washington, Inc. Grantees: Martha G. Hansen Trustee: Peak Foreclosure Services of Washington, Inc. Beneficiary: The United States of America acting through the rural housing service or successor agency, United States department of agriculture Mortgage Servicer: USDA Legal Description: All of lot 17 and that portion of lot 18, lying southwesterly of a line drawn parallel to and distant 25 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly boundary line Assessor's Tax Parcel No: 08-1234-000 Pursuant to R. C. W. Chapter 61.24, et seq. and 62A.9A-604(a)(2) et seq THIS IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the recording date of this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY, CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may help you save your home. See below for safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission: Telephone: Toll-free: 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894-4663) Website: The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development: Telephone: Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 Website: The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys: Telephone: Toll-free: 1-888-201-1014 Web site: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee, PEAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES OF WASHINGTON, INC. OF WASHINGTON, INC, will on January 10, 2020, at the hour of 10:00 AM, at THE POLICE JUSTICE COURT BUILDING, 401 BALSAM STREET, MOSES LAKE, WA, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following described real and personal property (hereafter referred to collectively as the "Property"), situated in the County of GRANT, State of Washington, to-wit: ALL OF LOT 17 AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 18, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL TO AND DISTANT 25 FEET NORTHEASTERLY FROM THE SOUTHWESTER BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 18, IN BLOCK 10, LAKEVIEW PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 3 OF PLATS, PAGE 6, RECORDS OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON; MORE ACCURATELY DESCRIBED AS: ALL OF LOT 17 AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 18, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF A LINE DRAWN PARALLEL TO AND DISTANT 25 FEET NORTHEASTERLY FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE. Tax Parcel No: 08-1234-000, commonly known as 237 EPHRATA AVE NW , SOAP LAKE, WA. The Property is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 3/28/2003, recorded 3/28/2003 , under Auditor's/Recorder's No. 1121900, records of GRANT County, Washington, from MARTHA G. HANSEN, A SINGLE PERSON, as Grantor, to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING THROUGH THE STATE DIRECTOR, USDA, RURAL DEVELOPMENT FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, as Trustee, in favor of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING THROUGH THE RURAL HOUSING SERVICE OR SUCCESSOR AGENCY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which is presently held by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING THROUGH THE RURAL HOUSING SERVICE OR SUCCESSOR AGENCY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. II No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust. III The default(s) for which this foreclosure is/are made are as follows: FAILURE TO PAY THE MONTHLY PAYMENT WHICH BECAME DUE ON 1/28/2014, AND ALL SUBSEQUENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS, PLUS LATE CHARGES AND OTHER COSTS AND FEES AS SET FORTH. Other potential defaults do not involve payment to the Beneficiary. If applicable, each of these defaults must also be cured. Listed below are categories of common defaults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary. Opposite of each such listed default is a brief description of the action/documentation necessary to cure the default. The list does not exhaust all possible other defaults; any defaults identified by Beneficiary or Trustee that are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT ACTION NECESSARY TO CURE Nonpayment of Taxes/Assessments Deliver to Trustee written proof that all taxes and assessments against the property are paid current Default under any senior lien Deliver to Trustee written proof that all senior liens are pain current and that no other defaults exist Failure to insure property against hazard Deliver to Trustee written proof that the property is insure against hazard as required by the Deed of Trust Waste Cease and desist from committing waste, repair all damage to property and maintain property as required in Deed of Trust Unauthorized sale of property (Due on sale) Revert title to permitted vestee Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: Delinquent Payments from January 28, 2014 68 payments at $ 347.05 each (01-28-14 through 09-04-19) $23,599.40 Late Charges $ 155.09 Other Fees $10,846.19 Trustee Fee $ 1,100.00 Certified Mailing Cost $110.67 Posting Cost $ 150.00 Recording Cost $17.00 TSG Guarantee Policy $547.05 Amount to reinstate on or before 09/04/19 $ 36,525.40 IV The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal $43,846.84, together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument secured, and such other costs and fees as are due under the note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied regarding title, possession, or encumbrances on January 10, 2020. The default(s) referred to in paragraph III must be cured by December 30, 2019 (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time on or before December 30, 2019, (11 days before the sale date) the default(s) as set forth in paragraph III is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated at any time after December 30, 2019, (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following addresses: MARTHA G. HANSEN, 237 EPHRATA AVE NW, SOAP LAKE, WA, 98851 MARTHA G. HANSEN, 237 NW EPHRATA AVE, SOAP LAKE, WA, 98851 MARTHA G. HANSEN, 55 ADRIAN AVE NE, SOAP LAKE, WA, 98851 by both first class and certified mail on 02/15/2018, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and on 2/15/2018, the Borrower and Grantor were personally served with said written notice of default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all of their interest in the above described property. IX Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the same pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's Sale. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the Deed of Trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the Deed of Trust, including occupants and tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants and tenants by summary proceeding under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with written notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060. Sale Information Line: 714-730-2727 or Website: DATED: September 4, 2019. PEAK FORECLOSURE SERVICES OF WASHINGTON, INC., AS TRUSTEE 618 S. Peabody St., Suite H, Port Angeles, WA 98362 By Lilian Solano, Trustee Sale Officer Address for Service of Process: Peak Foreclosure Services of Washington, Inc. 618 S. Peabody St., Suite H Mailing: P.O. Box 1798 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Address for Account Inquiries: Peak Foreclosure Services, Inc. 5900 Canoga Avenue, Suite 220 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 591-9237 A-4704384 12/06/2019, 12/27/2019 #12003/343685 Pub: Decemer 6, 27, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: December 6, 2019 Notice is hereby given that a Variance Application was received by Grant County on November 11, 2019 from Dale Tosland (Designated Contact: Arron Gundlach, 17425 SE 293rd Place, Kent, WA 98042, (206) 730-0318), and was found to be technically complete on December 3, 2019. PROJECT: A Variance to the 20-foot front yard (east lot line) setback from River Drive for the construction of a garage. The building would encroach six (6) feet into the front yard setback maintaining a fourteen (14) foot setback. LOCATION: The site address of the subject parcel is 778 River Drive SW, Quincy, WA 98848. The subject parcel is Lot 3, Block 11; Sunland Estates Division #2, located in a portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 18 North, Range 22 East, WM, Grant County, WA (Parcel #05-0531-000). PRESENT ZONING: Shoreline Development 4. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. PUBLIC HEARING: Hearing Examiner meeting tentatively scheduled at 12:00 (noon), January 8, 2020, in the Commissioners' Hearing Room at the Grant County Courthouse in Ephrata. At this time any person(s) may appear and provide testimony. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (Files #P 19-0382) are available from Ron Sell, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2525, Office hours: 8 am - 5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to the Planning Department no later than 5 pm on December 23, 2019. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #12018/348475 Pub: December 6, 2019

SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Moses Lake - On Monday, December 12, 2019, at 1:00 p.m., the Port of Moses Lake Commissioners will hold a Special Executive Session. The meeting location is the Port of Moses Lake Administration Building, 7810 Andrews St NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837 in the Commission Chamber. The purpose of this meeting will be to hold a Special Executive Session for the purpose of reviewing potential candidates for open Executive Director position at the Port of Moses Lake. No decisions will be made. #12015/348460 Pub: December 6, 9, 2019

Port of Warden Small Works Roster For 2020 Port of Warden (Grant County Port District #8), In accordance with RCW 53.08.120, Contract for Labor and Materials-Any licensed contractor who wishes to contract labor and or materials for the Port of Warden for the year 2020 must register on the Port's Small Works roster. In accordance with RCW 39.08 Soliciting Proposal for Qualified Engineering and Architectural Services-Any firm who wishes to provide engineering/architectural services to the Port of Warden for the year 2020 must register on the Port's Small Works Roster. To comply please contact the Port of Warden, PO Box 841, Warden, WA 98857 for the "Small Works Roster Application", or call 509-349-2480 and leave a message requesting an application, email a request to or a copy is available on the Port of Warden's web site: If you are currently on the Port's Small Works Roster and wish to continue, please send a letter indicating your intent along with a copy of your current contractor's license to the above address or fax to 509-349-2480. Pat Millard Port Manger #12008/347184 Pub: December6, 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the City of Royal City in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA at 7:00 P.M. on December 03, 2019. The purpose of the public hearing is to review final project performance on the Ultraviolet Disinfection System Replacement funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The Council Chambers is handicap accessible. Arrangements to reasonably accommodate special needs, including handicap accessibility or interpreter, will be made upon receiving twenty-four (24) hour advance notice. Contact Shilo Christensen, Finance Director, 509-346-2263. POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que la Cuidad de Royal City efectuara una audiencia pública en la cámara del Concilio, City Hall, 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, Washington, el 03 Diciembre, 2019 a las 7:00 P.M. El propósito de la audiencia pública es el de revisar el desempeño final del proyecto del Reemplazo del Sistema de Desinfección Ultravioleta, que fue financiado por el Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). La cámara del Concilio de la Cuidad tiene acceso para personas con discapacidades. Arreglos adicionales para razonablemente acomodar necesidades especiales, incluyendo acceso para personas con discapacidades o intérprete, se podrían hacer si se solicitan con 24 horas de anticipación, llamando a Shilo Christensen, Finance Director, al 509-346-2263. #11057/346345 Pub: November 27, 2019

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD December 9, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider a request from Technology Services to surplus Miscellaneous Computer Equipment and recycle certain items through TruRecycle or sell on eBay. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #11042/342737 Pub: November 20, 27, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF ADRIAN DELGADO ORTEGA CASE NO.19-7-00316-13 DOB: 05/12/2019, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Xavier J Delgado and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 06/05/2017. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 08/09/2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 7th day of November, 2019. /s Deputy Clerk Ulises Infante #11041/342726 Pub: November 13, 20, 27, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF KYLER KEELING, CASE NO. 19-7-00306-13, DOB: 01/23/2015, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (TERMINATION) TO: Tiffany Price A Termination Petition was filed on 11/01/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held December 31, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A TERMINATION ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 20th day of November, 2019. Sara Nelson /s Deputy Clerk #12005/346338 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 11, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF MAGDALENA ORTEGA CASE NO.19-7-00139-13 DOB: 04/05/2018, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Candido Guerrero Para and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 03/21/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 12/31/2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 20th day of November, 2019. /s Deputy Clerk, Sarah Nelson #12006/346343 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 11, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE Party Without Attorney or Attorney Phillip A. Rodriguez III 2911 N. Western Ave Fresno, CA 93722 (559) 276-3445 Attorney for: Pro Per SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF 1130 "O" Street Fresno, CA 93724-0002 PETITIONER: Phillip A. Rodriguez III RESPONDENT: Yvonne Garcia REQUEST FOR ORDER CHANGE Child Custody CASE NUMBER: 1O CE FL 01574 NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Yvonne Ann Garcia Respondent A COURT HEARING WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: Date: January 21, 2020 Time: 8:15 Dept. 204 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTYOF 1130 "O" Street Fresno, CA 93724-002 #11030/340002 Pub: November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

IN THE GRANT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married | woman as her separate estate; and NANCY | NO. 19-2-01322-13 LYONS, a married woman, as her separate | estate, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Plaintiffs, | (60-DAY) v. | | THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK | ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, | deceased; and any and all individuals | claiming by and through them, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, and any and all individuals claiming by and through them, Defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days (60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 30th day of October, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married woman as her separate estate; and NANCY LYONS, a married woman, as her separate estate, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff, Jeff Slothower of LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P., at the office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of the action is the quiet title of real property located in Grant County legally described as: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 23 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington, lying South of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof EXCEPT the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488 AND EXCEPT the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as conveyed by deed dated December 8, 1908, recorded January 26, 1909, under Auditor's File No. 30433 AND EXCEPT Highway right of way. AND that portion lying North of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof, East of a line drawn parallel with and 600 feet East of the West line thereof and West of the center line of the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488. This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington and RCW 4.28.110. Dated this 15th day of October, 2019. LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P. /s/ Jeff Slothower JEFF SLOTHOWER, WSBA#14526 Attorney for Plaintiffs P.O. Box 1088 Ellensburg, Washington 98926 #12001/336158 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ISLAND In the Matter of the Estate of: ) No. 19-4-00319-15 ) GARVIN BEDFORD ROSS ) PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ) Deceased. ) ____________________________________) RCW 11.40.030 The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim. against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statue of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Respresentative's attorney at the address state below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of this notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, expect as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to the claims against both the Decedent's probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication: November 20, 2019 /s/ Michael M. Waller /s/ Pamela J. Ross MICHAEL M. WALLER, WSBA No. 6310 PAMELA J. ROSS, Personal Law Law office of Christon C. Skinner, P.S. Representative Attorney for Personal REpresentative 791 SE Barrington Drive Oak Harbor, Washington 98277 Court of Probate Proceedings: ISLAND COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Cause No. 19-4-00319-15 #11044/343276 Pub: November 20, 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

Request for Qualification's "Feasibility and Preliminary Engineering of Northern Columbia Basin Rail Project Segment 5" The Port of Moses Lake is completing final design and will soon begin construction of the Northern Columbia Basin Railroad Project (NCBRP). The NCBRP will bring rail service to the industrial lands on the east side of the Grant County International Airport and connect to the BNSF Southern Mainline through Connell, Washington. With this work under way the Port of Moses Lake is looking to complete a Feasibility Study and Preliminary Engineering to examine options for connecting the NCBRP to the BNSF Northern Mainline Railroad and to west side of the Grant County International Airport. This Study is a conceptual evaluation of developing a new rail line and It will be known as the Northern Columbia Basin Rail Project- Segment 5 (Segment 5). The scope of work will include two phases, a feasibility analysis (Phase I) and Preliminary design and route environmental evaluation (Phase II). The successful consultant and the Port will further refine the scope of work and schedule during the contract negotiation process. The Port of Moses Lake will accept submittals until December 5, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. All interested candidates please contact Milt Miller at the Port of Moses Lake by email for a detailed scope and submittal requirements. Contact info #11050/344641 Pub: November 21, 27, 2019

SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Moses Lake - On Monday, December 9, 2019, at 10:00 a.m., the Port of Moses Lake Commissioners will hold the Annual Public Corporation Meeting. The meeting location is the Port of Moses Lake Administration Building, 7810 Andrews St NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837 in the Commission Chamber. #12007/346346 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS _______________________________________________________________________ 30% Design for EL 22.1 Surface Water Irrigation System _______________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND _______________________________________________________________________ EL 22.1 Landowners' Association ("EL 22.1") was formed for the purpose of receiving appropriations from the State of Washington to design, engineer and build the EL 22.1 Surface Water Irrigation System. The legislature of the State of Washington has approved an appropriation of $15 million to assist in designing, engineering and building the EL 22.1 Surface Water Irrigation System. The Odessa Groundwater Replacement Program is a program administered by the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District and supported by the United States Bureau of Reclamation and the State of Washington to replace deep well irrigation in the declining aquifer with surface water from the United States Bureau of Reclamation's East Low Canal. 30% DESIGN OF EL 22.1 SURFACE WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM _______________________________________________________________________ EL 22.1 is seeking qualifications for the design and engineering of the EL 22.1 Surface Water Irrigation System including a canal pump station, an electrical power substation, booster pump stations and a large diameter full-size pipeline sufficient to irrigate approximately 16,000 acres located north of Interstate 90 and east of Moses Lake, Washington, from the United States Bureau of Reclamation's East Low Canal to at least Road W, NE, to provide Columbia Basin Project irrigation water to the Odessa Subarea to replace deep well irrigation in the declining aquifer as part of the Odessa Groundwater Replacement Program. The design and engineering of this project will be performed in phases with the initial phase to be a 30% design package. All design and engineering work will be subject to supervision and approval of EL 22.1, the United States Bureau of Reclamation and the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS _______________________________________________________________________ Submittals must contain the following information: Section 1 - Letter of Interest The Letter of Interest should include a synopsis of the prime firm and sub-consultants, the team's qualifications, the project manager and primary contact, the project principal representing the contractual authority of the firm. Section 2 - Project Organization Provide a project organization chart identifying the team composition. Define Key Staff members who will be working on the project and explain their roles and expected commitment/assignment (not availability) to the project. Section 3 - Profile(s) of Firm or Team Provide information about each firm in the project team. Identify capabilities and experiences, the number of employees and location and number of years in business under its current name. Identify the scope of services to be provided under this project. Section 4 - Resumes Provide resumes of the Key Staff, including the project manager and task leaders. Include resumes for staff identified as having a major role in the project. Section 5 - Project Approach and Schedule Provide a description of the proposed approach to the project. Include a response to the preliminary scope but do not simply restate the scope. Identify key risks/challenges/ concerns you anticipate and any mitigation steps to achieve successful delivery. Provide a proposed project schedule, showing tasks, milestones and deliverables, including review meetings with EL 22.1. Section 6 - Reference Projects Please identify recent, representative projects of a similar scope, complexity and size performed by the proposed team. At least three should be completed projects. For each project, provide references (name, email and phone number) estimated and completed project budget, year(s) the project was performed. Identify which team firm performed the work and identify the members of the proposed team's organization and the role each played in the reference project. SCOPE OF WORK _______________________________________________________________________ The work contemplated in this RFQ includes 30% design and engineering of the EL 22.1 Surface Water Irrigation System as described above. A 30% design package shall include concept drawings (general site plan, general arrangement, typical sections, single-line diagram, concept mechanical layout), specifications, table of contents, draft design report documenting design decisions/criteria/assumptions including, but not limited to, design codes to be used, design loads and load combinations, O&M requirements, and a 30% final design construction cost estimate. Review and approval by EL 22.1, the United States Bureau of Reclamation and the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District will be required. SELECTION PROCESS _______________________________________________________________________ Evaluation of Submittals Submittals received will be evaluated and ranked by EL 22.1. EL 22.1 will enter into negotiations with the top-selected candidate from the qualified list. The selection will be made directly from the qualified list. Submittals will be evaluated on various qualifications, including but not necessarily limited to: Project Approach, Understanding of Project Objectives and the proposed schedule. Demonstrated Experience in Similar Projects, including evaluation of client references. Management, Team Organization, and Skill/Experience of Key Team Members. Experience working with Communities and Agencies on Similar Projects Other Factors as determined by the Selection Panel (Examples: Knowledge of EL 22.1 requirements and processes, knowledge of issues local to Moses Lake, Washington, Quality of Presentation of Materials, Responsiveness, etc.) EL 22.1 may choose to invite selected firms for presentation/interviews to further discuss qualifications. Scoping Meeting The top-ranked candidate shall meet with EL 22.1 staff (either in person or by conference call) to ensure the candidate has a complete understanding of the project and to refine the Scope of Work, if necessary. Cost Proposal Following the Scoping Meeting, the top-ranked candidate shall submit a cost proposal to EL 22.1 for the completion of the 30% Design according to the agreed-upon Scope of Work. The cost proposal shall include all labor costs, overhead costs, subcontract costs, and an itemized list of direct expenses. Costs shall be shown in a matrix format, by task grouping, and show hours per staff member, base labor rates and overhead and profit rates. Final negotiations with EL 22.1 will commence shortly after receipt of the cost proposal. SCHEDULE _______________________________________________________________________ Activity Date RFQ Issued November 27, 2019 Qualifications Submittal Deadline December 6, 2019 Submittal Evaluation by EL 22.1 December 13, 2019 Scoping Meeting December 20, 2019 RFQ Submission Process - via EMAIL ONLY no later than 5:00pm on December 6, 2019 Email To: Email questions to All questions and responses will be distributed to all qualifying respondents. No telephone calls will be accepted. This RFQ does not obligate EL 22.1 to pay any cost incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of a response. Furthermore, this RFQ does not obligation EL 22.1 to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. EL 22.1 reserve the right to reject any and all submittals. EL 22.1 LANDOWNERS' ASSOCIATION By: /s/ Brian A. Kuest Brian A. Kuest, Project Manager #11058/346419 Pub: November 27, 2019

The State of Utah To: Daniel Prado you are summoned and required to file an answer in writing to the Petition of Divorce filed in the case number 194903407 within 30 days after the last day of publication, which is December 18, 2019, you must file your answer with the clerk of the court at: Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah, 450 S State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84114 and serve a copy of your answer to the Petitioner, if you fail to file and serve your answer on time, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. The Petition is on file with the clerk of the court. You can obtain a copy of the Petition by requesting one from the clerk of the court. #12004/345796 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 3, 10, 18

Cellco Partnership and its controlled affiliates doing business as Verizon Wireless (Verizon Wireless) proposes to build a 199-foot self-support Communications Tower at the approx. vicinity of 1/4 miles west of the intersection of Road 19 NE and Road X NE, Marlin, Grant County, WA 98832; 47.363606, -118.984895. Public comments regarding potential effects from this site on historic properties may be submitted within 30 days from the date of this publication to: Trileaf Corp, Karen Campbell,, 2121 W. Chandler Blvd., Suite 108, Chandler, AZ 85224, 480-850-0575. #11055/345214 Pub: November 27, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR GRANT COUNTY JENNY VINCENT AND COREY VINCENT, and the marital community comprised thereof, Plaintiffs, v. THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; AIMEE STERLING, individually; STEPHEN LEROY BISHOP, individually; HANNA LAURA BISHOP, individually; LINDA RUTH APPLEBY, individually; MARY LORRAINE BISHOP-CROSTON, individually; DANIEL LEN BISHOP, individually; EMMA LOU BISHOP, individually; KORWYN D. PECK, individually; SHAWN B. PECK, individually; ILA J. BARDSLEY, individually; RONALD WAYNE STERLING, individually; BEATRICE TEREZ STEPHENSON, individually; JEAN M. BARLIA, individually; ROSANNE STERLING BRYAN, individually; UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. NO. 19-2-01263-13 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (60 DAYS) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994, a Washington Trust; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND DEVISEES OF ROSS W. STERLING SR., DECEASED; UNKNOWN BENEFICIARIES OF THE STERLING FAMILY TRUST, DATED DECEMBER 19, 1994; AND ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this Summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 10th day of December, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the Complaint of the Plaintiffs Jenny Vincent and Corey Vincent, and the marital community comprised thereof, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for said Plaintiffs at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. A brief statement of the object of the action is as follows: This is an action to quiet title, in Plaintiffs' names, to real property in Grant County, commonly known as 1604 Marina Drive West, Moses Lake, Washington 98837, Assessor's Parcel No. 31-3174-000 and legally described as: Lot 2, Sterling's Marina Short Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 21 of Short Plats, pages 96, 97, and 98, records of Grant County, Washington. DATED this 5th day of December, 2019. By Britenae M. Pierce, WSBA #34032 Helen M. Hapner, WSBA #55498 Attorneys for Plaintiffs RYAN, SWANSON & CLEVELAND, PLLC 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3400 Seattle, Washington 98101-3034 Telephone: (206) 464-4224 Facsimile: (206) 583-0359 #01004/348823 Pub: December 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019 & January 7, 14, 2020

Public Notice Road Closure: H NW between 7 NW & 8 NW will be closed for repairs on Wednesday November 13th 2019. Please plan accordingly for travel. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. #11038/342209 Pub: November 11, 12, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY Estate of | | NO. 19-4-19428-3SEA | JOANNE G. HOGAN, | PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS | (RCW 11.40.030 | Deceased. | ____________________________________| PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed me as Personal Representative of Decedent's estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on or mailing to me at the address below a copy of the claim. The claim must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed this Notice as provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent's probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication of this Notice: 10/28/2019 Decedent's SSN (for WDSHS only): ______________________________ Darryl G. Hogan, Executor 34585 56th CT S Auburn, WA 98001 #11010/338398 Pub: October 28, 2019 & November 4, 11, 2019

CITY OF MOSES LAKE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - 2020 PROPERTY TAX NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the MOSES LAKE CITY COUNCIL, at the Civic Center located at 401 S. Balsam at 7:00 p.m. on November 12, 2019. The City Council invites all interested parties to attend the Public Hearing on November 12, 2019 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers to consider the estimated amount to be received by the City from taxes on assessed valuations for property located within the City of Moses Lake for 2019. Any person wishing to file for or against the above mentioned request may be heard at the above stated time and place. Questions and written comments should be directed to Finance Director Cindy Jensen at 509-764-3732, via email, or in person at the Civic Center, 2nd Floor, 401 S Balsam St, Moses Lake, WA 98837. #11013/338738 Pub:October 29, 2019 & November 4, 2019

CITY OF MOSES LAKE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - 2020 BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that public hearings will be held before the MOSES LAKE CITY COUNCIL, at the Civic Center located at 401 S. Balsam at 7:00 p.m. on November 12 and 26, 2019. The City Council invites all interested parties to attend the Public Hearings on November 12 and 26, 2019 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers to consider the preliminary budget figures for 2020. Any person wishing to file for or against the above mentioned request may be heard at the above stated time and place. Questions and written comments should be directed to Finance Director Cindy Jensen at 509-764-3732, via email, or in person at the Civic Center, 2nd Floor, 401 S Balsam St, Moses Lake, WA 98837. #11014/338819 Pub: October 29, 2019 & November 4, 2019

Notice of Application, Proposed DNS, and Public Hearing: November 4, 2019 Notice is hereby given that a Conditional Use Permit Application and SEPA Checklist were received by Grant County on July 11, 2019 from Sheri Jacobson, Airport Mini-Storage LLC (Designated Contact: Western Pacific Engineering and Surveying, Inc., 1328 Hunter Place, Moses Lake, WA, 98837) and were found to be Technically Complete on November 30, 2019. PROJECT: A Conditional Use Permit and SEPA checklist proposing the construction of four (4) mini-storage structures. Each storage unit is anticipated to be approximately 30' X 200' (6000 Sq. Ft.) on a 1.8 acre parcel in the Urban Residential 4 zoning district. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The subject parcel is located in the 8000 Block of Broad Street NE and is adjacent to State Route 17 North on the north boundary and Broad Street NE on the South boundary near Moses Lake, the land is further described as being in the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, WA. Parcel #17-0271-000. ZONING: Urban Residential 4. ADDITIONAL PERMITS: None. PUBLIC HEARING: Grant County Hearings Examiner tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 12:00 pm in the Commissioners Hearing Room at the Grant County Courthouse in Ephrata, WA. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (Files P19-00233 and P19-0234) are available from Ron Sell, Associate Planner, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2525. Office hours: 8 am to 5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to the Planning Department no later than 5 pm on November 19, 2019. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #11026/340473 Pub: November 4, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: November 4, 2019. Notice is hereby given that Grant County has received a SEPA checklist from Pete Dimoff, 7355 Rd. 10 NW, Ephrata, WA 98823 and determined this application to be technically complete on October 31, 2019. Grant County expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal, and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The proposed development shall not inflict upon adjacent land(s) smoke, dust, glare, dirt, steam, vibration, noise, electrical interference, excessive hazards, odors, or pollution which exceeds applicable local, state, or federal standards. 2. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be used as necessary during development and implementation of this proposal in order to minimize temporary disturbances to the subject area, to lessen the risk of erosion, and to stabilize the site during construction. 3. Dust and emissions to the air associated with the development will be controlled by utilizing Best Management Practices (BMPs) and dust control during construction. Water shall be used on-site for dust control as needed during construction. 4. Facilities shall be installed in such a manner so as to prevent run-off from the site from entering adjoining properties. Surface water run-off must be contained and absorbed on-site. DESCRIPTION: Placement of topsoil to cover rocky ground and level surface. Intent is to provide better equestrian habitat. Topsoil will be planted with vegetation. Fill of approximately 600 cubic yards. PERMITS REQUIRED: Grading Permit. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The project site is located at 7355 Rd. 10 NW, Ephrata, WA, in Section 14 Township 20 N, Range 25 E, W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel #15-1900-010. Copies of the application materials (File # P19-0350) are available from Grant County Development Services (Tyler Lawrence), 264 West Division Avenue - PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA, (509) 754-2011 ext. 2536,; Front Office Hours are 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Public comments must be submitted by November 18, 2019 to Grant County Development Services. All comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, hand delivered, or sent via email. Any person has the right to comment, receive notice, participate in hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #11027/340478 Pub: November 4, 2019

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington NOTIC OF HEARING for vacating RESOLUTION No. 19- 078 -CC unbuilt county right-of-way, Lot 1 Westridge Major Plat WHEREAS, Grant County has received a petition to vacate portions of certain County road and rights-of-way described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: a portion of unbuilt County right-of-way dedicated as part of the Westridge Major Plat, lot 1, and AS SHOWN on ATTACHED EXHIBIT A, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that consideration should be given to vacating portions of certain County roads and rights-of-way and directs the County Road Engineer to prepare a report on the vacation and abandonment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Grant County Board of Commissioners, set a Public Hearing on the report and other related matters to be held in the Hearing Room of the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, located in the County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington at 1:45 PM, on Tuesday, 12th Day of November, 2019: DATED this 8th day of October, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Tom Taylor Tom Taylor, Chair ATTEST: /s/ Cindy Carter Cindy Carter, Vice Chair /s/ Richard Steven /s/Barbara J. Vasquez Richard Steven, Member Barbara J. Vasquez Clerk of the Board #11011/338418 Pub: October 28, 2019 & November 4, 2019

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION NOTICE OF HEARING RESOLUTION No. 19-079-CC MODIFYING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 11.04 OF THE GRANT COUNTY CODE ENTITLED "MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS" WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County Washington has received a request to amend that portion of the Grant County Code described as follows: Section 11.04.025 of Grant County Code amended with the following: Road Name Vicinity Road Speed MP From MP To Mile Log Limit Length E.5 NE McConihe 46204 25 0.0 McConihe Rd .2 6.6 NE 0.20 Section 11.04.035 of Grant County Code amended with the following: Road Name Vicinity Road Speed MP From MP To Mile Log Limit Length Neva Lake Rd Ephrata 37312 35 0.0 Dodson 1.72 SR 28 1.72 Section 11.04.040 of Grant County Code amended with the following: Road Name Vicinity Road Speed MP From MP To Mile Log Limit Length Wilson Wilson 95037 40 0.0 SR 28 1.52 Railroad 1.52 Creek Creek ST Looop Section 11.04.045 of Grant County Code amended with the following: Road Name Vicinity Road Speed MP From MP To Mile Log Limit Length 5 NW South of 93010 45 14.07 SR 281 15.11 R NW 1.04 Quincy PINTO Coulee City 95025 45 14.18 J NE 14.50 Coulee .32 RIDGE City Limits RD POTATO Moses Lake 21590 45 0.07 I-90 1.08 Baseline-E 1.01 HILL RD POTATO Moses Lake 21590 45 1.08 Goodrich Rd 2.04 Sundance Rd 0.96 HILL RD Section 11.04.050 of Grant County Code amended with the following: Road Name Vicinity Road Speed MP From MP To Mile Log Limit Length POTATO Moses Lake 2159 50 0.07 I-90 2.04 Sundance Rd 1.97 HILL RD 0 R SW 9104 50 1.01 24 SW 7.13 SR 243 6.12 1 L SW 9104 50 0.00 SR 243 6.65 24 SW 6.65 5 Neva Lake Ephrata 37312 50 0.0 Dodson 1.72 SR 28 1.72 Rd Wilson Wilson Creek 9503 50 0.0 SR 28 1.61 Bridge 101 1.61 Creek 7 Loop Section 11.04.055 of Grant County Code amended with the following: PINTO Coulee City 95025 55 0.00 SR 28 14.18 J NE 14.18 RIDGE RD R SW Mattawa 91041 55 1.01 24 SW 7.13 SR 243 6.12 L SW Mattawa 91045 55 0.00 SR 243 6.65 24 SW 6.65 Stratford Stratford Town 94026 55 0.00 RR Tracks 0.42 SR 28 0.42 Rd Sagebrush Ephrata 93047 55 0.79 Bridge 168 12.70 24 NW 11.91 Flats Rd WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that consideration should be given to amending certain County road speed limits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Grant County Board of Commissioners set a hearing date at 1:50 pm, on Tuesday, the 12th day of November, 2019, to be held in the Hearing Room of the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, located in the County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington. DATED this 8th day of October, 2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/ Tom Taylor Tom Taylor Cindy Carter ATTEST: Cindy Carter, Vice-Chair /s/ Richard Stevens /s/Barbara J. Vasquez Richard Stevens, Member Barbara J. Vasquez Clerk of the Board #11012/338498 Pub: October 28, 2019 & November 4, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT | | BOYD E. MAYER AND APRIL D. | MAYER, husband and wife, | NO. 19-2-01443-13 | Plaintiffs, | SUMMONS | vs. | | GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, | as his separate estate; The unknow | heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. | CRUCE, deceased, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS, GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, as his separate estate; the unknown heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. CRUCE, deceased: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days(60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 28th day of October, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in teh above entilted court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, BOYD E. MAYER and APRIL D. MAYER, husband and wife, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiffs, Trevor R. Bevier, of Huberdeau Law Office, P.S., at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The complaint is asking for specific performance of a real estate contract or an order to quiet title to real property in Grant County, Washington with the following legal description: THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 26 E.W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The complaint alleges that the above described real property was purchased by Plaintiffs from George K. Cruce in 1996 and was pain in full. Said cause of action is based upon an alleged default for failure to deliver a Statutory Warranty Deed. Trevor R. Bevier Huberdeau Law Offfice, P.S. Attorney for Plaintiffs WSBA#47989 821 E. Sharon Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-1196 (509)765-1799 fax #12002/338400 Pub: October 28, 2019 & November 4, 11 ,18, 25, 2019 & December 2, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF KYLER KEELING, CASE NO. 19-7-00306-13, DOB: 01/23/2015, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (TERMINATION) TO: Tiffany Price A Termination Petition was filed on 11/01/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held December 31, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A TERMINATION ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Termination Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 20th day of November, 2019. Sara Nelson /s Deputy Clerk #12005/346338 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 11, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR GRANT COUNTY JUVENILE DIVISION. IN THE WELFARE OF MAGDALENA ORTEGA CASE NO.19-7-00139-13 DOB: 04/05/2018, MINOR CHILD NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (DEPENDENCY) TO: Candido Guerrero Para and anyone claiming a Parental interest. A Dependency Petition was filed on 03/21/2019. A Fact Finding Hearing will be held 12/31/2019 at 9:00 a.m. at Grant County Superior Court, 303 Abel Road, Ephrata, WA, 98823. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING. THE HEARING WILL DETERMINE IF YOUR CHILD IS DEPENDENT AS DEFINED IN RCW 13.34.050(5). THIS BEGINS A JUDICIAL PROCESS WHICH COULD RESULT IN PERMANENT LOSS OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR AT THE HEARING THE COURT MAY ENTER A DEPENDENCY ORDER IN YOUR ABSENCE. To request a copy of the Notice, Summons, and Dependency Petition, call DSHS at 509-764-5757. To view information about your rights in this proceeding go to Dated this 20th day of November, 2019. /s Deputy Clerk, Sarah Nelson #12006/346343 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 11, 2019

Public Hearing Notice Public Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of Grant County Mosquito Control District No.1 will conduct a public hearing on the 2020 budget and the proposed 2020 assessment on parcels within the district. Said hearing will take place on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at 6:00 PM at the Grant County Mosquito Control District No.1 main office located at 11905 RD 4 NE #16, Moses Lake, WA 98837. #12009/346662 Pub: November 29, 2019 & December 4, 17, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: December 4th, 2019 Notice is hereby given that a Preliminary Short Subdivision application was received by Grant County on November 13, 2019 from James Kimble (Designated Contact: James Keyes, Prairie Land Surveying, 5134 Road S SE, Moses Lake, WA 98837), and was found to be technically complete on November 21, 2019. PROJECT: James Kimble Short Plat. Subdivision of the current 75.49 acres parcel into two lots. Lot 1 will be 2.32 acres and will contain the existing residential use. Lot 2 will be 70 acres and will continue to be farmland. LOCATION: 5463 Road S SE, Warden, WA 98857, Parcel 19-1267-000, Section 32, Township 18 North, Range 30 East W.M., Grant County, WA. ZONING: Agriculture (AG) CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials P19-0374 are available from Mike Manning, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509) 754-2011, ext. 2522. Office hours: 8 am-5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to the Planning Department no later than 5 pm on December 16, 2019. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, hand-delivered, or sent by facsimile. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #12013/347672 Pub: December 4, 2019

IN THE GRANT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married | woman as her separate estate; and NANCY | NO. 19-2-01322-13 LYONS, a married woman, as her separate | estate, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Plaintiffs, | (60-DAY) v. | | THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK | ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, | deceased; and any and all individuals | claiming by and through them, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF FRANK ROSE AND FLORENCE M. ROSE, and any and all individuals claiming by and through them, Defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days (60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 30th day of October, 2019, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, CAROL S. UNDERWOOD, a married woman as her separate estate; and NANCY LYONS, a married woman, as her separate estate, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Plaintiff, Jeff Slothower of LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P., at the office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of the action is the quiet title of real property located in Grant County legally described as: That portion of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16 North, Range 23 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington, lying South of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof EXCEPT the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488 AND EXCEPT the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as conveyed by deed dated December 8, 1908, recorded January 26, 1909, under Auditor's File No. 30433 AND EXCEPT Highway right of way. AND that portion lying North of a line drawn parallel with and 726 feet South from the North line thereof, East of a line drawn parallel with and 600 feet East of the West line thereof and West of the center line of the County road as conveyed to Grant County by deed dated December 1, 1910, recorded February 2, 1911, under Auditor's File No. 6488. This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington and RCW 4.28.110. Dated this 15th day of October, 2019. LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P. /s/ Jeff Slothower JEFF SLOTHOWER, WSBA#14526 Attorney for Plaintiffs P.O. Box 1088 Ellensburg, Washington 98926 #12001/336158 Pub: October 30, 2019 & November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ISLAND In the Matter of the Estate of: ) No. 19-4-00319-15 ) GARVIN BEDFORD ROSS ) PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ) Deceased. ) ____________________________________) RCW 11.40.030 The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim. against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statue of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Respresentative's attorney at the address state below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of this notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, expect as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to the claims against both the Decedent's probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication: November 20, 2019 /s/ Michael M. Waller /s/ Pamela J. Ross MICHAEL M. WALLER, WSBA No. 6310 PAMELA J. ROSS, Personal Law Law office of Christon C. Skinner, P.S. Representative Attorney for Personal REpresentative 791 SE Barrington Drive Oak Harbor, Washington 98277 Court of Probate Proceedings: ISLAND COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Cause No. 19-4-00319-15 #11044/343276 Pub: November 20, 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Moses Lake - On Monday, December 9, 2019, at 10:00 a.m., the Port of Moses Lake Commissioners will hold the Annual Public Corporation Meeting. The meeting location is the Port of Moses Lake Administration Building, 7810 Andrews St NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837 in the Commission Chamber. #12007/346346 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 2019

NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Port of Othello, Othello, Washington Adams County is soliciting bids from interested persons to fulfill the terms of a FARM LEASE. Bidders shall complete and submit their documents by 12:00 noon., Friday, January 10th, 2020 in a sealed envelope to: Port of Othello, 705 E Hemlock St., Othello, WA 99344 with the bidder's name, address and wording of "OPTION 1" or "OPTION 2" plainly written on the outside of the envelope. Each lease will consist of five (5) crop years commencing on February 1st, 2020 and terminating on January 31st, 2024 for the following described real estate in the County of Adams, State of Washington: OPTION 1: A PORTION OF FARM UNIT 181, IRRIGATION BLOCK 46, ADAMS COUNTY WASHINGTON CONTAINING ONE CIRCLE ON 20.9 ACRES AND ONE CIRCLE ON 5.4 ACRES FOR A TOTAL OF 26.3 FARMABLE ACRES, MORE OR LESS WITH 2 NEW VALLEY CIRCLES and FARM UNIT 182, IRRIGATION BLOCK 46, ADAMS COUNTY WASHINGTON CONTAINING 22.7 FARMABLE ACRES, MORE OR LESS WITH A WHEELINE. PER FAA NO COWS ARE ALLOWED ON THIS GROUND. OPTION 2: A PORTION OF FARM UNIT 181, IRRIGATION BLOCK 46, ADAMS COUNTY WASHINGTON CONTAINING 14.2 FARMABLE ACRES, MORE OR LESS WITH RILL IRRIGATION. PER FAA NO COWS ARE ALLOWED ON THIS GROUND The lease payment for each of these options will be due by February 1st of each year. The Board of Port of Othello Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities or irregularities in the bids or in the bidding, if the best interest of the Port of Othello will be served, or to accept the bid, which in their opinion best serves the interest of the Port of Othello. Bids will be opened and read at an open meeting at 9:00 am on January 14th, 2020. Bid proposals with sample lease documents outlining specifications, may be obtained from the Port of Othello, 705 E Hemlock St., Othello, WA 99344. #12012/347161 Pub: December 4, 11, 2019

The State of Utah To: Daniel Prado you are summoned and required to file an answer in writing to the Petition of Divorce filed in the case number 194903407 within 30 days after the last day of publication, which is December 18, 2019, you must file your answer with the clerk of the court at: Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah, 450 S State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84114 and serve a copy of your answer to the Petitioner, if you fail to file and serve your answer on time, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. The Petition is on file with the clerk of the court. You can obtain a copy of the Petition by requesting one from the clerk of the court. #12004/345796 Pub: November 27, 2019 & December 4, 10, 18

Notice of Application, Proposed MDNS, Date of Notice: December 12, 2019- Notice is hereby given that a Discretionary Use Application and SEPA checklist were received by Grant County Development Services on November 18, 2019 from Insite Towers Development 2 LLC, (Designated Contact: Lynx Consulting Inc. Attn: Patrick Evans , 17311 135th Ave NE #100, Woodinville WA 98072) and were found to be Technically Complete on December 5, 2019, Grant County expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal, and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The landowner/applicant is responsible to determine if any other permits and/or licenses will be required by other local, state, and federal agencies. The landowner/applicant shall acquire all such permits and/or licenses as required. 2. If any Native American grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found, all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Grant County Planning Division, the Colville Confederated Tribes, the Yakima Tribe, and the WA State Dept. of Archaeological & Historic Preservation. 3. The proposed development shall not inflict upon adjacent land(s) smoke, dust, glare, dirt, steam, vibration, noise, electrical interference, excessive hazards, odors, or pollution which exceeds applicable local, state, or federal standards. PROJECT: A Discretionary Use Application and SEPA Checklist to allow the development of a Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) on an approximately 190-acre parcel. Said WCF will include a 195-ft. tall (overall height) lattice-type tower, associated antennas, and ground-level support equipment within a 75-ft. x 75-ft. fenced compound. STUDIES REQUIRED NONE. LOCATION: The site address of the subject parcel is in the 23000 Block of Road 19 NE, Marlin, WA 98832, south of SR 28 and west of Grant County Rd X. The site is located in the NE quarter of Section 36, Township 22 N, Range 30E, W.M., Grant County, ZONING: Agriculture. PUBLIC HEARING: NONE CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (Files #P19-372 and #P19-373) are available from Kent Ziemer, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2538, Front Office hours: 8 am -5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to Development Services no later than 5pm on December 27, 2019. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, e-mailed, or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials. #12022/349954 Pub;December 12, 2019

REQUEST FOR BIDS Date: December 3, 2019 Dear Vendors, this Request for Bids (RFB) contains dates and times for the project listed below. Project: Jardin De Rosas Fire Restoration . Address: 416 Desert Lane Apt. A & B Royal City, WA 99357 Timeline: Pre-bid walk through Tuesday January 7th, 2020 at 10:00 AM and will meet at the above address Time for completion is 90 calendar days after notice to proceed is executed. Bid Packages available at office: 1139 Larson Blvd, Moses Lake, WA Bid documents must be received at Housing Authority office no later than 2:00 PM Tuesday January 21st, 2020 Contact: Doug Larsen, Maintenance Manager Phone: 509.762.5541 ext. 127 Cell: 509.750.1132 Email: The Housing Authority of Grant County is requesting bid (quotes) for fire restoration, according to specifications, general conditions, and performance standards. The complete bid package is available upon request. This project is subject to Sate Prevailing wage rates as stated in the Housing Authority's general conditions and is included in the complete bid package. Documents listed on the Index to Bid Package page, stating that it must be returned, must be included with BID submission (properly completed). If all specified documents are not returned/completed, the bidder will be disqualified. The Housing Authority of Grant County has the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities in the bids. #12021/349949 Pub: 12, 13, 19, 20, 2019

Meeting Change The Port of Royal Slope is changing their regularly scheduled meeting from Wednesday December 25, 2019 to Wednesday, December 18, 2019. The meeting will start at 2:00 p.m. and be held at the Port's office located at 4975 Road 13.5 SW; Royal City, WA. #12023/349960 Pub: December 12, 2019

Revised Notice of Public Hearing, Date of Notice: November 25, 2019 Notice is hereby given that Grant County has postponed a public hearing for the following project: A Conditional Use Permit application and SEPA Checklist request received on October 14, 2019 from Quincy Solar Energy LLC (Designated Contact: Laura Miner, One South Wacker Way, Suite 1800, Chicago, IL, 60606). PROJECT: A Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a 120 megawatt photovoltaic solar electric generating facility. The facility components will include solar arrays and DC to AC inverter blocks, an underground electrical collection system, an electrical substation, an energy storage system, an operation and maintenance facility/building, on-site service roads, gates, security fencing, and temporary laydown and constructions areas. LOCATION: The subject area is 5010 Rd 10 NE, Moses Lake, WA, 98837. The site is located approximately one mile northwest of the main runway at the Grant County International Airport in Section 1, Township 20 N, Range 27 E, W.M., Grant County, WA. (GC Assessor's Parcel #16-1606-000). This proposal will not be considered at the Hearing Examiner Open Record Public Hearing on December 11, 2019. This proposal will be rescheduled to a later date. Once a new date is scheduled, new notice will be provided to the public. Copies of application materials (File P19-0233 and P19-0234) are available from Ron Sell, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2525. Office hours: 8 am-5 pm, M-F. #11053/345417 Pub: November 25, 2019

Revised Notice of Public Hearing, Date of Notice: November 25, 2019 Notice is hereby given that Grant County has postponed a public hearing for the following project: A Conditional Use Permit application and SEPA Checklist request received on July 11, 2019 from Airport Mini-Storage LLC (Designated Contact: Western Pacific Engineering & Survey, 1328 E Hunter Place, Moses Lake, WA 98837, (509-765-1023). PROJECT: A Conditional Use Permit proposing the construction of four (4) mini-storage structures. Each storage unit is anticipated to be approximately 30' X 200' (6000 Sq. Ft.) on a 1.8 acre parcel in the Urban Residential 4 zoning district. LOCATION: The subject area is located in the 8000 Block of Broad Street NE and is adjacent to State Route 17 North on the north boundary and Broad Street NE on the South boundary near Moses Lake. Further described as being in the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 9, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, WA. Parcel #17-0271-000. This proposal will not be considered at the Hearing Examiner Open Record Public Hearing on December 11, 2019. This proposal will be rescheduled to a later date. Once a new date is scheduled, new notice will be provided to the public. Copies of application materials (File P19-0233 and P19-0234) are available from Ron Sell, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509)754-2011, ext. 2525. Office hours: 8 am-5 pm, M-F.. #11054/345446 Pub: November 25, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: November 25, 2019 Notice is hereby given that a Preliminary Short Subdivision application was received by Grant County on November 7, 2019 from Pedro and Maria Flores (Designated Contact: Jeff Curtis Land Surveying, PO Box 956, Mattawa, WA 99348), and was found to be technically complete on November 18, 2019. PROJECT: Pedro and Maria Flores Short Plat. Subdivision of the current 10.13 acre parcel into two lots. Lot 1 will be 5.1 acres and will contain the existing residential use. Lot 2 will be 5.03 acres and will be for residential use. LOCATION: 12778 NW Road A, Ephrata, WA, 98823, Parcel 16-0914-034, Section 35, Township 21 North, Range 26 East W.M., Grant County, WA. ZONING: Rural Residential 1 (RR1) CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials P19-0364 are available from Mike Manning, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509) 754-2011, ext. 2522. Office hours: 8 am-5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to the Planning Department no later than 5 pm on December 9, 2019. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, hand-delivered, or sent by facsimile. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials #11056/345452 Pub: November 25, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT | | BOYD E. MAYER AND APRIL D. | MAYER, husband and wife, | NO. 19-2-01443-13 | Plaintiffs, | SUMMONS | vs. | | GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, | as his separate estate; The unknow | heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. | CRUCE, deceased, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS, GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, as his separate estate; the unknown heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. CRUCE, deceased: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days(60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 28th day of October, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in teh above entilted court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, BOYD E. MAYER and APRIL D. MAYER, husband and wife, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiffs, Trevor R. Bevier, of Huberdeau Law Office, P.S., at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The complaint is asking for specific performance of a real estate contract or an order to quiet title to real property in Grant County, Washington with the following legal description: THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 26 E.W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The complaint alleges that the above described real property was purchased by Plaintiffs from George K. Cruce in 1996 and was pain in full. Said cause of action is based upon an alleged default for failure to deliver a Statutory Warranty Deed. Trevor R. Bevier Huberdeau Law Offfice, P.S. Attorney for Plaintiffs WSBA#47989 821 E. Sharon Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-1196 (509)765-1799 fax #12002/338400 Pub: October 28, 2019 & November 4, 11 ,18, 25, 2019 & December 2, 2019

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids, plainly marked "BID FOR 2020 Crushing and Stockpiling", will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, P.O. Box 37, 35 C Street NW - Room 206, Ephrata, WA, 98823, until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, December 17, 2019 and will then and there, in the commissioners hearing room, be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvements. All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. No conditional bid bond will be accepted. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish a satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to Grant County. Maps, plans and specifications may be purchased from the office of the County Engineer, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, upon payment of the amount of $25.00 (non-refundable). Informational copies of the maps, plans and specifications are on file for inspection at the Grant County Public Works Building, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, and in various plan centers located in Washington. The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The award of this contract, if made, will be to the lowest responsible bidder. The improvement for which bids will be received follows: 2020 Crushing and Stockpiling. This contract provides for crushing, screening and stockpiling 111,000 tons of crushed surfacing mineral aggregates and other work at three locations in Grant County, WA all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions and the Standard Specifications. #12014/348096 Pub: December 5, 9, 16, 2019

GRANT COUNTY NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS FOR: "Request for Qualifications" Professional Services - Real Estate Activities Grant County Public Works solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in Negotiations, Relocation, Acquisition, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Property Management of Real Estate. Solicitations must be received at the Grant County Public Works main office at the below address no later than 4:00 pm on January 10, 2020 by mail or hand delivered; email or faxed solicitations are not acceptable. Submittals will not be accepted after that time and date. Grant County Public Works reserves the right to amend terms of this "Request for Qualifications" (RFQ) to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses. Consultants will be considered for the following project: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project Title - Cochran & Ottmar Road Reconstruction Start Date: June 2020 End Date: December 2020 Work will include grading, drainage, HMA surfacing, curb and gutter, sidewalks, traffic control and other items. This Project has a zero UDBE goal Consultant(s) shall be listed on WSDOTs Approved Consultants List The work to be performed on this project by the consultant consists of: The Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property for use as road Right-of-Way (ROW) for the project. Prepare & provide a Project Funding Estimate (PFE) and a True Cost Estimate for the projects ROW needs. Prepare and provide a ROW plan indicating the property required to build and maintain the needs of the project area. Prepare and provide all documentation needed for the project ROW Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review, Acquisition, True Cost Estimate and PFE and ROW plan. Comply with all Federal and State laws and the WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual pertaining to the ROW process and Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property. Please Note: A consulting firm may complete the appraisal and the appraisal review as long as the reports are completed independently. In addition, in order to avoid conflict of interest the consultant(s) performing the acquisition/negotiation cannot be involved in the appraisal review process. The consultant's professional services will be utilized during the Preliminary Engineering and Right of Way phases. The Grant County Public Works reserves the right to retain the services of the successful firm(s) for any subsequent phases, Construction (CN), associated with this project. The consultant firm that is awarded the project may be extended upon mutual agreement by both parties on agreement of terms, thru December 31, 2023. SUBMITTAL: Submittals should include the following information: Firm name, phone, fax and email addresses; Name of Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager; and Number of employees in each firm proposed to the project. Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: Qualification of Proposed Project Manager Qualification/Expertise of Firm Experience/familiarity with WSDOT/FHWA standards and requirements Ability to meet schedule and stay within budget Office in Washington State and proximity to Grant County Experience in Grant County Experience with Local Agencies Past Performance/References Approach to meet the DBE goal (DBE Participation Plan) Adequate licensure to perform and complete the project Grant County encourages disadvantaged, minority and women-owned consultant firms to respond. Please submit THREE (3) copies of your Statement of Qualifications to: Jeff Tincher, P.E. County Engineer Grant County Public Works 124 Enterprise Street SE Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 754-6082 Questions regarding this project should be directed to the same. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA Information) The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Kirk Eslinger at , or by calling 1-800-572-0119, ext. 4903. TITLE VI STATEMENT The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code Of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration for an award." #01003/348898 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 7, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation; NORTHWEST FARM | CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, a corporation, | NO. 19-2-01523-13 | Plaintiffs, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION vs. | | RONALD L. FODE and ROBIN M. FODE, | individually and as a married couple; KC | CAPITAL LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; LAW OFFICE OF THOMAS M. | PORS; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY- | INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; | SUSQUEHANNA SALT LAKE LLC, a Utah | limited liability company; ODESSA FARMING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | BOGAARD HAY CO., a Washington | corporation; WHEELER LAND HOLDING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | AMERICAN FARM MORTGAGE COMPANY | INC.; CNH CAPITAL AMERICA, LLC; CHS | INC.; DEERE & COMPANY; DIVERSIFIED | FINANCIAL LLC; EVERGREEN | IMPLEMENT INC.; and ALL OTHER | PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN | CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, | LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE | DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiffs Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 #01001/348560 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation, | | NO. 19-02-01324-13 Plaintiff, | | vs. | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION | LEE J. ENGELHARDT and CONNIE S. | ENGELHARDT, a married couple; X-E | LAND, LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; X-E RANCHES, LLC, a | Washington limited liability company; | CHANCE ENGELHARDT, an individual; | LANE ENGELHARDT, an individual; and | ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES | UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, | TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN | THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE | COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 01002/348574 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2020

LEGAL NOTICE The Moses Lake Museum & Art Center needs to return artwork to the following people: Bonny Parker Love - knitted and crocheted hats and bags PO Box 363 Soap Lake, WA 98851 Chelan Flint - jewelry 1053 S. Division St. #A Moses Lake, WA 98837 Kay Sutton - jewelry 4815 Airway Dr. NE #178 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Rena Hopson - music CDs 4868 Bluff Dr. Moses Lake, WA 98837 Abigail Johnston - framed drawing Moses Lake, WA 98837 Juliane Gamble - painting on canvas Moses Lake, WA 98837 Jeff Marriott - glasswork Ali Howell - framed photograph All persons who may have any knowledge of the whereabouts of the owners, please provide written notice to the Moses Lake Museum & Art Center. Moses Lake Museum & Art Center c/o Sierra Uhlinger PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 If written assertion of title is not presented by the owners to the Moses Lake Museum & Art Center within 90 days from December 16, 2019, the property shall be deemed abandoned or donated and shall become the property of the Moses Lake Museum & Art Center. #12019/348871 Pub: December 9, 16, 2019

SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Moses Lake - On Monday, December 12, 2019, at 1:00 p.m., the Port of Moses Lake Commissioners will hold a Special Executive Session. The meeting location is the Port of Moses Lake Administration Building, 7810 Andrews St NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837 in the Commission Chamber. The purpose of this meeting will be to hold a Special Executive Session for the purpose of reviewing potential candidates for open Executive Director position at the Port of Moses Lake. No decisions will be made. #12015/348460 Pub: December 6, 9, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF CLARK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL | Case No. 17-2-05090-7 ASSOCIATION, | | NOTICE OF HEARING Plaintiff, | v. | | Date: December 6, 2019 THE ESTATE OF BRUCE K. | Time: 9:00a.m. POLLICHRONAKIS; THE UNKNOWN | Place: Superior Court of Clark County HEIRS, DEVISEES, AND ASSIGNEES OF | Washington; Dept #4 BRUCE K. POLLICHRONAKIS; THE | ESTATE OF SENA NELSON; THE | UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, AND | ASSIGNEES OF SENA NELSON; LANI | POLLICHRONAKIS aka LANI NELSON; | LORI SHANE; ALEXIS | POLLICHRONAKIS; SECRETARY OF | HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; | COLUMBIA COLLECTORS, INC.; and ALL | OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES | UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, | TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL | PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS | 6214 NE 84TH AVE., VANCOUVER, | WASHINGTON 98662, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT AND TO ALL DEFENDANTS; The following matters in the above-entitled cause will be brought on for hearing at the above time and date: Plaintiff's Motion for Order of Default Against All Defendants and Motion for Default Judgment. ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP DATED: November 13, 2019 By: /s/ Shannon K. Calt Shannon K. Calt, WSB #44472 (503) 345-9877 Attorney for Plaintiffs JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA #11048/343714 Pub: November 19, 2019

SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE Moses Lake - On Wednesday, November 20, 2019 the Port of Moses Lake Commissioners will hold a special meeting with Jim Darling from Maul, Foster & Alongi. The meeting location is the Hotel Murano at 1320 Broadway, Tacoma, WA 98402. The purpose of this meeting will be to hold a Special Executive Session for the purpose of interviewing potential candidates for open Executive Director position at the Port of Moses Lake. No decisions will be made. #11045/343286 Pub: November 15, 19, 2019

NOTICE TO VENDORS The East Columbia Basin Irrigation District purchases materials, supplies and equipment estimated to cost $10,000 or more but not exceeding $50,000 by means of quotations made in writing, by telephone, by fax or by e-mail as set forth in RCW 39.04.190. Quotations are solicited through District communications directly to vendors having requested to be listed to receive such communications. Applications to be included on District vendor lists can be obtained by contacting: Purchasing Agent East Columbia Basin Irrigation District PO Box E - 55 North 8th Othello, WA 99344 (509) 488-9671 fax (509) 488-6433 Craig N. Simpson Secretary-Manager CNS:wl #01009/352933 Pub: January 3, 10, 17, 2020

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION GOVERNING RESOLUTION No. 20 - 002 - cc EMERGENCY LOAD LIMITATIONS ON COUNTY ROADS, THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL MOTOR VEHICLE PERMITS TO USE ON WEIGHT RESTRICTED COUNTY ROADS, AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.75.270 and 46.44.080, Grant County may prohibit or restrict vehicle operations or vehicle weight whenever any county road, by reason of rain, snow, climatic, or other conditions, will be seriously damaged or destroyed unless the operation of vehicles thereon is prohibited or restricted or their permissible weights reduced (such periods hereafter referred to as "load sensitive periods"); and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, upon recommendation of the County Engineer, has deemed it advisable to place certain restrictions on various county roads during load sensitive periods to protect such roadways from extensive damage; and WHEREAS, a RESOLUTION has been proposed with the following sections: 1. Declaration of purpose 2. Scope and construction of terms 3. Definitions 4. Emergency load limitations 5. Special permits for authorized vehicles 6. Maximum speed permitted on posted roads 7. Penalty 8. Action for damage 9. Savings NOW, THEREFORE, Pursuant to RCW 46.44.080, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Grant County Board of Commissioners, ADOPT as follows: SECTION 1 DECLARATION OF PURPOSE. It is hereby declared that the policy of the Board of County Commissioners is to: A. Establish general emergency load limitations upon county roads during load sensitive periods; B. Establish special load limitations for school buses, motor trucks transporting perishable commodities or commodities necessary to the health and welfare of county residents, and motor vehicles providing services necessary for health and welfare, when such emergency load limitations are in effect. C. Request the Washington State Patrol's assistance with weight control enforcement. SECTION 2 SCOPE AND CONSTRUCTION OF TERMS The definitions in this ordinance shall control the meaning of terms used herein. Where no definition is expressly stated herein, a term shall have that meaning clearly indicated by, or reasonably implied from, the context in which such term is used. SECTION 3 DEFINITIONS A. "Authorized Emergency Vehicle" means any vehicle of any fire department, police department, sheriff's office, coroner, prosecuting attorney, Washington State Patrol, or ambulance service, public or private, which need not be classified, registered, or authorized by the State Patrol. B. "Commodity necessary for health and welfare" means anything provided to the public that is necessary to provide essential shelter, food, or fuel to people and animals. C. "County Engineer" means the county engineer, the county director of public works, or his/her designee. D. "County Road" means every public highway or part thereof, outside the limits of cities and towns, and which has not been designated as a state highway. E. "Gross Weight" means the total vehicle weight including load. F. "Truck" means any motor vehicle designed or used for the transportation of commodities merchandise, produce, freight, animals, or other things. G. "Perishable commodity" means a product of agriculture, aquaculture, or manufacture, which by its nature is subject to destruction, decay, deterioration, or spoilage except under proper conditions. H. "Person" means every natural person, firm, co partnership, corporation, association, or organization. I. "Pneumatic tire" means every tire of rubber or other resilient material designated to be inflated with compressed air to support the load thereon. J. "School bus" means every motor vehicle used regularly to transport children to and from school or in connection with school activities, which is subject to the requirements set forth in the most recent edition of "Specifications for School Buses" published by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, but does not include buses operated by common carriers in urban transportation of school children. K. "Service necessary for health and welfare" means any service provided to the public that is necessary to maintain essential power, gas, communications, garbage, sewer, and water services for the public. L. "Tire width" means, in the case of pneumatic tires, the maximum overall normal inflated width, as stipulated by the manufacturer, when installed to the pressure specified and without load thereon. M. "Vehicle" means every device capable of being moved upon a public highway and in, upon, or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway. SECTION 4 EMERGENCY LOAD LIMITATION A. When the County Engineer determines that, during load sensitive periods, vehicles whose gross tire loads exceed those described in this section will seriously damage or destroy a county road, the County Engineer may impose the following limits on vehicle weights, except for authorized emergency vehicles. Tubeless or Special Pneumatic Tires Conventional Pneumatic Tires With .5 Marking Tire Width Gross Load Each Tire Width Gross Load Each Tire Tire *7.0 1800 lbs. *8-22.5 1800 lbs. 7.5 1800 lbs. 9-22.5 1900 lbs. 8.25 1900 lbs. 10-22.5 2250 lbs. 9.00 2250 lbs. 11-22.5 2750 lbs. 10.00 2750 lbs. 11-24.5 2750 lbs. **11.00 3000 lbs. **12-22.5 3000 lbs. *And Under **And Over B. The emergency load limitations imposed by this section shall become effective upon the erection and maintenance by the County engineer of signs designating the load limitations (visible to the operator of a vehicle as he/she enters the restricted area), and shall remain in effect until the load sensitive period ends and such signs are removed by the County Engineer. The following limitations shall not exceed a period of 120 days from the effective date below. SECTION 5 SPECIAL PERMITS FOR AUTHORIZED VEHICLES A. In accordance with RCW 46.44.092 and RCW 46.44.093, the County Road Supervisors are authorized, during load sensitive periods, to issue special permits for the operation (upon any county road within the county) of a vehicle or combination of vehicles exceeding the maximum loads specified in Section 4 above, to the following classes of vehicles: 1) School buses (no permit required). 2) Milk trucks with dual tires on rear axles and on trailers. 3) Trucks hauling perishable commodities. To obtain a permit, drivers must show proof that at least fifty percent (50%) of their load is fresh produce and/or perishables. 4) Garbage vehicles making pickups required for health, e.g., schools, hospitals, and institutions. 5) Dead animal services required for health reasons. 6) Vehicles or emergency equipment vendors hauling medical supplies (gases, drugs, etc.) 7) Feed trucks - one trip basis only. 8) Fuel trucks - one trip basis only, allowed to haul 1/2 loads on emergency basis. 9) Vehicles engaged in septic tank pumping - emergency basis, one trip only. 10) Public transportation vehicles. B. A permit issued to a vehicle in one of the classes of vehicles listed in Section 5A shall be subject to the following conditions: 1) The gross weight of such vehicle shall not exceed the amount determined by multiplying the total number of tires concentrated upon the surface of the road times the maximum allowable gross weight per tire. 2) No allowance shall be made for any second gear axle suspended from the frame of the vehicle independent of the regular driving axle, otherwise known as "rigid tail-axles" or "drop axles". 3) Allowance will be made for single tires only on the front of a vehicle. 4) The load distribution on any axle of a vehicle shall be such that it will not load the tires on said axle in excess of the prescribed load, as set forth above, and any loading in excess of the specified maximum will be considered a violation of this Ordinance. 5) In an attempt to comply with requirements of this section, the power unit of any combination shall be sufficiently designed to lawfully handle the designated weight. 6) The special permit shall be clearly displayed in the lower right hand corner of the vehicle's windshield while moving on any restricted county road. C. The following limits on vehicle weights shall apply to vehicles receiving permits under Section 5: Tubeless or Special Pneumatic Tires Conventional Pneumatic Tires With .5 Marking Tire Width Gross Load Each Tire Width Gross Load Each Tire Tire *7.00 1800 lbs. *8-22.5 1800 lbs. 7.50 1800 lbs 9-22.5 1900 lbs. 8.25 1900 lbs. 10-22.5 2250 lbs. 9.00 2250 lbs. 11-22.5 2750 lbs. 10.00 2750 lbs. 11-24.5 2750 lbs. **11.00 3000 lbs. **12-22.5 3000 lbs. *And Under **And Over If a vehicle has ten inch (10") or wider tires on the front axle and otherwise qualifies for a permit, the vehicle may be allowed to have ten thousand pounds (10,000 lbs.) gross weight on said front axle under emergency load limitations. Tires over eleven inches (11") in width may be issued a special permit for loads of three thousand pounds (3,000 lbs.) plus four hundred pounds (400 lbs.) per inch of tire in excess of eleven inches (11"), up to five thousand two hundred fifty pounds (5,250 lbs.) per tire. D. Any vehicle requiring a special permit under Section 5 shall not exceed thirty-five miles per hour (35 M.P.H.) on any county road subject to emergency load limitations. E. Where a specific hardship occurs, variances from these special permit weight limitations may, at discretion of the County Engineer, be issued on a case-by-case basis. Such variance permits may allow a vehicle to exceed the gross weight limits of this section, subject to specified times and routes of movement needed to protect the county roads from serious damage. SECTION 6 MAXIMUM SPEED PERMITTED ON POSTED ROADS Except where applicable law specifies a lower speed, the County Engineer may post a reduced speed limit as low as thirty-five miles per hour (35 M.P.H.) upon any county road under emergency load limitations. SECTION 7 PENALTY Any person violating any emergency load limitation on a county road during a load sensitive period shall be in violation of this Resolution. A violation of this Resolution shall constitute a traffic infraction under the provisions of RCW 46.44.105, RCW 46.44.100, and RCW 46.44.080, subjecting the violator to the monetary penalties provided in RCW 46.44 and RCW 46.61. SECTION 8 ACTION FOR DAMAGES Any person operating a motor vehicle upon any county road in violation of any provision of this Resolution shall be liable under RCW 46.44.110 and RCW 46.44.120 for any damage caused to such county road as the result of such violation. SECTION 9 SAVINGS If any provision of this Resolution or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the Resolution or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. DATED this 7th day of January, 2020. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ____________________________ Cindy Carter, Chair ____________________________ Tom Taylor, Vice, Chair ATTEST: ____________________________ Richard Stevens, Member __________________ Barbara J. Vasquez Clerk of the Board #01020/356898 Pub: January 10, 2020

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD January 14, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider a budget extension request in the amount of $9,427.75 from the Sheriff's Office to purchase a vehicle wrap, labor and installation for their newly purchased mobile command vehicle, through CW Wraps. Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #01010/353378 Pub: December 30, 2019 & January 6, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation; NORTHWEST FARM | CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, a corporation, | NO. 19-2-01523-13 | Plaintiffs, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION vs. | | RONALD L. FODE and ROBIN M. FODE, | individually and as a married couple; KC | CAPITAL LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; LAW OFFICE OF THOMAS M. | PORS; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY- | INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; | SUSQUEHANNA SALT LAKE LLC, a Utah | limited liability company; ODESSA FARMING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | BOGAARD HAY CO., a Washington | corporation; WHEELER LAND HOLDING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | AMERICAN FARM MORTGAGE COMPANY | INC.; CNH CAPITAL AMERICA, LLC; CHS | INC.; DEERE & COMPANY; DIVERSIFIED | FINANCIAL LLC; EVERGREEN | IMPLEMENT INC.; and ALL OTHER | PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN | CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, | LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE | DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiffs Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 #01001/348560 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation, | | NO. 19-02-01324-13 Plaintiff, | | vs. | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION | LEE J. ENGELHARDT and CONNIE S. | ENGELHARDT, a married couple; X-E | LAND, LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; X-E RANCHES, LLC, a | Washington limited liability company; | CHANCE ENGELHARDT, an individual; | LANE ENGELHARDT, an individual; and | ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES | UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, | TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN | THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE | COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 01002/348574 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2020

2020 MRSC ROSTERS SMALL PUBLIC WORKS, CONSULTANT, and VENDOR ROSTERS FOR PARTICIPATING WASHINGTON STATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES LOCATED IN EASTERN WASHINGTON The Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington (MRSC) hereby advertises on behalf of the below listed local government agencies in Washington State (local governments) in Eastern Washington (Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, Grant, Adams, Whitman, Garfield, Asotin, Spokane, Lincoln, Ferry Stevens, and Pend Oreille counties), including - but not limited to - cities (Title 35 RCW and Title 35A RCW), counties (Title 36 RCW), port districts (Title 53 RCW), water- sewer districts (Title 57 RCW), school districts and educational service districts (Title 28A RCW), fire districts (Title 52 RCW), transit agencies (e.g., Ch. 35.58 RCW, Ch. 36.57A RCW, Ch. 36.73 RCW, Title 81 RCW), and public utility districts (Title 54 RCW), for their projected needs for small public works estimated to cost $300,000 or less, and for consulting services throughout 2020. Additionally, MRSC advertises on behalf of some local government for their projected needs for vendor services throughout 2020. Interested businesses may apply at any time by visiting the MRSC Rosters website at For questions about MRSC Rosters, email SMALL PUBLIC WORKS ROSTERS: Service categories include construction, building, renovation, remodeling, alteration, repair, or improvement of real property as referenced in RCW 39.04.155. Sub-categories can be viewed on the MRSC Rosters website. CONSULTANT ROSTERS: Service categories include architectural, engineering, and surveying services as referenced in Chapter 39.80 RCW, as well as other personal and professional consulting services. Sub-categories can be viewed on the MRSC Rosters website. VENDOR ROSTERS: Service categories include supplies, materials, and equipment not being purchased in connection with public works contracts and limited service contracts as referenced in RCW 39.04.190. Subcategories can be viewed on the MRSC Rosters website. Currently subscribing local governments which have their Small Works Roster, Consultant Roster, and Vendor Roster hosted by MRSC Rosters: Adams County, Adams County Public Hospital District No. 3, Asotin County Public Health, Chelan County Fire District 5, Chelan County FPD 6, Chelan-Douglas PTBA, Cheney Public Schools (Cheney School District # 360), City of Airway Heights, City of Brewster, City of Cashmere, City of Cheney, City of Colfax, City of East Wenatchee, City of Electric City, City of Ephrata, City of George, City of Grand Coulee, City of Mattawa, City of Medical Lake, City of Millwood, City of Moses Lake, City of Othello, City of Pateros, City of Quincy, City of Ritzville, City of Royal City, City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, City of Sprague, Colville School District 115, Douglas County, Douglas County Fire District #4, Enduris Washington, Ferry County, Foster Creek Conservation District, Grant County Fire District # 13, Grant County Fire Protection District #3, Grant County Public Hospital District #3, Greater Bar Water District, Inchelium School District #70, Lake Wenatchee Fire & Rescue, Lincoln County, Medical Lake School District, Multi-Agency Communications Center (MACC 911), Okanogan County Public Hospital District #4, Okanogan Douglas District Hospital #1, Pend Oreille County, Public Utility District No. 1 of Stevens County, Quincy School District, Reardan-Edwall School District No. 9, Samaritan Healthcare, South Pend Oreille Fire & Rescue, Spokane County Fire District 10, Spokane County Fire District 4, Spokane County Fire District 8, Spokane County Fire District 9, Spokane Valley Fire Department, Stevens County, Town of Coulee City, Town of Endicott, Town of Ione, Town of Lamont, Town of Mansfield, Town of Odessa, Town of Springdale, Town of Uniontown, Town of Waterville, University District Public Development Authority, Waterville School District #209, West Plains Airport Area Public Development Authority, Whitman County F.P.D 7. Currently subscribing local governments which have only their Small Works Roster and Consultant Roster hosted by MRSC Rosters: Aeneas Lake Irrigation District, Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority, City of Entiat, City of Leavenworth, City of Liberty Lake, City of Warden, City of Wenatchee, Eastmont Metropolitan Park District, Eastmont School District No. 206, Entiat School District 127, Grant County Fire District 8, Grant County Port District #5, Grant County Port District #9, Methow Valley School District, Newport Hospital and Health Services (Pend Oreille County Public Hospital District #1), Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center, Okanogan Conservation District, Okanogan County Fire District No. 7, Pend Oreille County Fire District 2, Pend Oreille County Fire District 5, Pend Oreille County Fire Protection District #4, Port of Mattawa, Port of Whitman County, Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County, Spokane County Library District, Spokane Public Facilities District, Town of Conconully, Town of Riverside, Town of Rosalia, Town of Washtucna. Some or all of the local governments listed above may choose to use the MRSC Rosters service to select businesses. Master contracts for certain types of work may be required. In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4, and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation Issued Pursuant to Such Act, these local governments hereby notify all businesses that they will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids or proposals in response to any invitations and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award. #01014/354850 Pub: January 06, 2020

GRANT COUNTY NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS FOR: "Request for Qualifications" Professional Services - Real Estate Activities Grant County Public Works solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in Negotiations, Relocation, Acquisition, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Property Management of Real Estate. Solicitations must be received at the Grant County Public Works main office at the below address no later than 4:00 pm on January 10, 2020 by mail or hand delivered; email or faxed solicitations are not acceptable. Submittals will not be accepted after that time and date. Grant County Public Works reserves the right to amend terms of this "Request for Qualifications" (RFQ) to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses. Consultants will be considered for the following project: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project Title - Cochran & Ottmar Road Reconstruction Start Date: June 2020 End Date: December 2020 Work will include grading, drainage, HMA surfacing, curb and gutter, sidewalks, traffic control and other items. This Project has a zero UDBE goal Consultant(s) shall be listed on WSDOTs Approved Consultants List The work to be performed on this project by the consultant consists of: The Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property for use as road Right-of-Way (ROW) for the project. Prepare & provide a Project Funding Estimate (PFE) and a True Cost Estimate for the projects ROW needs. Prepare and provide a ROW plan indicating the property required to build and maintain the needs of the project area. Prepare and provide all documentation needed for the project ROW Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review, Acquisition, True Cost Estimate and PFE and ROW plan. Comply with all Federal and State laws and the WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual pertaining to the ROW process and Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property. Please Note: A consulting firm may complete the appraisal and the appraisal review as long as the reports are completed independently. In addition, in order to avoid conflict of interest the consultant(s) performing the acquisition/negotiation cannot be involved in the appraisal review process. The consultant's professional services will be utilized during the Preliminary Engineering and Right of Way phases. The Grant County Public Works reserves the right to retain the services of the successful firm(s) for any subsequent phases, Construction (CN), associated with this project. The consultant firm that is awarded the project may be extended upon mutual agreement by both parties on agreement of terms, thru December 31, 2023. SUBMITTAL: Submittals should include the following information: Firm name, phone, fax and email addresses; Name of Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager; and Number of employees in each firm proposed to the project. Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: Qualification of Proposed Project Manager Qualification/Expertise of Firm Experience/familiarity with WSDOT/FHWA standards and requirements Ability to meet schedule and stay within budget Office in Washington State and proximity to Grant County Experience in Grant County Experience with Local Agencies Past Performance/References Approach to meet the DBE goal (DBE Participation Plan) Adequate licensure to perform and complete the project Grant County encourages disadvantaged, minority and women-owned consultant firms to respond. Please submit THREE (3) copies of your Statement of Qualifications to: Jeff Tincher, P.E. County Engineer Grant County Public Works 124 Enterprise Street SE Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 754-6082 Questions regarding this project should be directed to the same. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA Information) The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Kirk Eslinger at , or by calling 1-800-572-0119, ext. 4903. TITLE VI STATEMENT The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code Of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration for an award." #01003/348898 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 7, 2019

NOTICE TO FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPLIERS Sealed bids, plainly marked "BID for Fuel Management System 2019, will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, Room 207, 35 C Street NW, P.O. Box 37, -, Ephrata, WA, 98823, until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, January 7, 2020 and will then and there in the Commissioners Hearing Room be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvements. This agreement provides for the supply and installation of a Fuel Management System and software at seven (7) sites in Grant County and other work in accordance with the plans and specifications. Specifications may be obtained from the office of the County Road Engineer, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, at no charge. The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. #12028/350319 Pub: December 16, 23, 2019

NOTICE TO MATERIAL SUPPLIERS Sealed bids, plainly marked "Bid for Asphalt Crack Sealant 2020", will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, 35 C Street NW - Room 206, P.O. Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, until 1:30 PM, Tuesday, January 7, 2020, and will then and there in the Commissioners Hearing Room be opened and publicly read for furnishing and delivering: Quantity Description 450,000 lbs. Asphalt Crack Sealant Informational copies of the proposal and specifications are on file with the County Engineer in the Grant County Public Works Building, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject or accept any or all portions of the bids received #12029/350326 Pub: December 16, 23, 2019

NOTICE TO HERBICIDE APPLICATORS Sealed bids, plainly marked "BID for Herbicide Application Program 2020, will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, 35 C Street NW - Room 207, P.O. Box 37, Ephrata, WA, 98823, until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, January 7, 2020 and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvements. This agreement provides for the control of vegetation along county highways and rights of way through the application of foliar and soil residual herbicides on approximately 17,500 acres annually located in Grant County and other work in accordance with the plans and specifications. Specifications may be obtained from the office of the County Road Engineer, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, at no charge. The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. #12044/352502 Pub: December 23, 30, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation; NORTHWEST FARM | CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, a corporation, | NO. 19-2-01523-13 | Plaintiffs, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION vs. | | RONALD L. FODE and ROBIN M. FODE, | individually and as a married couple; KC | CAPITAL LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; LAW OFFICE OF THOMAS M. | PORS; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY- | INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; | SUSQUEHANNA SALT LAKE LLC, a Utah | limited liability company; ODESSA FARMING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | BOGAARD HAY CO., a Washington | corporation; WHEELER LAND HOLDING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | AMERICAN FARM MORTGAGE COMPANY | INC.; CNH CAPITAL AMERICA, LLC; CHS | INC.; DEERE & COMPANY; DIVERSIFIED | FINANCIAL LLC; EVERGREEN | IMPLEMENT INC.; and ALL OTHER | PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN | CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, | LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE | DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiffs Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 #01001/348560 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation, | | NO. 19-02-01324-13 Plaintiff, | | vs. | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION | LEE J. ENGELHARDT and CONNIE S. | ENGELHARDT, a married couple; X-E | LAND, LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; X-E RANCHES, LLC, a | Washington limited liability company; | CHANCE ENGELHARDT, an individual; | LANE ENGELHARDT, an individual; and | ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES | UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, | TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN | THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE | COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 01002/348574 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2020

City of Moses Lake Notice of Application and Public Hearing with Optional DNS Sydney Development Major Plat: CAD Homes. LLC. submitted an application on December 11, 2019 for a 31 lot major plat in an R1- Residential zone. The site is located at the extension of Roberta St, at 4418 E Sharon Ave, in a portion of the NW 1/4 of S26, T 19, R 28 EWM. The application was determined to be complete and ready for review December 16. The project has been determined to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the following development regulations are applicable to the project: Moses Lake Municipal Code (MLMC) Title 14: Environmental Regulations, Title 17: Subdivisions, Title 18: Zoning, and Title 20: Development Regulations. Environmental review is required for this project. The City of Moses Lake has reviewed the proposed project for probable adverse environmental impacts and expects to issue a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for this project. The optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This may be your only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposed project. No adverse environmental impacts have been identified, so no mitigating conditions have been identified as necessary through SEPA. The project review process may include additional mitigation measures under applicable codes. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on February 13, 2020 at 7:00 PM in the City Council Chambers located at 401 Balsam Street. All interested persons are encouraged to attend and provide comment. Written comments on the environmental impacts of this proposal will be accepted until 5:00 PM on December 31, 2020. Written comments on other aspects of this proposal will be accepted until 5:00 PM on the date of the public hearing. Persons who want to be informed of future actions, or the final decision, on this proposal should provide their name and address to the project planner. The final decision on this proposal will be made within 120 days of the date of the notice of completeness and may be appealed according to the City appeal provisions specified in MLMC 20.11, Appeals. For more information call Vivian Ramsey at 764-3749. Submit written comments by mail to City of Moses Lake Community Development Department, P.O. Box 1579, Moses Lake, WA 98837. Copies of the information related to this application are available for review at City Hall, 321 S. Balsam, Moses Lake. Date of Notice: December 16, 2019 #12041/351876 Pub: December 19, 2019

LEGAL NOTICE The Grant County Board of Health will hold a public hearing at the Grant County Health District, 1038 W Ivy Ave, Moses Lake, WA on Monday December 30, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the hearing will be to adopt Ordinance 19-5 (2020 Budget). Anyone wishing to comment regarding this matter should appear at the meeting. #12040/351868 Pub: December 19, 2019

REQUEST FOR BIDS Date: December 3, 2019 Dear Vendors, this Request for Bids (RFB) contains dates and times for the project listed below. Project: Jardin De Rosas Fire Restoration . Address: 416 Desert Lane Apt. A & B Royal City, WA 99357 Timeline: Pre-bid walk through Tuesday January 7th, 2020 at 10:00 AM and will meet at the above address Time for completion is 90 calendar days after notice to proceed is executed. Bid Packages available at office: 1139 Larson Blvd, Moses Lake, WA Bid documents must be received at Housing Authority office no later than 2:00 PM Tuesday January 21st, 2020 Contact: Doug Larsen, Maintenance Manager Phone: 509.762.5541 ext. 127 Cell: 509.750.1132 Email: The Housing Authority of Grant County is requesting bid (quotes) for fire restoration, according to specifications, general conditions, and performance standards. The complete bid package is available upon request. This project is subject to Sate Prevailing wage rates as stated in the Housing Authority's general conditions and is included in the complete bid package. Documents listed on the Index to Bid Package page, stating that it must be returned, must be included with BID submission (properly completed). If all specified documents are not returned/completed, the bidder will be disqualified. The Housing Authority of Grant County has the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities in the bids. #12021/349949 Pub: 12, 13, 19, 20, 2019

The Moses Lake City Council adopted the following ordinances at their meeting held on November 26, 2019. The full text of these ordinances are available on the city's website and can be mailed or emailed upon request by contacting Debbie Burke, City Clerk, at 509-764-3703 or ORDINANCE NO. 2937 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3 OF THE MOSES LAKE MUNICIPAL CODE TO INCLUDE A NEW CHAPTER 3.08 TITLED "FEE SCHEDULE AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES" The change establishes a procedure for adopting new fees. ORDINANCE NO. 2938 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF MOSES LAKE, WASHINGTON FOR THE YEAR OF 2020; AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES ORDINANCE NO. 2939 AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 3rd AVENUE NEAR LEWIS ELLIOTT ADDITION PLAT ORDINANCE NO. 2941 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A NEW CHAPTER 9.26 OF THE MOSES LAKE MUNICIPAL CODE TITLED "SEIZURE AND FORFEITURE" The change designates authority to the Police Chief to appoint a Hearing Examiner. ORDINANCE NO. 2942 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MOSES LAKE MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 2.36.120 TITLED "PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS" The change decreases the commission from nine to five members. #12011/346966 Pub: December 2, 2019

CERTIFICATE OF DELINQUENCY FOR UNPAID IRRIGATION DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS AND FOR COSTS AND INTEREST 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the real property hereinafter described is subject to foreclosure pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 87.06 for non-payment of the irrigation assessments levied and assessed by the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 87.03. (a) Description of the property assessed: ALL OF SW1/4 SEC 8, TWP 15, RGE 28 LYING N OF FU 215, BLK 49 (b) Street address of the property: 778 S Heeb Ln Othello, WA 99344 (c) Years for which the property above described has been assessed and is delinquent more than 36 calendar months from the date of delinquency: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 (d) Amount of delinquent assessments, costs, and interest through November 30, 2019: Amount of Years for Which Amount of Amounty of Interest Total Amount of Property Delinquent Cost of On Delinquent Assessment Assessed Assessments Collections Assessments Cost, and Interest 2006 621.59 1007.50 1629.09 2007 669.11 1003.52 1672.63 2008 733.88 1012.91 1746.79 2009 825.83 1040.76 1866.59 2010 826.42 941.64 1768.06 2011 854.07 871.08 1725.15 2012 878.62 791.10 1669.72 2013 906.74 707.46 1614.20 2014 939.43 619.74 1559.17 2015 950.78 513.54 1464.32 2016 974.85 409.50 1384.35 2017 1001.72 300.60 1302.32 2018 1027.14 195.13 1222.27 2019 1047.49 73.29 1120.78 2019 Title Search 547.34 Total: $22.292.78 (e) Name(s) of owner(s) appearing on the Treasurer's most current assessment roll for the property: Steve Heeb (f) Pursuant to RCW 87.06.020, interest will be charged on the delinquent assessments and costs set forth above at a rate of 12% per year, computed monthly and without compounding, from the date of issuance of this Certificate of Delinquency, and that additional costs incurred as a result of the delinquency will be imposed, including the costs of preparing certificates of delinquency and the costs of foreclosure proceedings. 2. This Certificate of Delinquency for Unpaid Irrigation Assessments and for Costs and Interest is issued this 21 day of November, 2019. Rosa Dekker, Treasurer East Columbia Basin Irrigation District #12010/346964 Pub: December 2, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT | | BOYD E. MAYER AND APRIL D. | MAYER, husband and wife, | NO. 19-2-01443-13 | Plaintiffs, | SUMMONS | vs. | | GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, | as his separate estate; The unknow | heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. | CRUCE, deceased, | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS, GEORGE K. CRUCE, a married man, as his separate estate; the unknown heirs and devisees of GEORGE K. CRUCE, deceased: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days(60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 28th day of October, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in teh above entilted court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, BOYD E. MAYER and APRIL D. MAYER, husband and wife, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiffs, Trevor R. Bevier, of Huberdeau Law Office, P.S., at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The complaint is asking for specific performance of a real estate contract or an order to quiet title to real property in Grant County, Washington with the following legal description: THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 26 E.W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. The complaint alleges that the above described real property was purchased by Plaintiffs from George K. Cruce in 1996 and was pain in full. Said cause of action is based upon an alleged default for failure to deliver a Statutory Warranty Deed. Trevor R. Bevier Huberdeau Law Offfice, P.S. Attorney for Plaintiffs WSBA#47989 821 E. Sharon Ave Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-1196 (509)765-1799 fax #12002/338400 Pub: October 28, 2019 & November 4, 11 ,18, 25, 2019 & December 2, 2019

STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES The Department of Natural Resources intends to negotiate a commercial ground lease on property generally located and described as: a parcel of land containing 15 acres, more or less, located at 658 Road L N.E., and being a portion of the NE 1/4 of Section 36, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington. The parcel is currently zoned "C2, General Commercial" by the City of Moses Lake. If interested, contact Rod Rennie, Commercial Property Manager, DNR Product Sales & Leasing Division, 1111 Washington Street SE, 4th Floor, Olympia, WA 98504-7014, (360) 902-1166 by January 31, 2020. 01018/356378 Pub: January 9, 2020

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT JOSEPH A. DOWNS, an individual, ] ] CASE NO.: 18-2-00584-8 Plaintiff, ] JUDGMENT NO.: 18-9-00600-6 v. ] ] SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NOTICE OF TRINIDAD GREENHOUSE & FARMS, INC, a ] SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Washington corporation; SCOTT GERRITS, ] individually, and the marital community ] ***12 MONTH REDEMPTION*** comprised of SCOTT GERRITS and JANET ] GERRITS, husband and wife, ] ] Defendants. ] ] ___________________________________________ ] TO: Trinidad Greenhouse & Farms, INC, Scott Gerrits and Janet Gerrits, The Superior Court of Grant County has directed the undersigned Sheriff of Grant County to sell the property described to satisfy a judgment in the above entitled action: THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 24 EAST, W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. APN TAX PARCEL NO.: 15-1249-005 Commonly known as: 13477 Road 13 NW, Quincy, WA 98848 The sale of the described property is to take place at 10:30 am on the 21st day of February 2020 at the main lobby of the Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington. The judgment debtor can avoid the sale by paying the judgment amount of $254,570.52 plus interest, costs and fees before the sale date. For the exact amount, contact the attorney at the address stated below. Dated this 18th day of December 2019 at Ephrata, WA 98823. THOMAS E. JONES, Sheriff By: Sheena Ohl, Civil Specialist cc: LANE POWELL Attn: James B. Zack 1420 Fifth Avenue; Suite 4200; PO Box 91302 Seattle, WA 98101/ Seattle, WA 98111 Phone: (206) 223-7000 #01011/353383 Pub: January 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020

GRANT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON | ROBERT G. DODGE, a single man | NO. 19-2-01429-13 | Plaintiff, | v. | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION CHESTER S. PEDERSEN, a deceased | individual; the heirs and devisees of | CHESTER S. PEDERSEN; GROSS | FARMS, LLC, a Washington Limited | Liability Company; and CONSECO | FINANCE SERVICING CORP. | | Defendants. | ____________________________________| TO: HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF CHESTER S. PEDERSEN, deceased, Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days (60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after January 9, 2020, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the Deed of Trust Foreclosure Complaint (hereinafter the "Complaint") filed by Plaintiff, ROBERT G. DODGE, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for Petitioners, Jeff Slothower of LATHROP, WINBAUER, HARREL, SLOTHOWER & DENISON L.L.P., at the office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Petition, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of the action is a foreclosure of a Promissory Note and Deed of Trust as it pertains to real property located in Grant County, Washington and legally described as: A portion of Farm Unit 131, Irrigation Block 74, Columbia Basin Project Grant County, Washington, described as follow: commencing at a point that bears north 89°17'00" East 798.97 feet from the Northwest corner of Section 33, Township 20, Range 23 East and said point bearing North 89°17'00" East 135.54 feet from the Northwest corner of said farm unit; thence South 00°43'00" East 207.80 feet to a point on the said farm unit boundary and the center of the west 35.9 D Lateral; thence Southeasterly 215.64 feet along a 286.50 feet radius curve to the right whose long chord bears South 21°33'45" East 210.59 feet; thence leaving said centerline and farm unit boundary East 30.00 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way of said West 35.9D; thence North 01°46'26" East 405.36 feet to a point on the North line of said farm unit; thence South 89°17'00" West 122.55 feet to the point of beginning, subject to easements, restrictions and reservations of records containing .82 acres, more or less. This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington and RCW 4.28.110. Dated this 16th day of December, 2019. /s/ Jeff Slothower JEFF SLOTHOWER, WSBA #14526 Attorney for Petitioners P.O. Box 1088 Ellensburg, Washington 98926 #02001/351850 Pub: January 9, 16, 23, 30, 2020 & February 4, 11, 2020

NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY TAX TITLE PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the BOCC Order of Sale that Grant County will sell at Public Auction for cash or cashier check on November 22, 2019 commencing at 9:00 AM in the Law & Justice Bldg, 2nd Floor Multipurpose room in Ephrata, Washington to dispose of county Tax Title property approved for sale on November 5, 2019, and more particularly described as follows: Parcels 08-0694-012 to 08-0694-018, Lots 12 to 18 Block 5 & North 10 feet of Vacated 4th Avenue Adjacent George Pruitt's Add. Minimum bid $3,500.00 plus costs. The above 7 parcels will be sold as one unit. The above described properties will not be sold for less than the amount set opposite the description of the property. A deed will be issued following full payment of the purchase price. Darryl Pheasant Grant County Treasurer 509-754-2011 x4253 #11032/341895 Pub: November 8, 15, 21, 2019

Request for Qualification's "Feasibility and Preliminary Engineering of Northern Columbia Basin Rail Project Segment 5" The Port of Moses Lake is completing final design and will soon begin construction of the Northern Columbia Basin Railroad Project (NCBRP). The NCBRP will bring rail service to the industrial lands on the east side of the Grant County International Airport and connect to the BNSF Southern Mainline through Connell, Washington. With this work under way the Port of Moses Lake is looking to complete a Feasibility Study and Preliminary Engineering to examine options for connecting the NCBRP to the BNSF Northern Mainline Railroad and to west side of the Grant County International Airport. This Study is a conceptual evaluation of developing a new rail line and It will be known as the Northern Columbia Basin Rail Project- Segment 5 (Segment 5). The scope of work will include two phases, a feasibility analysis (Phase I) and Preliminary design and route environmental evaluation (Phase II). The successful consultant and the Port will further refine the scope of work and schedule during the contract negotiation process. The Port of Moses Lake will accept submittals until December 5, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. All interested candidates please contact Milt Miller at the Port of Moses Lake by email for a detailed scope and submittal requirements. Contact info #11050/344641 Pub: November 21, 27, 2019

The Moses Lake City Council adopted the following ordinance at their meeting held on December 10, 2019. The full text of this ordinance is available on the city's website and can be mailed or emailed upon request by contacting Debbie Burke, City Clerk, at 509-764-3703 or ORDINANCE NO. 2943 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 2019 BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF MOSES LAKE; AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FROM UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCES WITHIN VARIOUS FUNDS FOR EXPENDITURE DURING 2019 FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES AS DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE #12025/350303 Pub: December 16, 2019

ORDINANCE 19-04 The City Council of the City of Royal City has adopted Ordinance 19-04 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ROYAL CITY, WASHINGTON, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2020. This ordinance was passed on the 3rd day of December 2019 and shall be in full force and effect five days after the publication of this summary as provided by law. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge by request to City Hall, P.O. Box 1239, Royal City WA 99357, or in person at 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA. #12032/350349 Pub: December 16, 2019

ORDINANCE 19-05 The City Council of the City of Royal City has adopted Ordinance 19-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROYAL CITY, AMENDING THE 2019 BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE 18-13 AND AMENDED BY ORDINANCE 19-01. This ordinance was passed on the 3rd day of December 2019 and shall be in full force and effect five days after the publication of this summary as provided by law. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge by request to City Hall, P.O. Box 1239, Royal City WA 99357, or in person at 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA. #12033/350350 Pub: December 16, 2019

ORDINANCE 19-06 The City Council of the City of Royal City has adopted Ordinance 19-06 AN ORDINANCE REPLACING "APPENDIX W" OF CHAPTER 12.04 OF THE ROYAL CITY MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "WATER SERVICE SYSTEM" RELATING TO WATER RATES. This ordinance was passed on the 3rd day of November 2019 and shall be in full force and effect five days after the publication of this summary as provided by law. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge by request to City Hall, P.O. Box 1239, Royal City WA 99357, or in person at 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA. #12034/350354 Pub: December 16, 2019

ORDINANCE 19-07 The City Council of the City of Royal City has adopted Ordinance 19-07 AN ORDINANCE REPLACING "APPENDIX S" OF CHAPTER 12.08 OF THE ROYAL CITY MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "SEWER SERVICE SYSTEM" RELATING TO SEWER RATES. This ordinance was passed on the 3rd day of December 2019 and shall be in full force and effect five days after the publication of this summary as provided by law. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge by request to City Hall, P.O. Box 1239, Royal City WA 99357, or in person at 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA. #12035/350363 Pub: December 16, 2019

ORDINANCE 19-08 The City Council of the City of Royal City has adopted Ordinance 19-08 AN ORDINANCE REPLACING "APPENDIX G" OF CHAPTER 5.04 OF THE ROYAL CITY MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL" RELATING TO GARBAGE RATES. This ordinance was passed on the 3rd day of December 2019 and shall be in full force and effect five days after the publication of this summary as provided by law. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge by request to City Hall, P.O. Box 1239, Royal City WA 99357, or in person at 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA. #12036/350365 Pub: December 16, 2019

ORDINANCE 19-09 The City Council of the City of Royal City has adopted Ordinance 19-09 AN ORDINANCE CREATING ROYAL CITY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 4.32 ENTITLED "RENTAL LICENSE". This ordinance was passed on the 3rd day of December 2019 and shall be in full force and effect five days after the publication of this summary as provided by law. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge by request to City Hall, P.O. Box 1239, Royal City WA 99357, or in person at 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA. #12037/350366 Pub: December 16, 2019

ORDINANCE 19-10 The City Council of the City of Royal City has adopted Ordinance 19-10 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 6.04 TITLED "ANIMAL CONTROL CODE" AND ADOPTING NEW CHAPTERS 6.02 TITLED "DEFINITIONS", 6.04 TITLED "LICENSING REQUIREMENTS", 6.06 TITLED "IMPOUNDS", 6.08 TITLED "DANGEROUS DOG AND POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG", 6.10 TITLED "MISCELLANEOUS ANIMAL CONTROL", 6.12 TITLED "PENALTIES AND ENFORCEMENT", OF THE ROYAL CITY MUNICIPAL CODE. This ordinance was passed on the 3rd day of December 2019 and shall be in full force and effect five days after the publication of this summary as provided by law. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge by request to City Hall, P.O. Box 1239, Royal City WA 99357, or in person at 445 Camelia Street NE, Royal City, WA. #12038/350367 Pub: December 16, 2019

SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 802 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WARDEN HAS ADOPTED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 2019 BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO 794. Passed by the City Council of the City of Warden, Washington, this 26th day of November, 2019. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge upon request. #12026/350307 Pub: December 16, 2019

SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 801 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WARDEN HAS ADOPTED AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2020. Passed by the City Council of the City of Warden, Washington, this 26th day of November, 2019. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge upon request. #12027/350311 Pub: December 16, 2019

SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE #803 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WARDEN HAS ADOPTED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING WARDEN MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8.09 ENTITLED GARBAGE SERVICE CHARGES, "APPENDIX G", Rates Effective February 1, 2020. Passed by the City Council of the City of Warden, Washington, this 10th day of December, 2019. Any person may obtain the full text of this ordinance by mail without charge upon request. #12031/350343 Pub:December 16, 2019

Notice of Application - Date of Notice: December 16, 2019- Notice is hereby given that a Short Subdivision application was received by Grant County on December 3, 2019 from Jose Francisco Rodriguez-Torres (Designated Contact: Ostler Land Surveying (Wayne Ostler), PO Box 897, Moses Lake, WA 98837), was found to be technically complete on December 11, 2019. PROJECT: A Short Subdivision of one parcel totaling approximately 10.3 acres to create two (2) lots in the Rural Residential 1 (RR1) zoning district. Lot 9A is 4.5 acres and is currently vacant. Lot 9B is 4.85 acres and has a house, well and septic system on it. Both lots are adjacent to Crook Loop SW, and utilities currently exist along the road. LOCATION: The project site is known as the Replat of Lot 9 Crook Estates Short Plat and the subject parcel is located adjacent to Crook Loop SW and County Road A.7 SW and is approximately 1 mile east of the most eastern edge of the Royal City Corporate limits. The site address is 14330 Road A.7 SW and is in the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 16 North, Range 26 East, W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel #07-1390-009. PRESENT ZONING: Rural Residential 1 (RR1). STUDIES REQUIRED: None. PUBLIC HEARING: None. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to, and shall be consistent with, Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (File #P 19-0393) are available from Ron Sell, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509) 754-2011 ext. 2525, Office Hours: 8am - 5pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to Development Services no later than 5pm on December 31, 2019. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, e-mailed, or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above mentioned proposal and materials. #12030/350330 Pub: December 16, 2019

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids, plainly marked "BID FOR 2020 Crushing and Stockpiling", will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, P.O. Box 37, 35 C Street NW - Room 206, Ephrata, WA, 98823, until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, December 17, 2019 and will then and there, in the commissioners hearing room, be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvements. All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. No conditional bid bond will be accepted. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish a satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to Grant County. Maps, plans and specifications may be purchased from the office of the County Engineer, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, upon payment of the amount of $25.00 (non-refundable). Informational copies of the maps, plans and specifications are on file for inspection at the Grant County Public Works Building, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, and in various plan centers located in Washington. The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The award of this contract, if made, will be to the lowest responsible bidder. The improvement for which bids will be received follows: 2020 Crushing and Stockpiling. This contract provides for crushing, screening and stockpiling 111,000 tons of crushed surfacing mineral aggregates and other work at three locations in Grant County, WA all in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions and the Standard Specifications. #12014/348096 Pub: December 5, 9, 16, 2019

GRANT COUNTY NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS FOR: "Request for Qualifications" Professional Services - Real Estate Activities Grant County Public Works solicits interest from consulting firms with expertise in Negotiations, Relocation, Acquisition, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Property Management of Real Estate. Solicitations must be received at the Grant County Public Works main office at the below address no later than 4:00 pm on January 10, 2020 by mail or hand delivered; email or faxed solicitations are not acceptable. Submittals will not be accepted after that time and date. Grant County Public Works reserves the right to amend terms of this "Request for Qualifications" (RFQ) to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses. Consultants will be considered for the following project: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Project Title - Cochran & Ottmar Road Reconstruction Start Date: June 2020 End Date: December 2020 Work will include grading, drainage, HMA surfacing, curb and gutter, sidewalks, traffic control and other items. This Project has a zero UDBE goal Consultant(s) shall be listed on WSDOTs Approved Consultants List The work to be performed on this project by the consultant consists of: The Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property for use as road Right-of-Way (ROW) for the project. Prepare & provide a Project Funding Estimate (PFE) and a True Cost Estimate for the projects ROW needs. Prepare and provide a ROW plan indicating the property required to build and maintain the needs of the project area. Prepare and provide all documentation needed for the project ROW Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review, Acquisition, True Cost Estimate and PFE and ROW plan. Comply with all Federal and State laws and the WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual pertaining to the ROW process and Negotiation, Appraisal, Appraisal Review and Acquisition of Real Property. Please Note: A consulting firm may complete the appraisal and the appraisal review as long as the reports are completed independently. In addition, in order to avoid conflict of interest the consultant(s) performing the acquisition/negotiation cannot be involved in the appraisal review process. The consultant's professional services will be utilized during the Preliminary Engineering and Right of Way phases. The Grant County Public Works reserves the right to retain the services of the successful firm(s) for any subsequent phases, Construction (CN), associated with this project. The consultant firm that is awarded the project may be extended upon mutual agreement by both parties on agreement of terms, thru December 31, 2023. SUBMITTAL: Submittals should include the following information: Firm name, phone, fax and email addresses; Name of Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager; and Number of employees in each firm proposed to the project. Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: Qualification of Proposed Project Manager Qualification/Expertise of Firm Experience/familiarity with WSDOT/FHWA standards and requirements Ability to meet schedule and stay within budget Office in Washington State and proximity to Grant County Experience in Grant County Experience with Local Agencies Past Performance/References Approach to meet the DBE goal (DBE Participation Plan) Adequate licensure to perform and complete the project Grant County encourages disadvantaged, minority and women-owned consultant firms to respond. Please submit THREE (3) copies of your Statement of Qualifications to: Jeff Tincher, P.E. County Engineer Grant County Public Works 124 Enterprise Street SE Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 754-6082 Questions regarding this project should be directed to the same. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA Information) The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Kirk Eslinger at , or by calling 1-800-572-0119, ext. 4903. TITLE VI STATEMENT The Grant County Public Works in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code Of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration for an award." #01003/348898 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 7, 2019

NOTICE TO FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPLIERS Sealed bids, plainly marked "BID for Fuel Management System 2019, will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, Room 207, 35 C Street NW, P.O. Box 37, -, Ephrata, WA, 98823, until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, January 7, 2020 and will then and there in the Commissioners Hearing Room be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvements. This agreement provides for the supply and installation of a Fuel Management System and software at seven (7) sites in Grant County and other work in accordance with the plans and specifications. Specifications may be obtained from the office of the County Road Engineer, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823, at no charge. The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. #12028/350319 Pub: December 16, 23, 2019

NOTICE TO MATERIAL SUPPLIERS Sealed bids, plainly marked "Bid for Asphalt Crack Sealant 2020", will be received by Grant County at the Office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the County Courthouse, 35 C Street NW - Room 206, P.O. Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, until 1:30 PM, Tuesday, January 7, 2020, and will then and there in the Commissioners Hearing Room be opened and publicly read for furnishing and delivering: Quantity Description 450,000 lbs. Asphalt Crack Sealant Informational copies of the proposal and specifications are on file with the County Engineer in the Grant County Public Works Building, 124 Enterprise St. S.E., Ephrata, WA 98823. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject or accept any or all portions of the bids received #12029/350326 Pub: December 16, 23, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation; NORTHWEST FARM | CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, a corporation, | NO. 19-2-01523-13 | Plaintiffs, | | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION vs. | | RONALD L. FODE and ROBIN M. FODE, | individually and as a married couple; KC | CAPITAL LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; LAW OFFICE OF THOMAS M. | PORS; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY- | INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; | SUSQUEHANNA SALT LAKE LLC, a Utah | limited liability company; ODESSA FARMING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | BOGAARD HAY CO., a Washington | corporation; WHEELER LAND HOLDING | LLC, a Washington limited liability company; | AMERICAN FARM MORTGAGE COMPANY | INC.; CNH CAPITAL AMERICA, LLC; CHS | INC.; DEERE & COMPANY; DIVERSIFIED | FINANCIAL LLC; EVERGREEN | IMPLEMENT INC.; and ALL OTHER | PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN | CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, | LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE | DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, PCA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiffs Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 #01001/348560 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2019

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, | FLCA, a corporation, | | NO. 19-02-01324-13 Plaintiff, | | vs. | SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION | LEE J. ENGELHARDT and CONNIE S. | ENGELHARDT, a married couple; X-E | LAND, LLC, a Washington limited liability | company; X-E RANCHES, LLC, a | Washington limited liability company; | CHANCE ENGELHARDT, an individual; | LANE ENGELHARDT, an individual; and | ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES | UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, | TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN | THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE | COMPLAINT HEREIN, | | Defendants. | The State of Washington to Defendants named as ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 9th day of December, 2019, and defend the above entitled action in the above titled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SERVICES, FCLA, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff Lukins & Annis, PS, at its office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is to foreclose, satisfy, or redeem from a mortgage, or to enforce a lien on real estate in Grant County. Dated this 3rd day of December, 2019. LUKINS & ANNIS, P.S. By: TREVOR R. PINCOCK, WSBA# 36818 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 717 W. Sprague Ave., Ste 1600 Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 455-9555 01002/348574 Pub: December 9, 16, 23, 30, 2019 & January 6, 13, 2020

LEGAL NOTICE The Moses Lake Museum & Art Center needs to return artwork to the following people: Bonny Parker Love - knitted and crocheted hats and bags PO Box 363 Soap Lake, WA 98851 Chelan Flint - jewelry 1053 S. Division St. #A Moses Lake, WA 98837 Kay Sutton - jewelry 4815 Airway Dr. NE #178 Moses Lake, WA 98837 Rena Hopson - music CDs 4868 Bluff Dr. Moses Lake, WA 98837 Abigail Johnston - framed drawing Moses Lake, WA 98837 Juliane Gamble - painting on canvas Moses Lake, WA 98837 Jeff Marriott - glasswork Ali Howell - framed photograph All persons who may have any knowledge of the whereabouts of the owners, please provide written notice to the Moses Lake Museum & Art Center. Moses Lake Museum & Art Center c/o Sierra Uhlinger PO Box 1579 Moses Lake, WA 98837 If written assertion of title is not presented by the owners to the Moses Lake Museum & Art Center within 90 days from December 16, 2019, the property shall be deemed abandoned or donated and shall become the property of the Moses Lake Museum & Art Center. #12019/348871 Pub: December 9, 16, 2019


Legals for December, 17 2019
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 5 years, 1 month ago
Legals for December, 17 2019
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 5 years, 1 month ago
Legals for December, 17 2019
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 5 years, 1 month ago