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Sgt. Paul Twidt Kellogg Police Department | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 5 years, 2 months AGO
by Sgt. Paul Twidt Kellogg Police Department
| December 19, 2019 3:55 PM

- Attempted arrest warrant service at the 100 block of east Portland Avenue. Cleared, negative contact.

- Traffic stop at the Dyke Road between Hill Street and Division Street. Cleared, verbal warning for incomplete stop and failure to signal.

- Traffic stop at the 300 block of McKinley Avenue. Cleared, verbal warning for incomplete stop.

- Traffic stop at the intersection of Hill Street and west Cameron Avenue. Cleared, verbal warning for incomplete stop.

- Stationary patrol at south Division Street and Railroad Avenue. Speed emphasis due to road conditions. Zero stops.

- Continuation of report from Health and Welfare, follow-up.

- Traffic stop McKinley/Main, verbal for headlight and high beam use. High beams were being used due to headlight being out.

- Traffic stop Bunker/Cameron, verbal for speed for conditions… NOTE: It is not advisable to slide sideways through a busy intersection with the police sitting right there.

- Traffic control for semi blocking 100 block of west Cameron … he moved freeing up the roadway.

- Followed up on a possible blight, contacted owner(s) of property and it is being taken care of.

- Training at Kellogg Police Department with prosecutor’s office.

- Landline request regarding civil issues, at the end of information gathering they were directed to contact Shoshone County Sheriff’s Office to request a civil stand by in Smelterville while repossessing a vehicle.

- Stationary Radar Cameron Avenue and Bunker Avenue.

- Suspicious vehicle on Short Street. Cleared, Unable To Locate (UTL).

- Called to Galena Ridge for traffic complaint. Cleared, UTL.

- Paperwork to Court/Prosecutor.

- Assist K76 with complaint at Trail Motel.

- Office re-arranging. Trying to find room for the new guy K78. K73 has not came up with a nick name yet, but one will be issued soon.

- Called to the Cameron Conoco for a suspicious vehicle, after speaking with her she left the Conoco. Public assist.

- Called to the Trail Motel for a disturbance regarding payment of a room. Clear, Necessary Action Taken (NAT).

- Called to Yoke’s for questions regarding the male that was the focus of the Trail Motel call as well.

- Traffic stop on the 600 block of west Cameron for speed, verbal.

- Traffic stop at Division and east Cameron for a headlight out, verbal.

- Assisted K75 with attempting to locate a female near the Gondolier who K76 dealt with earlier at the Cameron Conoco. A short time later, I was conducting a security check at Shoshone Medical Center when I discovered the female inside the employee cafeteria just hanging out. Obviously, she slipped past the security doors and made her way inside. Female was then escorted off the property and trespassed.

- Dispatched to an uncontrollable Juvenile on the 200 block of west Brown. After my arrival, the mother was able to control said juvenile.

- Traffic stop Hill/McKinley, verbal warning for stop sign.

- Disturbance at FairBridge Inn, contacted subject stating bus driver kicked him off the bus. Turns out the bus driver would not accept whatever confirmation number he has and refused service, advised this was an issue to take up with the bus lines.

- Called back to FairBridge for issues with front desk. Subject removed from property and trespassed. Yes same dude.

- Land line request regarding a strange phone call from a male, with questions about the bus services… Yes same dude.

- Traffic stop in front of Les Schwab for crossing double yellow, verbal.

- School bus stop arm violation, driver of vehicle was contacted and cited and released.

- LL request regarding stolen fish. Cleared, report taken. Hmm, has to be more to this brief.

- Assisted county with suicidal subject who had crashed just outside of Elizabeth Park on I-90. Witnesses were on scene trying to keep individual from running into traffic. He was taken into custody without incident.

- Traffic stop on Railroad for failure to yield to oncoming traffic. Cleared, verbal.

- Dispatched to the 200 block of south Division for a 911 hang-up. Checked on everyone at that location and discovered no one was in need of law enforcement assistance.

- Traffic stop in the 500 block of west Cameron Avenue for stop sign violation, verbal.

- Assisted K73 with disturbance at the Amy Lynn’s. Cleared, assist.

- Motorist assist at MP 51. When K73 arrived, he noticed some very important engine parts laying in the road, you know like pistons and stuff. Traffic control till tow arrived.

- Called to a vehicle reviving its engine near the golf course. First it was unable to locate but same vehicle decided to return and K72 was able to locate it. He finds everything.

- Dispatched to a traffic complaint at the Galena Ridge area. Located the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop. Cleared, verbal warning for multiple violations.

- Conducted follow-up on an active case.

- Traffic stop at the 10 block of east Cameron Avenue. Verbal warning for failure to signal. A probation search of the vehicle was conducted. Items were retained for safekeeping belonging to another. Unable to contact the owner to determine if stolen at the time. Cleared, report taken.

- Traffic stop at the 100 block of east Portland Avenue. Cleared, verbal warning for pedestrian in the roadway.

- Traffic stop at the intersection of Helen Street and Elder Avenue. Cleared, verbal warning for incomplete stop.

- Traffic stop at the 600 block of Bunker Avenue. Field Sobriety Tests were conducted, but the driver did not meet criteria for impairment. Cleared, verbal warning for incomplete stop.

- Traffic stop at the I-90 westbound milepost 49 (violation occurred in the city). Cleared, verbal warning for failure to signal.

- Called to the 400 block of Bunker for a welfare check. Everything was code 4.

- Assisted K73 on a traffic stop. Cleared, assist. Yes, he makes traffic stops.

- Traffic stop Bunker Avenue. 35/25. Citation for speed issued.

- Placed three dogs in the pound for the county. Dogs found up the Coeur d’Alene River.

- Released said dogs a short time later. Fines paid at Shoshone County Sheriff’s Office.

- Traffic stop Cameron Avenue. Verbal speed.

- Responded to a report of a person asleep at the wheel at the 10 block of east Cameron Avenue. The driver was just tired and sleeping in a legally parked location. Cleared, unfounded.

- Vehicle blocking the roadway at lower Third Street. The owner was contacted who moved the vehicle out of the roadway. Cleared, NAT.

- Contacted a pedestrian in the roadway. One male was issued a citation for Possession of a Controlled Substance and Possession of Paraphernalia with Intent to Use. Cleared, misdemeanor cite and release.

- Traffic stop at the I-90 eastbound milepost 51 (violation occurred in the city). One male was issued a citation for Possession of a Controlled Substance and Failure to Maintain Liability Insurance. Cleared, misdemeanor cite and release.

- Traffic stop at the intersection of Government Gulch and McKinley Avenue. Cleared, verbal warning for failure to maintain lane.

- Dispatched to attempt to locate a suspicious person looking into vehicles. Cleared, unable to locate.

- Traffic stop at the 10 block of north Hill Street. Cleared, verbal warning for equipment.

- VIN inspection 400 block of Price.

- Civil Paper attempt, prior to attempting noticed the court date was past. Turned into contact requester of the service and it was not needed anyway as the issue had been resolved.

- Tagged a vehicle for 48-hour in the 600 block of west Mission, owner in 600 block of west Riverside. No answer at residence.

- Evidence work.

- Received a landline regarding the spam phone calls (automated) from the Social Security Administration, advised this is known by all and re-enforced the importance of not giving personal information on those calls should the other side not be a recording.

- Called to a drunk person who was causing issues on the bus. When K73 arrived, he noticed a man laying in the snow just outside the bus doors. It appears that while the bus driver was in the FairBridge calling 911, some of the passengers decided they had enough and “helped” him off the bus. K73 made contact with Mr. Drunk Guy and tried to explain to him that this was not a “party bus” and that he was no longer allowed on the bus. Mr. Drunk Guy was not understanding and was unable to walk on his own. Mr. Drunk Guy was placed on a detox hold for his safety. Cleared, detox hold.

- Assist medical on west Cameron Avenue.

- Disorderly conduct/intoxicated subject at Silver Mountain Gondola base. This was the same subject that was just detoxed by K73 the night before, so it was K78’s turn to detox Mr. Drunk Guy.

- Welfare check 100 block of east Portland, subject did not call into work sick and had not contacted anyone at work. Contacted subject and advised to contact work, subject was alive and well.

- Telephone harassment/stalking 10 block north Division, report taken.

- Battery at McDonald’s. Both parties contacted and citation issued, report taken cite and release.

- Threats case at Dave Smith Motors. Contacted both parties. Info at this time only.

- Assist Osburn Police Department with a subject with a sword threatening his mother. Cleared as soon as the scene was safe.

- Side streets and alleyways patrolled.

- Intoxicated individual at Silver Mountain… Same Mr. Drunk Guy. Detox No. 3.

- Welfare check/911 hang-up at Amy Lynn’s apartments. Cleared, public assist.

Be happy, Be safe,

Be good, Krampus is real.


Kellogg Police Department Roll Call: Nov. 11-18
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 5 years, 3 months ago
Kellogg Police Department Roll Call: March 24-31
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 3 years, 11 months ago
KPD Roll Call: Dec. 19-26
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 5 years, 2 months ago


Kellogg Police Department Roll Call: Jan. 22-29
January 30, 2020 12:59 p.m.

Kellogg Police Department Roll Call: Jan. 22-29

- Took dog into pound from county.

Kellogg Police Department Roll Call: Nov. 26 - Dec. 3
December 5, 2019 7:51 p.m.

Kellogg Police Department Roll Call: Nov. 26 - Dec. 3

- Dispatched to an overdue juvenile on the 500 block of Main Street. Juvenile was later located after reporting party returned home.

No headline
December 19, 2019 3:55 p.m.

No headline

- Attempted arrest warrant service at the 100 block of east Portland Avenue. Cleared, negative contact.