Year ten of the Naples holiday festival doesn't disappoint
Tonia Brooks Staff Writer | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 5 years, 3 months AGO
The Naples Holiday Festival kicked off another year of fun and community camaraderie with games, treats, ornament making, horse and carriage rides, and fire truck rides all donated by the festival.
The main event was located at the South Boundary Fire Station property on Saturday, Dec. 14, though it included the Naples General Store, which hosted photos with Santa.
Two hundred photos were taken of Santa Claus and his fans with candy cane treats all donated to help bring some cheer and holiday spirit to the local children and families who braved a colder than normal day to attend.
“The whole idea of the festival is to give the kids something fun to do during the holiday season for little to no cost,” said South Boundary Fire Chief Tony Rohrwasser. “The South Boundary Firefighters Association runs the festival, along with volunteers from the school, store, and community.”
Meanwhile at the South Boundary Fire Station event location, the Grinch and a Snowman wandered around while being guided by two elves. Children gleefully chased and taunted the Grinch, at times relentlessly, though all in good fun.
Some festival attendees chose to warm up by the bonfire adjacent to the cut tree lot, where folks had the opportunity to purchase their perfect holiday tree by donation.
With all the holiday treats and candies available for children, The Gardner Grind mobile coffee stand was on hand to provide lattes and other warm beverages to the parents and other adults in attendance.
“Every last wooden ornament was painted by the kids for free,” said Rohrwasser. “The Helping Hands of Naples sold all of their goodies and hot dogs, chili dogs and chips went quick too.”
The festival had a few raffles to help generate money for worthy causes.
“Ellieciandra Gedstad (age 3) won the six foot tall stocking, filled with toys, and Tatum Ramirez (age 9) won the 50/50 raffle and meat processing kit, of which $70 goes to Paisley Choate to assist her in a time of need,” Rohrwasser said.
Paisley Choate, a local second grader, is the focus of many fundraisers throughout the county, and on the minds of many community members. She has been diagnosed with cancer and is preparing for a bone marrow transplant.
Chief Rohrwasser expressed his gratitude to all the volunteers and helpers at this year’s festival.
“In the past we have been given many ideas, we do welcome them and also are always looking for helpers on the day of the event,” said Rohrwasser. “Anyone willing to build any type of games or free things are always welcome.”
To help out, please call 208-290-2613.

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