MarDon Fresh News Jan. 18, 2019
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 6 years, 2 months AGO
The current water level on the Potholes Reservoir is 1041.48 feet – rising .71 feet over the past two weeks. The water level has come up 14.77 feet since low pool on September 14, 2018. The water temperature on the Reservoir is in the low to mid-30s. The Potholes Reservoir is ice free and we have highs in the mid to low 40s with lows in upper 20’s forecast for the next 10 days.
The walleye fishing has picked up over the past two weeks with several limits being reported and at least two fish over 10 pounds being caught. Vertically jig or cast Blade Baits over humps topping out at 18-25 feet of water. Fish the tops of the humps down to about 40 feet.
Trout anglers are concentrating on the Medicare beach area either trolling wedding ring rigs with a worm or Needlefish. From shore — fish Power Bait or a marshmallow/egg combination.
There are ducks in the area — but the mild weather is making the hunting unpredictable and the birds are educated at this time of the year. The warm temperatures and lack of ice is making it difficult to pattern the birds. Goose hunting continues to be very productive — with several Snow Geese being taken.
Duck Taxi trips and several guided goose hunts are still available for the end of the season. Call the MarDon Store for the latest fishing and hunting info and to make reservations at 509-346-2651.