Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Legals January 22, 2019

Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 6 years AGO
| January 22, 2019 12:30 AM

REQUEST FOR LETTERS OF INTEREST Letters of Interest will be received by Aging & Adult Care of Central Washington (AACCW) for provision of conducting support groups and informational services for the Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP). Experience in developing and conducting support groups, with preference given for those with knowledge of the FCSP and Dementia Care and related issues. Contractor must provide own transportation and be willing to travel throughout Adams, Chelan, Douglas and Grant Counties to conduct support groups at senior centers and other venues. Some evening support groups may be required. Contract period 2/15/19-12/31/19. Contract amount is $15,000. Payments issued monthly for units of service provided. Monthly reports and support documentation required. Must comply with EOA & ADA. Minority & women-owned businesses encouraged to apply. Letters of interest must be received by 4pm 1/28/19 at AACCW, Attn: Erin Nelson, 50 Simon St. S.E., Suite A, East Wenatchee WA 98802. Emails will be accepted at #01033/260677 Pub: January 15,16,18, 22, 23, 25, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION GOOSE ISLAND, POTHOLES RESERVOIR EPHRATA, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: The Bureau of Reclamation, in accordance with 43 CFR 423 Subpart B, is providing public notice that Goose Island, in Potholes Reservoir, will be closed to the public March 1 through October 15, 2019, during the dissuasion of the Caspian tern colonies on the island under the Inland Avian Predation Management Plan. There are no visitor facilities on the island. Public access will resume on October 16, 2019. Further information about this action can be obtained from the Reclamation's Ephrata Field Office by contacting Clyde Lay at (509) 754-0216. #01043/261355 Pub: January 16, 17, 18, 21, 22,2019

PURSUANT to R.C.W 43.21C, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on January 22, 2019 the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District (LEAD AGENCY) did issue a mitigated determination of non-significance relative to the environmental impact of the following described proposal: The Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District (MLIRD) proposes to install a covered picnic pavilion and attached outdoor concrete barbeque area within Connelly Park public waterfront park in order to provide a safe area for picnicking and grilling by the public, and to enhance the enjoyment and recreational opportunities within the park.The picnic shelter would be located within Connelly Park, adjacent to the existing paved parking stalls located on Rd 6.7 NE and approximately 35 ft landward of the OHWM of Moses Lake. The picnic shelter would include approximately 27 ft x 40 ft (1080 sq. ft) of covered concrete foundational slab, with a 5 ft wide uncovered concrete sidewalk bordering the south, west, and north sides of the shelter, and an uncovered 10 ft x 37 ft concrete barbeque area bordering the south side of the shelter; a total of approximately 1887 sq. ft of concrete surface area. Excavation of the site would be minimal due to the flat and modified nature of the project location. Vegetation removal would be limited to the existing lawngrass. No native vegetation would be altered or removed as a result of this project. A small-scale track-equipped excavator would be utilized for excavation activities at the site in order to minimize soil disturbance and compaction within the riparian and wetland buffers. Any material excavated during the construction of the project would be staged in an appropriate upland location and would be utilized as fill for the footings and slab. Excess excavated material would be removed from the site utilizing the small-scale track-equipped excavator. The excavator would move excess material from the project location to the existing paved access road where it would be loaded into a dump truck and would be removed to an appropriate upland location. The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment subject to the stipulated mitigations under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules. The lead agency has determined that there are no probable significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated and has issued a Mitigated Determination on Non-significance. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request and may be reviewed at the Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District, 1055 W. Broadway Ave., Moses Lake, WA, 98837 during normal business hours. Comments on this determination should be addressed to: Chris Overland, General Manager, Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District /SEPA Official, P.O. Box 98 Moses Lake, WA. 98837. Comments must be received by February 5, 2019 #01049/261726 Pub: January 22, 2019

GRANT COUNTY WATER CONSERVANCY BOARD NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF GROUNDWATER CERTIFICATE G3-01260C TAKE NOTICE: Monument Hill Project, LLC of Ephrata has made an APPLICATION FOR CHANGE/TRANSFER of Water Right to transfer a portion of the place of use and add a point of withdrawal of Groundwater Certificate (GWC) G3-01260C to the Board. The Board has designated such application for active review and has assigned it application number GRAN-18-04. The Department of Ecology has assigned their tracking number CG3-01260C@1. That GWC G3-01260C with a priority date of January 29, 1973 authorizes 1,100 gallons per minute (gpm), 507.5 acre-feet per year (af/y), from March 1 to October 31, each year, for the irrigation of 145 acres. The place of use being within the NW1/4 of Section 8, T 18 N, R 23 EWM., Grant County, Washington. The points of withdrawal are two wells located within the SW1/4NE1/4NW1/4 and NE1/4SW1/4NW1/4; BOTH WITHIN Section 8, T 18 N, R 23 EWM. That the proposed change is to transfer 500 gpm, 234.5 af/y, for the irrigation of 67 acres, a portion of the authorized water, to a place of use within a portion of Section 27, T 21 N, R 24 EWM. That the new point of withdrawal for the transferred water will be one well located within the NE1/4SW1/4 of Section 34, T 21 N, R 24 EWM. There are no changes to the authorized amount of water or purpose of use. Any interested party may submit comments, objections, and other information to the Board regarding this application. The comments and information may be submitted in writing or verbally at any public meeting of the Board held to discuss or decide on the application. Additionally, the Board will consider written comments or information provided within thirty (30) days from the last date of publication of this notice, said written comments or information to be provided to its office located 2145 Basin Street SW, Ephrata, WA 98823. Any protests or objections to the approval of this application may be filed with the Department of Ecology and must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections. Protests must be accompanied by a fifty dollar ($50.00) recording fee and filed with the Cashiering Section, State of Washington, Department of Ecology, PO Box 47611, Olympia, WA 98504-7611 within thirty (30) days from January 22, 2019 #01038/260833 Pub: January 15, 22, 2019


Legals January 15, 2019
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 6 years ago
Legals January 16, 2019
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 6 years ago
Legals January 18, 2019
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 6 years ago