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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 5 years, 12 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Jan. 27, 1969 — SAGLE BUSY FINGERS
The second meeting of the Sagle Busy Fingers 4-H Club was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Stella Hawkins, on Jan. 16. A new member, Julie Ann Swendig, joined. Julie Sherwood gave a demonstration of drop biscuits. Polly Hawkins served refreshments.
Army Specialist 4 Wolodja Kuprienko, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Kuprienko, Rte. 1, Priest River, was assigned as a mechanic in the 864th Eng. Battalion, near Sip Ja Sung, Vietnam.
Mrs. Henry Cornella, Kootenai Better Community Club, will be installed as president of the Bonner County Extension Homemakers Council, succeeding Mrs. Ted Chronic of the Algoma Ladies Club. Mrs. William Woolsey of Sagle Live and Learn will advance to vice president, and Mrs. Ruth Lepel of the Selle Club will become secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Cornella has named as council chairmen Mrs. Willard Piehl, family life; Mrs. Duane Gillespie and Mrs. Harold Method, health; Mrs. Wesley Moore, safety; Mrs. John Hudon, civil defense and citizenship; Mrs. Ray Trester, cultural arts; Mrs. Leon Hoffine, international project and Mrs. Severt Erickson, publicity and publications.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Jan. 27, 1919 — “CINDERELLA” COMING
“Cinderella,” an English extravaganza production founded upon the famous fairy story of the same name, will be the offering at the Liberty theater for one night Friday, February 7.
A small grove of trees on the state experimental farm, fronting on Boyer avenue, will be converted into a public park. Superintendent Lefranz has already begun clearing the tract of undergrowth and rubbish and next spring will make extensive improvements, among them installing water which will be furnished free by the city, and a tennis court. It is the prime object of the park to afford picnicking grounds for farmers and city people as well.
Special troop trains conveying boys of the 346th field artillery passed over the Great Northern in four sections Wednesday. The canteen ladies, a dozen strong, heroically faced a drizzling rain which was almost continuous throughout the day, and passed out the usual supply of apples, cigarettes and other dainties to something like a thousand returning battle scarred heroes of the great war. Their attention to these boys was that which is accorded all soldier boys who pass through this city.
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