Wednesday, March 05, 2025

PLOWED: And not pleased

Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 6 years, 1 month AGO
| January 27, 2019 12:00 AM

“Hayden officials” have stated in The Press that my property, as shown in a picture in the newspaper, “isn’t even in Hayden.” I most definitely am in the city of Hayden, as our tax bill confirms, and am much further south than stated in Mr. Soderling’s weak response. And, as Mr. Soderling may have been implying, we did not, I repeat, did not build the pile in my picture. I most definitely observed our snow plows pile that snow up in front our property on Tuesday morning.

The adjacent properties each have fences close to the street while we are unfenced. As a result, the city routinely pushes snow into our driveway and in front of our mailbox (where, in the past, they have chipped the cement edging in front of the mailbox). We are a convenient open space for them.

I would like an apology from Hayden.


Definitely Hayden