Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Friends of Lake Mary Ronan open house June 22

Joe Sova Lake County Leader | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 5 years, 9 months AGO
by Joe Sova Lake County Leader
| June 13, 2019 2:49 PM

Friends of Lake Mary Ronan (FLMR) will hold an open house on Saturday, June 22 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Proctor Community Center in Proctor.

It is located at the intersection of Big Meadows Road and Proctor School Road.

Speakers and their topics and times: 1 p.m., Jim Baker, FLMR president, FLMR Happenings; 1:30 p.m., Jim Craft, research scientist, LMR Water Quality; 2 p.m., Samantha Tappenbeck, area research specialist, Septic Leaching and Grants; and 2:30 p.m., Sam Bourret, fisheries biologist, Illegal Fish Introduction.

Displays will include:

- Friends of Lake Mary Ronan

- FLMR Water Quality Project

- Aquatic Invasive Species

- Illegal Fish Introduction

- Lake County Conversation District: Live Demonstration

- Montana Parks — Brian Schwartz

- Soil and Conservation Districts of Montana

MIKE RIPPE is a Friends of Lake Mary Ronan board member, and he says there are 45 who belong to FLMR, “and the number is growing. The MDMR motto is “Even a Lake Needs Friends,” according to Rippe.

“It was never truer than it is now. The lake is in crisis,” Rippe says. “We have numbers with science backgrounds who can give you specifics on why our lake is dying. The issues are numerous and varied; logging, past development with plans for more, septic issues, Fish & Game verified illegal planting of predatory fish (Northern Pike), ravenous Cormorants (birds), high level of nitrates and the list goes on.”

For more details and contact information, visit friendsoflakemaryronan.org.


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