High waters send area residents rowing
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 5 years, 7 months AGO
Editor’s note: Marylyn Cork is on vacation. In the meantime, enjoy this previous column of the community’s rich history.
Compiled by
103 Years Ago — 1916
Row, row, row your boat
A L. Petrie brought up Mrs. H. E. Angstadt’s new steel boat and wagon last week and had to put the wagon on the boat at East River and row across the road, as the water is so high. Al says nothing like being prepared for anything in this neck of the woods.
93 Years Ago — 1926
Railroad park
The June issue of the Great Northern Semaphore, a monthly magazine published at St. Paul by the Great Northern Railway, contains an article entitled “Priest River a Potential Resort.” The article refers to the recent visit of F. W. Graham, GN assistant general agricultural agent, to Priest River and Priest Lake. Of Priest Lake, the story says: “it is a beautiful lake, a second Lake Chelan, and has great resort possibilities.” This would be a good location for a Great Northern park, as it is a main line station and a beauty sport which would be seen by travelers passing through (town).”
83 Years Ago — 1936
Long walk toward home
Billy Neergard, Leo Bossio, Fred Kondo, Harold Vance, and Clifford Bossio, who are employed on the blister rust, came down from their camp Thursday.
The boys left camp Wednesday and walked the entire distance of approximately 30 miles by trail to Coolin. By working overtime, the boys were able to get 4 1/2 days off
73 Years Ago — 1946
Tremor felt near the Falls
A tremor was felt in the community east of the Falls Ranger Station and as far east as the Meegan district about 9:30 Sunday morning. Otto Stehwein, Carl Evenson, and Rufus Fields reported it was felt in their homes. Rufus says it lasted about a minute, and during the height of the tremor inside doors which were standing open swung slowly back and forth a foot or more.
63 Years Ago — 1956
Boys League ready for baseball
The Roy Ramquist Boys League baseball is now in full swing with practice games being played at the rate of two each week in preparation for the league series , which will begin on June 27.
Players are reminded that they must have the written consent of their parents and $1 each for insurance. Plans are being formulated to play a series of six games with Cusick.
53 Years Ago — 1966
Long-time teacher honored
Mrs. Marguerite Binkley was honored at the May 24 meeting of Pend d’Oreille Chapter NO. 62 Order of Eastern Star when she was presented a certificate of recognition for 42 years of service in the teaching profession.
The certificate was given by the Masonic Grand Lodge of Idaho through subordinate Kaniksu Lodge No. 85, with Maurice Lathrop, worthy patron of Pend d’Oreille Chapter, making the presentation. Mrs. Binkley has taught 38 years in Bonner County, primarily at the Priest River elementary school.
43 Years Ago — 1976
Boise Diocese donates acreage
The signing of a deed dated April 29, 1976, by the Rev. Sylvester Treinen, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Boise, transferred 3.6 acres to the West Bonner County Cemetery Maintenance District to provide additional room at the Priest River cemetery. Bishop Treinen responded to the urgent need for space by donating the tract of land long held by the Church for a future Catholic cemetery. It had been donated to the church many years ago by the late John Schaefer of Priest River. The property contains three Veltri graves.
33 Years Ago — 1986
Mill fires cause little damage
More than seven fire trucks and about 50 firefighters responded to a fire at the J.D. Lumber Co. on Bodie Canyon Road when hot ashes from a chip pile that had been smoldering for a month were dumped and wind whipped up a flame that spread to a larger nearby chip pile.
In another fire at the DAW mill at Albeni Falls, an ember from the mill’s boiler smokestack is believed responsible for a blaze that burned a chip pile next to the boiler room fuel bins and part of the roof of a nearby building.
23 Years Ago — 1996
Swift water closes swim area
The swimming area at Bonner County Park West will be closed to the public until further notice following a near drowning last Monday.
13 Years Ago — 2006
Student elected president
Priest River Lamanna High School senior for 2007, Allison Andrus, is not only the ASB president in Priest River, she is also the Idaho State Student Council president. Andrus will be leading the Idaho delegation at a national conference in Washington, D.C., at the end of June.