DALTON: Reject the recall
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 5 years, 10 months AGO
As a 30-year resident of Dalton Gardens I oppose the recall of the current City Council and mayor.
Some of the residents of the city are passing around misinformation to recall the leaders of our city. Their claim that there has been a ban on the development of the land in question four years before the subdivision happened is not true. The 1971 ordinance #34 has nothing to do with street frontage but talks about setbacks from property lines.
If the mayor and council are recalled then the governor will appoint a new one. Not what I want to see.
The mayor and council have been accused of having meetings “behind closed doors.” This is not true. The council has had every meeting in accordance with state law. Minutes of every meeting are available on the Dalton Gardens website. All of the meetings were advertised and held in accordance with the laws of Idaho. The leaders made their decisions impartially and openly and with the advice of legal counsel.
This development will not change Dalton Gardens. We will not become an “urban zone” or be required to put in a public sewer system as the Save Dalton group claim.
I believe the mayor and City Council have done a great job of running our city and protecting the values of Dalton residents.
Dalton Gardens