Saturday, March 22, 2025

Current hunting and fishing licenses expire March 31

Dennis L. Clay Herald Columnists | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 6 years AGO
by Dennis L. Clay Herald ColumnistsGARNET WILSON
| March 15, 2019 1:00 AM

Pull out the current hunting and fishing license located in your wallet. Note the “valid to” date. The “to” date will be 03/31/2019 on all licenses and tags, as they all expire at midnight on March 31.

The cost of fishing and hunting licenses remains the same as last year, and most annual licenses include a Fish and Wildlife vehicle-access pass. This pass allows people to use and park at more than 700 Fish and Wildlife water access sites and 33 wildlife areas throughout the state.

This pass is great, but most everyone buys a Discover Pass these days.

Results of the March 1 opener, from District 5 Fisheries Biologist Mike Schmuck:

Overall participation was low, likely due to weather.

Dusty, Lenore, Lenice, Nunnally, Dry Falls lakes. No anglers, as these lakes were 100 percent ice covered. Note: Dry Falls is now a March 1 opener lake.

Burke Lake had some open water near the interior boat ramp at the west end. Approximately five anglers fishing from shore had one to two fish apiece. The fish all appeared to be the fall catchables stocked in 2018.

Quincy Lake was 100 percent ice covered with 8 to 9 inches of ice. Two anglers were catching trout as quickly as they could get their lures under the ice. Most fish were in the 11- to 13-inch range.

Martha Lake had some open water near the north end and I counted approximately 30 anglers. We checked a few fish, all in the 11- to 13-inch range.

Upper Caliche Lake was 100 percent ice covered (8-9 inches). Two anglers had a couple fish a piece. These fish averaged around 14 inches.

As of 2019 there are no April 1 opening day lakes in Grant and Adams Counties. The Pillar-Widgeon Chain, Hamptons and Teal Lakes are all now opening day lakes, which is the fourth Saturday in April. Dry Falls Lake, which historically opened on April 1, now opens on March 1. These changes were made in conjunction with the Fish and Wildlife rule simplification process which took place in 2017-18 timeframe.

Multiple-season tag deadline March 31

Deer and elk hunters have until March 31 to enter their names into the drawing for a 2019 multiple-season tag, which can greatly increase the opportunity for success in the field.

Fish and Wildlife will hold the drawing in mid-April, randomly selecting names for 8,500 multiple-season deer tags and 1,000 multiple-season elk tags.

Winners of the drawing can purchase a special tag allowing them to participate in archery, muzzleloader, and modern firearm general hunting seasons for deer or elk in 2019.

Pheasant Forever banquet March 30

OK, one more plug for the upcoming Pheasants Forever banquet. The banquet will take place on March 30, at the Lakefront Hotel located at 3000 W Marina Drive in Moses Lake.

Ticket prices: $70 for single includes dinner and an Associate Pheasants Forever membership $100 for a couple includes two dinners and an Associate Pheasants Forever membership, $40 for youth under 16 includes dinner and a Ringneck Pheasants Forever membership.

Contact Dick Price at or 509-762-9027, Sean Dougherty or 304-851-0706 Anne Tyson or 425-471-3284

No tickets will be sold after March 23rd. No tickets held at the door.


Upper Caliche and Martha lakes report near limits on opener
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 9 years ago
First fishing opener tomorrow
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 11 years ago
March 1 opener is upon us
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 6 years ago


September 11, 2019 9:54 p.m.

2019 hunting prospects continued

This is the second of several columns containing 2019 hunting prospects.

Opening day prospects continued
April 4, 2019 1 a.m.

Opening day prospects continued

This is the second in a series of columns about the fishing prospects in Columbia Basin lakes.

Commission meeting includes pronghorn report
January 11, 2019 midnight

Commission meeting includes pronghorn report

The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet tomorrow and Saturday in Olympia. The meeting will take place in Room 172 of the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St. SE, Olympia. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. Friday and at 8 a.m. Saturday.