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Letters to the editor May 26

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 5 years, 9 months AGO
| May 26, 2019 4:00 AM

Oneness with the living world

The letter, “Stop Crucifying Donald Trump” (May 19) asks that we “Stop the hate in the world.” In this, the author makes a good point. As Martin Luther King, Jr. so aptly put it “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

However, while I agree with the author that hatred of President Trump is self destructive, I would also suggest that resistance to Trump’s hateful brand of nationalism, as well as his irrational war on our beautiful planet and its life forms, is a sacred responsibility for the “beloved community.” Resistance, yes. It is the holy act we are called to. But at the same time that we reject President Trump’s profane agenda, we must embrace love’s narrative with its deep sense of oneness with the living world. Only then will we fully understand what Thomas Aquinas meant by “diversity is the perfection of the universe.”

— Bob Muth, Kalispell

Crucifixion or karma?

A writer recently wrote and expressed concern that people were crucifying Donald Trump (May 19).

There is an old saying that says, “Don’t spit into the wind.” The negativity that Mr. Trump is experiencing is the natural result of his own spitting into the wind. In other words, when you publicly degrade other people for political gain, the negativity returns to you like a boomerang. Some people call this karma.

— Steve Eckels, Kalispell

Trump puts America first

Thank you to Lynda Klein for your letter “Stop crucifying Donald Trump” (May 19).

You hit a home run in your description of the absolute hatred that is directed at our President, Donald J. Trump, by the Democrats, deep state, never Trumpers, media, Hollywood, fake news, pretty much everyone who lost power in the 2016 election and still can’t get over it. America voted in 2016 and America wanted Trump. It is time for the left to acknowledge and accept that Trump is our duly elected president and stop trying to destroy him.

And even when your two-plus year effort to destroy him with the Russian collusion story fell flat and exposed the lies and hate by the left, you still cannot let it go. To the left, hating Trump is all that matters. Dividing America with lies, is all that matters. Destroying America because of your Trump hate, is all that matters.

We no longer have a government of citizen legislators of the people, for the people and by the people, but instead a government of lifetime politicians who are paid for by special interest groups, lobbyists who put their personal, political and financial gain before America and the American citizens. I too, cannot believe what is happening in America.

The fact that the legislative branch of federal government is tied in knots and incapable of doing the work of finding solutions to the many problems our country now faces is telling, just look at the situation on our southern border as an example and it is shameful. When a person enters this country illegally and gets welfare, free education, health care and housing over that of the legal citizen, there is indeed a serious problem with our government.

Donald Trump has not been bought and paid for by the usual suspects in politics. He is a president who puts America and her citizens first. What is so wrong with that? According to the left, this is a heinous crime and he must be crucified for it. Really?

America has always been the shining beacon on the hill for the world since its inception, and if the left and Democrats have their way, I am uncertain how long America will be that shining beacon on the hill but just another third-world country failing its citizens in every way. Do we really want that?

As long as I live, I will put America first and will stand by our president. This is a defining moment in history and the outcome will affect many generations to come. Are you willing to take a stand for what you believe in? I am.

—Susan Taylor, Bigfork

Truth will set us free

The deep state globalists have had the curtains tightly closed for many years. A rigged game it has been. But, now the curtains are slowly opening, exposing their wizardly control which has held the masses under their spell for way too long.

The world never had to be what it is and what it’s been. There is an awakening taking place and the dark side globalists are in panic mode. Their hypnotic spells are not working as before. Watching the fake news mainstream media, it’s apparent their McCarthyism and false flag attacks are failing. There will be more and they will get bigger. Don’t be fooled.

Like in the move “The Matrix,” Neo was on a mission to expose the control mechanism. The sentinels and the people within the matrix were determined to stop him. Why? Are we afraid of the truth? The truth is on a mission. Let it go and it will set us free.

— Daniel Misiuk, Libby


Letters to the editor May 26
Bigfork Eagle | Updated 5 years, 9 months ago
Letters to the editor Nov. 18
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 6 years, 3 months ago
Letters to the editor Nov. 18
Bigfork Eagle | Updated 6 years, 3 months ago