Bonner County History - Oct. 3, 2019
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 5 years, 3 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Oct. 3, 1969 – NOTICE
Announcing New Store Hours. We will close at 1:00 P.M. each Saturday starting Oct. 4. The Furniture Exchange and Sandpoint Furniture Co.
Rev. Grorud performed the double-ring wedding ceremony for Miss Colleen Anna-Ruth Wormington and Larry William Neu in the First Lutheran Church on Sept. 13 at 2 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wormington are the parents of the bride and the groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Neu, all of Sandpoint.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Neu are 1969 graduates of Sandpoint Senior High. They will make their home in Sandpoint.
Katie Cornwell, Rowlands Hotel, said a fried chicken disappeared from her room Sept. 28.
Herb Offermann reported to police that all the Mustang emblems had been stolen from his car while it was parked on Second Ave. between Main and Church.
The Junior Class at SHS is led this school term by Dwayne Sheffler, president; Randy Bates, vice president; and Janice Sletager, secretary.
100 Years Ago
Northern Idaho News
Oct. 3, 1919 – LOCAL BRIEFS
Mrs. Catherine Moon, 408 Lake street, returned Sunday from California, having been gone three weeks. On her return she stopped several days at Yakima, Wash., to visit her son, Lockwood Moon, and there was met by her daughter, Mrs. Boehm of this city, and Mrs. Boehm’s little girl.
The semi-annual weighing of fourth class mail of the postoffice department starts tomorrow, to continue for 15 days. The weight, destination zone and postage of all outgoing parcels must be tabulated and all delivered packages counted.
City Superintendent Breckenridge has several high school boys and girls on his list who wish to work for their board and room while attending school. Anybody having a place of this kind to offer is invited to phone 240.
During the past month this vicinity enjoyed good weather, deplored bad weather and forgot to pay much attention to indifferent weather. There was one dust storm and one violent wind and rain storm. The temperature was mostly temperate but toward the month’s last syllable began to threaten the reign of King B.V.F. and in several isolated sections froze conversation – but not badly.
Every Sunday, 4:30 to 7:00. St. James Cafe.
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