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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 5 years, 3 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Oct. 10, 1969 – HOMECOMING QUEEN
Patty Cunnington was crowned homecoming queen Friday night during the half-time ceremony at the Sandpoint-Clarkston game. Her princesses were Cheryl Puckett, Vicki Nelson, Sue Johnson and Colleen Anderson.
Cpl. Carl Robertson arrived home Sept. 28, following completion of a four-year enlistment in the Marine Corps. He had spent the past year at DaNang, Vietnam. He is the son of Mrs. Henry Franklin of Sandpoint.
Joseph K. Venishnick, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Venishnick, 402 S. Boyer, Sandpoint, was promoted August 29 to Army first lieutenant while serving as commanding officer of Company G, Kagnew Station, near Asmara, Ethiopia.
Mrs. Nickoline Petersen, Samuels, celebrated her 90th birthday October 4, at the home of her son, Peter N. Petersen, with whom she has made her home for many years. All five of her children were present for the occasion: Peter Petersen and Mrs. Gertie Solberg, both of Samuels; Bob Petersen, Mrs. Annie Ryan, and Mrs. Alice Hansen, all of Chicago.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Oct. 10, 1919 – CITY BREVITIES
When Dr. Wendle came home from Boise it was to find that five live ducks which he used for decoys had been taken from a pen in the rear of his office. As near as he could ascertain they were taken a week ago Wednesday. He offers a reward of $15 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thieves.
At yesterday’s luncheon of the commercial club, members voted to support a request of the American Legion that the city government declare November 11, Armistice day, a holiday in Sandpoint. The legion post does not ask that any celebration be staged but simply that the day be observed by the closing of the business houses.
The big feature of the day will be the first annual military ball the post will put on that evening at the Liberty and for which Chuck Whitehead’s jazz orchestra of Spokane has been engaged.
Miss Hazel Hoss suffered a most painful bee sting Monday in her right hand, which attained the size of two hands through the insect’s poison. Hazel was unable to attend school Monday.
There will be a dance given at the Grouse Creek schoolhouse tomorrow, the proceeds to go toward the purchasing of a bell for their school.
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