2019 Okanogan County bear and cougar hunting prospects
Dennis L. Clay Herald Columnists | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 5 years, 5 months AGO
This is another in a series of columns containing 2019 hunting prospects. Columbia Basin hunters pursuing black bear and cougar might want to travel north. Today we offer a condensed version of this year’s bear hunting prospects for Okanogan County, also known as District 6 by Fish and Wildlife.
Black bear
Black bears are abundant and well-distributed throughout District 6. They are managed for sustainable harvest and diverse age structure. Monitored demographic parameters suggest the local population and associated harvest appear to be relatively stable, so hunting prospects in the district should be good.
Endangered grizzly bears inhabit some of the Game Management Units where hunters will be going after black bears. Hunters who hunt GMUs identified as grizzly bear recovery areas must complete the annual Fish and Wildlife online bear identification test, which is on the Fish and Wildlife website.
Which GMUs to hunt
All GMUs in the Okanogan District provide good black bear hunting opportunity. In 2018, hunters posted a success rate of 8.3 percent and harvested 109 black bears from the western portion of the district. GMU 204 yielded 47 animals, a little below the 5-year average of 54.
The 2019 season
In general, at the beginning of bear season, animals are likely to be found at middle elevations in areas where berries are peaking. As the season progresses, expect bears to follow the ripening berries to higher elevations.
As we move into fall, animals will range over a wider gradient to take advantage of a variety of late-season food sources. This year, after a late onset for service berries, a warm spell accelerated the development of the later crops and timing should be about average as bear season arrives. Berry crops look good across most shrub species this year.
Cougars follow the deer herds, which means they will be spread throughout the district through late October and concentrate more at lower elevations as deer move to winter range. Much cougar foraging activity takes place at night, so the best opportunities to spot the cats on the move are at dawn and dusk.
Which GMUs to hunt
All Okanogan District GMUs support cougars and are open to hunting. The number of cougars allowed to be taken is regulated by the number taken in a given GMU. Check the Fish and Wildlife hotline, 1-866-364-4868, before going on a cougar hunt.
The cougar numbers should be robust and hunting opportunities in District 6 should be good in the 2019-2020 hunting season.

General deer season opens Saturday; good luck
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 10 years, 5 months ago
2019 hunting prospects continued
This is the second of several columns containing 2019 hunting prospects.

Opening day prospects continued
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Commission meeting includes pronghorn report
The Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet tomorrow and Saturday in Olympia. The meeting will take place in Room 172 of the Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington St. SE, Olympia. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. Friday and at 8 a.m. Saturday.