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Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 5 years, 3 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Sept. 29, 1969 – THREE STOOGES HERE
The Three Stooges, known to many television and movie fans, are scheduled to arrive here Wednesday by plane from Boise. The comedians, who will use the North Shore Lodge as their headquarters, will be accompanied by a camera crew and will film an episode for a travel film in and around Sandpoint.
Four students at Sandpoint High School have been named semifinalists in the 1969-70 National Merit scholarship Program: Linda Finney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Finney; Ted Hadley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hadley; Julia Haviland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Haviland, Jr., and Stanley Sawhill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sawhill.
Dwight Sheffler spent the weekend at home from college at Moscow. He attended the wedding of Larry Neu and Colleen Wormington.
Pascal Spade received a painful injury to his finger on Monday evening. He went to Bonner General Hospital emergency room where Dr. Arthurs put nine stitches in the finger.
Jerry Spade entered Bonner General Hospital on Saturday evening, where it was determined that he had appendicitis.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Sept. 29, 1919 – SILVER WEDDING
Mr. and Mrs. D.C. O’Leary, at the family residence, 215 S. Second (Ed. Note: now Second Avenue Pizza), Friday celebrated the silver (25th) anniversary of their marriage. The day was observed by a 6 o’clock dinner with two daughters, Mrs. Peter Hester and Mrs. Leland Racicot, their husbands, and a son, Maurice. Another daughter, Mrs. E. Christenson, Spokane, was unable to attend. They presented their parents with a large silver bowl and an enlarged picture of Mrs. O’Leary in her Red Cross uniform, worn in service with the local canteen.
Included in a shipment of cattle received Tuesday at the Spokane stockyards were seven steers averaging 1450 pounds that brought the top price at the yards, 10¼ cents a pound. These steers were consigned by Frank Schussman and Herman Vogel, well known Clarksfork stock growers, and were part of a community shipment.
Stockyards buyers pronounced these steers, which brought an average of $147 per head, as among the best stock in the yards this fall.
Chris C. Peterson, Bonner and Boundary county agent for the Oakland car, has opened a new garage and sales agency in his building at 108 First avenue (Ed. Note: now Starbucks).
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