Blood drawn over hotel mayhem
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 4 years, 11 months AGO
A man annoyed with construction noise at a hotel approached the front desk to complain. He reportedly yelled at the employee and then went down the hallway and picked up a hammer, but didn’t hit anything. He then allegedly grabbed a light on wall and pulled it apart, cutting his hand. The man allegedly smeared blood on the walls and a hotel door.
The man and his wife reportedly fled in an SUV when Kalispell Police Department knocked on their door. The man supposedly returned and told officers three workers confronted and threatened him and he felt the hotel didn’t handle his complaint seriously. The pair was told to pack their belongings and move along. The man and his wife were reportedly being kicked out anyway and owed the hotel $1,500.
Extra patrol was requested by a man who purportedly thought someone outside was “screwing around,” and throwing rocks at his window. He also reportedly said, “There’s this other guy who owns a rifle.” When dispatchers asked what that information had to do with the incident he yelled, “I don’t give a (expletive). (Expletive) you man!” and the line disconnected.
A Redbox kiosk touch screen had reportedly been smashed in.
Two men were allegedly hitting each other. Medical personnel were requested for one of the men who had an eyebrow laceration.
An assistant manager of a store asked police to remove a homeless man who was reportedly loitering and harassing customers for change. He also supposedly went into the store and coughed over merchandise.
A man allegedly called 911 upset about what food staff was feeding him. He reportedly said his wife died recently and he was “stuck in a room eating rotten food.” He was advised to call Flathead City-County Health Department about the quality of food and his complaint.
Someone was suspicious of a “very large” camper because people were coming in and out of it and they thought drug deals were going on. The person claimed officers had also been to the camper yesterday.
A man reportedly told police he was attacked near Main Street and wanted to go back to the location with an officer to get some items that belonged to a woman he tried to help earlier.
Store security prevented a woman from entering a store after she allegedly disregarded sanitation restrictions, pushed past security and sat down in a handicapped cart, refusing to move. Security wanted officers to escort her from the store.
The woman claimed she had to walk a long way to the grocery entrance and she was about to fall down due to being disabled.
Four teenagers were possibly smoking weed in a vehicle in a church parking lot.
A shoplifter supposedly left a methamphetamine pipe on the ground where they were sitting the previous day. The pipe was collected for destruction.
A non-compliant woman was reportedly punching a man. She claimed she didn’t speak English to officers, but supposedly had been yelling at the man in English.
A man and his mother allegedly wanted to file a report about money laundering and solicitation. The pair reportedly had an ongoing investigation in Canada and had concerns about identity theft. Their questions were answered.