Yesterdays: Glacier plants 1.435 million fish
Hungry Horse News | UPDATED 4 years, 9 months AGO
70 years ago
April 14, 1950
The first “pour” of concrete for the Hungry Horse Dam of the year was underway, the the goal to pour 2,500 cubic yards a day. Glacier National Park, on the advice of biologist Lewis R. Garlick, would stock 1.435 million fish. A 10-fold increase. That included 360,000 fingerling cutthroat trout in Kintla Lake, one-third of which would go above the falls.
60 years ago
April 15, 1960
The Lions Club Easter egg hunt was planned for the Hoerner addition northeast of the Columbia Falls High School. The Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce would have a information booth in Columbia Heights at the corner of Highways 2 and Highway 40. The land for the booth was leased for $1 a year.
50 years ago
April 17, 1970
Columbia Falls new sewer system was expected to be operational and completed by June 30. Glacier national park was setting fish traps for coho salmon in Qaurtz, Logging and Coal Creeks. The Park Service thought the non-native salmon would decimate the native cutthroat trout in the park. The salmon had been stocked in Flathead lake by Montana Fish and Game.
40 years ago
April 17, 1980
Don Davall announced he was closing up his store in Columbia Falls. Davall and his father, Moe, ran the store since 1953. The building dated back to 1891 and was owned by Tate, Poss & Co. It was torn down a few years ago to make way for new apartments after the building fell into disrepair.
30 years ago
April 12, 1990
Government biologists shot a young wolf that was preying on livestock near Marion, but it said it might not release more information on future wolf actions after a pro-wolf Wolf Action Group patrolled the area and tried to keep the wolf away from traps and hunters. The idea was to trap the wolf and move it elsewhere, said recovery coordinator Ed Bangs.
20 years ago
April 13, 2000
Sox Flathead County men faced numerous charges for snowmobiling more than 7 miles into the Bob Marshall Wilderness, even hand digging a trail to start. They probably would have made it farther, but one of the men hit a snag with his sled and broke his leg and eventually had to be airlifted out. They were found west of Big Salmon Lake.
10 years ago
April 15, 2010
Columbia falls native Alex Burke was honored by the National Association of Police Organizations. Burke, a Bureau of Land Management ranger stationed in Glasgow, shot and killed sniper Roger Sellers during a manhunt near that town.