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AP News Digest 6:30 p.m.

Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 4 years, 8 months AGO
| April 29, 2020 4:03 PM

Here are the AP’s latest coverage plans, top stories and promotable content. All times EDT. For up-to-the minute information on AP’s coverage, visit Coverage Plan at








VIRUS OUTBREAK-TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL — Records reviewed by the AP show that an exclusive group of Texans stood to benefit when the state’s attorney general, Ken Paxton, urged a small Colorado county to reverse a public health order during the coronavirus outbreak. By Paul J. Weber and Jake Bleiberg. SENT: 850 words, photos.

VENEZUELA-GAS SHORTAGES — A controversial shipping magnate supplying gasoline to his native Venezuela said he’ll do whatever it takes to prevent worsening fuel shortages from igniting a social explosion that he warns could be worse than anything caused by the pandemic. By Joshua Goodman and Scott Smith. SENT: 920 words, photos.




VIRUS OUTBREAK — Scientists announce the first effective treatment against the coronavirus — an experimental drug that can speed the recovery of COVID-19 patients — in a major medical advance that comes as the economic gloom caused by the scourge deepens in the U.S. and Europe. The U.S. government says it is working to make the antiviral medication remdesivir available to patients as quickly as possible. By Martin Crutsinger, Marilynn Marchione and Pat Eaton-Robb. SENT: 740 words, photos. With VIRUS OUTBREAK-TREATMENT — A 1st: US study finds Gilead drug works against virus. SENT: 850 words, photos; FINANCIAL-MARKETS — Stocks charge higher following encouraging report on possible treatment. SENT: 800 words, photos; VIRUS OUTBREAK-VETERANS AFFAIRS — Veterans Affairs secretary defends use of unproven drug at VA hospitals. SENT: 610 words, photos.

ECONOMY-GDP — Devastated by the coronavirus, the U.S. economy is sinking. And the plunge is accelerating. Now, as some businesses in a few states start to trickle back to work, hopes are beginning to rise that the economy, damaged as it is, might be poised to rebound later this year. Yet most economists have the same response: Keep such expectations in check. By Economics Writer Martin Crutsinger. SENT: 790 words, photos.

ELECTION 2020-BIDEN ALLEGATIONS — Joe Biden is facing one of his first major challenges since becoming the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee as an allegation of sexual assault comes under growing scrutiny. Democrats are grappling with how to respond as Republicans accuse them of hypocrisy for their silence. By Alexandra Jaffe. SENT: 1,080 words, photos.

Find more coverage on the 2020 U.S. Elections featured topic page on APNewsroom.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-TEMPORARY HOSPITALS — Uncertainty in planning for the coronavirus pandemic has left the globe dotted with dozens of barely used or unused temporary field hospitals. Some public officials say that’s a good problem to have, even though governments spent potentially billions of dollars to erect the care centers. By Michael R. Sisak. SENT: 1,100 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-WASHINGTON — President Trump says the federal government’s coronavirus social distancing guidelines will be “fading out” when they expire Thursday and states pivot to reopening. By Jill Colvin and Kevin Freking. SENT: 860 words, photos, video. With VIRUS OUTBREAK-CONGRESS — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he is “open” to considering more money for state and local governments in the next virus relief bill. SENT: 790 words, photos, video.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-RACE AND REOPENING — Many African Americans watching protests calling for relaxing restrictions meant to slow the spread of the coronavirus see them as further evidence of their marginalization: one more example of how their health, their safety and their rights don’t matter. By Jay Reeves. UPCOMING: 850 words by 7:30 p.m. photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-AMAZON — Talk about a captive audience. With much of the globe in lockdown because of the pandemic, Amazon has become a lifeline to many shoppers. But the world’s largest online retailer is also grappling with delivery delays and mounting complaints from workers who worry about contagion while on the job. By Anne D’Innocenzio and Alexandra Olson. SENT: 990 words, photos.

Find more all-format coverage on the Virus Outbreak featured topic page in AP Newsroom.




PEOPLE-HARRISON FORD — Officials are investigating after Harrison Ford was piloting a small plane that wrongly crossed a runway where another plane was landing. SENT: 250 words, photo.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-VIRTUAL FRIENDSHIPS — “U ok?” Virus-era friendships can be both crucial & fraught. By National Writer Jocelyn Noveck. SENT: 990 words, photos.

THE LAST DANCE-ELECTRA — Carmen Electra says watching her former relationship with Dennis Rodman blossom back to life in “The Last Dance" documentary has helped her appreciate that wild time in her life. SENT: 770 words, photos.

INDIA-OBIT-IRRFAN KHAN — Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, featured in “Slumdog Millionaire" and “Life of Pi,” has died. SENT: 430 words, photos.

HALL OF FAME-INDUCTION CEREMONIES CANCELED — Derek Jeter, Larry Walker and the rest of this year’s Baseball Hall of Fame class will have to wait for their big moment at Cooperstown. SENT: 140 words, photos.




VIRUS OUTBREAK-BRITAIN — The U.K. has the third-highest coronavirus death toll in the world after the British government publishes new figures that include deaths outside of hospitals. SENT: 590 words, photos. With VIRUS OUTBREAK-BRAZIL — Brazil leaves its many poor hanging amid coronavirus surge. SENT: 970 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-AIRCRAFT CARRIER — The Navy has decided to take a wider and deeper look at circumstances surrounding the spread of the coronavirus aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt. SENT: 940 words, photos, video.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-FEDERAL PRISONS — The response from the federal Bureau of Prisons to the pandemic raises alarm among advocates and members of Congress about whether the agency is doing enough to ensure the safety of the 150,000 inmates in its care. UPCOMING: 990 words by 8 p.m., photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-VULNERABLE SUBURBS — COVID-19 is showing that suburbs are just as vulnerable as cities SENT: 970 words, photos. With VIRUS OUTBREAK-PUBLIC TRANSIT — Making public transit safe a next hurdle in easing lockdowns. SENT: 800 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-MEDICARE — Seniors are at greater risk from COVID-19, and they now face added anxiety due to delays obtaining Medicare coverage. SENT: 910 words, photo.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-INDIA-HOTEL QUARANTINE — Covering the Kashmiri conflict, a tsunami in Sri Lanka and the war in Afghanistan didn’t make this photojournalist flinch. Then came a positive test result for COVID-19. By Rafiq Maqbool. SENT: 680 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-ONE GOOD THING-HURDLE INSPIRATION — Ex-MLB manager Clint Hurdle’s daily emails encourage, inspire. SENT: 640 words, photo.

GROUND GAME — AP’s coronavirus podcast, “Ground Game: Inside the Outbreak,” today focuses on how Brazil is emerging as potentially the next big hot spot for the COVID-19 pandemic — and how that is making its neighbors nervous. Listen to the podcast at Embed code is available on AP Coverage. Plan.

A separate advisory has been sent outlining AP’s complete coronavirus coverage.




VIRUS OUTBREAK-TRUMP-AMERICA FIRST — “America First” has been a ready applause line for President Trump at his campaign rallies, but now it is also a philosophy being put to a life or death test, with much of the world still looking to the U.S. for leadership and assistance. SENT: 980 words, photos.

ELECTION 2020-TRUMP TRANSITION — President Trump is still all-in on getting reelected, but he’s also set to take the first steps to formally prepare someone else to take over if he loses on Nov. 3. SENT: 990 words, photo.

ELECTION 2020-AMASH — Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan says he is seeking the Libertarian nod for president because millions of Americans do not feel well represented by either major political party. SENT: 610 words, photo.




PUERTO RICO MISSING MEALS — Puerto Rico’s government refuses to open school cafeterias amid the pandemic as unemployed parents struggle to feed their children. UPCOMING: 900 words by 6:30 p.m., photos.

VOTING RIGHTS-KANSAS — A federal appeals court panel rules that a Kansas law requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote is unconstitutional. SENT: 330 words.

NUCLEAR PLANT SHUTDOWN — Curtain lowers on nuke plant a stone’s throw from Manhattan. SENT: 580 words, photo.




YEMEN-DISAPPEARING WOMEN — Yemeni women are increasingly targeted by the Houthi rebels who rule the country’s north, especially as they grow more politically active. SENT: 1,440 words, photos. Abridged version also available.

EL SALVADOR-PRISONS — El Salvador’s jail crackdown on gang members could backfire, experts say, by uniting the country’s powerful gangs against the government. SENT: 820 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-CUBA-ENTREPRENEURS — The pandemic has been tough on the fragile private sector that has been permitted to blossom at times through the cracks of Cuba’s socialist economy. SENT: 780 words, photos.




NATIONAL PARKS-CELLPHONES VS. SCIENCE — National parks are grappling with how to expand cellphone service while preserving the serenity of nature. SENT: 890 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-INSURANCE SHOPPING — Mass layoffs are pushing many Americans into an unfamiliar role: shopping for health insurance that isn’t offered by an employer. SENT: 860 words, photos.




FEDERAL RESERVE — The Federal Reserve signals that it will keep its key short-term interest rate near zero for the foreseeable future. By Economics Writer Christopher Rugaber. SENT: 1,100 words, photo.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-TRUMP-MEAT — President Trump’s order keeping meat packing plants open worries unions. SENT: 1,100 words, photos.




VIRUS OUTBREAK-TMZ — Celebrities may be hiding out at home, but they haven’t disappeared. And that’s good news for TMZ. By Media Writer David Bauder. UPCOMING: 800 words by 7 p.m.

FILM-THE LOST SUMMER MOVIE SEASON — Film studios and theaters, scrambling to minimize the financial fallout from the pandemic, are trying to figure out whether America will be ready to return to movie theaters by July. By Film Writer Lindsey Bahr. SENT: 850 words, photos.




NCAA-COMPENSATING ATHLETES — The NCAA is moving forward with a plan to allow college athletes to earn money for endorsements and a host of other activities. SENT: 500 words, photos.




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AP News Digest 3 a.m.
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 4 years, 9 months ago
AP News Digest 7 a.m.
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 4 years, 9 months ago
AP News Digest 6:30 p.m.
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 4 years, 9 months ago