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AP Lifestyles Digest

Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 4 years, 6 months AGO
| August 26, 2020 6:03 AM

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Here is the AP Lifestyles digest for the week of Aug. 24. It will be updated throughout the week.

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Virus Outbreak-Pandemic Dating: If there’s one thing the pandemic hasn’t canceled, it’s the search for love. Popular dating services have seen spikes in usage, with more people meeting in person as the crisis drags on. Some daters insist on safety precautions before leaping into off-screen meetups. Others take no precautions at all, relying on mutual trust. By Leanne Italie. SENT Wednesday, 1,100 words, photos.



Virus Outbreak-New York Culture Reopens: Many cultural institutions in the U.S. city hardest hit by the pandemic are gingerly reopening their doors, weighing the safety of visitors and staff with the need to educate and support New York’s recovery. By AP Entertainment Writer Mark Kennedy. SENT Wednesday, 1,200 words, photos, video. An abridged version also available at 800 words.

Virus Outbreak-Empty Edinburgh: Edinburgh is renowned for its summer arts festivals, which draw hundreds of thousands of people to the Scottish capital each August. But this year’s events have been canceled by the coronavirus pandemic, leaving artists adrift and many businesses struggling to make a living without the usual throng of tourists. UPCOMING Thursday.

Squaw Valley-Name Change: California ski resort changing name, citing offensive word. SENT Wednesday. 300 words.



Virus Outbreak-Schools: As more schools announce plans to begin the year online, businesses, community groups and governments are coming up with a huge range of alternative places where students can go and attend to distance learning with adult supervision. SENT Tuesday.

On-The-Money-NerdWallet-Distance-Learning-Budget. This year, many families are dealing with a first: building their back-to-school shopping plans around distance learning. By Lauren Schwahn of NerdWallet. SENT Wednesday.



Cocktails To Go: America’s liquor laws are being shaken up by the coronavirus. At least 33 states and the District of Columbia are temporarily allowing carryout cocktails during the pandemic, up from just two previously. Struggling restaurants say it’s a lifeline. But others want states to slow down, saying the laws -- some of which date to the end of Prohibition -- are there for a reason. SENT Monday, photos.

KitchenSmarts-Hard Seltzer: Hard seltzer is the “it drink” served on plenty of patios and sidewalk tables during this pandemic summer. So just what is its appeal? By Katie Workman. SENT Monday, 550 words, photos.



NerdWallet-Liz Weston-Key Savings Barriers: If you’re making good money but having trouble saving, it’s likely the car you drive and the house you live in are standing between you and your goals. By Liz Weston of NerdWallet. SENT Monday, photo.

Virus-Outbreak-Viral-Questions-Mosquitoes: Can mosquitoes spread the coronavirus? SENT Tuesday.



Virus Outbreak-One Good Thing-Teens Take Action: DALLAS — As 15-year-old Valerie Xu raised money to buy masks to donate to a Dallas hospital and homeless shelter she found herself heartened by all of the people who want to pitch in. Xu is among teens across the U.S. who decided to take action as the coronavirus pandemic took hold — doing everything from delivering groceries to offering online tutoring for younger kids. UPCOMING Thursday, 600 words, photos.

Books-Black Joy Project: Author’s worldwide Black Joy Project to be adapted into a book. SENT Monday.


In case you missed it:

FAMILY: Virus Outbreak-Grandparent Helpers; Virus Outbreak-Home Front.

SCHOOL: Virus Outbreak-Older Students; Virus Outbreak-Schools-Teen Stress.

PETS: Subsidized Care.

FOOD: Virus Outbreak-Craft Distillers; Virus Outbreak-Food Trucks-Suburbs.

GARDENING: Winter Radishes.

FASHION: Virus Outbreak-Remote Shoots; Italy-Fashion-Racial Injustice.

HOMES: Coin Conundrum; Vuris Outbreak-Spain-Pools-Photo Gallery; NerdWallet-Millennial-Money-Online-Grocery-Shopping.

DIVERSIONS: Mall Parking Lot-Drive-Ins; Virus Outbreak-One Good Thing-Everyday Museum.

WORK: Virus Outbreak-Viral Questions-Offices.

The AP


AP Lifestyles Digest
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 4 years, 6 months ago
AP Lifestyles Digest
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 4 years, 6 months ago
AP Lifestyles Digest
Columbia Basin Herald | Updated 4 years, 6 months ago