Foundation selling tree raffle tickets
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 4 years, 3 months AGO
In the wake of COVID-19, the NHHS Foundation Board canceled their annual Festival of Trees event, but they will not be "Grinched."
The foundation's 2020 plans include raffling one absolutely epic all-around town tree and nine other incredible raffle trees displayed at local businesses now through Dec. 15. $1 Donation raffle tickets will be sold at various locations through Dec. 15, and the winning raffle tickets will be drawn by the Grinch himself via a live social media broadcast.
The list of raffle trees and locations includes: Epic All Around Town Tree (sponsor: local and area businesses; location: Country Lane Apparel, Newport); Candyland Christmas (sponsor/location: Super One Foods, Oldtown); Seeing Your Way Through Christmas (sponsor/location: Newport Vision Source); A Night on the Town (sponsor: Kalispel Tribe of Indians and Kalispel Casino; location: Washington Federal Bank, Newport); Kalispel Christmas (sponsor: Kalispel Tribe of Indians and Kalispel Casino; location: Kalispel Casino, Cusick); Cabin Fever (sponsor: Priest River Businesses; location: Columbia Bank, Priest River); A Very Mooey Christmas (sponsor: The Eclectic Heifers; location: River Mountain Village Advanced Care, Newport); For the Love of Red (sponsor/location: Just Because Fashion & Gifts, Newport); The Great Newport Baking Show (sponsor: NHHS Dietary Dept.; location: Pine Street Café, Newport Community Hospital); Home is Where the Heart Is (sponsor/location: Pend Oreille Title, Newport). 2
According to Lori Stratton, Foundation Event and Program Supervisor, raffle tree descriptions and photos are located at each business location and on the hospital’s website.
The theme “2020 Stink, Stank, Stunk” is a play on the popular movie, “The Grinch that Stole Christmas.” The cheeky approach to this year’s event is meant to lighten the burden felt by many businesses and individuals in the wake of COVID-19 upheaval. “We are asking community partners and Foundation supporters to help take the stink out of 2020 and support this temporary change to Festival of Trees. The Foundation Board is adamant that Festival of Trees holiday fun will continue, even if it looks different this year,” said Stratton.
More information is available at or by calling the Foundation Office via email at or by telephone at (509) 447- 2441, ext. 4373. Raffle ticket order forms are also available at each display location. Due to COVID- 19 restrictions, visitation restrictions may prevent indoor viewing of trees located at RMV Advanced Care and Pine Street Café, although both trees are visible from outside. Newport Hospital and Health Services Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

NHHS Foundation puts a 'Grinchy' spin on Festival of Trees
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 4 years, 6 months ago