Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor Dec. 17

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 4 years, 1 month AGO
| December 16, 2020 11:00 PM

A new MAGA party

Are you sick of the way President Donald J. Trump is being treated? I know I am and we still don’t know the outcome of the election. I am still feeling the sting of betrayal from a stolen election as I know millions of Americans are, and I keep seeing a total lack of response from the Republicans, who undoubtedly are still hiding under their desks afraid to stand up to Democrats who know how to bully and scare them.

This election steal is so big and so outrageous that if the Biden win stands, 73 plus million voters for Trump are not going to forget. Some even go so far as to say that it’s the start of a new civil war.

Now that the Democrats think they’ve won, they all want us to come together, which is not easy after watching four years of nothing but hating Trump, his agenda and his supporters — you know the deplorable, smelly Wal-Mart shoppers who love God and country, from the media, Hollywood and Democrats.

I am loyal to President Trump, which is something the Republicans seem to have problems with after Trump has done so much for them. Why are Republicans so afraid?

What if We the People decide to support a new MAGA party with our own candidates who believe in the Make America Great Again agenda. The MAGA party, a party about liberty, term limits, Second Amendment, putting America first, stopping illegal immigration, getting rid of the deep state, lowering taxes, cutting regulations and ending trade deficits, just to name a few. Maybe then we can save this country from the socialist global agenda of the Democrats.

What do you think?

—Susan Taylor, Bigfork

Support businesses that care

When I visited Ace Hardware recently, I was surprised to see a security guard near the entrance, where masks were being offered to those customers who may have “forgotten” their own. I speculated that his presence was due to the inane and outrageous displays of ignorance some in our community feel compelled to exhibit in claiming any requirement to mask-up violates some imaginary Constitutional right. In checking with Ace management, my suspicions were confirmed.

It is beyond ironic that the ridiculous antics of those who decry the adverse impact Covid-19 protective measures are having on our local businesses are actually increasing the cost of doing business for stores like Ace, which are merely trying to protect the community they serve. It is hypocrisy of the highest order.

Recently, Roger Brewer in a letter to the editor, urged our community to vigorously support those businesses that diligently attempt to enforce the mask mandate. I join in Roger’s plea to patronize those businesses, such as Ace, which truly place the health and welfare of our community above their bottom line. Ace, and those businesses with a like commitment, are supporting the best interests of our community, and they deserve our support and, indeed, respect in return.

However, I would go even further than Roger. If a business doesn’t care about the well-being of its customers and clients, why should our community care about the viability of such a business? For that reason, I suggest that those of us who believe the scientific truth about the seriousness of this pandemic boycott those businesses that openly flout government attempts to keep us all safe.

— Al Weed, Kalispell

The real dangers

Covid-19 has devastated our lives and livelihoods and will continue to do so for some time, but as always, the real dangers we face are ignorance, selfishness and stupidity. Unfortunately, there’s no vaccine in the pipeline for those.

—Greg Myett, Kalispell

Non-essential personnel

All federal, state, county and city elected officials have a very visible opportunity to demonstrate real leadership to their constituents by taking their place at the end of the Covid-19 vaccination line. This would be in line with the policy of non-essential personnel getting the shot last.

— Mike Rasmussen, Lakeside

Watch the YouTube videos

Mr. Colin Sellwood (Dec. 6) has been living in his basement. If he only watches ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN he will never learn the truth.

A coup was started during Trump’s campaign. Those responsible for spying with federal agencies and then wasting $40 million to impeach Trump will never be prosecuted because that deep state is really the Mariana Trench.

Joe Biden didn’t have to campaign because he was guaranteed to win with mail-in ballots. Democrats have never wanted a fair election because they would never win. If you need a state ID to rent a video or return the least expensive of purchased goods, why would the Democrats be against voter identification for something so important as to elect our president?

YouTube doesn’t censor the truth. Videos I’ve watched show hundreds of poll watchers that were threatened physically, and their children’s photos and schools as well as address and phone numbers were posted on social media. There are videos of poll watchers being kicked out, blocked with fences, screamed at, cops hauling them out of the count centers, and the list goes on and on.

These very people testified under oath of voter fraud that was so wide spread that the legislators have turned a blind eye.

The New York Post was censored on the Joe Biden Ukraine/China dealings. The FBI had the computer for a year and did nothing. Pelosi said if Trump is re-elected she will start impeachment proceedings immediately. If this isn’t a coup, then what is?

Biden said antifa is just an idea. Harris said to keep protesting and rioting. America is no more.

—Janet Mittleman Columbia Falls


Letters to the editor Jan. 9
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 4 years ago
Letters to the editor Nov. 12
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 4 years, 2 months ago
Letters to the editor Feb. 14
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 3 years, 11 months ago