Dog spooked by accident rescued after nine days
BRET ANNE SERBIN | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 5 years, 1 month AGO
Hank, a chihuahua-pug mix who spent nine days and eight nights on the loose following a vehicle accident near Lakeside, was found Friday and flew home to Washington state, safe and sound, with his owner.
“I can’t even believe it,” said his relieved owner, Liz Smith.
Following a car accident on U.S. 93 on Feb. 5, Hank jumped out of the open car door when Smith and her mother crashed into a rock wall while southbound near Lakeside. Smith immediately opened the car door to check on her mother, who was on the side closest to the rock wall. As Smith — who was in Kalispell to give emergency services training — attended to her mother, Hank ran out the door and headed south on the highway.
What followed was a whirlwind for Smith and her family.
In the accident, Smith totaled her brand-new truck that she had purchased Feb. 1. She therefore had to fly home to her residence northwest of Seattle without Hank.
Smith also injured her neck and back in the accident, and her mother sustained eight broken ribs.
Smith returned to Kalispell and stayed with a local resident, a stranger to Smith, while she, law enforcement officers and numerous local volunteers from across the valley turned out to search for Hank.
He was finally found the morning of Valentine’s Day on Timber Rock Road in Lakeside by a couple of neighbors. Smith quickly took her pet to the veterinarian, who determined there was nothing much wrong with him after his adventure in the wild, although he had lost 6 pounds and he was missing the sweater he had been wearing after a law enforcement official pulled it off while trying to rein him in.
“It’s just a miracle,” Smith said.
It isn’t the first miracle for the small dog, who was originally rescued in November 2018 from the floods in Georgia. He was flown northwest to his adopted home with Smith, but little did he know his days of adventure weren’t behind him yet.
Smith stressed she was appreciative for all the help from the local community in searching for Hank and spreading the word on social media. “People came from all over,” she said. “It was a huge collaboration.”
Reporter Bret Anne Serbin may be reached at or 758-4459.

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