Man surprised to see ‘exile’ in Montana
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 4 years, 8 months AGO
Someone calling from Polebridge Loop allegedly wanted to “report a contact he had with a convicted arsonist,” to Columbia Falls Police Department. Although no criminal activity occurred, the caller purportedly thought it was strange to see the man “in the area he was supposedly exiled from.” Officers told the caller a records check did not yield any information regarding the man “being exiled from the state.”
A woman must have been desperate to garden or landscape when she and her green thumb were reportedly caught on video stealing dirt.
Someone on 10th Street had reportedly chased a teenager and three people pinned him against a building after he was seen peeking in windows and looking in cars.
Someone calling from Clayton Lane told officers a neighbor’s house was on fire. Turns out, the structure fire may have been out-of-control flames from a barbecue that were put out by people on site.
A “highly intoxicated” woman calling from First Avenue alleged a friend punched her in the face when she was trying to help the friend out by offering her a place to stay. The caller wasn’t sure why the friend punched her.
A man on Garden Drive in Kalispell reportedly found a unexploded pipe bomb, put it in the back of his truck and took it home. Flathead County Sheriff’s Office learned it was a 5-inch pipe with a burnt fuse attached and contacted Missoula Police Department to collect it, until then, the man was advised to stay away from it.
A woman on Seville Lane in Coram allegedly woke up to find a 29-inch piece of wood had propelled into her yard and was stuck in the ground. She was concerned about what fireworks were legal that could do that.
Two men — who seemed drunk — in a large boat reportedly almost hit two other vessels and then flashed their lights, “blinding” another man at a boat launch. When he asked them to stop the irksome duo began yelling and kept “cussing him out.” The blindsided man told officers the two men “backed off a little,” while he attempted to dock his boat, but he would call back if things escalated.
Teenage partiers were reportedly disturbing the peace on Big Elk Lane in Kalispell when someone said cars were parked all over the side of the road and about 50 teens were purportedly running out the back of a house, smoking pot and drinking to loud music. The person calling in the report thought the party was linked to vehicles seen driving recklessly back and forth from the house to a local school where they were doing burnouts.
A Columbia Falls resident, who was out of town, reportedly received two alerts from Alexa, a virtual assistant device, that there had been noise at her house and nobody should be there.
A Prairie View Road resident in Kalispell alleged someone was blowing an air horn and shooting a gun and there was an ongoing noise issue.
Lots of yelling and hitting was reportedly occurring at a Cottonwood Drive residence in Kalispell. Three people were said to be involved in the fight, which started “over so many things,” and led to one possibly broken wrist.
A truck with out-of-state license plates and a raft in the back, allegedly almost drove into the ditch and started driving in the wrong lane of traffic on Montana 40 in Columbia Falls. A tow truck was called.
Someone reportedly broke into a Kalispell building through a drive-thru window that may have not been locked all the way and stole between $500 to $1,500.
A woman was throwing stuff and hitting people on Cedar Drive in Kalispell.
A woman on a skateboard allegedly went around asking children if she could use their phone on Klondyke Loop in Somers.
People on a “man lift” were possibly shooting at gophers, but the issue was they were doing it across the road where
A lot of reports were received about fireworks, gunshots and grass fires.