Saturday, March 01, 2025

Legals for July, 17 2020

Shoshone News-Press | UPDATED 4 years, 7 months AGO
| July 17, 2020 12:00 AM

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SHOSHONE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Betty Lou Wheelock Deceased Case No. CV40-20-0284 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sharon M. Proctor has been appointed Personal Representative of the above named Estate. All persons having claims against the decedent or the Estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. Dated this 7th day of July, 2020 /s/Rebecca R. Eyman Attorney at Law SHO LEGAL 3529 AD#393660 JULY 10, 17, 24, 2020

SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SHOSHONE KIMBERLY AND DAVID SHORT, wife and husband Plaintiffs, v. THE STATUTORY TRUSTEES of the BUTTE & WALLACE MINING & MILLING Company; and HECLA LIMITED, a Delaware corporation; and KATHARINE COONEY-VIETS; and WALTER P. COONEY II; and THE STATUTORY TRUSTEES of the FEDERAL MINING & SMELTING CO. a Delaware corporation; and UNKNOWN OWNERS AND UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS, together with their heirs, devisees, successors, and assigns, or any other person or entity claiming any title, right, interest or equity in that certain real property situated in Shoshone County, Idaho described as: See Exhibit "A". Defendants. Case No. CV40-20-0239 TO: The STATUTORY TRUSTEES of the BUTTE & WALLACE MINING & MILLING COMPANY, the STATUTORY TRUSTEES of the FEDERAL MINING & SMELTING COMPANY and Defendants UNKNOWN OWNERS AND UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS together with their heirs, devisees, successors, and assigns: You have been sued by Kimberly and David Short, Plaintiffs, in the District Court of the First Judicial District in and for the County of Shoshone, State of Idaho, in Case No. CV40-20-0239. The nature of the claim against you is an action for quieting title in and to the real property legally described as within, touching and/or concerning the Minnie Fraction Lode (Mineral Survey No. 2728), Home Ticket Lode (Mineral Survey No. 2728) and Trapper Lode (Mineral Survey No. 2728) all located in Section 18, Township 48 North, Range 5 East, Boise Meridian, Shoshone County, State of Idaho and as more particularly described in the Lis Pendens recorded as Instrument No. 503855, in the offices of the Shoshone County Recorder. Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this Summons, the Court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case No., and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at 700 Bank Street, #200, Wallace, ID 83873, (208) 752-1650, and served a copy of your response on Plaintiffs' attorney, Megan O'Dowd of Lyons O'Dowd, PLLC at P.O. Box 131., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816, (208) 714-0487 . A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. DATED this 19th day of June, 2020. Clerk of the Court By: /s/ Debi Ruggles Deputy Clerk SHO#3521 AD#390462 JUNE 26, JULY 3, 10, 17, 2020

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Shoshone County Fire Protection Dictrict #3 of Mullan, Idaho will hold a public hearing for consideration of the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2020-2021. Said hearing is to be held at the District #3 Garage, 461 Friday Ave., Mullan, Idaho at 6:00 P.M. on August 6, 2020. All interested parties are invited to appear and offer testimony concerning proposed budget Shoshone County Fire Protection Disctict #3 Proposed 2020-2021 Budget Revenue Taxes 39,995 Sales tax passthrough 5,900 Penalties and interest 100 Other revenue 4,500 Total Revenues 50,495 Expenditures District operations 15,795 Equipment 6,000 Repairs 16,000 Meetings/Conventions 600 Telephone 2,500 Utilities 3,600 Co-op (City of Mullan) 4,000 Utilities ( City of Mullan) 2,000 Total Expenditures 50,495 SHO LEGAL 3524 AD#392802 JULY 10, 17, 2020

PUBLIC NOTICE THE FOLLOWING DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED: That a delinquency entry was entered on January 1, 2017, in the record of the County Treasurer as Tax Collector of Shoshone County, State of Idaho. That said delinquency entry was made in respect of unpaid taxes assessed for the 2016 tax year. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, that if said delinquency entry is not redeemed on or before August 10, 2020 by payment of said taxes together with Late Charges, Interest, Costs and Expenses up to the date of said notice at the office of the County Treasurer at Wallace, said County Treasurer shall thereupon as required by law, make application to the Board of County Commissioners of Shoshone County, State of Idaho for a hearing to be held August 11, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard for a tax deed conveying the property to said Shoshone County, State of Idaho, absolute title, free of all encumbrances except any lien for taxes which may have attached subsequently to the assessment hereinabove referred to. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED, that the record owner or owners or any party in interest as defined by 63-1006 Idaho Code, may appear in person or by counsel, and if appearing, shall have adequate opportunity to be heard, to confront or cross examine, any witness or evidence on behalf of said record owner or owners or said party of interest. Should you have further inquiries or objections, please direct them to: ELLEN R. MASTERSON, SHOSHONE COUNTY TREASURER 700 BANK STREET, SUITE 110 WALLACE, IDAHO 83873 (208) 752-1261 PLAT MAPS AVAILABLE FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AT SHOSHONE COUNTY ASSESSOR, 700 BANK STREET, SUITE 100, WALLACE, IDAHO 83873. Tax Parcel No.: B-0050-00C-005-B Bill No.: 2576 ASSESSED OWNER: Lois Ruth Bailey VESTED OWNER: Estate of Lois Ruth Bailey, deceased, wherein Nancy A. Elliott was appointed personal representative of said estate in Probate Court, Shoshone County, Case No. CV-2007-433. PARTIES OF INTEREST: Estate of Lois Ruth Bailey, deceased, c/o Nancy Ann Elliott, P.R., P. O. Box 444, Wallace, Idaho 83873 William Bernard Bailey, 141 West Crestview Drive, Post Falls, Idaho 83854 JoAnne Marie Bailey, 652 Burke Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC, c/o Johnson Mark LLC, 3023 E. Copper Point Drive, Suite 102, Meridian, Idaho 83642 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 310 High Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block "C", Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: B-0050-00F-003-A Bill No.: 2586 ASSESSED OWNER: Jonathan D. Parson and Michelle L. Parson PARTIES OF INTEREST: Jonathan D. Parson, Michele L. Parson, 3264 Wedgewood Loop, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 Bank of America, FL9-700 04-01, 9000 Southside Blvd., Bldg 700, Jacksonville, FL 32256 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 606 Residence Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 3 and 4, Block F, Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the Official Recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: B-0050-007-001-A Bill No.: 2665 ASSESSED OWNER: William Carlson and Carol Reager Carlson, husband and wife PARTIES OF INTEREST: William Carlson, Carol Reager Carlson, 3055 East Rivercrest Drive, Post Falls, Idaho 83854 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 203 Cedar Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 3, Block 7, Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the Official Recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: B-0050-019-010-A Bill No.: 2818 ASSESSED OWNER: Rachel Stanley PARTIES OF INTEREST: Rachel Stanley, P. O. Box 9, Silverton, Idaho 83867 Estate of Merrill Stamper, deceased, c/o Donna Stamper, P. O. Box 3495, Hayden, Idaho 83835 Internal Revenue Service, Centralized Lien Operation, P. O. Box 145595, Stop 8420G, Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5595 Tony Lansdale, JoAnna Lansdale, c/o Michael G. Schmidt, 601 E. Front Avenue, Suite 303, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 500 Cedar Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 10 and 12, Block 19, Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: B-0050-019-002-A Bill No. : 2814 ASSESSED OWNER: Rachel Stanley PARTIES OF INTEREST: Rachel Stanley, P. O. Box 9, Silverton, Idaho 83867 Estate of Merrill Stamper, deceased, c/o Donna Stamper, P. O. Box 3495, Hayden, Idaho 83835 Internal Revenue Service, Centralized Lien Operation, P. O. Box 145595, Stop 8420G, Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5595 Tony Lansdale, JoAnna Lansdale, c/o Michael G. Schmidt, 601 E. Front Avenue, Suite 303, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 500 Cedar Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 2, 4, 6 and 8, Block 19, Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: B-0050-014-022-A Bill No.: 2769 ASSESSED OWNER: Rachel Stanley PARTIES OF INTEREST: Rachel Stanley, P. O. Box 9, Silverton, Idaho 83867 Estate of Merrill Stamper, deceased, c/o Donna Stamper, P. O. Box 3495, Hayden, Idaho 83835 Internal Revenue Service, Centralized Lien Operation, Lien No. 935437413, P. O. Box 145595, stop 8420G, Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5595 Tony Lansdale, JoAnna Lansdale, c/o Michael G. Schmidt, 601 E. Front Avenue, Suite 303, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 405 Fifth Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: East 21 feet of Lot 20 and all of Lots 22 and 24, Block 14, Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: B-0050-019-005-0 Bill No.: 2815 ASSESSED OWNER: Rachel Stanley PARTIES OF INTEREST: Rachel Stanley, P. O. Box 9, Silverton, Idaho 83867 Estate of Merrill Stamper, deceased, c/o Donna Stamper, P. O. Box 3495, Hayden, Idaho 83835 Internal Revenue Service, Centralized Lien Operation, P. O. Box 145595,Stop 8420G, Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5595 Tony Lansdale, JoAnna Lansdale, c/o Michael G. Schmidt, 601 E. Front Avenue, Suite 303, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Corner of Bank and Cedar Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, Block 19, Wallace Townsite, Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: B-0050-019-001-A Bill No.: 2813 ASSESSED OWNER: Rachel Stanley PARTIES OF INTEREST: Rachel Stanley, P. O. Box 9, Silverton, Idaho 83867 Estate of Merrill Stamper, deceased, c/o Donna Stamper, P. O. Box 3495, Hayden, Idaho 83835 Internal Revenue Service, Centralized Lien Operation, P. O. Box 145595,Stop 8420G, Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5595 Tony Lansdale, JoAnna Lansdale, c/o Michael G. Schmidt, 601 E. Front Avenue, Suite 303, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Corner of Bank & Cedar Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 and 3, Block 19, Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: B-0200-005-007-A Bill No.: 2943 ASSESSED OWNER: Corey Neal Rutledge, a single man PARTIES OF INTEREST: Corey Neal Rutledge, 1112 Canyon Avenue, Wallace, Idaho 83873 Kamiah Community Credit Union, 303 Main Street, P. O. Box 68, Kamiah, Idaho 83836 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 1112 Canyon Avenue, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: North half of Lot 7, Block 5, East Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. AND A portion of Lot 7, Block 5, East Wallace Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho described as follows: Beginning at a point being the Northeast corner of the South half of said Lot 7; thence South 75°07'34" West, 16.77 feet to a fence corner; thence North 85°59'05" West, 27.12 feet along said fence line; thence North 57°44'48" West, 44.23 feet to a point on the North line of the South half of Lot 7; thence North 89°33'45" East along the North line of the South half of Lot 7, 87.46 feet to the place of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: B-0200-013-001-A Bill No.: 2961 ASSESSED OWNER: Jonathan Parson and Michele L. Parson, husband and wife PARTIES OF INTEREST: Jonathan D. Parson, Michele L. Parson, 3264 Wedgewood Loop, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 Bank of America, Custom Recording Solutions, 2550 N. Redhill Avenue, Santa Ana, California 92705 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 167 Buena Vista Heights, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North half of Block 13, Government Townsite of East Wallace, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Block 13; thence South 84°14' East, 185.10 feet to the Northeast corner; thence South 11°30' East, 99 feet to the point on the Eastern boundary of said Block; thence North 84°14' West, 185.10 feet, more or less, to a point on the Western boundary of said Block; thence North 10°28' West, 99 feet to the Northwest corner, the place of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: B-0350-019-007-0 Bill No.: 3069 ASSESSED OWNER: Vernon E. Arritt VESTED OWNER: Estate of Vernon E. Arritt, deceased PARTIES OF INTEREST: Estate of Vernon E. Arritt, deceased, James Erickson, Personal Representative, 1743 Burke Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 David Arritt, 11147 Eastside Road, Priest River, Idaho 83856 Steven Arritt, 9127 Holiday Lane, Pinon Hills, CA 92372 Leslie Arritt, c/o James McMillan, Attorney, 512 Cedar Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 Dustin Arritt, 11147 Eastside Road, Priest River, Idaho 83856 Christopher Arritt, 559 E. Main, Sun Prairie, WI 53590-2948 Nathan Arritt, 671 Briar Ranch Lane, San Jose, CA 95120 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 928 Residence Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 7, Block 19, Ediam's Mountain View Addition to Wallace, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: B-0700-000-025-A Bill No.: 3235 ASSESSED OWNER: Benjamin F. Schlotte and Billie Jean C. Schlotte, husband and wife PARTIES OF INTEREST: Benjamin F. Schlotte, Billie Jean C. Schlotte, 140 1/2 King Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 Idaho State Tax Commission, P. O. Box 36, Boise, Idaho 83722 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 140 1/2 King Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 25 and that portion of Lot 24 described as lying Westerly of a line drawn parallel to and 68.5 feet distant from the East end line of said Lot 24 and sometimes described as the West 34 feet of Lot 24, Ruddy's Addition, Wallace, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: C-0200-008-008-A Bill No.: 3855 ASSESSED OWNER: Aaron M. White PARTIES OF INTEREST: Aaron M. White, P. O. Box 368, Osburn, Idaho 83849 Michelle Ruth Mayfield, 7037 W. Heritage, Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 1149 E. Fir Street, Osburn, Idaho 83849 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of Lot 8, Block 8, Dunkle's Gardens Third Addition, Osburn, Shoshone County, State of Idaho together with a portion of Section 19, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 8, Block 8, Dunkle's Gardens Third Addition to the Town (now city) of Osburn, Shoshone County, State of Idaho; thence Westerly along the Northerly boundary line of said Lot 8, a distance of 87 feet to a point; thence In a Southeasterly direction and parallel to the Westerly end line of said Lot 8, a distance of 130.78 feet to a point; thence In an Easterly direction 87 feet to a point on the Easterly end line of said Lot 8 as extended in its own direction; thence In a Northerly direction, 127 feet to the place of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: C-0500-007-007-A Bill No.: 4046 ASSESSED OWNER: Zola A. Carroll VESTED OWNER: Estate of Zola A. Carroll, deceased PARTIES OF INTEREST: Estate of Zola A. Carroll, Address Unknown Idaho Department of Health & Welfare, P. O. Box 83720, 450 W. State Street, 6th Floor, Boise, Idaho 83720 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 1321 Frontage Road, Osburn, Idaho 83849 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 7, Polaris First Addition, Osburn, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Together with that portion of Lincoln Street and Frontage Road vacated by City of Osburn Resolution recorded November 15, 1989 as Instrument No. 340073. Tax Parcel No.: D-0000-001-1250 Bill No.: 4183 ASSESSED OWNER: Robert Hopper VESTED OWNER: Estate of Robert Dwayne Hopper, deceased PARTIES OF INTEREST: Estate of Robert Dwayne Hopper, deceased, c/o Tim Hopper, 1123 Evening Canyon Avenue, Henderson, Nevada 89014 Estate of Robert Dwayne Hopper, deceased, c/o Placer Mining Company, 709 S. Division, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Nka McKinley Avenue, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Being a tract of land situated in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 1, Township 48 North, Range 2 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way line of McKinley Avenue whence the East 1/4 corner of said Section 1 bears South 53°22'13" East, a distance of 1,318.27 feet; thence South 23°04'59" West, a distance of 487.64 feet; thence South 61°03'11" East, a distance of 644.85 feet; thence North 31°43'07" East, a distance of 271.88 feet; thence North 27°17'34" East, a distance of 90.00 feet; thence North 01°10'02" East, a distance of 94.54 feet; thence North 65°13'58" West, a distance of 207.15 feet; thence North 66°45'00" West, a distance of 416.56 feet; thence North 23°04'50" East, a distance of 104.13 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line of McKinley Avenue; thence North 74°36'24" West, a distance of 30.27 feet to the point of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: D-0100-024-019A Bill No.: 4694 ASSESSED OWNER: Property Junky, LLC PARTIES OF INTEREST: Property Junky, LLC, 1031 Mountain Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 1st Choice Properties LLC, P. O. Box 850, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 Hilltop Development Corp, 2900 N. Government Way #109, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 416 Maple Street, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 19, and North 6 feet of Lot 20, Block 24, Kellogg Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat therof. Tax Parcel No.: D-0100-029-006A Bill No.: 4725 ASSESSED OWNER: Property Junky, LLC PARTIES OF INTEREST: Property Junky LLC, 1031 Mountain Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Property Junky, LLC, c/o 1st Choice Properties LLC, P. O. Box 850, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 Property Junky, LLC, Tyler Obeid, 1330 Linda Lane 13, Moscow, Idaho 83844 Hilltop Development Corp., 2900 N. Government Way #109, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 295 W. Portland Avenue, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 6 and 7 in Block 29 of Kellogg Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official plat thereof, filed in official records of Shoshone County, Idaho. Tax Parcel No.: D-0700-005-002-0 Bill No.: 5090 ASSESSED OWNER: Cory K. Squires, an unmarried man PARTIES OF INTEREST: Cory K. Squires, P. O. Box 983, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 Vince Self, Caron Self, 13 Diamond Street, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 319 Emerald Drive, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 5, Mineral Subdivision No. 1, Kellogg, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official plat thereof, filed in official records of Shoshone County, Idaho. Tax Parcel No.: D-1200-002-003-0 Bill No.: 5385 ASSESSED OWNER: Ronald Rhodes and Brittney Wild PARTIES OF INTEREST: Ronald Rhodes, Brittney Wild, 105 W. Mission Avenue, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 105 W. Mission Avenue, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3, Block 2, Rutter's Second Addition to Kellogg, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: D-1250-002-017-A Bill No.: 5415 ASSESSED OWNER: Broken Wheel Café & Bar, Inc., an Idaho Corporation PARTIES OF INTEREST: Broken Wheel Café & Bar, Inc., 102 E. Cameron Avenue, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 102 E. Cameron Avenue, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 17 and 18, Block 2, Rutter's Third Addition to Kellogg, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: D-1600-007-001-0 Bill No.: 5864 ASSESSED OWNER: Shaun Estates, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company PARTIES OF INTEREST: Shaun Estates, LLC, 2685 N. Nuggett Lane, Post Falls, Idaho 83854 Prospect Mortgage, LLC, 15301 Ventura Blvd., Suite D300, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 GA One Properties, LLC, 5916 S. Moran Dr., Spokane, WA 99223 SSD Checkbook IRA 2014, LLC, 4006 N. Sargent Road, Spokane, Washington 99212 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 122 W. Elder Avenue, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 7, Vergobbi Addition to Kellogg, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: E-0050-009-003-A Bill No.: 6438 ASSESSED OWNER: 1st Choice Properties, LLC PARTIES OF INTEREST: 1st Choice Properties, LLC, P. O. Box 850, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 Castle Housing and Development, P. O. Box 850, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 Washington Trust Bank, Corporate Banking Idaho LCS Commercial, P. O. Box 2127, Spokane, Washington 99210-2127 Hilltop Development Corp., 2900 N. Government Way #109, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Beside 927 Main Street, Wardner, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Northeasterly Half of Lot 3, Block 9 CITY OF WARDNER, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of said Lot 3; thence Westerly along the Northwest or Main Street Boundary line of said Lot 3 a distance of 29.67 feet; thence In a Southeasterly direction, 150 feet, more or less to the center point of this Southeasterly boundary line of said Lot 3; thence North 58°53' East along said boundary line a distance of 29.52 feet to the Easterly corner of said Lot 3; thence North 43°38' West, 158.11 feet to the Place of Beginning. Tax Parcel No.: E-0050-009-003-B Bill No.: 6439 ASSESSED OWNER: 1st Choice Properties, LLC PARTIES OF INTEREST: 1st Choice Properties, LLC, P. O. Box 850, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 Castle Housing and Development, P. O. Box 850, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 Washington Trust Bank, Corporate Banking Idaho LCS Commercial, P. O. Box 2127, Spokane, Washington 99210-2127 Hilltop Development Corp., 2900 N. Government Way #109, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 927 Main Street, Wardner, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3, Block 9 CITY OF WARDNER, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. EXCEPT: The Northeasterly Half of Lot 3, Block 9 CITY OF WARDNER, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of said Lot 3; thence Westerly along the Northwest or Main Street Boundary line of said Lot 3 a distance of 29.67 feet; thence In a Southeasterly direction, 150 feet, more or less to the center point of this Southeasterly boundary line of said Lot 3; thence North 58°53' East along said boundary line a distance of 29.52 feet to the Easterly corner of said Lot 3; thence North 43°38' West, 158.11 feet to the Place of Beginning. Tax Parcel No.: E-0050-020-008-A Bill No.: 6561 ASSESSED OWNER: Ila Byrd VESTED OWNER: Estate of Ila Byrd, deceased PARTIES OF INTEREST: Estate of Ila Byrd, deceased, 1326 E. Montana Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Roberta Gunderson, 118 F Street, Smelterville, Idaho 83868 Carol Gunderson, 901 Rockaway Street, Las Vegas, NV 89128 Dale Byrd, 1326 E. Montana Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Ronald L. Byrd, 23 Triangular Park Drive Unit 105, Concord, NH 03311-5848 Wayne L. Byrd, 503 N. 16th Street, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Idaho Department of Health & Welfare, P. O. Box 83720, 450 W. State Street, 6th Floor, Boise, Idaho 83720 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 217 Main Street, Wardner, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 8, Block 20, Wardner Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof. EXCEPT: The Northerly 15 feet of said Lot 8, Block 20, Wardner Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho Tax Parcel No.: F-0100-007-001-A Bill No.: 6816 ASSESSED OWNER: Mitchell Hubert Gilman and Gayanne Amy Gilman PARTIES OF INTEREST: Mitchell Hubert Gilman, Gayanne Amy Gilman, P. O. Box 114, Smelterville, Idaho 83868 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 105 Hill Street, Smelterville, Idaho 83868 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1, 2 and the Easterly 1/2 of Lot 3, Block 7, First Addition to Smelterville, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Together with the portion of alley vacated by City of Smelterville by Ordinance No. 242 recorded December 18, 2009 as Instrument No. 455380. Tax Parcel No.: F-0250-002-011-A Bill No.: 6994 ASSESSED OWNER: Edward W. Fedele, a married man PARTIES OF INTEREST: Edward W. Fedele, 725 N. 3rd Street, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814-3016 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: NKA Smelterville, Idaho 83868 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Siler Addition, Smelterville, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: G-0050-026-000-A Bill No.: 7249 ASSESSED OWNER: Daniel W. Howe and Shonna L. Howe PARTIES OF INTEREST: Daniel W. Howe, Shonna L. Howe, P. O. Box 1071, Pinehurst, Idaho 83850 Idaho State Tax Commission, P. O. Box 36, Boise, Idaho 83722 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 105 Lewiston Avenue, Pinehurst, Idaho 83850 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of Tract 26, Pinehurst, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner of Tract 26, Township of Pinehurst, thence South 66°11' East, 50 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 31°49' West, 117 feet to a point; thence South 66°11' East, 40 feet to a point; thence North 36°25' East, 117 feet to a point; thence North 66°11' West, 50 feet to the point of beginning. AND A portion of Tract 26, Pinehurst, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of said Tract 26; thence North 31°49' East, a distance of 83 feet to true point of beginning; thence North 66°11' West, a distance of 36.7 feet to a point; thence North 31°49' East, a distance of 17.8 feet to a point; thence South 66°11' East, a distance of 36.7 feet to a point; thence South 31°49' West, a distance of 17.8 feet to the true point of beginning. Tax Parcel No: G-0700-009-015-A Bill No.: 7813 ASSESSED OWNER: Daniel Gravelle and Jennifer North PARTIES OF INTEREST: Daniel Gravelle, Jennifer North, 402 S. Fifth Street, Pinehurst, Idaho 83850 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 402 S. 5th Street, Pinehurst, Idaho 83850 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 15 and 17, Block 9, Woodland Townsite First Addition to Pinehurst, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. EXCEPT: All that portion of said Lot 17 that projects into California Avenue, plat of Pinehurst First Addition as conveyed to Shoshone County by deed recorded July 26, 1968 as Instrument No. 218508. Tax Parcel No.: G-0700-009-016-A Bill No.: 7814 ASSESSED OWNER: Shawn Pearson and Stacy Pearson PARTIES OF INTEREST: Shawn Pearson, Stacy Pearson, P. O. Box 51, Cataldo, Idaho 83810 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 401 S. 6th Street, Pinehurst, Idaho 83850 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 16, Block 9, Woodland Townsite First Addition to Pinehurst, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. EXCEPT: The Southerly 5 feet of said Lot 16 described as follows: Commencing at Corner No. 1 which is the Southwest corner of Lot 16; thence 5 feet Northerly along the Westerly endline of Lot 16 to a point which is Corner No. 2; thence Easterly and parallel to the Southerly sideline of Lot 16 approximately 100 feet to a point of intersection with the Easterly endline of Lot 16 which is Corner No. 3; thence 5 feet Southerly to the Southeast corner of Lot 16 which is Corner No. 4; thence Westerly along the Southerly sideline of Lot 16 to the Southwest corner thereof and place of beginning. SHO LEGAL 3520 AD#390300 JUNE 26, JULY 3, 10, 17, 2020

CONTINUED PUBLIC NOTICE Tax Parcel No.: MC0163 Bill No.: 8175 ASSESSED OWNER: Park Copper & Gold Mining Co., Ltd. PARTIES OF INTEREST: Park Copper & Gold Mining Co., 110 Green Street, Ste 1101, New York, New York 10012 William Jacobson, 2829 Ringo Road, Missoula, Montana 59804-6295 Raymond L. Phelps, Huong H. Phelps, 1210 S. Marin Ct., Anaheim, CA 92804 American National Mortgage Partners, LLC, Address Unknown ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Nka Avery, Idaho LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Park, Park Extension, East Park, West Park and South Park, M.S. 1603 and Park Fraction, M.S. 2133 Patented Mining Claims situated in St. Joe Mining District in Section 14, Township 47 North, Range 5 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho. Tax Parcel No.: MC0302 Bill No.: 8291 ASSESSED OWNER: Gerald L. Thompson VESTED OWNERS: Dan Huber and Judith Huber, husband and wife, and Jeri Ann McLenna, a married woman ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 2860 Beaver Creek Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 PARTIES OF INTEREST: Gerald Thompson, 2860 Beaver Creek Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 Dan Huber, Judith Huber, Jeri A. McGlenna, 2860 Beaver Creek Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MINERAL INTEREST ONLY - A parcel of land situated within the Boulder Bed claim, M.S. 845 located in Sections 4 and 9, Township 49 North, Range 4 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner No. 2 of the Mikado Claim, M.S. 845; thence North 43°03'50" West 425 feet to Corner #2; thence With a variation of 21°47' East, South 53°57' West 673 feet to Corner #3; thence South 42°46'18" East 425 feet to Corner No. 3 of the Mikado Claim, M.S. 845; thence North 53°19'42" East 676.97 feet to the point of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: MC0305 Bill No.: 8294 ASSESSED OWNER: Applied Minerals, Inc. PARTIES OF INTEREST: Applied Minerals Inc., 55 Washington Street, Ste. 301, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Hecla Mining Company, 6500 North Mineral Drive, Suite 200, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815-8408 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Nka Mullan, Idaho 83846 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Central Lode, M.S. 960 Patented Mining Claim situated in Hunter Mining District in Section 2, Township 47 North, Range 5 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho. Patent recorded in Book "A" Patents at page 163. Tax Parcel No.: MC0306 Bill No.: 8295 ASSESSED OWNER: Applied Minerals, Inc. PARTIES OF INTEREST: Applied Minerals Inc., 55 Washington Street, Ste. 301, Brooklyn, NY 11201 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Nka Woodland Park, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MINERAL INTEREST ONLY as conveyed to Sierra Silver-Lead Mining Company by deed recorded as Instrument No. 245716 described as follows: Those portions of the Milton, M.S. 2361 and Alexandria, M.S. 2003 Patented Mining Claims situated in LeLande Mining District in Sections 24 and 25, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M., Shoshone County lying and being on the Westerly side of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co's right of way and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly side of the said N.P.R.R. Co.'s right of way from which point the North Quarter corner of Section 25, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M. bears South 15°37'20" East, a distance of 1398.98 feet and Corner No. 4 of the Home Fraction, M.S. 2361 bears South 46°00' East a distance of 648.95 feet; running thence South 45°29' West on and along the westerly right of way line of said N.P.R.R. Co. a distance of 1574.65 feet to a point on line 1-2 of said Alexandria. M.S. 2003; thence North 51°25' West on and along line 1-2 of said Alexandria lode a distance of 357.30 feet to Corner No. 2 of said Alexandria Lode; thence North 38°35' East on and along line 2-3 of the said Alexandria lode, M.S. 2003 and line 2-3 of the Milton, M.S. 2361, a distance of 1614.48 feet to a point; thence South 46°00' East, a distance of 548.85 feet to the place of beginning. AND That portion of the Alexandria, M.S. 2003, Milton, M.S. 2361 and Minnie Healey, M.S. 2364 Patented Mining Claims situated in LeLande Mining District in Sections 24 and 25, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M., Shoshone County lying within the Sisters Addition to Wallace and described as all of Block 1 and Block 8, Sisters Addition to Wallace, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. NOTE: This appears to be a code split parcel number , See Tax Parcel No. MC0548. Tax Parcel No.: MC0548 Bill No.: 8512 ASSESSED OWNER: Applied Minerals, Inc. PARTIES OF INTEREST: Applied Minerals Inc., 55 Washington Street, Ste. 301, Brooklyn, NY 11201 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Nka Woodland Park, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MINERAL INTEREST ONLY as conveyed to Sierra Silver-Lead Mining Company by deed recorded as Instrument No. 245716 described as follows: Those portions of the Minnie Healey, M.S. 2364, Milton, M.S. 2361 and Alexandria, M.S. 2003 Patented Mining Claims situated in LeLande Mining District in Sections 24 and 25, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M., Shoshone County lying and being on the Westerly side of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co's right of way and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly side of the said N.P.R.R. Co.'s right of way from which point the North Quarter corner of Section 25, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M. bears South 15°37'20" East, a distance of 1398.98 feet and Corner No. 4 of the Home Fraction, M.S. 2361 bears South 46°00' East a distance of 648.95 feet; running thence North 46°00' West, a distance of 548.85 feet to a point on Line 2-3 of the Milton, M.S. 2361; thence North 38°35' East, on and along Line 2-3 of said Milton Lode Claim a distance of 413.79 feet to Corner No. 3 of said Milton Lode; thence South 52°41' East, on and along line 3-4 of said Milton Lode Claim a distance of 606.81 feet, a point on the Westerly right of way line of State Highway No. 4 (Wallace-Burke Highway); thence South 45°45'16" West, a distance of 482.79 feet to the place of beginning. AND That portion of the Minnie Healey Lode, M.S. 2364 described as beginning at Corner No. 3 thereof; thence North 37°36' East, a distance of 340.9 feet; thence South 51°25' East, 308.95 feet; thence South 46°33' West, 272.86 feet; thence North 66°12' West, 273.93 feet to the point of beginning. NOTE: This appears to be a code split parcel number see Tax Parcel No. MC0306. Tax Parcel No.: O-0850-003-009-B Bill No.: 8891 ASSESSED OWNER: Calder Store, LLC PARTIES OF INTEREST: Calder Store, LLC, 40 Railroad Street, Calder, Idaho 83808 U.S. Postal Services, Real Estate Division, c/o Robert Schab, 475 L'enfant Plaza, SW Suite #6670, Washington, D.C. 20260 Internal Revenue Services, P. O. Box 145595, Stop 8420-G, Team 206, Cincinnati, OH 45250 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 40 Railroad Street, Calder, Idaho 83808 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 3, Calder Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. EXCEPT: That portion of Lot 14, Block 3, Calder Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 14, monumented with an iron rod, 5/8 inch diameter, with a plastic cap marked PLS 6766; thence North 0°02'18" East, 84.17 feet (shown of record as 84.13 feet) along the East line of said Lot 14, to the Southeast corner of Lot 15; thence Continuing North 0°02'18" East, 47.03 feet along a portion of the East line of said Lot 15, to an iron rod, 30 inches long, 5/8 inch diameter, with a plastic cap marked PLS 6766; thence North 89°58'40" West, 70.00 feet and leaving said East line to an iron rod, 30 inches long, 5/8 inch diameter with a plastic cap marked PLS 6766; thence South 0°02'18" West, 47.02 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 14; thence Continuing South 0°02'18" West, 68.66 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 14, said point monumented with an iron rod, 30 inches long, 5/8 inch diameter with a plastic cap marked PLS 6766; thence South 77°28'29" East, 71.70 feet along said Southerly line to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH: Those portions of right of ways vacated by Shoshone County Resolution 2001-50 recorded November 5, 2001 as Instrument No. 400813, Amended by Shoshone County Resolution No. 2002-34 recorded August 21, 2002 as Instrument No. 405179 and further amended by Shoshone County Resolution No. 2002-39 recorded August 27, 2002 as Instrument No. 405287 and attached to said land by operation of law. AND That portion of Lot 17, Block 3, Calder Townsite, Shoshone County, State of Idaho more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 17, monumented with an iron rod, 5/8 inch diameter with a plastic cap marked PLS 6766; thence South 89°59'02" East, 139.94 feet (shown of record as 140.00 feet) along the South line of said Lot 17 to the Southeast corner thereof, said corner monumented with an iron rod, 5/8 inch diameter with a plastic cap marked PLS 6766; thence North 0°02'18" East, 19.00 feet along a portion of the East line of said Lot 17, and leaving said South line, to an iron rod, 30 inches long, 5/8 inch diameter with a plastic cap marked PLS 6766; thence North 87°50'08" West, 140.03 feet and leaving said East line to a point on the West line of said Lot 17; thence South 0°03'06" West, 24.25 feet along a portion of said West line to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH: Those portions of right of ways vacated by Shoshone County Resolution 2001-50 recorded November 5, 2001 as Instrument No. 400813, Amended by Shoshone County Resolution No. 2002-34 recorded August 21, 2002 as Instrument No. 405179 and further amended by Shoshone County Resolution No. 2002-39 recorded August 27, 2002 as Instrument No. 405287 and attached to said land by operation of law. Tax Parcel No.: O-0950-011-001-A Bill No.: 8960 ASSESSED OWNER: Edith Sayko, Mark J. Sayko and Ann D. Tautfest VESTED OWNERS: Mark J. Sayko and the Estate of Ann D. Tautfest, deceased PARTIES OF INTEREST: Mark J. Sayko, c/o Farmer's Insurance Agency, 8227 44th Avenue W. Ste L, Mukilteo, WA 98275 Estate of Ann Denise Tautfest, c/o Landau DeLaguna, 3325 South Clay, Englewood, CO 80110 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 483 Burke Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, Block 11, Canyon Addition to the City of Wallace, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. TOGETHER WITH: The Northeast 1/2 of "B" Street more particularly described as beginning at the Southeast corner of Block 11, Canyon Addition, being a point on the North sideline of the Burke Road 20 feet from the centerline of said road; thence Westerly along said sideline, 20 feet to the centerline of "B" Street and the intersection of the North sideline of the Burke Road; thence North 41°21' West, 122 feet to the intersection of the centerline of "B" Street and the South sideline of Canyon Avenue; thence Easterly along said South sideline of Canyon Avenue 20 feet to the Southwest corner of Block 11, Canyon Addition; thence South 41°21' East, 123 feet to the Southeast corner of Block 11, Canyon Addition, the place of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: O-0950-015-007-A Bill No.: 8989 ASSESSED OWNER: Ricky D. Menees and Trina L. Menees and Rhonda L. Roberts PARTIES OF INTEREST: Rick D. Menees, Trina L. Menees, Rhonda L. Roberts, 632 Burke Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 Shoshone Adjustment Bureau, P. O. Box 780, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 632 Burke Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 15, Canyon Addition to the City of Wallace, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: O-1700-005-006-0 Bill No.: 9437 ASSESSED OWNER: Michael E. Harold and Suzan K. Jennings, husband and wife PARTIES OF INTEREST: Michael E. Harold, Suzan K. Jennings, c/o Suzan Rudd, 11387 Martin Lakes Ct., Jacksonville, FL 32220 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: No known address, Burke Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A tract of land being a portion of Trapper, M.S. 2728 Patented Mining Claim situated in LeLande Mining District in Section 18, Township 48 North, Range 5 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point from whence Corner No. 3 of Trapper, M.S. 2728 Patented Mining Claim bears South 78°57'30" East, 350.73 feet; thence South 25°00'00" East, 97.50 feet to a point; thence South 73°30'00" West, 10.80 feet to a point; thence North 26°04'34" West, 97.50 feet to a point; thence North 66°55' East, 12.30 feet to the point of beginning and sometimes referred to as Lot 6, Block 5, Gem Townsite, an unofficial and unrecorded plat. Tax Parcel No.: O-1180-000-002-0 Bill No.: 9515 ASSESSED OWNER: Janella I. Hartman, aka Janella I. Thomas PARTIES OF INTEREST: Janella I. Hartman, aka Janella I. Thomas, David H. Thomas, 1204 E. Wabash Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99207-3257 Shoshone County, Catastrophic Health Care Costs Program, 700 Bank Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 32 Oak Street, Kingston, Idaho 83839 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Harrie L. Smith Subdivision, Kingston, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: O-2200-009-010-A Bill No.: 9806 ASSESSED OWNER: Rachel Stanley PARTIES OF INTEREST: Rachel Stanley, P. O. Box 9, Silverton, Idaho 83867 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., P. O. Box 31557, Billings, Montana 59107 Fleet Mortgage Corporation, Fka Fleet Real Estate Funding Corp., 2210 Enterprise Drive, Florence, South Carolina 29501-1109 Internal Revenue Service, Centralized Lien Operation, Lien No. 935437413, P. O. Box 145595, Stop 8420G, Cincinnati, Ohio 45250-5595 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 20 Union Street, Silverton, Idaho 83867 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All of Lot 10 and the North 1/2 of Lot 11, Excepting the West 15 feet of both lots, Block 9, Amended Markwell Home Tracts, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: O-2350-000-010-0 Bill No.: 9866 ASSESSED OWNER: Kenneth C. Henry and Marilee D. Henry PARTIES OF INTEREST: Kenneth C. Henry, Marilee D. Henry, 12281 W. Hughes Lane, Post Falls, Idaho 83854 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 225 Pine Tree Drive, Pinehurst, Idaho 83850 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 10, Mountain View Estates, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: O-2460-00A-009-0 Bill No.: 9955 ASSESSED OWNER: Leonard T. Fuson PARTIES OF INTEREST: Leonard T. Fuson, Jenifer Lynn Fuson, 11115 E. Broadway, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Murphy, Bantz & Bury, P.S., c/o Lisa Dickinson, 1020 N. Washington Street, Suite #3, Spokane, WA 99201 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: No Known Address, North Fork Coeur d'Alene River Road, Kingston, Idaho LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 9, Block A, North Fork Estates, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: O-2575-000-024-0 Bill No.: 10009 ASSESSED OWNER: Harold O. Tappen PARTIES OF INTEREST: Harold O. Tappen, c/o Laurie Darrow, 1864 E. Seltice Way, Post Falls, Idaho 83854 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 821 Lower Page Mine Road, Smelterville, Idaho 83868 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land lying within the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 48 North, Range 2 East, Boise Meridian, Shoshone County, Idaho, and being more particularly described as follows: From the East Quarter corner of Section 4, Township 48 North, Range 2 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho thence South 19°30'13" West, 1,685.41 feet to Corner No. 1, the point of beginning; thence North 54°57'55" East, a distance of 150.00 feet to Corner No. 2; thence North 35°02'05" West, a distance of 52.50 feet to Corner No. 3; thence South 54°57'55" East, a distance of 150.00 feet to Corner No. 4; thence South 35°02'05" East, a distance of 52.50 feet to Corner No. 1, the point of beginning and sometimes referred to as Lot 24 Page Mine Camp. Tax Parcel No.: O-3200-005-001-A Bill No.: 10323 ASSESSED OWNER: Bill Carlson, a married person PARTIES OF INTEREST: Bill Carlson, 3055 Rivercrest Drive, Post Falls, Idaho 83854 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 138 Main Street, Woodland Park, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 5, Sister's Addition, Shoshone County, State of Idaho, according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: O-3200-006-010-A Bill No.: 10331 ASSESSED OWNER: Stanley Carl Taylor and Vicki Gayle Taylor, husband and wife PARTIES OF INTEREST: Stanley Carl Taylor, Vicki Gayle Taylor, 202 Main Street, Woodland Park, Wallace, Idaho 83873 North Idaho Credit, Corp., c/o Gregory L. Decker, 1919 North 3rd, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Shoshone County, Catastrophic Health Care Costs Program, 700 Bank Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 202 Main Street, Woodland Park, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 6, Sister's Addition to the City of Wallace, Shoshone County, State of Idaho according to the official and recorded plat thereof. Tax Parcel No.: 48N02E-05-3100 Bill No.: 14145 ASSESSED OWNER: Matthew E. Maciosek PARTIES OF INTEREST: Matthew E. Maciosek, P. O. Box 996, Pinehurst, Idaho 83850 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 44454 Silver Valley Road, Kingston, Idaho 83839 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land also known as Tract 2, Maciosek Tracts Short Plat located in the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 5, Township 48 North, Range 2 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way line of the I-90 Frontage Road known as Silver Valley Road from which the Northwest corner of Section 5, Township 48 North, Range 2 East, B.M. bears North 00°19'48" East, a distance of 330.18 feet; thence South 73°15'41" East (shown of record as South 73°15'13" East) along said right of way a distance of 154.55 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 14°07'13" West, a distance of 131.52 feet to a point; thence South 84°46'18" East (shown of record as South 85°07'30" East) a distance of 182.11 feet to a point; thence North 21°55'22" East a distance of 68.32 feet (shown of record as North 23°23'00" East a distance of 67.03 feet) to I-90 Station 1156+86.75 229.48 Rt; thence North 57°07'44" West along said right of way a distance of 97.30 feet (shown of record as North 57°03'39" West a distance of 97.80 feet) to I-90 Station 1156+00 195 Rt; thence North 73°15'41" West (shown of record as North 73°15'13" West) along said right of way a distance of 97.19 feet to the True Point of Beginning. EXCEPT: A triangular piece of property located in the Northeast corner of said land. NOTE: This is a code split parcel, See Tax Parcel No. 48N02E-05-3125 which represents a small triangular piece located in the Northeast corner of this property. Tax Parcel No.: 48N02E-05-3125 Bill No.: 14148 ASSESSED OWNER: Matthew E. Maciosek PARTIES OF INTEREST: Matthew E. Maciosek, P. O. Box 996, Pinehurst, Idaho 83850 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 44454 Silver Valley Road, Kingston, Idaho 83839 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A triangular piece of property located in the Northeast corner of the following described parcel: A parcel of land also known as Tract 2, Maciosek Tracts Short Plat located in the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 5, Township 48 North, Range 2 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly right of way line of the I-90 Frontage Road known as Silver Valley Road from which the Northwest corner of Section 5, Township 48 North, Range 2 East, B.M. bears North 00°19'48" East, a distance of 330.18 feet; thence South 73°15'41" East (shown of record as South 73°15'13" East) along said right of way a distance of 154.55 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 14°07'13" West, a distance of 131.52 feet to a point; thence South 84°46'18" East (shown of record as South 85°07'30" East) a distance of 182.11 feet to a point; thence North 21°55'22" East a distance of 68.32 feet (shown of record as North 23°23'00" East a distance of 67.03 feet) to I-90 Station 1156+86.75 229.48 Rt; thence North 57°07'44" West along said right of way a distance of 97.30 feet (shown of record as North 57°03'39" West a distance of 97.80 feet) to I-90 Station 1156+00 195 Rt; thence North 73°15'41" West (shown of record as North 73°15'13" West) along said right of way a distance of 97.19 feet to the True Point of Beginning. NOTE: This is a code split parcel. See Tax Parcel No. 48N02E-05-3100. Tax Parcel No.: 48N03E-03-1975 Bill No.: 14822 ASSESSED OWNER: Norman Carroll and Vicki Carroll PARTIES OF INTEREST: Norman Carroll, Vicki Carroll, 406 Moon Gulch Road, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 406 Moon Gulch Road, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land lying within the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East right of way line of the Moon Gulch County Road from which the Northeast corner of said Section 3 bears North 22°36'35" East a distance of 2,111.47 feet; thence South 56°23'19" East, a distance of 190.17 feet; thence North 50°55'32" East, a distance of 175.00 feet; thence North 13°59'17" East, a distance of 76.24 feet; thence North 02°27'12" East, a distance of 76.25 feet; thence South 87°32'12" East, a distance of 469.98 feet to a point on the East line of said Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3; thence South 00°49'49" West along said East line a distance of 380.00 feet; thence North 88°11'23" West, a distance of 682.95 feet; thence North 87°36'47" West, a distance of 34.07 feet; thence North 85°51'38" West, a distance of 184.53 feet to a point on the East right of way line of said Moon Gulch County Road; thence North 31°44'06" East along said right of way line a distance of 82.57 feet to a point; thence North 25°35'26" East along said right of way line a distance of 89.83 feet to a point; thence North 33°53'17" East along said right of way line a distance of 69.06 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPT: A tract of land located in Section 2, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Easterly right of way of Moon Gulch County Road from whence the Northeast corner of Section 2, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M. bears North 21°40'45" East, a distance of 2,018.31 feet; thence South 33°53'17" West along said right of way a distance of 40.00 feet to a point; thence South 65°37'09" East, a distance of 189.84 feet to a point; thence North 50°55'32" East, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point; thence North 56°23'19" West, a distance of 190.17 feet to the True Point of Beginning. AND All that portion of the following described property lying North and West of Moon Gulch County Road: That certain parcel or tract of land lying in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East boundary line of Section 3, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho whence the Northeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3 bears in a Northerly direction a distance of 504 feet; thence Running South a distance of 380 feet along the East boundary of said Section 3 to a point; thence Running in a Westerly direction parallel to the South boundary line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M. to a point on the West boundary line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3, a distance of approximately 1320 feet to a point; thence Running in a Northerly direction along the West boundary line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., a distance of 380 feet to a point; thence In an Easterly direction parallel to the South boundary line of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 3, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., a distance of approximately 1320 feet to a point, which point in the point of Beginning. Tax Parcel No.: 48N03E-03-5325 Bill No.: 14849 ASSESSED OWNER: Lois L. Dunsmore VESTED OWNER: Betty Lou Ship, personal representative of the Estate of Lois L. Dunsmore, deceased, administered in the Magistrate Court of the First Judicial District of the State of Idaho in and for the County of Shoshone, Case No. CV-2013-00458 PARTIES OF INTEREST: Estate of Lois L. Dunsmore, deceased, 117 Deer Lane, Elk Creek, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 Betty Lou Ship, PR, Estate of Lois L. Dunsmore, deceased, HC-01, Box 153, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 Idaho Department of Health & Welfare, P. O. Box 83720, 450 W. State Street, 6th Floor, Boise, Idaho 83720 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 117 Deer Lane, Elizabeth Park, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that certain property situated in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 3, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner, Corner No. 1 from which the Southwest corner of Section 3, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., bears South 60°03' West, 2,864.35 feet; thence South 81°18' East, 183.87 feet to the Southeast corner, Corner No. 2; thence North 50.50 feet to the Northeast corner (Corner No. 3); thence North 81°11' West, 178.34 feet to the Northwest corner (Corner No. 4); thence South 06°25' West, 50.33 feet to the Place of Beginning. AND Beginning at the Southwest corner (Corner No. 2) from which the Southwest corner of Section 3, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M. bears South 60°53' West, 2,834.7 feet; thence South 81°29' East, 189.48 feet to the Southeast corner (Corner No. 2); thence North 50.00 feet to the Northeast corner (Corner No. 3); thence North 81°18' West, 183.87 feet to the Northwest corner (Corner No. 4); thence South 06°22' West, 50.65 feet to the Place of Beginning. Tax Parcel No.: 48N03E-08-0350 Bill No.: 14998 ASSESSED OWNER: Mark McDonald PARTIES OF INTEREST: Mark McDonald, Patricia McDonald, P. O. Box 584, Osburn, Idaho 83849 Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc., c/o Amelia A. Sheets, Just Law Office, P. O. Box 50271, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405-0271 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 54 West Side Drive, Elizabeth Park, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A tract of land situated in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1 whence the Northeast corner of Section 8, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho bears north 33°59'12" East, 485.89 feet distant; thence South 19°31'36" East, 104.00 feet distant to Corner No. 2; thence South 75°24'40" West, 87.59 feet distant to Corner No. 3; thence North 27°51'57" West, 106.45 feet distant to Corner No. 4; thence North 75°24'40" East, 103.00 feet distant to Corner No. 1 and the point of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: 48N03E-08-3200 Bill No.: 14295 ASSESSED OWNER: Emily A. Wirtz PARTIES OF INTEREST: Emily A. Wirtz, 581 Redmond Road, Eureka, CA 95503 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Nka Alhambra Road, Kellogg, Idaho 83837 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8, Township 48 North, Range 3 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho. Tax Parcel No.: 48N04E-12-6149 Bill No.: 15465 ASSESSED OWNER: Daniel W. Stinson PARTIES OF INTEREST: Daniel W. Stinson, P. O. Box 1181, Wallace, Idaho 83873 Chris Colligan, P. O. Box 3222, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 137 Nine Mile Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion of the Johney Placer, M.S. 1451 Patented Mining Claim situated in Placer Center Mining District in Section 12, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1 being the Northwest corner of this tract from which Corner No. 4 of the said Johney Placer bears North 18°20'26" West, 556.31 feet; thence North 60 feet to a point; thence South 89°28'26" East, 145.92 feet to a point; thence South 60 feet to a point; thence South17°12'57" West, 363.85 feet to Corner No. 3; thence North 70°41'51" West, 80.62 feet to Corner No. 4; thence North 6°42'10" East, 324.46 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: 48N04E-26-4330 Bill No.: 15855 ASSESSED OWNER: Paula L. Florentine PARTIES OF INTEREST: Paula L. Floretine, 741 Nine Mile Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 James E. Duval, Trustee, Patricia A. Duval, Trustee, James E. & Patricia Duval Family Trust, 25 Avenue D, McGill, NV 89318 Richard LaHargoue, Vickey LaHargoue, 733 Nine Mile Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 741 Nine Mile Road, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A tract of land being a portion of the Radical Lode, M.S. 2408 Patented Mining Claim situated in Placer Center Mining District in Section 26, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 2 of the Radical Lode; thence South 75°52' East, 189.50 feet; thence South 31°39' West, 223.65 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 7 of McGovern's Addition near the City of Wallace, Idaho, the True point of Beginning; thence North 75°52' West, 110.00 feet; thence South 30°04' West, 49.9 feet; thence South 75°52' West, 108.00 feet; thence North 31°39' East, 50.05 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 7 of McGovern's Addition, the True Point of Beginning and sometimes referred to as Lot 7, McGovern's Addition an unofficial plat. Tax Parcel No.: 48N04E-26-9000 Bill No.: 15874 ASSESSED OWNER: Marie R. Moore PARTIES OF INTEREST: Marie R. Moore, 21 Meadow St., Wallace, ID 83873 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 21 Meadow Street, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1: The East 400 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho, lying North of I-90-N, Interstate Highway North Access Road, EXCEPT, Willow Acres Subdivision, Shoshone County, Idaho. ALSO EXCEPT: All of the portion of land situated West of Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 2 in the Willow Acres Subdivision, to the City of Wallace, Idaho, and further described as lying between said lots and the Old County Road on the West, Northwest and North, and the Northern Pacific Railroad Tracts on the South. The portion of land being in a triangular shape with the base of the triangle along the Northern Pacific Railroad Tracks and the said portion of land being in the Willow Acres Subdivision to the City of Wallace, Shoshone County, State of Idaho. PARCEL 2: The Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 48 North, Range 4 East, B.M. lying North of North Access Road of I-90-N Interstate Highway, EXCEPT: Willow Acres Subdivision, Shoshone County, Idaho ALSO EXCEPT: Property divested in Instrument No. 236633 on September 24, 1971, records of Shoshone County, Idaho. ALSO EXCEPT: Property divested in Instrument No. 246467 on June 22, 1973, records of Shoshone County, Idaho. ALSO EXCEPT: Property divested in Instrument No. 258497 on August 26, 1975, records of Shoshone County, Idaho. ALSO EXCEPT: Property divested in Instrument No. 276366 on November 21, 1978, records of Shoshone County, Idaho. ALSO EXCEPT: Property divested in Instrument No. 248597 on October 29, 1973, records of Shoshone County, Idaho. ALSO EXCEPT: Property divested in Instrument No. 248598 on October 29, 1973, records of Shoshone County, Idaho. ALSO EXCEPT: Property divested in Instrument No. 266291on February 7, 1977, records of Shoshone County, Idaho. ALSO EXCEPT: Property divested in Instrument No. 170466 on May 24, 1957, records of Shoshone County, Idaho. Subject to Meadow Street, a dedicated Street. Tax Parcel No.: 48N05E-18-4825 Bill No.: 16141 ASSESSED OWNER: Suzan K. Jennings and Elmer J. Jensen VESTED OWNER: Elmer J. Jensen and Suzan K. Harold who acquired title as Suzan K. Jennings PARTIES OF INTEREST: Suzan K. Harold, fka Jennings, Elmer J. Jensen, c/o Suzan Rudd, 11387 Martin Lakes Ct., Jacksonville, FL 32220 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: No known address Burke Road, Gem, Wallace, Idaho 83873 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A tract of land being a portion of Home Ticket, M.S. 2728 situated in LeLande Mining District in Section 18, Township 48 North, Range 5 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point from whence the Southeast corner of Trapper, M.S. 2728 bears North 83°13' East, 400.29 feet; thence North 71°05' West, 30.00 feet to a point; thence South 15° East, 100.00 feet to a point; thence South 71°05' East, 30.00 feet to a point; thence North 15° West, 100.00 feet to the point of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: 48N05E-35-1655 Bill No.: 16340 ASSESSED OWNER: Applied Minerals Inc. PARTIES OF INTEREST: Applied Minerals Inc., 55 Washington Street, Ste 301, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Hecla Mining Company, 6500 Mineral Drive, Suite 200, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 298 Atlas Road, Mullan, Idaho 83846 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MINERAL INTEREST ONLY as conveyed by deed to Atlas Mining Company recorded July 19, 1956 in Book 91, Deeds, at page 299. A tract of land situated in the Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 48 North, Range 5 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 35, Township 48 North, Range 5 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho; thence South 29°04' West, 2,129 feet to a point; thence West 600 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 600 feet to a point which is the Southeast corner of the tract hereby conveyed; thence West 200 feet to a point which is the Southwest corner of the tract hereby conveyed; thence North 600 feet to a point which is the Northwest corner of the tract hereby conveyed; thence East 200 feet to the Northeast corner of the tract hereby conveyed, the true point of beginning. Tax Parcel No.: 49N01E-35-0700 Bill No.: 16638 ASSESSED OWNER: Kathleen Vosberg and Betty Siegfried PARTIES OF INTEREST: Kathleen Vosberg, P. O. Box 172, Kingston, Idaho 83839 Idaho Commerce & Labor, 317 West Main Street, Boise, Idaho 83835 Betty Siegfried, P. O. Box 204, Kingston, Idaho 83839 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 511 Fast Hill Road, Kingston, Idaho 83839 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 35, Township 49 North, Range 1 East, B.M., Shoshone County, State of Idaho. SHO LEGAL 3520 AD#390315 JUNE 26, JULY 3, 10, 17, 2020

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTS August 12th, 2020 6:30 P.M. The City of Smelterville will hold a public hearing and take public testimony at the Smelterville City Hall (501 Main St.) on August 12th at 6:30 p.m. to consider two separate requests for the following: A request for a conditional use permit for a welding/fabrication business at 101 4th Ave, and a request for a conditional use permit to allow the use of saw mill located at 103 & 105 Northview, Smelterville, Shoshone County Idaho. All interested persons are invited to appear and show cause, if any, why such items should or should not be approved. Copies of the applications are available at City Hall during regular office hours. City Hall is accessible to persons with disabilities. Anyone desiring accommodations for disabilities related to these documents or to the hearing can contact the City Clerk, (208)786-3351 at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing. Heidi Klein Smelterville City Clerk SHO LEGAL 3537 AD#394930 JULY 17, 24, 2020

NOTICE OF SALE OF BUS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of School District No. 393 will receive sealed bids until 12:00 noon, Monday, July 27, 2020, for the sale of the following vehicle, to wit:. One (1) 47 Passenger International Year: 2006 The bus may be inspected by contacting 208-753-4515 or contacting Laith Mendy at the District bus garage located at 610 Hotel Street, Wallace, Idaho Bids will be accepted at the Office of the Superintendent of Schools located at 501 Western Ave., Silverton, ID 83867. Bids may be mailed to Todd Howard, Superintendent, PO Box 267, Silverton, ID 83867. Bids must be in the School District Office by 12:00 noon, July 27, 2020, at which time they will be tabulated to be considered by the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to accept the bid deemed best or reject any and/or all bids and to waive any technicality. All bids must be plainly marked "BID" on the outside of the envelope. Dated this 30th day of June, 2020 /s/ Beatrice Conley, Clerk SHO LEGAL 3528 AD#393655 JULY 10, 17, 2020

SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION AS TO DEFENDANTS LAYNE RAVSTEN AKA LAYNE R. RAVSTEN; ESTATE OF SHIRLEY RAVSTEN, DECEASED; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF SHIRLEY RAVSTEN, DECEASED; JOHN AND JANE DOES, I THROUGH V, OCCUPANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY; ALSO, ALL OTHER PERSONS HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS ACTION IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SHOSHONE BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, Plaintiff, v. LAYNE RAVSTEN AKA LAYNE R. RAVSTEN; ESTATE OF SHIRLEY RAVSTEN, DECEASED; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF SHIRLEY RAVSTEN, DECEASED; JOHN AND JANE DOES, I THROUGH V, OCCUPANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY; ALSO, ALL OTHER PERSONS HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS ACTION, Defendants. Case No.: CV40-20-0097 TO DEFENDANTS: LAYNE RAVSTEN AKA LAYNE R. RAVSTEN; ESTATE OF SHIRLEY RAVSTEN, DECEASED; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF SHIRLEY RAVSTEN, DECEASED; JOHN AND JANE DOES, I THROUGH V, OCCUPANTS OF THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY; ALSO, ALL OTHER PERSONS HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS ACTION. You have been sued by BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, the Plaintiff, in the First Judicial District Court in and for the County of Shoshone, Idaho, Case No. CV40-20-0097. The nature of the claim against you is a complaint for judicial foreclosure. Any time after 20 days following the last publication of this summons, the Court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case No., and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at Shoshone County Courthouse, 700 Bank Street, Wallace, ID 83873 and serve a copy of your response on the Plaintiff's attorney at Weinstein & Riley, P.S., 2001 Western Avenue, Suite 400, Seattle, WA 98121, Phone: (206) 269-3490. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. Dated: June 16, 2020 CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT BY: Debi Ruggles County Deputy Clerk SHO LEGAL 3522 AD#390483 JUNE 26, JULY 3,10, 17, 2020


Legals for July, 3 2020
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 4 years, 8 months ago
Legals for July, 10 2020
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 4 years, 7 months ago
Legals for June, 26 2020
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 4 years, 8 months ago