Kalispell council resumes in-person meetings
BRET ANNE SERBIN | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 4 years, 9 months AGO
The Kalispell City Council opens its chambers to the public for the first time in about two months for tonight’s meeting.
The council will consider three development proposals at the meeting.
The first proposal would announce the city’s intent to hold a public hearing on June 15 about the possibility of amending the Kalispell Growth Policy to include a potential multi-family development on Hutton Ranch Road.
Colton Lee Communities is considering “the development of a multi-family residential project with a potential commercial component” on the 3.27-acre property if the growth policy is amended to include the area within the city limits.
However, the meeting agenda states “there are no specific development plans at this time and a conditional-use permit will be required for the proposed use.”
The Kalispell Planning Board previously considered this proposal at a public hearing on May 12 and recommended approval of the proposal to the City Council. The next steps in the process would be a public hearing on June 15 and then consideration at the council’s July 1 meeting.
The council will also consider a request from Matthew Vander Ark to annex and rezone a 2.4-acre property at 155 Three Mile Drive.
This proposal was also considered and recommended by the Planning Board at its May 12 meeting, as well as a previous public hearing in September 2019. The property, which currently contains a single-family residence, is zoned county SAG-10 for suburban agricultural use. The applicant is requesting city R-3 residential zoning, which is also the designation of most of the surrounding properties.
In an additional annexation and rezoning request, Connie Behe is requesting the city annex a property located at 1100 Two Mile Drive and rezone it to city R-2 residential zoning.
The property is currently zoned county R-2 and contains a single-family residence surrounded by mostly county R-1 and R-2 zoning.
The meeting agenda states, “The property is currently zoned county R-2 and contains a single-family residence. The annexation request is due to an existing septic field which is failing. City sanitary sewer service is adjacent to the property as the Westside Interceptor was recently installed within the Two Mile Drive right-of-way.”
This proposal was also recommended for approval to the City Council at the May 12 Planning Board meeting. One public comment was received expressing concern by Westbrier Court residents about potential future annexation in the area.
The meeting, which is open to the public, starts at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 201 First Ave. E.
Reporter Bret Anne Serbin may be reached at (406)-758-4459 or bserbin@dailyinterlake.com.
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