Friday, January 31, 2025

Legals for June, 10 2020

Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 4 years, 7 months AGO
| June 10, 2020 12:00 AM

SUMMARY OF POST FALLS ORDINANCE NO. 1384 The City of Post Falls, Kootenai County, Idaho hereby gives notice of the adoption of Post Falls Ordinance No. 1384, annexing property consisting of approximately 10.085 acres, located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 51 North, Range 5 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho and zoning said annexed property as Single-Family Residential (R-1) as more fully described in Exhibit A; providing repeal of conflicting ordinances and providing severability. The ordinance is effective upon publication of this summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 1384 is available at Post Falls City Hall, 408 Spokane Street, Post Falls, ID 83854 in the office of the city clerk. /s/ Shannon Howard, City Clerk CDA LEGAL 3667 AD#387283 JUNE 9, 2020

SUMMARY OF POST FALLS ORDINANCE NO. 1391 The City of Post Falls, Kootenai County, Idaho hereby gives notice of the adoption of Post Falls Ordinance No. 1391, annexing property consisting of approximately 8.61 acres, located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 50 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho and zoning said annexed property as High-Density Multi-Family Residential (R3) as more fully described in Exhibit A; providing repeal of conflicting ordinances and providing severability. The ordinance is effective upon publication of this summary. The full text of Ordinance No. 1391 is available at Post Falls City Hall, 408 Spokane Street, Post Falls, ID 83854 in the office of the city clerk. /s/ Shannon Howard, City Clerk CDA LEGAL 3666 AD#387292 JUNE 9, 2020

NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE IDAHO PANHANDLE NATIONAL FOREST The Big Hank Hazard Tree Removal Sale is located within T52N R3E Sec. 29. The Forest Service will receive sealed bids by mail only, with the accompanying bid guarantee, on or prior to 06/25/2020; at Forest Supervisor's Office, Idaho Panhandle NF, 3815 Schreiber Way, Coeur d'Alene ID 83815 at 10:00 AM local time for an estimated volume of 1172 ton of Combined Softwood sawtimber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. The Forest Service reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Interested parties may obtain a prospectus from the office listed below. A prospectus, bid form, and complete information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and submission of bids is available to the public from the Forest Supervisor's Office, Idaho Panhandle NF, 3815 Schreiber Way, Coeur d'Alene ID 83815. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. CDA LEGAL 3668 AD#387332 JUNE 9, 2020

NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Coeur d'Alene Charter Academy, Kootenai County, in accordance with Idaho Code 33-801 will hold a Budget Hearing on the 2020-2021 budget as part of their Board of Directors meeting on June 15, 2020, at 6:00 PM at the Coeur d'Alene Charter Academy, 4904 N. Duncan Drive, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. A summary of the proposed budget is published herein. Copies of the proposed budget are available during summer business hours (8:00 AM to 3:00 PM; Monday-Friday) at the Coeur d'Alene Charter Academy: 4904 N. Duncan Drive, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 83815. Laura Beyer, Board Clerk Board of Directors, Coeur d'Alene Charter Academy NOTE: If any auxiliary aids or services are needed for individuals with disabilities, please contact Laura Beyer, Clerk of the Board, at (208) 676-1667 no later than three (3) working days prior to the meeting. Dated this 5th day of June, 2020. Posted June 5, 2020 SUMMARY STATEMENT 2020-2021 SCHOOL BUDGET ALL FUNDS COEUR D'ALENE CHARTER ACADEMY GENERAL M & O FUND ALL OTHER FUNDS Prior Year Prior Year Current Proposed Prior Year Prior Year Current Proposed REVENUES/EXPENDITURES Actual Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual Budget Budget 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 Beginning Balances $ (1,292,267) $ (1,258,105) $ (1,274,899) $ (1,439,505) $ (143,800) $ (193,137) $ (163,695) $ (191,632) Local Revenue (187,701) (175,855) (180,000) (170,000) (43,794) (93,122) (39,100) (82,600) County Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 State Revenue (4,574,461) (4,711,250) (4,760,000) (4,481,811) (153,188) (181,228) (180,474) (129,969) Federal Revenue (1,848) 0 0 0 (68,225) (71,231) (174,900) (153,968) Other Sources (486) (696) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers (19,686) (19,796) (18,349) (8,742) (415,038) (422,996) (951,265) (983,663) TOTALS *** $ (6,076,449) $ (6,165,702) $ (6,233,248) $ (6,100,058) $ (824,045) $ (961,714) $ (1,509,434) $ (1,541,832) Salaries $ 2,668,074 $ 2,723,074 $ 2,940,674 $ 2,796,103 $ 20,876 $ 29,383 $ 26,215 $ 27,685 Benefits 1,136,840 1,158,766 1,301,345 1,263,292 11,838 14,698 14,790 15,565 Purchased Services 206,116 202,362 358,000 358,000 50,938 108,057 159,861 170,718 Supplies & Materials 102,459 95,936 145,000 145,000 10,156 3,709 28,500 31,855 Capital Outlay 10,726 7,799 15,000 19,000 517,413 622,374 1,149,306 1,189,392 Debt Retirement 268,798 268,544 275,000 275,000 0 0 0 0 Insurance & Judgments 10,293 11,322 16,086 20,000 0 0 0 0 Transfers 415,038 422,996 951,265 983,663 19,686 19,796 18,349 8,742 Contingency Reserve 0 0 230,878 240,000 0 0 0 0 Unappropriated Balances 1,258,105 1,274,903 0 0 193,138 163,697 112,413 97,875 TOTALS *** $ 6,076,449 $ 6,165,702 $ 6,233,248 $ 6,100,058 $ 824,045 $ 961,714 $ 1,509,434 $ 1,541,832 CDA LEGAL 3685 AD#387938 JUNE 12, 2020

NOTICEOF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of School District 271, Kootenai County, in accordance with Idaho Code 33-701 (9) will hold a Budget Hearing on the 2020-21 budget at a meeting June 22, 2020 at 5:00 PM at the Midtown Center Meeting Room, 1505 N. 5th Street, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, at which meeting there shall be a public hearing on the proposed budget for the 2020-2021 school year. A summary of the proposed budget is published herein. Copies of the proposed budgets are available during business hours, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday - Friday at the District Administration Office, 1400 N. Northwood Center Court, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Lynn Towne, Clerk, Board of Trustees School District 271 SUMMARY STATEMENT- 2020-2021 SCHOOL BUDGET ALL FUNDS School District # 271 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho GENERAL M&O FUND ALL OTHER FUND Prior Year Prior Year Original Original Prior Year Prior Year Original Original Actual Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual Budget Budget REVENUE 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 Beginning Balances $ 4,512,558 $ 4,565,986 $ 4,566,002 $ 5,500,210 $ 46,861,280 $ 39,185,408 $ 27,124,779 $ 15,092,055 Local Tax Revenue $ 16,475,512 $ 16,705,224 $ 20,490,000 $ 20,200,000 $ 5,561,236 $ 7,135,891 $ 7,000,000 $ 8,500,000 Other Local $ 490,112 $ 675,687 $ 470,000 $ 480,000 $ 3,854,237 $ 4,452,338 $ 4,833,742 $ 3,570,700 County Revenue State Revenue $ 54,740,465 $ 57,146,597 $ 59,776,980 $ 58,823,647 $ 2,481,611 $ 3,265,899 $ 3,411,134 $ 2,719,500 Federal Revenue $ 1,695,000 $ 8,768,994 $ 9,027,209 $ 9,196,547 $ 9,393,600 Other Sources $ 448,304 $ 165,294 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 1,978,552 $ 1,739,592 $ 912,669 $ 829,100 Totals $ 76,666,951 $ 79,258,788 $ 85,502,982 $ 86,998,857 $ 69,505,910 $ 64,806,337 $ 52,478,871 $ 40,104,955 Prior Year Prior Year Original Original Prior Year Prior Year Original Original Actual Actual Budget Budget Actual Actual Budget Budget EXPENDITURES 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 Salaries $ 44,364,625 $ 45,884,848 $ 50,342,280 $ 50,761,099 $ 6,067,756 $ 6,255,297 $ 7,226,867 $ 7,268,000 Benefits $ 16,835,615 $ 17,608,509 $ 19,427,330 $ 19,070,295 $ 2,518,112 $ 2,680,244 $ 2,929,161 $ 3,160,100 Purchased Services $ 5,342,639 $ 6,010,826 $ 6,121,810 $ 5,991,797 $ 2,002,682 $ 1,904,027 $ 3,119,553 $ 2,766,600 Supplies & Material $ 3,438,078 $ 3,044,894 $ 3,310,390 $ 3,053,375 $ 3,058,304 $ 3,558,664 $ 3,782,878 $ 2,813,700 Capital Outlay $ 431,876 $ 302,095 $ 355,750 $ 355,750 $ 9,067,878 $ 14,483,066 $ 18,183,338 $ 7,467,400 Debt Retirement $ 6,456,465 $ 4,193,007 $ 7,583,821 $ 5,016,100 Insurance & Judgements $ 414,636 $ 403,983 $ 412,890 $ 433,109 Transfers $ 1,273,496 $ 1,071,592 $ 912,670 $ 640,600 $ 1,149,305 $ 833,295 $ 200,000 $ 488,500 Contingency Reserve $ 3,585,304 $ 3,726,375 $ 4,036,850 $ 4,049,932 Unappropriated Balances $ 980,682 $ 1,205,666 $ 583,012 $ 2,642,900 $ 39,185,408 $ 30,898,737 $ 9,453,253 $ 11,124,555 Totals $ 76,666,951 $ 79,258,788 $ 85,502,982 $ 86,998,857 $ 69,505,910 $ 64,806,337 $ 52,478,871 $ 40,104,955 LEGAL #3688 AD #388106 JUNE 12, 2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: SHARON LEE LUNDBLAD Case No. CV28-20-3534 A Petition to change the name of Sharon Lee Lundblad, now residing in the City of Coeur d'Alene, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Sharon Lee. The reason for the change in name is: my spouse died. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on July 20, 2020 at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: 5th day of June, 2020 JIM BRANNON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /s/ Tiffany Wade Deputy Clerk LEGAL# 3684 AD# 387897 JUNE 12. 19. 26, JULY 3, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LARRY RAY CLARK, Deceased. Probate Case No. CV28-20-2512 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CHRISTINE L. GREEN has been appointed Administrator of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to FLAMMIA & SOLOMON, P.C., attorney for CHRISTINE L. GREEN, P. O. Box 1117, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-1117, or filed with the Court, with a copy to Flammia and Solomon P.C. at the address listed above, in compliance with I.C. section 15-3-804. DATED this 27th day of May, 2020. FLAMMIA & SOLOMON, P.C. Attorneys for Administrator By /s/ Anne Solomon CDA LEGAL 3652 AD#386787 JUNE 5, 12, 19, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: JOHN S. WILLIAMS Deceased. Case No.: CV28-20-3210 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named decedent. All perons having claims against the decedent or decedent's estate are required to present their claims within FOUR (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. /s/ James A. Raeon Attorney for Personal Representative 1424 Sherman Avenue Coeur D'Alene, ID 83814 LEGAL #3687 AD #388048 JUNE 12, 19, 26 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: CAROL R. DENNY, Deceased. Case No. CV28-20-2580 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JAMIE TRANMER has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to: JAMIE TRANMER 1202 N. 10th Place #1575 Renton, WA 98057 And the same must be filed with the Clerk of the Court in the District Court for the First Judicial District, County of Kootenai, State of Idaho. Dated this 22nd day of May, 2020 /S/ Corey J. Smith Attorney for the Personal Representative CDA LEGAL 3653 AD#386776 JUNE 5, 12, 19, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: DONALD W. ROYSE, Deceased. Case No. CV28-20-2647 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that WILLIAM DAVID & REBECCA JACOBSEN have been appointed co-personal representatives of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to: WILLIAM DAVID & REBECCA JACOBSEN 14013 112th Ave. Ct. E. Puyallup, WA 98374 And the same must be filed with the Clerk of the Court in the District Court for the First Judicial District, County of Kootenai, State of Idaho. Dated this 27th day of May 2020 /S/ Corey J. Smith Attorney for the Co-Personal Representatives CDA LEGAL 3654 AD#386783 JUNE 5, 12, 19, 2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: Paul Woods Dedesrochers CASE NO. CV-28-20-3208 A Petition to change the name of Paul Woods Dedesrochers, now residing in the City of Coeur D'Alene, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Paul Woods Desrochers. The reason for the change in name is: It been the source of confusion for years. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on July 6, 2020, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: May 19, 2020 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /s/ Tiffany Wade Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 3585 AD#383598 MAY 22, 29, JUNE 5, 12,2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: Riley Clanton CASE NO. CV-28-20-3183 A Petition to change the name of Riley Eliece Canton, now residing in the City of Post Falls, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Harper Eliece Clanton. The reason for the change in name is: Dislike of the name Riley. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on June 29, 2020, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: May 18, 2020 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By:/s/ Katherine Hayden Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 3619 AD#385066 MAY 29, JUNE 5, 12, 19, 2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: Mary Jill Gronholz Dero CASE NO. CV-28-20-3243 A Petition to change the name of Mary Jill Gronholz Dero, now residing in the City of Hayden, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Jill Gronholz Dero. The reason for the change in name is: To shorten my name. I never use my first name so I would like to remove it. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on June 29, 2020, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: May 21, 2020 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /s/ Katherine Hayden Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 3620 AD#385200 MAY 29, JUNE 5, 12, 19,2020

PUBLICATION SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI JONI L. JEMISON, an unmarried individual; Plaintiff, vs. THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK E. JEMISON, deceased; Defendant. Case No. CV28-20-3504 TO:THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK E. JEMISON, deceased: You have been sued by JONI L. JEMISON, an individual, the Plaintiff, in the District Court in and for Kootenai County, Idaho, in the above-captioned case. The nature of the claim against you is to quiet title to the real property legally described as follows: ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 51 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAN, KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 13; THENCE NORTH 77 DEG. 11' 57" WEST, 1580.55 FEET; THENCE NORTH 51 DEG. 45' 00" EAST 425.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 51 DEG. 45' 00" EAST 536.40 FEET; THENCE NORTH 32 DEG. 15' 00" WEST, 181.23 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53 DEG. 56' 21" WEST, 535.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 32 DEG. 21' 53" EAST, 201.73 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Any time after twenty-one (21) days following the last publication of this Publication Summons, the Court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case Number, and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at P.O. Box 9000, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, 83816-9000 (mailing address) or 324 West Garden Avenue, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, 83814 (physical address), telephone number (208) 446-1160, and served a copy of your response on the Plaintiff=s attorney, Brent G. Schlotthauer, P.O. Box 808, Coeur d= Alene, Idaho, 83816, telephone number (208) 664-4457. A copy of the Publication Summons and Complaint for Quiet Title can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. DATED June 5, 2020 JIM BRANNON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /s/ Susan McCoy DEPUTY CLERK LEGAL# 3682 AD# 387884 JUNE 12, 19, 26, JULY 3, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARIAN ELIZABETH RAUK, DECEASED. CASE NO. CV28-20-3455 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JAMES ERIC RAUK has been appointed Personal Representative of the estate of MARIAN ELIZABETH RAUK. All persons having claims against MARIAN ELIZABETH RAUK and/or her estate are required by law to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. CLAIMS MUST BE PRESENTED WITHIN SUCH TIME LIMITS to the undersigned attorneys, Vasseur & Schlotthauer, PLLC, P.O. Box 808, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 83816, AND MUST ALSO BE FILED WITHIN SUCH TIME LIMITS with the Clerk of the Court of the First Judicial District, Kootenai County, Idaho. DATED this 8th day of June, 2020. VASSEUR & SCHLOTTHAUER, PLLC /s/ Brent G. Schlotthauer BRENT G. SCHLOTTHAUER P.O. Box 808 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-0808 LEGAL# 3683 AD#387887 JUNE 12, 19, 26 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: ELEANORE K. GOEBEL, d.o.d. January 10, 2020 and WILBERT C. GOEBEL, d.o.d. April 8, 2019 Deceased. Case No. CV28-20-2651 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Decedents. All persons having claims against Decedents, or the estates, are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned, at the address indicated below. DATED this 21st day of May, 2020. By: /s/ DALE A. GOEBEL Personal Representative c/o Virginia M. Robinson ATTORNEYS NORTHWEST, INC. 1900 Northwest Boulevard, Ste. 106 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 CDA LEGAL 3629 AD#385390 MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: WADE J. TOOMBS, d.o.d. 01/20/2020 and MARY C. TOOMBS, d.o.d. 08/20/2015 Deceased. Case No. CV28-20-1581 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Decedents. All persons having claims against Decedents, or the estate, are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned, at the address indicated below. DATED this 28th day of May, 2020. By:/s/ THOMAS TOOMBS Personal Representative c/o Virginia M. Robinson ATTORNEYS NORTHWEST, INC. 1900 Northwest Boulevard, Ste. 106 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 CDA LEGAL 3664 AD#387074 JUNE 6, 13, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: MARVIN W. TYACKE, Deceased. CASE NO. CV28-20-3113 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Decedent. All persons having claims against the Decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within FOUR (4) MONTHS after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 18th day of May, 2020. /s/CORY BODAK Personal Representative c/o CUSACK LAW FIRM, PLLC 320 E. Neider Avenue, Suite 206 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 CDA LEGAL 3631 AD#385459 MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: JEFFREY T. WORTHINGTON, Deceased. Case No. CV28-20-2582 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that STACIA WORTHINGTON has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to: STACIA WORTHINGTON 17016 E. Indiana Pkwy #A302 Spokane Valley, WA 99016 And the same must be filed with the Clerk of the Court in the District Court for the First Judicial District, County of Kootenai, State of Idaho. Dated this 19th day of May 2020 /S/Corey J. Smith Attorney for the Personal Representative CDA LEGAL 3627 AD#385385 MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 2020

STORAGE SALE Landmark Storage: 3119 N 2ND Street, Coeur d' Alene, ID 83815 intends to hold an auction for the household items in Unit C10 for non-payment of rent. Alexa Pehrson/Henderson 7447 E Borley Road, CDA. Friday, June 26TH at 1:00 PM at facility. This sale may be withdrawn at anytime without notice. Certain terms and conditions apply. Contact manager for details (208) 996-2829 CDA LEGAL 3657 AD#386788 JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2020

NOTICE OF STORAGE LIEN SALE IDAHO CODE 55-2306 Notice is hereby given that on Saturday June 20th at 12:00PM. All personal property located in Unit C318 and C336 at Little Tree Storage 250 W Bentz Rd Rathdrum ID 83858 will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash or certified funds and the highest bid must be paid immediately and removed immediately. Said personal property may be viewed 5 minutes prior to sale, and bidding will begin promptly at 12:00PM The property to be sold is generally described as: Entire contents of C318 a 5x10 storage unit including but not limited to tables and baby clothes. The name and last known address of the tenant of Unit C318 is Donald Hall 15879 M Meyer Rd Rathdrum, ID 83858 Entire contents of C336 a10x15 storage unit including but not limited to misc household items. The name and last known address of the tenant of Unit C318 is Jacqueline Morimoto 3811 N.S. Dakota Ave Florence, AZ 85132 CDA LEGAL 3658 AD#386790 JUNE 6, 13, 2020

SUMMONS To: CHAZZ HEATH You have been sued by CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, the Plaintiff, in the FIRST District Court in and for KOOTENAI COUNTY, Idaho, Case No. CV28-19-8284. The nature of the claim against you is collection of money owed by you. Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case No., and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at 501 Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID, telephone (208) 466-1160, and served a copy of your response on the Plaintiff's attorney MICHAEL J. ARCHIBALD, #8476 at M2 Law Group PC, P.O. Box 330, Meridian, ID 83680, telephone (208) 336-3331. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. Dated: May 19, 2020 JIM BRANNON KOOTENAI COUNTY District Court By /s/ Susan McCoy Deputy CDA LEGAL 3626 AD#385379 MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN GLEN HUMMELS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Decedent. All persons having claims against the decedents or their estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated below or be filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 1st day of_JUNE , 2020. /s/ Cathy Guinn Personal Representative c/o Mark A. Jackson 114 E. Wallace Ave. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 CDA LEGAL 3663 AD#387068 JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: Chelsea Anne Marek-Bence CASE NO. CV28-20-3042 A Petition to change the name of Chelsea Anne Marek-Bence, now residing in the City of Hayden, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Chelsea Anne Bence. The reason for the change in name is: to simplify name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on June 22, 2020, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: May 11, 2020 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By:/s/ Katherine Hayden Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 3551 AD#382207 MAY 16, 23, 30, JUNE 6, 2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: Lynn Alexander CASE NO. CV-28-20-3448 A Petition to change the name of Lynn Alexander, now residing in the City of Rathdrum, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Lynn Lukens. The reason for the change in name is: maiden name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on July 6, 2020, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: June 1, 2020 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By:/s/ Elizabeth Floden Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 3662 AD#387029 JUNE 6, 13, 20, 27, 2020

CITY OF ATHOL ATHOL, IDAHO WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed Bids for the construction of the City of Athol, Water System Improvements Project will be received by the City of Athol at City Hall, 30355 N 3rd Street P.O. Box 249, Athol, ID 83801, 3:00 pm local time by July 1, 2020 at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. Bids shall be on a bid item basis as indicated in the Bid Form. The Project consists of construction of the various improvements to the City's water system, including raising the existing elevated reservoir (on Menser Ave and 6th St), replacing two existing storage tanks with a standpipe (near the City Cemetery), electrical improvements at the existing Bennett Well site (Bennett Ave and 2nd Ave), structural improvements and pump replacement at the existing Grove Well (Grove Ave and Pastime St) and water main replacement throughout the City. Work includes demolition, as well as construction of concrete structures (below grade), piping, HVAC, electrical and controls, site work, miscellaneous appurtenant work, and installation of mechanical equipment. Mechanical equipment includes pumps. Bidding Documents may be purchased electronically from Keller's website ( through Quest CDN for a non-refundable fee of $15.00. Prospective bidders shall purchase digital documents from Quest CDN to receive addenda postings. Updated plan holder's list may also be obtained from Quest CDN. A VIEWING copy of the documents is available on Keller's website at the following link, Questions and clarifications relative to this Work shall be directed in writing to the Engineer (Mr. Zachary Wallin, Keller Associates, Questions received less than seven days prior to the due date for the bids may not be answered. Responses will be issued by written addendum. Verbal responses will not be binding on the City, Engineer, or Bidder. A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 AM PST on Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at the City of Athol at 30355 N 3rd Street, Athol, ID 83801. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is not mandatory. Representatives of Keller Associates and the Owner will be present to discuss the project. In determining the lowest responsive bid, the Owner will consider all acceptable bids on a basis consistent with the bid package. The Owner will also consider whether the bidder is a responsible bidder. All bids must be signed and accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. Each Bid must be submitted on the prescribed forms and accompanied by Bid Security in the form of cash, a cashier's check, or a bid bond executed on the prescribed form, payable to the City of Athol, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid amount. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish Performance and Payment Bonds, each in the amount of not less than 100% of the contract price. Each bidder must have a Public Works Contractors License in the State of Idaho prior to bid opening in accordance with Idaho law. All contractors and subcontractors performing work on the Project shall comply with Davis-Bacon wages applicable to the project and in effect at the time of bid is due. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bid Proposals, to waive any formality in the Bidding Documents, and to make selection to the lowest responsive, responsible, and qualified Contractor as it may best serve the interest of the Owner. City of Athol, Idaho CDA LEGAL 3640 AD#386225 JUNE 3, 10, 17, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) Kevin P. Holt, ISB #7196 Holt Law Office, P.L.L.C. 233 E. Harrison Avenue, Suite B Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 Telephone: (208) 664-5011 Facsimile: (208) 765-5681 Attorneys for Personal Representative IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI MAGISTRATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of EDWIN D. FOSTER, Deceased. Case No. CV28-20-3089 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Brian Bourgeois has been appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated above and filed with the Clerk of Court. DATED this 15th day of May, 2020. HOLT LAW OFFICE, PLLC By: /s/ Kevin P. Holt Attorney for Personal Representative CDA LEGAL 3611 AD#384318 MAY 27, JUNE 3, 10, 2020

NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI KENNETH J. GOOD and JENNIFER JILL GOOD, Plaintiffs, v. LARRY W. SICHELSTIEL and MELANIE K. SICHELSTIEL, Defendants. Case No. CV-2010-1862 Date: June 24, 2020 Time: 10:00 am Place: Kootenai County Sheriff's Office Lobby, 5500 N. Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 By virtue of a Writ of Execution, Case No. CV-2010-1862, issued out of the District Court of the First Judicial District, Kootenai County, on the 24th day of March, 2020, in the case of Kenneth J. Good and Jennifer Jill Good v. Larry W. Sichelstiel and Melanie K. Sichelstiel, and to me as Sheriff, directed and delivered, I will proceed to sell for CASH, lawful money of the United States of America, to the highest and best bidder on the 24th_ day of June, 2020 at 10:00_o'clock a.m., in the Kootenai County Sheriff's Office Lobby, 5500 N. Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814, the Defendants' interests in the following described property: The West 760 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 49 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, State of Idaho. Excepting therefrom the North 286.58 Feet. levied as the property of Melanie Sichelstiel and Larry W. Sichelstiel and all interest of the other Defendants above-named, to satisfy a judgment amounting to $76,359.32 in favor of the Plaintiff, plus interest. The judgment debtor or redemptioner may redeem that property from the purchaser within one (1) year after the sale, if the real property sold consisted of a tract of land of more than twenty (20) acres, and within six (6) months after the sale if the real property sold consisted of a tract of land of twenty (20) acres or less, on paying the purchaser the amount of his purchase with interest thereon at the rate allowed in section 28-22-104(1), Idaho Code, from the date of sale to the date of redemption, together with the amount of any assessment or taxes which the purchaser may have paid thereon after the commencement of the action and which are not included in the judgment, and interest at the rate allowed in section 28-22-104(1), Idaho Code, on such amount; and, if the purchaser be also a creditor having a prior lien to that of the redemptioner, other than the judgment under which such purchase was made, the amount of such lien with interest at the rate allowed in Section 28-22-104(1), Idaho Code; provided, in mortgage foreclosure proceedings, the amount necessary to redeem the property sold under execution shall not include any sum for attorney's fees greater than the fee actually paid by the judgment creditor or which the judgment creditor has by written agreement become unconditionally obligated to pay to his attorney for prosecuting his claim to judgment; and provided, further, the amount of such fee shall be proven by affidavits of the attorney who has received and the person who has paid the fee or by other competent evidence to be presented to the sheriff for his guidance in carrying out the provisions of law relating to redemption; and, provided further, that such redemptioner shall not be required to pay any attorney's fees unless such fees shall have been paid within six (6) months after the sheriff's certificate of sale shall have issued, or within such time the judgment creditor has become unconditionally obligated by written instrument to pay such fees. Given under my hand this 27th day of _May, 2020 KOOTENAI COUNTY SHERIFF BY:/s/ Matthew Brakeman Deputy NOTE: THE SHERIFF WILL GIVE POSSESSION BUT DOES NOT GUARANTEE CLEAR TITLE NOR CONTINUED POSSESSORY RIGHTS TO THE PURCHASER. EVERY PERSON WHO INTENTIONALLY DEFACES, OBLITERATES, TEARS DOWN OR DESTROYS THIS NOTICE, BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OF THE TIME FOR WHICH IT IS TO REMAIN SET UP, IS GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR. (I.C. § 18-3205). CDA LEGAL 3638 AD#386210 JUNE 3, 10, 17, 2020

NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Kootenai Technical Education Campus NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Kootenai Technical Education Campus Governing Board, Kootenai County, Idaho, will be held on June 24, 2020, at 12:00 pm, KTEC, 6838 W. Lancaster Road, Rathdrum, ID, at which meeting there will be a public hearing on the maintenance and operation budget for the forthcoming school year. This budget as presently determined by the Governing Board is now available at the KTEC Office as provided by law. This budget hearing is called pursuant to Idaho Code 33-801 as amended. Jody Kienke, Clerk, Governing Board 2020-2021 SCHOOL BUDGET Proposed REVENUES 2020-2021 Local Tax Revenue 1039234 State Revenue 300196 TOTALS 1339430 Proposed EXPENDITURES 2020-2021 Salaries 859490 Benefits 297118 Purchased Services 86400 Supplies, Materials 78450 Insurance/Judgment 17972 Capital Outlay 0 TOTALS 1339430 LEGAL #3670 AD# 387569 June 10, 2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: Jeffrey David Rohrenbach CASE NO. CV-28-20-3128 A Petition to change the name of Jeffrey David Rohrenbach, now residing in the City of Coeur d'Alene, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Jeffrey David Willis. The reason for the change in name is: to use my biological father's last name and to allow my child to be born in June 2020 to have my last name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on June 22, 2020, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: May 14, 2020 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /s/ Katherine Hayden Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 3572 AD#382982 MAY 20, 27, JUNE 3, 10, 2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: Jessica Suzanne Brinkmeier CASE NO. CV-28-20-3123 A Petition to change the name of Jessica Suzanne Brinkmeier, now residing in the City of Post Falls, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Jessica Suzanne Conley. The reason for the change in name is: Divorce on June 19, 2012. I would like to change my married name back to maiden name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on June 29, 2020, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: May 14, 2020 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /s/ Katherine Hayden Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 3573 AD#383009 MAY 20, 27, JUNE 3, 10, 2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: John Joseph Dowling IV CASE NO. CV-28-20-3272 A Petition to change the name of John Joseph Dowling IV, now residing in the City of Hayden, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to Misty John Dowling. The reason for the change in name is: to better align with my gender identity. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 9:00 o'clock a.m. on July 6, 2020, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: May 22,2020 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By:/s/ Debra D. Leu Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 3615 AD#384321 MAY 27, JUNE 3,10, 17, 2020

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN RE: David William Towe CASE NO. CV-28-20-3460 A Petition to change the name of David William Towe, now residing in the City of Coeur D'Alene, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Kootenai County, Idaho. The name will change to David William Gallagher Jr. The reason for the change in name is: Go back to father's maiden name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o'clock p.m. on July 20, 2020, at the Kootenai County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: June 2, 2020 JIM BRANNON, CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /S/: Tiffany Wade Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL#3665 AD#387529 June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 2020

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No: ID-19-870523-BB NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 9/30/2020, at the hour of 9:00 AM, Veteran's Memorial Plaza, 451 Government Way, Coeur D'Alene, ID 83815. North Entrance, Administration building, the trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property situated in the County of KOOTENAI, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to-wit: LOTS 17 AND 18, BLOCK 2, CRANE'S PARK ADDITION TO HARRISON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER IN BOOK C OF PLATS AT PAGE 34, RECORDS OF KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO The Current Trustee is Robert W. McDonald, Esq., whose address is 108 1st Ave. South, Suite 202, Seattle, Washington 98104 and who can be reached by telephone at (866) 925-0241. The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above-described real property, but for purposes of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the street address of 118 E Lincoln Ave, Harrison, ID 83833 may be associated with said real property. The sale will be made, without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust made and entered into on 7/14/2017, by and among CHARLES R NELLIST JR, AN UNMARRIED MAN, as Grantor, and ALLIANCE TITLE, as Trustee, and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR HOMESTREET BANK, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust having been filed of record on 7/14/2017, as Instrument No. 2602782000 Official Records of KOOTENAI County, Idaho. The naming of the above Grantor(s) is done to comply with Idaho Code Sections 45-1506(4)(a); no representation is made as to the responsibility of Grantor(s) for this obligation. The default for which foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sum: TOTAL REQUIRED TO REINSTATE: $22,922.48 TOTAL REQUIRED TO PAYOFF: $ 222,556.81 Because of interest, late charges, and other charges that may vary from day-to-day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. It will be necessary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender reinstatement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. Dated this 21st day of May, 2020. By: Robert W. McDonald, Esq., Trustee TS No: ID-19-870523-BB IDSPub #0172155 5/27/2020 6/3/2020 6/10/2020 6/17/2020 CDA LEGAL 3610 AD#384309 MAY 27, JUNE 3, 10, 17, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THESTATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: GEORGE WESLEY CARR, DOD: 10/29/2010, ESTHER CARR, DOD: 2/25/2020, Deceased. Case No. CV28-20-2380 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of the or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 13th day of April, 2020. /s/ Deborah Christy c/o Robert R. Romero Attorney at Law 2900 N. Government Way, PMB #136 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 CDA LEGAL 3612 AD#384325 MAY 27, JUNE 3, 10, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: CHUCK TAYLOR, d.o.d.: 3/30/2020, Deceased. Case No. CV 28-20-2813 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of the or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 13th day of May, 2020. /s/Trevor Taylor c/o Robert R. Romero Attorney at Law 2900 N. Government Way, PMB #136 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 CDA LEGAL 3613 AD#384329 MAY 27, JUNE 3, 10, 2020

PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that CHRISTOPHER T. POULSEN, DDS, PLLC (the "Company"), an Idaho professional limited liability company, filed a Statement of Dissolution with the Idaho Secretary of State on April 22, 2019. Any person having a claim against the Company must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in Idaho Statutes Section 30-25-705 by serving on or mailing to the Company's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim with the following information: amount of claim, description of services or products provided to the Company, date the services or products were provided to the Company, and claimant's contact information. The claim must be presented in writing within three (3) years after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in Idaho Statutes Section 30-25-705. Matthew S. Wiese, Esq. WIESE LAW CORPORATION, P.C. 2825 E. Cottonwood Parkway Suite #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Telephone: (801) 990-3224 Email: CDA LEGAL 3669 AD#387498 JUNE 10, 2020


Legals for June, 10 2020
Coeur d'Alene Press | Updated 4 years, 7 months ago
Legals for June, 10 2020
Coeur d'Alene Press | Updated 4 years, 7 months ago
Legals for June, 10 2020
Coeur d'Alene Press | Updated 4 years, 7 months ago