Bonner County History - June 16, 2020
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 4 years, 7 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
June 16, 1970 – PROUDLY WE SALUTE
Lt. Richard L. Olson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Olson, Sandpoint, was awarded the Bronze Star with “V” device for valor in Vietnam.
Navy Petty Officer First Class Darrell A. Fredstrom is serving in the Mediterranean on the guided missile destroyer USS Richard E. Byrd.
Airman James Hepperle, son of Mrs. John M. Hepperle, graduated from the U.S. Air Force aircraft loadmaster course, Sheppard AFB, Tex., where he was trained to compute aircraft loads and deliver materiel and supplies by parachute.
The Chamber of Commerce asked the County Commissioners to construct an access road from U.S. 2 north of Sandpoint across Sand Creek to handle traffic to and from Schweitzer, Bonner County Fairgrounds, the Airport and farms and homes of the area. Chamber directors expressed concern for the heavy traffic on Boyer, which “is totally incapable of accommodating this volume of traffic without considerable hazard to human life.”
The Sandpoint Traffic Safety Commission lost its bid to make Cedar St. and First Ave. four-lane traffic streets. The commission felt better traffic flow could be obtained if the two arterials were striped for four lane traffic. The City Council rejected the proposal at a special meeting just a day before crews painted stripes on those streets.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
The new road machinery for city street improvement arrived Monday and was put to work at once. The machinery works well and the council is well satisfied with the purchase. Street Commissioner Eamon has requested that residents remove stumps, rubbish and other waste matter from the streets abutting their properties so the street work will not be held up.
W.J. Davis, owner and manager of the Lakeside laundry (corner Lake and 2nd), has leased the business to W.J. Hageman of Prosser, Wash. Mr. Davis, who built the enterprise in 1910 for $12,000, and has since operated it himself, was moved to lease the business by ill health. He is facing the probable need of a surgical operation.
H.S. Allen and Daughter, Miss Viola Allen, Wednesday tried out Spokane’s upper air when they went up with pilot Tom Symons, in a two seater, three passenger Curtis biplane. Miss Allen enjoyed the ride immensely, going up 4,000 feet and remaining in the air 15 minutes. Mrs. Allen was also in Spokane, but refused to go up to play around in the clouds, although the day was ideal for flying.
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