Bonner County History - March 8, 2020
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 4 years, 10 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
March 8, 1970 – D.A.R. GOOD CITIZEN AWARD
Christine Cogswell, a senior at the Sandpoint Senior High School, was chosen the DAR Good Citizen for 1970. Miss Cogswell was selected on the basis of her many school and community activities and good scholarship. The recipient of this award must be a senior girl and she is eligible to compete for national scholarships sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The Sandpoint Library Board, Bonner County Museum Board and the Sandpoint City Council agreed in principle about providing temporary quarters to house the Bonner County Museum in the vacant basement of the city library building. Ample space is available to house and exhibit the Museum’s extensive rock and Indian artifact collections acquired from various citizens.
For several years, the Museum was located in the basement of the Sandpoint Community Hall, but water seepage and moisture problems have virtually rendered the space unusable.
American Legion Auxiliary will honor the Legion Post with a 6:30 o’clock potluck dinner Thursday, in the former Legion building, in observance of its 51st anniversary. A cakewalk will follow.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
March 8, 1920 – CITY BREVITIES
The adult night school at the manual training school’s auto repair dept. will begin Monday. There is space for eight in the class and 15 to 18 men have expressed the intention of taking the course under the instruction of Mr. Godfrey.
Dr. O.F. Page is ill at his home as the result of a recent attack of influenza.
Mrs. Mary Cochennette, 37, wife of William Cochennette, died Wednesday in Spokane of the flu, leaving a family of eight children. Health Officer Wendle was informed the family are all down with the flu at their Glengary home and plans have been made to have them looked after.
Students and teachers of the Hope high school moved Monday to their new school, which has been under construction six months. The school is of brick and steel construction, 80x66 feet, two stories high with a basement under the entire building. Situated midway between East and West Hope, it has a commanding view of the beautiful Lake Pend d’Oreille. The 2-acre grounds are ample in size for play, with a fruit orchard and plenty of shade trees.
Mrs. Satterlee was called to Athol by the death of her mother, who was stricken by flumonia.
For more information, visit the museum online at