From the archives of the Bonner County History Museum
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 4 years, 10 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Mar. 24, 1970 — BUYS AT SAFEWAY
Asparagus, 25c per lb.; Artichokes, 3 for 39c; Grapefruit, 8 lb. bag, 70c. Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, Vol. No. 1 only 25c with any $1.00 food purchase. Sandpoint Safeway, 420 N. 2nd.
American Legion Auxiliary of William D. Martin Post 15 announced selection of Bonner County delegates to the 1970 Girls State. Sandpoint delegates are Marsha Oliver, Debbie Chronic and Ann Lyons; alternates are Sharon Bolstad, Carla Stilwell and Jody Lee. Priest River delegates are Marad Connally and Rae Nell Van Vleet; alternates are Marcia Elkins and Diane Baker. From Clark Fork, the delegate is Connie Ann Westfall; alternate is Christine Marie White.
Cliff Irish, president and Dan Smith, secretary-treasurer of the Injectors Auto Club, on Friday presented head librarian Mrs. Ora Vernon a check for $5 to help purchase a mimeograph and copy machine for the Sandpoint City Library.
Last week Mrs. Hortense Gunby, president of the VFW Auxiliary, presented a check for the fund to Mrs. Vernon and librarian Mary A. Sindelar. The VFW gift brought total contributions to $228. The duplicating equipment will be housed at the library.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Mar. 24, 1920 — NEWS FROM HOPE
Mr. Moe and family have moved from Glengary and have purchased the Mike Anderson place on Carter’s creek.
The quarantine for flu and smallpox has been lifted and fortunately no deaths have occurred.
On May 1 the government forestry office, long located in a suite over the Bonner County bank (corner of 2nd and Cedar), will move to the second floor of the Fidelity Trust building (105 S. 1st), as the present suite is too small. It is understood, however, that not all of the Kaniksu forestry office will move to Sandpoint, as had been first reported, but a small force will be kept in Newport to manage timber sales and fire protection. Office work and superintendency will be conducted from Sandpoint.
Ford Cars help the family enjoy life, bring the pleasures and advantages of the town within reach of the farmer and give practical service every day in country and town. They require a minimum of attention - anyone can run a Ford and care for it. We pledge Ford owners reliable service with real Ford parts and standard Ford prices. Touring, $746.52; Runabout, $720.49; Sedan, $1082.86; Coupe, $952.71. F.O.B. Sandpoint (War Tax Included). CITY GARAGE, Phone 410-J, W.E. Jaeger, Cedar and Fourth.
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