Legals for May, 26 2020
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 4 years, 10 months AGO
No. 27039 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO: Occupant 572 Fir Crest Ct. Kalispell, MT 59901 Wayne E. Turner 572 Fir Crest Ct. Kalispell, MT 59901 Wayne E. Turner 3300 US Highway 2 W Kalispell, MT 59901 Department of Environmental Quality c/o DEQ Opencut Mining Program 1520 East Sixth Ave. Helena, MT 59620 West One Bank c/o Randall S. Ogle P.O. Box 899 Kalispell, MT 59903 Collection Bureau Services, Inc. 212 E. Spruce St. Missoula, MT 59823 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 161069 and Tax Code Parcel No. 981205 as follows: A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. TRACT 1, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 16553. Street address: 572 Fir Crest Ct, Kalispell, MT 59901. The property taxes became delinquent on June 1, 2017. The property tax lien was attached on July 17, 2017, Tax Sale Certificate No. 161069. The lien was assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC on August 30, 2017, Assignment No. 110506. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $ 1,774.78 PENALTY: $ 35.48 INTEREST: $ 425.69 FEE: $ 381.56 TOTAL: $ 2,617.51 For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5 must be paid by August 3, 2020, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to August 3, 2020, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave. W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680 FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN The address of the interested party is unknown. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. The interested parties' rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 26th day of May, 2020. By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY cc: Flathead County Treasurer ( Guardian Tax MT (via e-mail) May 26, June 2, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27040 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY Kelly's Essex, LLC 290 Izaak Walton Inn Rd. Essex, MT 59916 Tom Lambreth 1228 Bancroft Keller, TX 76248 Whitefish Credit Union 215 East Idaho Avenue Kalispell, MT 59901 Whitefish Credit Union 1845 Highway 93 South Kalispell, MT 59901 Robert Deshazer 22 2nd Avenue West, Suite 2100 Kalispell, MT 59901 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 160299 and Tax Code Parcel No. 14767 as follows: IMPROVEMENT NO. 2217 ON TRACT 2-OA IN HES 97, LOCATED IN SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 29 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, P.M.M, FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. Street address: None. The property taxes became delinquent on June 1, 2017. The property tax lien was attached on July 17, 2017, Tax Sale Certificate No. 160299. The lien was assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC on August 30, 2017, Assignment No. 110355. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $ 4,565.06 PENALTY: $ 91.28 INTEREST: $ 1,150.46 FEE: $ 431.56 TOTAL: $6,238.36 For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5 must be paid by August 3, 2020, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to August 3, 2020, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave. W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680 FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN The address of the interested party is unknown. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. The interested parties' rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 26th day of May, 2020. By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY cc: Flathead County Treasurer ( Guardian Tax MT (via e-mail) May 26, June 2, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27041 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO: Occupant 224 Pine Valley Loop Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Ryan S. Wise, Trustee Ryan S. Wise 2012 Revocable Trust 224 Pine Valley Loop Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Ryan S. Wise, Trustee Ryan S. Wise 2012 Revocable Trust 35 Hancock St. Lexington, MA 02420 Meadow Lake Country Club Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. 100 St. Andrews Dr. Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Meadow Lake Country Club Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. P.O. Box 2323 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 161057 and Tax Code Parcel No. 980631 as follows: LOT 9R OF MEADOW LAKE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES PHASE V, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. Street address: 224 Pine Valley Loop, Columbia Falls, MT 59912. The property taxes became delinquent on June 1, 2017. The property tax lien was attached on July 17, 2017, Tax Sale Certificate No. 161057. The lien was assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC on August 30, 2017, Assignment No. 110406. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $ 3,260.20 PENALTY: $ 65.18 INTEREST: $ 771.96 FEE: $ 381.56 TOTAL: $ 4,478.90 For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5 must be paid by August 3, 2020, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to August 3, 2020, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave. W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680 FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN The address of the interested party is unknown. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. The interested parties' rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 26th day of May, 2020. By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY Cc: Flathead County Treasurer ( Guardian Tax MT (via e-mail) May 26, June 2, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27042 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO: Occupant 5876 US Highway 93 S Whitefish, MT 59937 Occupant 5878 US Highway 93 S Whitefish, MT 59937 Gary Hutchinson 5876 US Highway 93 S Whitefish, MT 59937 Gary Hutchinson P.O. Box 681 Whitefish, MT 59937 Johnson, Berg & Saxby, PLLP P.O. Box 3038 Kalispell, MT 59903 Gary Hutchinson 26911 109 Place S.E. Kent, Washington 98030 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 160511 and Tax Code Parcel No. 390370 as follows: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SW 1/4 SE 1/4 ) OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: PARCEL B OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 4553. Street address: 5876 and 5878 US Highway 93 S, Whitefish, MT 59937. The property taxes became delinquent on June 1, 2017. The property tax lien was attached on July 17, 2017, Tax Sale Certificate No. 160511. The lien was assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC on August 30, 2017, Assignment No. 110460. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $ 3,677.25 PENALTY: $ 73.52 INTEREST: $ 793.25 FEE: $ 431.56 TOTAL: $ 4,975.58 For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5 must be paid by August 3, 2020, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to August 3, 2020, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave. W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680 FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN The address of the interested party is unknown. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. The interested parties' rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 26th day of May, 2020. By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY cc: Flathead County Treasurer ( Guardian Tax MT (via e-mail) May 26, June 2, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27043 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO: Occupant 120 W Reserve Dr. Kalispell, MT 59901 Leora Siems 120 W Reserve Dr. Kalispell, MT 59901 Leora Siems P.O. Box 401 Troy, MT 59935 Marie L. Mitchell 120 W Reserve Dr. Kalispell, MT 59901 Marie L. Mitchell P.O. Box 401 Troy, MT 59935 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 160860 and Tax Code Parcel No. 929525 as follows: A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4 NE 1/4 ) OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 29 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW, TO-WIT: PARCEL A OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 3230. Street address: 120 W Reserve Dr., Kalispell, MT 59901. The property taxes became delinquent on June 1, 2017. The property tax lien was attached on July 17, 2017, Tax Sale Certificate No. 160860. The lien was assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC on August 30, 2017, Assignment No. 110399. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $ 3,459.32 PENALTY: $ 69.16 INTEREST: $ 812.72 FEE: $ 381.56 TOTAL: $ 4,722.76 For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5 must be paid by August 3, 2020, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to August 3, 2020, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave. W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680 FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN The address of the interested party is unknown. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. The interested parties' rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 26th day of May, 2020. By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY cc: Flathead County Treasurer ( Guardian Tax MT (via e-mail) May 26, June 2, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27044 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO: Occupant 1559 Highway 206 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Griffith G. Stevens 1559 Highway 206 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Griffith G. Stevens P.O. Box 799 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 160508 and Tax Code Parcel No. 386051 as follows: TRACT 2 OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 16547 LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 29 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. Street address: 1559 MT Highway 206, Columbia Falls, MT 59912. The property taxes became delinquent on June 1, 2017. The property tax lien was attached on July 17, 2017, Tax Sale Certificate No. 160508. The lien was assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC on August 29, 2018, Assignment No. 110041. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $ 537.65 PENALTY: $ 10.74 INTEREST: $ 116.07 FEE: $ 431.67 TOTAL: $1,096.13 For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5 must be paid by August 3, 2020, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to August 3, 2020, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave. W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680. FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN The address of the interested party is unknown. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. The interested parties' rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 26th day of May, 2020. By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY cc: Flathead County Treasurer ( Guardian Tax MT (via e-mail) May 26, June 2, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27045 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO: Occupant 519 3rd Ave. E Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Jean L. Schwartz 519 3rd Ave. E Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Jean L. Schwartz 157 Sherwood Ln. Kalispell, MT 59901 Jean L. Schwartz P.O. Box 2477 Kalispell, MT 59901 Jeanie Louise Harris aka Jean L. Schwartz P.O. Box 9671 Kalispell, MT 59901 Jeanie Schwartz Harris 109 Buffalo Square Ct. Kalispell, MT 59901 Jeanie S. Harris 109 Buffalo Stage Kalispell, MT 59901 Jeanie Schwartz Simmons P.O. Box 655 Cut Bank, MT 59427 First Federal Savings Bank of Montana (nka Glacier Bank) 202 Main St. Kalispell, MT 59901 First Federal Savings Bank of Montana (nka Glacier Bank) P.O. Box 27 Kalispell, MT 59901 Collection Bureau Services, Inc. Attn: Michael J. Moore/ Gail K. Bourguignon P.O. Box 7339 Missoula, MT 59807 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 160936 and Tax Code Parcel No. 971556 as follows: LOT THREE (3) OF BLOCK THIRTY-THREE (33) OF COLUMBIA FALLS TOWNSITE, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. Street address: 519 3rd Ave. E, Columbia Falls, MT 59912. The property taxes became delinquent on June 1, 2017. The property tax lien was attached on July 17, 2017, Tax Sale Certificate No. 160936. The lien was assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC on August 30, 2017, Assignment No. 110474. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $ 3,735.50 PENALTY: $ 74.69 INTEREST: $ 800.01 FEE: $ 381.56 TOTAL: $ 4,991.76 For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5 must be paid by August 3, 2020, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to August 3, 2020, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave. W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680. FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN The address of the interested party is unknown. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. The interested parties' rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 26th day of May, 2020. By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY cc: Flathead County Treasurer ( Guardian Tax MT (via e-mail) May 26, June 2, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27046 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO: Occupant 175 Stoner Creek Rd. Lakeside, MT 59922 Marvin Miller 175 Stoner Creek Rd. Lakeside, MT 59922 Marvin Miller P.O. Box 143 Lakeside, MT 59922 Michael Miller 175 Stoner Creek Rd. Lakeside, MT 59922 Michael Miller P.O. Box 143 Lakeside, MT 59922 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 160661 and Tax Code Parcel No. 561000 as follows: A TRACT OF LAND IN THE NE 1/4 NW 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SAID NE 1/4 NW 1/4 ; THENCE SOUTH A DISTANCE OF 480.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES EAST A DISTANCE OF 400.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT OF LAND TO BE HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES SOUTH A DISTANCE OF 230.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES EAST A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES NORTH A DISTANCE OF 230.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES WEST A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Street address: 175 Stoner Creek Rd., Lakeside, MT 59922. The property taxes became delinquent on June 1, 2017. The property tax lien was attached on July 17, 2017, Tax Sale Certificate No. 160661. The lien was assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC on August 30, 2017, Assignment No. 110442. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $ 3,026.38 PENALTY: $ 60.50 INTEREST: $ 696.86 FEE: $ 381.56 TOTAL: $ 4,165.30 For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 5 must be paid by August 3, 2020, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to August 3, 2020, which is the date the redemption period expires, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or county that is the possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave. W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680. FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN The address of the interested party is unknown. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. The interested parties' rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 26th day of May, 2020. By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY cc: Flathead County Treasurer ( Guardian Tax MT (via e-mail) May 26, June 2, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27031 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Ashley C. Millard: Ashley C. Millard, Petitioner Cause No. DV-20-427C HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Ashley Chantel Millard to Ashley Chantel Jensen. The hearing will be on 07/22/2020 at 1:30 pm. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: April 17, 2020 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ RACHAEL C MITCHELL Deputy Clerk of Court May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27054 NOTICE OF SALE Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Timber Sale The Upper Swede Timber Sale is located within Sections 2, 3, 10, 11 & 14, T33N-R23W, on the State's Stillwater Unit. Approximately 17,250 tons, consisting of mixed conifer sawlogs, are offered for sale. Sealed bids will be opened at the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana on June 25, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed and will be accepted any time prior to the bid opening. DNRC recommends that bidders contact the Trust Land Management Division (406-542-4300) prior to the bid opening to ensure that your bid has been received. Bids must be accompanied by a deposit of $7,366.00, representing 5% of the minimum bid value of the sale in cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft to be applied to the first sale invoice for the successful bidder. Bid bonds will be accepted and, for the successful bidder, will be closed upon execution of the Timber Sale Contract and Timber Sale Bond. The sale will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. If the successful bidder is unable to execute the contract within 30 calendar days from the date the sale is awarded, the bid deposit will be retained by the Department as liquidated damages. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Prospective bidders can obtain the sale prospectus, sale contract and bid forms from the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Trust Land Management Division, in Missoula (406-542-4300), the Northwestern Land Office in Kalispell (406-751-2257), or the Stillwater Unit Office in Olney, MT (406-881-2371). Visit our website at for upcoming sales and bid results. May 26, June 2, 9, 16, 2020 MNAXLP __________________________