TOURISTS: Abide by protocols
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 4 years, 8 months AGO
Concerning the article by Mike Patrick in the June Business Journal of North Idaho, the article was to encourage tourists to come and enjoy our beautiful city and recreational opportunities. It had a “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” message.
As pastor of a local church, I am especially struggling with protocols that are necessary for us to meet and I am committed to creating a safe environment for the congregation. What I have learned about how the COVID-19 virus spreads is that if we ALL are diligent in practicing physical distancing, use hand sanitizer and wear masks when going indoors to stores or in crowded public places, we will create a safe space for everyone. Let us not be so cavalier about the protocols.
It would seem what we are doing is moving toward herd immunity where 70% have either gotten the disease or have been vaccinated. So our efforts are mostly about managing the situation and making sure that our health care system does not get overwhelmed at any point so people with other conditions do not get marginalized and go untreated. There should not be a political component to this effort, only creative solutions that allow us to ride the wave to immunity and still be able to do business.
I believe tourists should be welcome, but there needs to be an expectation that they too practice protocols that help us get to where we need to go with the lowest cost in life and economic turmoil possible.
Coeur d’Alene