Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Kalispell looks at proposals to help homeless population

BRET ANNE SERBIN | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 4 years, 4 months AGO
Daily Inter Lake | November 1, 2020 11:00 PM

Conversations surrounding homelessness in Kalispell will continue tonight when the Kalispell City Council takes up two proposals intended to address the local homeless population.

The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom videoconference.

Register to attend the meeting virtually here, Public comments will be received live during the meeting and via email at

The Flathead Warming Center has submitted two proposals to the council in ongoing efforts to alleviate homelessness in Kalispell.

The first is a request for a zoning text amendment to allow homeless shelters as a conditionally permitted use in the B-1 (Neighborhood Business) zone. The B-1 zone is “intended to be a commercial zone that includes a mix of uses at a neighborhood scale,” according to the agenda for Monday’s meeting. Some current uses allowed in this zone include: group homes, residential care facilities, private schools, community centers and daycares.

The B-1 zone, “excludes larger-scale commercial uses while allowing a wide range of residential options. Homeless shelters fit within that mix,” the agenda states.

Homeless shelters are currently allowed in the following Kalispell zones: RA-1, RA-2, H-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5 and P-1. The proposed amendment would, “create and enable the safe and orderly placement of homeless shelters in zoning B1 for conditional use,” wrote Tonya Horn with the Flathead Warming Center. “This petition…is not a request for the City of Kalispell to approve all homeless shelters in B-1 zoning, but rather to give the opportunity for city approval through the application for a conditional use permit.”

The Flathead Warming Center, which temporarily operated in the basement of Christ Episcopal Church last winter, is “seeking a permanent location, and this text amendment, in conjunction with a conditional-use permit application, would give them that opportunity.”

The Kalispell Planning Board held a public hearing on the proposal on Oct. 13. Multiple written and verbal comments were received, in favor and in opposition to the proposal. It was ultimately recommended for approval to the City Council.

In conjunction with the zoning text amendment request, the Flathead Warming Center has also applied for a conditional-use permit to operate a homeless shelter at 889 North Meridian Road, within the B-1 zone.

The shelter would have a capacity of 40 people and be located within an existing building. According to the meeting agenda, “It is intended to operate primarily in colder months from October through April…with typical hours of operation expected to be from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.”

This proposal was also addressed during the Oct. 13 Planning Board public hearing. Public comments given verbally and in writing expressed support and opposition to the proposal. The Planning Board eventually recommended the request to the City Council, with nine conditions.

The conditions include the stipulation that the homeless shelter could not begin operations until 30 days after the approval of the zoning amendment, if it were to pass.

There are also two development proposals on the agenda.

One is a preliminary plat request for Phases 2 and 5 of the Meadow’s Edge development in North Kalispell. The major subdivision preliminary plat approval encompasses 37 residential lots and a mixed-use commercial lot on 13.45 acres located at 1120 Farm to Market Road.

The overall Planned Unit Development for Meadow’s Edge covers 112.7 acres, with plans for 322 total lots and mixed-use commercial areas. Phases 1A and 1B, which included approximately 140 residential lots, have been final-platted.

The Kalispell Planning Board discussed this preliminary plat request at the Oct. 13 public hearing, but there were no public comments. The request was recommended for approval to the City Council with 29 conditions.

THERE IS also a request on the table for a commercial planned unit development zoning overlay at 145 and 151 Snowline Lane. Hammerquist and Casalegno, LLC, has requested the PUD on 2.6 acres of vacant lots in the current B-5 (Industrial-Business) zone. “The intent would be to use the rear parcel for a construction laydown (storage) yard and later develop the front parcel,” according to the meeting agenda.

This request also went before the Planning Board for a public hearing on Oct. 13. There were no public comments, and the Planning Board recommended the request to the City Council with nine conditions.

Finally, the council will consider the appointment of Noelle Barr to the Tourism Business Improvement District Board of Trustees.

The TBID board consists of seven members who serve four-year terms after gaining approval by the mayor. Janet Clark recently retired from the board and sold her property to Noelle Barr, so Barr has applied to fill Clark’s position representing the small property category.

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. Monday via Zoom videoconference.

Reporter Bret Anne Serbin may be reached at (406)-758-4459 or


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