Letters to the editor Nov. 12
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 4 years, 2 months AGO
Free and fair elections
AARP Montana wishes to thank all of the county election administrators and staff across Montana for their tireless efforts and dedication to ensure the voting process ran smoothly this election season.
We appreciate all the hard work and late nights that election staff and their families endured to put Montana voters first as they adjusted to multiple rule changes, counted every ballot, found adequate polling locations, recruited enough poll workers and made sure that voters had accurate information available.
Election staff workers are on the front lines of our democracy and we appreciate the countless hours of planning and coordination amidst a truly historic set of challenges.
With record turnout and with all the political noise sowing mistrust in the process, it is reassuring that Montana’s county election officers and staff helped ensure a safe, free and fair voting process for Montanans.
—Mike Batista is the Director of Government Affairs for AARP Montana.
Hope the healing begins
As I sit here Saturday morning, Biden has been declared the victor in the race for the presidency and our recently reelected U.S. Sen. Daines has continued to kiss up to the present president by echoing the mantra the election was stolen from the president.
No, it has not been stolen from anyone. In fact, the election proved our system. It is truly sad that our great democracy, with all its freedom, has been reduced by some to the same base ideas of a petty dictatorship.
I hope the healing will begin quickly.
—David LeBleu, Kalispell
Terrified by election result
Today, the day after the media has declared Biden the winner, I mourn for my country. I am still shell shocked from the complete and total steal being done by the five Democrat battleground states of a presidential election, and no one seems to care. Do you?
From Democrats refusing to allow Republican poll watchers to watch what was going on during the count, to ballots being delivered in the middle of the night that were all for Biden, to the counts being stopped by election officials when it looked like Trump was going to win, and on and on and on.
And where were the Republicans? Republicans who definitely benefited from the “Trump effect” as he went around the country and got people out to vote Republican. Isn’t it amazing that Montana races all went Republican?
Yes, I mourn for my country and what could have been. Freedom, prosperity and safety are suddenly not a given after the Democrats raise our taxes, undo everything that Trump has done, keep us in lockdown, regulate us to death and allow a flood of illegal immigrants in so that we the taxpayer can support them. Does this mean that we will continue to see riots in the streets and unequal justice at the hands of corrupt court systems? The lesson I have learned is that if you are a Democrat, crime pays. Is that the country you want?
The trust I have in the institutions of government has been shaken to my core. Everything is corrupt. I can know longer watch TV once I figured out that we are all being brainwashed and propagandized minute by minute and day to day.
Get ready for the Democrats to take this country down and us with it. What I see terrifies me.
—Susan Taylor, Bigfork
Let’s see the facts
In Saturday’s Daily Inter Lake on the front page was the headline “Daines campaign claims ‘Dems are stealing the election.’” I would like for Senator Daines to let his constituents know just what the Democrats have done for him to make this statement. If there are headlines such as this in every newspaper in the state, I think he needs to let us know just how “The Dems” stole the election.
Or is he parroting President Trump’s unfounded accusations? Please let’s see the true facts instead of the fact-free ones.
—Judy Hulslander, Eureka
It’s over
Our long national nightmare, and international embarrassment, is over.
—Thomas Tornow, Whitefish
What have we done?
Well readers the latest poll results confirm my past letters. Yes, Christianity is dead in the once great USA. Over 50% of the voters — legal and illegal — voted for Biden and Harris. Yup. Biden who let Americans get killed in Benghazi and did nothing to save them, and Harris who supports selling and killing babies for money. Can you believe that is what will be running this country? How does that make us look to the rest of the world? Weak and inhumane.
The voters that believed all the unsupported fake news will lead to the destruction of the USA from within.
Worried about Social Security? Democrats spent that years ago. Education? Democrats dumbed that down years ago as well. Security? Biden supported down-sizing the military. So dead babies, no military, destroyed education, lost Social Security and once again headed for no respect in the world. What have you done? Hope you can speak Chinese and Russian!
—Ron Albrecht, Kalispell