Bonner County History - Oct. 1, 2020
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 4 years, 3 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Donut Time doughnut shop was opened this week at 215 North First Ave. by Mr. and Mrs. William Sharpe. This is the fourth shop in the Inland Empire for the ambitious couple. The shop features a nickel cup of coffee, and doughnuts and bars are prepared by the new England hand-cut method. The shop will be open 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Commander (U.S. Navy, ret.) and Mrs. Dell Brown, 511 Huron, Sandpoint, announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Anne, to Bud Lang Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. B.N. Lang Sr., Kootenai. Both are graduates of Sandpoint High School and are presently attending the University of Idaho. No wedding date has been set.
Alpine Motor Company opened for business this morning at 312 North Fifth (Note: in 2020, the site of Fifth Avenue Detail Shop and Domino’s Pizza). The new firm is operated by Tom Robideaux and Ron Shaffer, both formerly of Coeur d’Alene. In addition, the firm personnel includes H.L. “Bud” Godfrey, repair shop and body shop foreman, Elmer Dempsey, sales; Phyllis Lee, office manager and bookkeeper; Don LaMoreaux, repair technician; and Bill Finley, new car preparations and lubrication room.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Oct. 1, 1920 – OPEN FEED STABLE
W.C. Ames of the Merchants’ Delivery last week announced that the Star livery on Main and Fifth, heretofore used as a stable for the delivery teams, has been converted to a feed and sales stable and will soon be established with a livery service including both teams and autos. Mr. Ames is associated in the venture with Ernest Kitchen.
B.W. Pugh, who last spring purchased the E.M. Brower undertaking business, went to Spokane Tuesday on the early morning Northern Pacific train, was married there that morning to Miss Julie M. Baker and returned with his bride to Sandpoint that evening. They are at present keeping house at the undertaking parlors, as Mr. Pugh has found it difficult to secure a satisfactory residence but they expect to establish a home in a residential section of the city as soon as possible.
The Farmers General Supply company is enlarging its elevator along the Spokane International right-of-way (on Fifth avenue just north of Cedar street), the principal building of which is 112x64 feet. The added space will accommodate from 25 to 30 carloads of hay which will be stored therein. Clarence F. Albeen is in charge of the work.
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