Bonner County History - Oct. 13, 2020
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 4 years, 3 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Oct. 13, 1970 – LOW BID ON AIRPORT JOB
The Board of county commissioners have accepted the $2,307.99 bid of Robert Sleep of Sandpoint for construction of a gas pump island and equipment at City-County Airport. The work must be completed within 15 working days.
Rubella immunizations for 1,994 Bonner County children were done in preschool clinics in Priest River and Sandpoint on Oct. 1 and at 11 school locations Oct. 2 as part of a nationwide campaign.
Mara’d Connolly won an expense paid trip to Boise this fall for her safety demonstration on the flammability of clothes at the 4-H district demonstration contest in Bonners Ferry. Other Bonner County 4-H members winning purple ribbons were: Mary DeVries, Rae Nell VanVleet, Linda Murray, Gayla Chronic, LuGean Mickelson, Debbie Chronic, Debbie King, Lynn LaMarche, Carleen Hamann and Polly Hart.
SHS senior Sherri Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mitchell, is the first Sandpoint drum majorette to be selected for the McDonald’s All-American High School Band. She will be flown to New York City to take part in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade and will also participate in the Pasadena Rose Bowl parade.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Oct. 13, 1920 – NEWS FROM BUNGALOW
Beautiful autumnal days are here after a long visit from Jupiter Pluvius. The rainfall cleared away and made room for many sunshiny days without the disagreeable climax of a frost, which usually follows in the wake of such rainy weather.
The Presbyterian church was crowded at Sunday’s services honoring the dedication of the new church addition. The Methodist congregation joined them for their day of thanksgiving.
Tuesday evening, tables were filled to over-flowing when the Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid gave a chicken supper in the new basement. The repast for the first time put in use the well equipped kitchen of the lower floor and the large company present much enjoyed the occasion.
Sandpoint’s regularly ordained ministers have formed a ministerial association for mutual edification and a united effort for the community’s moral improvement. Rev. Livingston, Presbyterian church, was elected president; Rev. Wakeman, Baptist church, vice president; Rev. Andrews, Apostolic Church of God, secretary and treasurer. Members include Rev. Stolee, Lutheran church; Rev. Fertig, Methodist church; and Rev. Caldwell, Sunday school evangelist, No. Idaho Presbytery.
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