Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Cat gets caught in foothold trap

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 4 years, 5 months AGO
| September 3, 2020 12:00 AM

A cat reportedly got its leg stuck in a foothold trap that was broken loose from its anchor. The person calling in the report from U.S. 2 in Kalispell told the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office they were unable to help it. Officers were able to capture the cat, remove the trap and transport it to an emergency veterinarian service.

A woman calling from Cedar Drive in Evergreen reportedly heard her gate clang, despite locking it earlier, and her dog barking its “big dog bark.” She didn’t seem confident in the security of her neighborhood when she allegedly told officers she lived “in a crappy trailer park full of criminals.”

Someone on Evergreen Drive reportedly found a bucket of tools in the road and thought it may have fallen off someone’s truck.

A father on FFA Drive in Kalipsell allegedly was upset his child wasn’t being allowed to attend class because he was not wearing a mask and thought the school was infringing on his son’s rights by denying him an education. Officers counseled the man about wearing masks.

Currently, the governor has mandated masks be worn in all K-12 public and private schools with exceptions, which are outlined at dphhs.mt.gov/Portals/85/Documents/NewsLetters/MaskDirective.pdf.

Someone calling from Belton Stage Road in West Glacier had questions about having guns or weapons on a private college campus. Their questions were answered.

Dispatchers received a 911 call and heard rustling noises and what sounded like a young child crying on the open line. A woman reportedly picked up the phone and told dispatchers the child had her phone while she was grabbing laundry and was upset because a movie stopped playing on it.

A Camaro with temporary tags allegedly pulled up to the end of a Wintercrest Drive resident’s driveway in Kalispell and suspiciously rolled down its “blacked-out” windows, took pictures of her house and drove away. The resident requested extra patrol.

A man reported his mail had been stolen on Moonlight Trail in Kalispell.

Someone calling from Montana 35 in Kalispell reportedly spotted a pickup truck that had been caught on cameras siphoning fuel and damaging machinery in the process at a building site.

A man in his 40s on Mission Trail in Kalispell allegedly tried to get someone’s attention and then just dropped his pants.

Mall security allegedly told the Kalispell Police Department a woman stole masks. Someone else in the mall parking lot also called police when the woman allegedly yelled to them she was being chased by security personnel, who claimed she put the masks down her pants.

A man in a parking lot called police claiming he was threatened in a parking lot regarding a possible reckless driving complaint. The caller said he rolled down his vehicle window to ask another man in a truck if he lived up McMannamy Draw and the man opened his door, jumped out and “came at him” with what appeared to be something he described as a “beating stick” or Taser-type weapon, although he didn’t do anything with it.

A woman alleged an 18-year-old man wearing all black with a tie-dyed shirt wrapped around his head “looked distrubed, or high on something” and he said something about having a “round zipped up,” and put plastic bullets into his pocket.


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