Bonner. County History - Sept. 27, 2020
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 4 years, 3 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Bruce J. Naffziger, 21, Hope, son of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Naffziger, was promoted to Army specialist four in Vietnam recently while assigned as a cook with the 170th Aviation Company near Kontum. Spec. 4 Naffziger entered the Army in September, 1967, received basic training at Ft. Polk, La., and was last stationed in Germany.
A citation honoring EN2 Victor M. Schatz, USN, has been presented posthumously to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schatz, Granite. EN2 Schatz was returning to his naval base near San Diego after a leave spent at his parents’ home, when he was killed in an automobile accident Aug. 13. Schatz was selected for the Sailor-of-the-Month award based on “the outstanding performance he displayed while deployed in Southeast Asia.”
U.S. Air Force Airman First Class Larry A. Dunham of Liberty Lake, Wash., has arrived for duty at Forbes AFB, Kan. Airman Dunham, a photo processing specialist, is in a unit of the Military Airlift Command which provides global airlift for U.S. military forces. He previously served at Udorn Royal Thai AFB, Thailand. The airman, who attended Sandpoint High, received his A.A. degree in education in 1968 from NIJC.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Sept. 27, 1920 – CITY BREVITIES
The county commissioners yesterday at Clarksfork swung the old bridge steel span into place to connect up with a new span built this summer, for the Lightning creek county bridge which was put out of commission at its location by the changing of the course of the stream.
Governor Davis appointed Mrs. J.A. Stauffer, Hope, and Mrs. R.S. McCrea, Sandpoint, to the Idaho delegation going to the 15th International Congress Against Alcoholism in Wash., D.C.
Forty-five candidates were voted into the local lodge of Elks Tuesday and the initiation of the big class will occur next Thursday evening.
The Junior class last week elected officers. Herbert Shook is president, Pauline McMillan, vice president; Lyle Stuart, secretary, and Francis Kerr, treasurer. Roscoe Bower was elected as representative for the Executive council. The Juniors seem to be a lively bunch this year, but what is the matter with the girls, where is their Basket Ball team they should be so proud of?
The Senior girls’ basket ball team organized and reported for practice: Regina Elliott, captain; Gertrude Ramsey; Rosanna Lancaster; Amanda Gordon; Pearl Kerr; Dorothy Lynch; Gladys Dale; Fay Shepard; Ruth Wrinkle; and Eileen Cooper.
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