Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the editor April 3

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 3 years, 10 months AGO
| April 3, 2021 12:00 AM

Kudos to ImagineIf

I would like to take this opportunity to give a huge thumbs up to Connie Behe and the staff at Imagine If libraries, especially the Kalispell branch.

Four generations of my own and my husband’s family have used this branch, and it is so special to us. Our two youngest grandchildren went to the library three or four times a week when they lived in Kalispell. Their services for youngsters are just exemplary.

Of course, during the past year the library had to shift, as did we all. I recently learned that only four major libraries in the state have been open to the public during this pandemic, Imagine If being one of them. It has been quite an undertaking to keep everyone safe, and still provide as many services as they can.

If the past year has shown us anything, it is that this community is sharply divided as to how to safely co-exist during this pandemic. Managing expectations and differing views on safety issues must be an incredibly difficult task. I have seen the leadership at the library, time and time again, seek for input from the community while being as transparent as possible about the continuing challenges to keeping the library open and as accessible as possible. There are so many things to take into account. I am grateful that our community has a library staff that is truly committed to what libraries are intended to do; provide information and services to all. Thank you, Imagine If leadership and staff, for all you do! You are deeply appreciated.

—Valeri McGarvey, Kalispell

Individual responsibility and freedom

If you want to understand how Republicans of the last generation have abnegated the idea of limited government look no further than the letter of March 27 by David Darby whose credentials include budget advisor and director under Republican administrations. He postulates that government is responsible for good schools, affordable health care, and a qualified work force and to disagree is, in his terms, right-wing fiscal policy.

To retain freedom and maintain limited government, each of these issues should be remanded to the capable hands of individuals, families, and private charitable and civic organizations. Government should only supplant these entities in limited areas when they can otherwise not be effective, for that which government funds it controls.

To a free people, good, affordable, and qualified are subjectively best determined by the myriad of individual choices made in a marketplace, not by government fiat. Otherwise there is no comparative valuation for cost and entrenched forces resist change, proclaiming in patriotic fervor that what you have is the best despite evidence to the contrary.

Despite liberal desire, government controlled programs do not and in fact cannot reflect the will of the people but rather reflect the ideology of elitists who are unelected, unaccountable, and nowadays predominately Marxist in intent. This collectivist and societal management ideology results quite predictably in inefficiency and less individual freedom. Thus we have the loss of parental rights and teaching dissonant from parental values, often substandard education that increasingly indoctrinates toward a monolithic corporate socialist social structure, expensive and inefficient health care, and the manipulation of labor markets with the consequent requirement of two income families to the detriment of child rearing and the devaluing of responsible child bearing within a nuclear family.

Attempting to use government to create equity is a Utopian vision with a dystopian outcome. If you surrender your freedoms to the government, history records serfdom for the common people and riches for those in charge. Power corrupts, governmental power especially so. A government of, for, and by the people will only work if it is limited and the populace virtuous and responsible.

I can certainly understand how the naive can be fooled into abdicating control of their lives and choices, but to have an ostensible conservative endorse such a view is duplicitous. There are ways to facilitate education, health care, and jobs to all willing to pursue them that retain individual responsibility and freedom rather than the derangement of collectivism. Those are the avenues we should pursue.

—Michael Boharski, Kalispell

Created equal

Seems like one of the most popular sayings these days by some is use the term people of color, which is supposed to refer to all but caucasians who are also known as white. Now on its face, how is that not racist or discriminatory?

From my limited research, it seems most consider white a color and some consider black the absence of color. It’s all a bunch of hoooy in my opinion.

What ever happened to the belief that as Americans we were all equal and created that way no matter what color our skin is? I hope we soon get it together before the country destroys itself.

—Glen Hook, Kalispell

Not our place to judge

I don’t know what “religion” these people practice who are seeking license (Daily Inter Lake, March 13, “religious expression bill”) to openly discriminate against people who are not like them and whom they judge to be unworthy of their services, property or common courtesy. But that “religion” has nothing to do with the one true God who created all people, who loves each one “without distinction” and who judges the heart and “not the outward appearance” of any individual.

What would Jesus do? Clearly, not what you are doing. He belittled no one. He went out of his way to welcome the sinner, the outcast and lost people everywhere.

The “religious” have become a stumbling block for people seeking God and the love, acceptance and human dignity He longs to show them. Scripture has a warning for those who judge others. In Jesus’ own words; “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father... On that day many will say to me ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do many mighty works...[and hate on the LGBTQ own words] in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me you workers of lawlessness.” Matthew 7:21-23

God’s word is clear. Not our place to judge others. We are without excuse.

—Kathryn Berg, Bigfork

Tax haven for the rich

Legislators have gathered in Helena this year with petty, self-served agendas that have nothing to do with improving our state, ie: infrastructure, health issues, education funding etc. Instead, each Republican has an issue to attack. Every disgusting, personal issue is on the table for attack. Some of these issues are; the transfer of public lands, eliminating labor unions, allowing guns on university campuses, the slaughter of wolves, stripping health department powers, anti-affordable housing laws, and the list continues.

When the session is over this year will Montana be a better place to live or will the state be a tax haven for the very rich and a welcome mat for the wealthy who want to live here and hold on to their rich portfolios.

—Roger Sherman, Whitefish

New blood for FEC board

It’s refreshing to see a motivated, smart and young native son return to the Flathead and throw his hat in the ring for the Flathead Electric Co-op board of directors. As a sixth-generation Montanan, Curran Edland intends to be the type of energy leader that we need for the 21st Century.

After graduating from Whitefish High School, Edland got an engineering degree in Pittsburgh. Upon his return to the Flathead, he was an Energy Corps AmeriCorps member, where he further developed his knowledge about clean and reliable power grids.

I commend the FEC board for its support of local power generation and energy efficiency over the years, and I appreciate the leadership of Director Jay Downen. But this is a great opportunity to add some new blood to the FEC board.

Please send in your FEC ballot and join me in voting for Curran Edland.

—Steven Thompson, Whitefish

Student walkouts

I am so impressed that students want to speak out about issues that they care about by planning a walkout for optional masks.

But what’s next? Students for optional seat belts? For optional grades? For optional schools? Students have requirements like passing classes in physical education, English, math and history. Would walkouts about those make sense? They are required so students’ diplomas count for some level of adult competence.

I believe in freedom. But we do limit freedom: it can be taken away if one is convicted of such crimes as murder, assault, embezzlement. People are free to do these things, but they have consequences.

I am half-way vaccinated. But even two weeks after my second dose, I still plan to wear a mask until there is herd immunity for all variants.

Students should continue to protest the things they have aversion to. But I wear a mask, and will continue to in public, because I care for others. I don’t see why that can’t be a motive until we have a handle on this pandemic. It’s not just a disease; it is one that has killed more than half a million U.S. citizens. There are those who do not die but continue to suffer from subsequent medical conditions “for the long haul.” The pandemic is not just a killer; it can also be a something that can result in long-term, perhaps even life-long disability.

—Lenny Granger, Columbia Falls


Letters to the editor March 22
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 3 years, 10 months ago
Letters to the editor Feb. 14
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 2 years, 11 months ago
Letters to the editor Dec. 9
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 3 years, 1 month ago