Legals for April, 17 2021
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 3 years, 9 months AGO
ORDINANCE NO. 618 JOHNSON ZONE CHANGE FILE NO. ZC0001-21 AN ORDINANCE OF BONNER COUNTY, IDAHO, CITING ITS AUTHORITY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF BONNER COUNTY BY THE RECLASSIFICATION OF LANDS GENERALLY LOCATED IN SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 55 NORTH, RANGE 2 WEST FROM RURAL-10 TO RURAL-5, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission did hold a public hearing on March 4, 2021 on the File ZC0001-21 request for a change in zoning designation according to the requirements for such hearings set forth at Section 67-6509, Idaho Code, and at Title 12, Bonner County Revised Code; and WHEREAS, the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission did find that the zone change request File ZC0001-21 is in accordance with the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and did recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that the zone change request be approved]; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did hold a public hearing on April 14, 2021 on the File ZC0001-21 request for a change in zoning designation according to requirements of such hearings set forth at Section 67-6509, Idaho Code and at Title 12 of the Bonner County Revised Code; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did find that the zone change request File ZC0001-21 is in accordance with the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County Commissioners that the following be and is hereby adopted as an ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho: SECTION 1: AUTHORITY This ordinance is adopted pursuant to authority granted to Bonner County at Chapter 65 of Title 67, Idaho Code. SECTION 2: AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP The Official Zoning Map of Bonner County, Idaho is hereby amended by the reclassification of the following described lands from RURAL-10 to RURAL-5: A tract of land located in Section 17, Township 55 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County Idaho described as follows; The southwest quarter of Section 17, Township 55 North, Range 2 West Boise Meridian, Bonner County Idaho EXCEPT a tact described as follows; That portion of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter lying northeasterly of the existing county road known as Blacktail Road and lying westerly of the Pacific Gas Transmission gas line right of way, also known as Tax 2, in Section 17, Township 55 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho. Said parcel # RP55N02W174801A containing approximately 157.823 acres SECTION 3: EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication in one (1) issue of the Bonner County Daily Bee Newspaper, and upon the entry of the above described zoning reclassification upon the Official Zoning Map or a Supplemental Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions set forth at Chapter 4 of Title 12 of the Bonner County Revised Code. Regularly considered, passed and approved as an ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, done this14th day of April, 2021, upon the following roll call vote: Chairman Dan McDonald: AYE Commissioner Jeff Connolly: AYE Commissioner Steve Bradshaw: AYE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /s/ Dan McDonald, Chairman /s/ Jeff Connolly, Commissioner /s/ Steve Bradshaw, Commissioner ATTEST: Michael W. Rosedale, Clerk /s/ Claire May By Clerk Date April 14, 2021 Legal: SNP LEGAL 8543 AD#451847 APRIL 17, 2021
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER In the Matter of the Estate of: LEONORE F. MEHS and JOHN SCHOPPY, Deceased. CASE NO. CV09-21-0536 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Decedent. All persons having claims against the Decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within FOUR (4) MONTHS after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or within SIXTY (60) DAYS after the undersigned mailed or delivered a copy of this Notice to such persons, whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 14 day of April, 2021. /S/ KATHRYN A. SHOFNER Personal Representative c/o CUSACK LAW FIRM, PLLC 320 E. Neider Avenue, Suite 206 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 SNP LEGAL 8542 AD#451841 APRIL 17, 24, MAY 1, 2021
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 58-104(9) and 58-1301, et seq., Idaho Code (The Lake Protection Act) and rules of the State Board of Land Commissioners, notice is hereby given that Troy St. Germain has made application to install 300 linear feet of riprap on the Pend Oreille River. Location: Gypsy Bay, Pend Oreille River, Sagle, Idaho, in Section 34 Township 57 North, Range 3 West; B.M., in Bonner County. Written objections to or requests for hearing in this matter must be on file with the Idaho Department of Lands, 2550 Highway 2 West, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 within thirty (30) days after the first appearance of this notice. Specific information regarding this application may be obtained from Justin Eshelman, Resource Specialist, Sr. on behalf of Public Trust Program - at the above address or by calling (208) 263-5104. /S/TOM FLEER, Area Manager Idaho Department of Lands SNP LEGAL 8519 AD#450651 APRIL 10, 17, 2021
NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to Section 58-104(9) and 58-1301, et seq., Idaho Code (The Lake Protection Act) and rules of the State Board of Land Commissioners, notice is hereby given that Troy St. Germain has made application to install 700 linear feet of riprap and to construct a dock on the Pend Oreille River. Location: Gypsy Bay, Pend Oreille River, Sagle, Idaho, in Section 34 Township 57 North, Range 3 West; B.M., in Bonner County. Written objections to or requests for hearing in this matter must be on file with the Idaho Department of Lands, 2550 Highway 2 West, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 within thirty (30) days after the first appearance of this notice. Specific information regarding this application may be obtained from Justin Eshelman, Resource Specialist, Sr. on behalf of Public Trust Program - at the above address or by calling (208) 263-5104. /S/TOM FLEER, Area Manager Idaho Department of Lands SNP LEGAL 8520 AD#450655 APRIL 10, 17, 2021
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES EARL RANDOLPH, Deceased. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KITTY LEE RANDOLPH, Deceased. CASE NO.CV09-21-0473 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Decedents. All persons having claims against the decedents or their estates are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Such claims must be delivered or mailed to the undersigned Personal Representative at the address indicated below with a written statement of such claim or filed with the Clerk of the Court in the above-entitled action. DATED this 7 day of April 2021. /s/Randy C. Randolph Personal Representative c/o Mark A. Jackson 114 E. Wallace Ave. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 SNP LEGAL 8517 AD#450504 APRIL 10, 17, 24, 2021