Bonner County History - Dec. 19, 2021
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 3 years, 1 month AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Dec. 19, 1971 – SHS NEWS
Four sophomores have been out of commission recently with physical impairments. Sue Walson suffered a broken collarbone skiing at Schweitzer Basin last Thursday. Chuck Schoonover had a knee operation in Coeur d’Alene due to a football injury and will be inactive in sports until mid-January. Roxy Ames has a broken leg after being bucked off her horse last month. Kenny Stevens has had a cast on his leg for nearly five months after being injured in a water accident last summer.
Garbage and trash pickup service in Sandpoint alleys was discontinued this week due to heavy snowfall. Residents are asked to place all garbage and trash cans in front of their homes until further notice. Cecil Ereman, operator of Sandpoint Garbage & Rubbish Service, said alley pickups will be resumed when alleys have been plowed sufficiently to permit passage of his trucks through them.
Despite the snowstorm, 50 people attended a bridal shower Saturday at the Selle Grange hall honoring Rhea Anderson and Robert Lanting. Mrs. LaVerne Coon made the cake, beautifully decorated with two intertwined hearts, enscribed “Rhea and Bob” in red and white. Cake was served by Mrs. Paul Hart; coffee by Mrs. Harold Kiebert and punch by Mrs. Coe Kiebert. Hostesses were Mrs. F.W. Maurer, Mrs. Robert Murray, Mrs. Paul Hart and Mrs. Stan Meserve.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Dec. 19, 1921 – CITY BREVITIES
Mrs. Tillie Dreisbach, whose “nom de theatre” is Martha Burke, spent the week-end at her home here. She states the first of the comedies in which she is starring at the Minnehaha studios of the Pan-American Film corporation at Spokane will be ready for release about the first of the year. She also has a secondary role in a five-reel drama to be released in the spring.
“Santa Claus” will arrive at the “Royal” Friday at 3 p.m. and stay until 8 p.m. For the “kiddies” he will present “candy canes.” Come early.
The river and sloughs are bank high.
The Sunnyside school Christmas program will be Thursday at the schoolhouse. There will be a tree and program, and a social with coffee and cake served. The school will have one week of vacation.
Some men just work along and don’t say much. At the Sandpoint hatchery, H.B. Garrison took care of over two and a half million trout eggs in the past season, and a half million Lake Erie whitefish eggs. That means many a load of liver across the long bridge. Garrison reported that “through hearty support of the rod and gun clubs and the kindly assistance of the railroad men” (for free transportation), “we had a very successful year.” Quite modest, this Mr. Garrison.
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